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Sri Venkateswara Bala Kuteer

Holiday Home Work for Class - 9

1.Write an article on “The Earth Does not belong to us, We belong to the
Earth”(On an A4 sheet in about 300 words)
2.Write an article on “ Say No to Corruption, commit to the nation.”
3.Write a moral story out of your ideas / thoughts on an A4 Sheet.

2nd Language (TELUGU)

Write Quarterly 2nd Language question paper without choice in your homework

2nd Language (HINDI) :

Write Quarterly 2nd Language question paper without choice in your homework

1. Answer the PT-II Maths exam question paper on A4 sheets (including choice
2. Submit ANYONE of the following
## Prepare 4 Tricky Math Puzzles on an A4 sheets
## Prepare a CHART on any topic from the Maths textbook
## Prepare a WORKING MODEL based on any concept from Maths textbook

Write Quarterly question paper without choice in your homework book

Answer Quarterly Social science question paper without choice in Homework

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