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Ara■t■rmalar 1441 1700 1st Edition

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Zaborowski, p. 216, also identifies the Sacæ with the Persians. On
this whole subject see Herodotus, VII, 64; also Feist, 5.
259 : 21. Massagetæ. Zaborowski, 1, p. 285, says: “The first
information of history concerning the peoples of Turkestan refers to
the Massagetæ, whose life was exactly the same as that of the
Scythians (Herodotus, I, 205–216). They enjoyed a developed
industrial civilization while they remained nomads. They were
doubtless composed of ethnic elements different from the Scythians,
but probably already spoke the Iranian tongue, like them. And since
the time of Darius, at least, there were in Turkestan with them and
beside them, Sacæ, whom the Greeks have always regarded as
Scythians come from Europe.”
Minns, Scythians and Greeks, p. 11, says: “The Scyths and the
Massagetæ were contemporaneous and different. The Massagetæ are
evidently a mixed collection of tribes without an ethnic unity; the
variety of their customs and states of culture shows this and
Herodotus does not seem to suggest that they are all one people.
They are generally reckoned to be Iranian.... The picture drawn of
the nomad Massagetæ seems very like that of the Scythians in a
rather ruder stage of development.”
Herodotus, I, 215, describes them as follows: “In their dress and
mode of living the Massagetæ resemble the Scythians. They fight
both on horseback and on foot, neither method is strange to them....
The following are some of their customs,—each man has but one
wife, yet all wives are held in common; for this is a custom of the
Massagetæ and not of the Scythians, as the Greeks wrongly say.
Human life does not come to its natural close with this people; but
when a man grows very old, all his kinsfolk collect together and offer
him up in sacrifice; offering at the same time some cattle also. After
the sacrifice they boil the flesh and feast on it; and those who thus
end their days are reckoned the happiest. If a man dies of disease
they do not eat him, but bury him in the ground, bewailing his ill
fortune that he did not come to be sacrificed. They sow no grain, but
live on their herds and on fish, of which there is great plenty in the
Araxes. Milk is what they chiefly drink. [Cf. the eastern Siberian
tribes of the present day.] The only god they worship is the sun, and
to him they offer the horse in sacrifice, under the notion of giving to
the swiftest of the gods, the swiftest of all mortal creatures.”
D’Arbois de Jubainville, 4, t. I, p. 231 declares they were the same
as the Scyths.
Horse sacrifices are said to prevail among the modern Parses. On
the whole, the Massagetæ appear to have been largely Nordic.
259 : 24. Kirghizes. See Zaborowski, 1, pp. 216, 290–291.
259 : 25 seq. See the note to p. 119 : 15.
260 : 3. Gibbon, chap. LXIV. Also called the battle of Lignitz.
Lignitz is the duchy, and Wahlstatt a small village on the battlefield.
260 : 8. See the notes to pp. 224 : 3 and 259 : 21.
260 : 17. Feist, 5, pp. 1, 427–431, says the Tokharian is related to
the western rather than to the Iranian-Indian group of languages,
and places the Tokhari in northeast Turkestan. (See the note to p.
119 : 13.) On p. 471 he identifies the Yuë-Tchi and Khang with Aryans
from Chinese Turkestan, basing himself on Chinese annals, the date
being given as 800 B. C. Cf. also the notes to p. 224 : 3 of this book.
260 : 21. See DeLapouge, 1, p. 248; Feist, 5, p. 520.
260 : 29–261 : 5. See Feist, above, in the note to 260 : 17.
261 : 6. Traces. See the note to p. 70 : 12.
261 : 17. Deniker, 2, pp. 407 seq.; G. Elliot Smith, Ancient
Egyptians, p. 61; Ripley, p. 450.

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