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Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the award of the degree in



Raghul Prasanth.S.R
Enrollment no: 225062101288

Under The Guidance Of

Ms .P.Thenmozhi


Dr. M.G.R.
Educational and Research Institute
(Deemed to be university)
Maduravoyal, Chennai-600 095
(An ISO 9001-2008 certified Institution)
University with Special Autonomy Status

May 2024

I hereby declare that the Project Report entitled “A STUDY ON IMPACT OF EMPLOYEES


the guidance of Ms .P.Thenmozhi is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award



Place: Signature of Student

Educational and Research Institute
(Deemed to be University)
Maduravoyal, Chennai – 600 095
(An ISO 9001-2008 certified Institution)



This is to certify that this Project Report is the Bonafide work of Enrollment No:225062101288 who

carried out the project entitled “A STUDY ON IMPACT OF EMPLOYEES TRAINING AND

DEVELOPMENT” under our supervision on from 01/03/2024 to 30/04/2024

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Submitted for Viva Voce Examination held on _________


To acknowledge here, all those who have been a helping hand in completing this project, shall
be an endeavor in itself

I extremely thankful to our Chancellor Thiru A.C. SHANMUGAM, B.A., B.L., our President
Er. A.C.S. ARUN KUMAR, B.E. I express my sincere thanks to our Secretary Thiru A.
RAVIKUMAR and our Vice Chancellor DR.S. GEETHALAKSHMI, I would like to take the
opportunity to express my profound gratitude to Dr. G BRINDHA, Professor & head, and Faculty of
Management Studies, for her kind permission to undergo project work successfully.

I thank Ms .P.Thenmozhi guiding me to execute my final year project. I also thank all faculties and
batch mates in Faculty of Management Studies, for their support and guidance throughout the course
of final year project.

I thank Mr. UMAMAHESH, manager, Chennai guiding and supporting throughout my project

I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to entire staff of the company for their cooperation
and assistance during the project.

Name of the Student

Raghul Prasanth.S.R


1.1 Introduction about the topic 1
1.2 Industry Profile 13
Company Profile 15

1.3 Objectives of the study 18

1.4 Importance or Need of the study 19

1.5 Scope of the study 20

1.6 Limitation of the study 21

2.1 CHAPTER 2 - Review of Literature (Books and Journals) 27
CHAPTER 3 – Research Methodology 30
3.1 Research Design 31
Research Hypothesis & Methodology 32
Data Analysis (list the tools used) (Percentage Analysis is tool must 33
apart from that any two statistical tool must be used)
Sample size 34
Data collection approach 35
4.1 CHAPTER 4 - Data Analysis and interpretation 36
Questionnaire 53

Training is a process through which a person enhances and develops his efficiency, capacity
and effectiveness at work by improving and updating his knowledge and understanding the skills
relevant to perform his or her job. Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired
behavior and attitude towards the work and people. Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of
employees in organizations are at stake. It gives people an awareness of the Rules & Procedures to
guide their behavior. It is an application of knowledge to improve the performance on the Current
job or to prepare one for an intended job. Organization & individual for their survival & attainment
of mutual goals should develop & progress simultaneously; this can be done mainly through
training technique because training is the most important technique & it is a value addition to the
organization through Human Resource Development for the development of the employee.

The employee she/he been selected, placed & introduced in an organization should be
provided with training facilities in order to adjust & make them suitable for the Job as no
organization can get a candidate who exactly matches with the job & organizational requirements.
The trained employees are the valuable assets to any organization. Training at BSNL is given when
there is a difference between the job requirements & employees present specifications. Thus,
employee training is the most important sub-system, specialized & one of the fundamental operative
functions of Human Resource Development. Organizational efficiency, productivity, progress &
development, also organization viability, stability & growth to greater extent depend on training. If
the required training is not provided it leads to the performance failure of the employees. Training
enhances the Competence, Commitment, and Creativity & Contribution to the organization .

These tests gave the clear idea about the most significant factors which are positively
correlated and those factors which are not so significant and are not positively correlated. Hence it
helped the study to identify the important factors which are quite essential for effective training and
development in the organization. This study gives a detailed idea about the employee’s attitude
towards the training program and how the employees apply the knowledge, skills and attitude in job
performance. Therefore, through the analysis the study could be interpreted that the training and
development programs are quite effective but still needs to be improved on some of the aspects
mentioned above.
1.1 Introduction About the Topic

Human Resource Management is defined as the people who staff and manage
organization. It comprises of the functions and principles that are applied to retaining, training,
developing, and compensating the employees in organization. It is also applicable to non-
business organizations, such as education, healthcare, etc. Human Resource Management is
defined as the set of activities, programs, and functions that are designed to maximize both
organizational as well as employee effectiveness. Scope of HRM without a doubt is vast. All the
activities of employee, from the time of his entry into an organization until he leaves, come
under the horizon of HRM.

The divisions included in HRM are Recruitment, Payroll, Performance Management,

Training and Development, Retention, Industrial Relation, etc. Out of all these divisions, one
such important division is training and development. Training And Development is a subsystem
of an organization. It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioral change
takes place in structured format. William James of Harvard University estimated that employees
could retain their jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His study led him to
believe that if these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90 percent
of their capabilities. Behavioral science concepts like motivation and enhanced productivity
could well be used in such improvements in employee output. Training could be one of the
means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning
resources. Human resources, are the most valuable assets of any organization, with the
machines, materials and even the money, nothing gets done without man-power.

The effective functioning of any organization requires that employees learn to perform
their jobs at a satisfactory level of proficiency. Here is the role of training. Employee training
tries to improve skills or add to the existing level of the knowledge so that the employee is better
equipped to do his present job or to prepare him for higher position with increased
responsibilities. However individual growth is not an end itself. Organization growth needs to be
meshed with the individual’s growth. The concern is for the organization viability, that it should
adapt itself to a changing environment. Employee growth and development has to be seen in the
context of this change.

A business' most important asset is often its people. Training and developing them can be
one of the most important investments a business can make. The right training can ensure that
your business has the right skills to tackle the future. It can also help attract and retain good
quality staff, as well as increasing the job satisfaction of those presently with you - increasing the
chances that they will satisfy your customers. Thus Training is the act of increasing the
knowledge and skills of employee. It is a universal truth that the human resources available in an
organization have to be managed more efficiently than the material resources comprising of
machines and money.

“Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skills of an employee for doing a
particular job”
▪ Flippo
It is a short-term educational process & utilising a systematic & organised procedure by
which employees learn technical knowledge & skills for a definite purpose

Purpose of Training:
One of the main purposes of training is to prevent industrial accidents. This is done by creating
safety consciousness among workers.
 When the employees are trained it enables them to achieve the required level of
performance which in turns increases the productivity.
 Training helps in increasing the knowledge and skills of employee
 When the employees are trained it becomes easy for them to adapt themselves according
to the changes made in business.
 Training reduces the cost of supervision. Trained employees needs less guidance which in
turns reduces the needs for supervision.

Needs of Training:
1. To enable the new recruits to understand work:
A person who is taking up his job for the first time must become familiar with it. For
example, if a fresh graduate is appointed as a clerk in a bank, he must first of all gain
knowledge of work assigned to him.
2. To enable existing employees to update skill and knowledge:
Training is not something needed for the newly recruited staff alone. Even the existing
employees of a concern may require training. Such training enables them to update their
skill and knowledge.
3. To enable an employee who has been promoted to understand his responsibilities:
Training is essential for an employee who has just been promoted to a higher-level job.
With an evaluation in his position in the organization, his responsibilities are also going to
4. To enable an employee to become versatile:
Sometimes an employee may have to gain knowledge of several related jobs. It will not
be enough if he is only good in the work he does presently.

Importance of Training:
1. Improvement in Skill and Knowledge:
Such training helps the employees to perform his job much better. This benefits the
enterprise as well.
2. Higher Production and Productivity:
If an enterprise has a team of well trained employees there will be rise in production as
well as increase in productivity. Productivity is the input- output ratio
3. Job Satisfaction:
Trained employees will be able to make better use of the making of their skill. This
increases their level of self-confidence and commitment to work. Such employees are
bound to have higher job satisfaction.
4. Better use of Resources:
Trained employees will be able to make better use of materials and machines. This
reduces the rate of wastage and spoilage of materials and also breakage of tools and
5. Reduction in Accidents:

Trained employees are aware of safety precautions and so they are alert and cautious.
This is bound to bring down the number of accident in the works place.

6. Reduced Supervision:
Well trained employees do not need much supervision. They can do their work without
having to approach their superior often for guidance.
7. Reduction in Complaints:
‘Only bad workers blame their tools’. An employee who has acquired the necessary
skill and job knowledge would certainly love his job.
8. Adaptability:
Trained workers have the capacity to adapt themselves to any kind of situation. They are
odd in crisis management too. This indeed is beneficial for the organization.
9. Scope for Management by Exception:
With trained workers working under them, it becomes easy for the managers to get
things done by delegating authority. This enables the managers to concentrate more on
important issues confronting the organization.

Benefits of Training:
How training benefits the organization:
1. Leads to improve profitability and more positive attitudes towards profits orientation.
2. Improves the job knowledge and skills at all levels of the organization.
3. Improve the morale of the workplace.
4. Helps people identify with organizational goals.
5. Helps create a better corporate image.
6. Improve the relationship between boss and subordinates.
7. Learn from the trainee.
8. Helps prepare guidelines for work.
9. Provide information for future needs in all areas of the organization.
10. Organization gets more effective in decision making and problem solving.

Advantages of Training:
Quick Learning:
Training helps to reduce the learning time to reach the acceptable level of performance.
The employees need not learn by observing others & waste a long time, if the formal training
program exists in the organization. The qualified trainers will help the new employees to acquire
the skills & knowledge to do particular jobs within a short span of time.
Higher Productivity:
Training raises the skill of the employees in the performance of a particular job. It helps to
the existing employees to raise their level of performance on their present job assignment.
Less Supervision:
If the employees are given adequate training, the need of supervision is lessened. Training
does not eliminate the need of supervision but it reduces the need of detailed & regular
Economical Operation:
It helps to make a better & economical use of materials &equipment’s wastage will be
low. In addition the rate of accidents & damages to the machinery & equipment will be kept to the
minimum by the well trained employees.
Higher Morale:
The objective of training program will mould employee’s attitude to achieve support for
organizational activities & obtain better cooperation& greater loyalty with the help of training
dissatisfaction complaints absenteeism & turnover can also be reduced among the employees.
Better Management:
Manager can make use of training to manage in a better way. To him training the
employees can assists in improving his planning, organizing, directing & controlling.
Training crates a feeling of confidence in the minds of workers. It gives safety & security
to them at a work place. New Skills:
Training develops skills which serve as a valuable personal asset of the workers.
Training helps for the promotion of the employees in the organization.
High Earnings:
By improving skills training provides a chance of increasing job knowledge & in turn earn

Benefits to the individual which1 in turn ultimately should benefits the organization:
1. Helps the individual in making better decisions and effective problem solving.
2. Helps a person handle stress, tension, frustration and conflict.
3. Provides information for improving leadership knowledge, communication skills and attitudes
. 4. Increase job satisfaction and recognition.
5. Moves a person’s towards personal goals while improving interactive skills.
6. Satisfies personals needs of the trainer.
7. Develops a sense of growth in learning.
8. Helps a person develop speaking and listening skills, also writing skills when exercise is

Purpose of Training:
a. Training is necessary when a person moves from one job to another (transfer)
b. Training is necessary to make employees mobile & versatile. They can be placed in various jobs
depending on organizational needs.
c. Training is needed to bridge the gap between what the employee wants and what the job


Development refers to those learning opportunities designed to help employees grow.

Development is not primarily skill oriented. Instead; it provides general knowledge and attitudes
which will helpful to employees in higher positions. Efforts towards development often depend on
personal drive and ambition. Development activities, such as those supplied by management
development programmers, are generally voluntary.

How to make Training Effective:

a. Determine the training needs through job description, performance appraisal, potential
appraisal and discussion with employees.

b. Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned.

c. Define the training objectives specifically.

d. Select the efficient faculty

Methods of Training:

On The Job
Off Job Trainning

On the Job Methods:

• It is also known as job instruction training
• It is most commonly used method
• Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job & taught the skills
necessary to perform that job.
• This method is also called “learning by doing”
• In this method trainee learns under the guidance or supervision of the supervisor or
Job Rotation:
Job rotation involves the transfer of trainees from one job to another and sometimes from
one branch to another. The trainee receives job knowledge & gains experience from his
supervisor. The trainee receives full duties and responsibilities of the rotated position. It is more
suitable for lower level executives.
In coaching, the superior plays an active role in training the subordinate. The superior
may assign challenging task to the subordinate for the purpose of training. The superior may
assist and advice the subordinate to complete the assigned task. In this case, the superior acts as
a coach in training the subordinate. A limitation of this method is that the trainee may not have
the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas.
Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method, the
trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge & skills & allows him to
do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback, information
& corrects the trainer.
Committee Assignment:
Under this method, a group of trainees are given & asked to solve an actual
organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops the team work.

Off the Job Method:
• Under this method the trainee learns outside the job and involves himself in full time learning.
• In this method of training, the trainees is separated from the job situation & his attention is
focused upon learning the material related to his future job performance.
• There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees.
Vestibule Training:
In this method, actual work conditions are simulated in a class room. Material, files, &
equipment which are used in actual job performance are also used in training. This type of
training is commonly used for training personnel for clerical &semi-skilled jobs. The
duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks. Theory can be related to practice in
this method.
Role Playing:
It is defined as a method of human interaction that involves realistic behavior imaginary
situation. This method of training involves action doing & practice, the participants play the
role of certain characters such as the production manager, mechanical engineer, workers etc.
this method is mostly used for developing inter personal interaction & relations.
Lecture Method:
This is also called class room training. The special lectures can be given by the top
executive of the organization or by the specialist in a particular field. The person is generally
expert in the particular field. The trainees generally had the note books to note down the
important points said by the expert. This method can also be used for the new entrant in the
organization or to deliver the message to large group in that case the cost per trainee is less.
Conference or Discussion:
It is a method in training the clerical, professional & supervisory personnel. This method
involves a group of people who pose ideas, share facts, ideas, data & draw conclusions all of
which contribute to the improvement of job performance. In this method it involves two-way
communications& hence feedback is provided the participants feel free to speak in small groups.

Steps involved in Training:
Step 1:
Define the chart part of the organization in which the work has to be done. It is to have a
focused approach of the study. It could either be a particular department, a section, a unit, a
specific group or a staff category.
Step 2:
Use various data collection measures to collect both qualitative as well as quantitative
Step 3:
Analyze the entire data collected in order to find out causes of problem areas and
priorities areas, which need immediate attention.
Step 4:
Priorities the different training programmers according to the responses collected.
Step 5:
Record and file the entire data so that it can be used for future reference while designing
training programmers/ training calendar.
Areas of Training:


Employee gets knowledge on rules and regulations related to job, staff & the products or
services offered by the company. The aim is to make the employee fully aware of the business

Technical Skills:

The employee is trained on specific skill (operating a machine, handling computers etc.).

Social Skills:

The employee is made to develop a right mental attitude towards the job, colleagues and
the company. He/she is taught to be a team worker/member.


It involves application of knowledge and skill to various on-the-job situations.

Systematic Approach to Training:

Determine Training Needs

Identify Trainning Objectivs

Select Trainning Methods

Conduct Trainning

Compare Trainning Outcomes

Evaluation Against Critearia

Training Needs Assessment:
1. Determine: the training needs: This involves finding answers to questions such as , whether
training is needed? Where it is needed, which training, what is the duration
2. Organizational Analysis: Study of the entire organization in terms of its objectives,
resources, utilization of these resources.
Analysis of objectives – study of short term and long term objectives and the strategies to fulfill
the objectives.
Resource utilization analysis: contribution of various departments towards resources
Environmental scanning – the economic, political, socio-cultural and technological environment
is examined. d. Organization climate analysis – the climate of an organization speaks about the
attitudes of members towards work, company policies, supervisors, co-workers, etc.
Task or Role Analysis: Detailed examination of a job, its components, its various operations
and conditions under which job is performed.
The exercise is meant to find out how the various tasks have to performed, what kind of skills,
knowledge, attitudes are needed to meet the job needs.
After collecting the information, appropriate training programmes are designed. Person
Analysis: a. Focus is on the individual in a given job.
Find out if performance is satisfactory and if training is required
Find if employee is capable of being trained and the specific areas in which he has to be trained.
Analysis is done by personal observation, performance reviews, supervisory reports, etc.
Identify Training Objectives:
Basically, there are three types of objectives:
1. Regular
2. Problem Solving
3. Innovative
 Orientation: Basic training, introduction about the job, how it has to be performed, time
needed to perform.
 Refresher courses on safety procedures
Problem Solving:
 To reduce complaints, mistakes, errors, accidents.
 Training in communication to reduce and handle employee grievances

 Anticipating problems before they occur
 Team building session with the departments.

Methods of Evaluation:
A detailed questionnaire can be used to obtain opinions, reactions, and views of trainees.
Standard tests can be conducted to check how much the trainees have learnt.
One to one interview with trainees to know their reactions regarding training.
Human Resource Factors:
Evaluation can be done based on employee satisfaction, which can be determined by
decrease in absenteeism, accidents, grievances, dismissals etc.
Comprehensive studies can be carried out eliciting the opinions and judgments of
trainers, superiors, colleagues etc.
Cost benefit Analysis:
The cost of training (cost of hiring, tools to learn, training centers, production stoppage
etc.) could be compared with its value (in terms of improved learning, superior performance etc.)
Identify gaps in the training programmer, correction measures need to be taken for


The financial sector is a section of the economy made up of firms and institutions that provide
financial services to commercial and retail customers. This sector comprises a broad range of
industries including banks, investment companies, insurance companies, and real estate firms.

A large portion of this sector generates revenue from mortgages and loans, which gain value as
interest rates drop. The health of the economy depends, in large part, on the strength of its
financial sector. The stronger it is, the healthier the economy. A weak financial sector typically
means the economy is weakening.

Many people equate the financial sector with Wall Street and the exchanges that operate on it. But
there's much more to it than that. The financial sector is one of the most important parts of many
developed economies. It is made up of brokers, financial institutions, and money markets—all of
which provide the services needed to help keep Main Street functioning every day.

For an economy to remain stable, it needs to have a healthy financial sector. This sector advances
loans for businesses so they can expand, grants mortgages to homeowners, and issues insurance
policies to protect people, companies, and their assets. It also helps build up savings for retirement
and employs millions of people.

The financial sector generates a good portion of its revenue from loans and mortgages. These gain
value in an environment where interest rates drop. When rates are low, the economic conditions
open the doors for more capital projects and investment. When this happens, the financial sector
benefits, meaning more economic growth.

The financial services sector provides financial services to people and corporations. This segment
of the economy is made up of a variety of financial firms including banks, investment houses,
lenders, finance companies, real estate brokers, and insurance companies.

As noted above, the financial services industry is one of the most important sectors of the
economy. Large conglomerates dominate this sector, but it also includes a diverse range of smaller

According to the finance and development department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF),
financial services are the processes by which consumers or businesses acquire financial goods. For
example, a payment system provider offers a financial service when it accepts and transfers funds
between payers and recipients. This includes accounts settled through credit and debit cards,
checks, and electronic funds transfers.1

Companies in the financial services industry manage money. For instance, a financial
advisor manages assets and offers advice on behalf of a client. The advisor does not directly
provide investments or any other product, rather, they facilitate the movement of funds between
savers and the issuers of securities and other instruments. This service is a temporary task rather
than a tangible asset.

Financial goods, on the other hand, are not tasks. They are things. A mortgage loan may seem like
a service, but it's actually a product that lasts beyond the initial provision. Stocks, bonds, loans,
commodity assets, real estate, and insurance policies are examples of financial goods.

Some of the positive factors that affect the financial sector include:

Moderately rising interest rates. As rates rise, financial services companies can earn more on the
money they have and on credit they issue to their customers.

Reducing regulation. Whenever the government decides to cut back on red tape, members of the
financial sector will benefit. This means it could lessen the burden while increasing profits.

Lower consumer debt levels. as consumers decrease their debt loads, they lessen the risk
of defaults. This lighter load also means they may have a tolerance for more debt, further
increasing profitability.


Oswal was born to a Jain family in the small village of Padru in Barmer, Rajasthan, near the
international border. His father was a grain trader and a well to do businessman. However, instead
of joining the family trade, Oswal decided to pursue formal education. He studied at the SPU Jain
College in Falna before moving to Mumbai to study CA. In 1987, during his stay at a Mumbai
hostel, the Rajasthan Vidyarthi grih Oswal met Raamdeo Agarwal, his friend with whom he later
founded Motilal Oswal Financial Services.

Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. (MOFSL) was founded in 1987 as a small sub-broking unit,
with just 2 people running the show. Focus on a customer-first attitude, ethical and transparent
business practices, respect for professionalism, research-based value investing, and
implementation of cutting-edge technology has enabled us to blossom into a 9,800+ member team.

Today we are a well-diversified financial services firm offering a range of financial products and
services such as Private Wealth, Retail Broking and Distribution, Institutional Broking, Asset
Management, Investment Banking, Private Equity, Commodity Broking, Currency Broking, and
Home Finance. We have a diversified client base that includes retail customers (including High
Net worth Individuals), mutual funds, foreign institutional investors, financial institutions, and
corporate clients. We are headquartered in Mumbai and, as of March 2023, had a network spread
over 550 cities and towns comprising 2500+ Business Locations operated by our Business
Partners, us, and 55,00,000+ customers.

Research is the solid foundation on which MOFSL advice is based. Almost 10% of revenue is
invested in equity research, and we hire and train the best resources to become our advisors. At
present we have 25+ research analysts researching over 250 companies across 20 sectors. From a
fundamental, technical, and derivatives research perspective, Motilal Oswal’s research reports
have received wide coverage in the media. Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (MOFSL) is
a well-diversified financial services company focused on wealth creation through knowledge. The
company was founded in 1987 as a small sub-broking unit with two promoters and a peon.

It is a multi-faceted financial services company with a presence in over 550 cities through 2500+
business locations, ably managed by a team of over 11,000 employees. This network of business
locations, coupled with people across business units and a diverse range of financial expertise,
works synergistically to provide a host of products and services across Retail and Institutional
Broking, Private Wealth, Investment Banking, Private Equity, Asset Management and Home
Finance. All these businesses are headquartered in a single location at Motilal Oswal Tower,
Mumbai, to provide sharing and synergy of knowledge under one roof.

Our consistent efforts towards quality equity research have reflected in an increase in the ratings
and rankings across various categories in the AsiaMoney Brokers Poll over the years. We have
also been awarded the Best Performing Equity Broker (National) at the CNBC TV18 Financial
Advisor Awards for five years in a row & got inducted into the ‘Hall of Fame’ at the 10th
Financial Advisory Awards 2019.

The culture of giving back to society is deeply embedded in Motilal Oswal Group since its
inception. From education to helping social causes, we have always tried to give our due to
society. To formalize these social initiatives we decided to go a step further and Motilal Oswal
Foundation was formed in 2011. The Foundation is driven by our motto of 'Knowledge First‘.
The Foundation believes that education can bring prosperity and equality in the society. Mrs.
Suneeta Agrawal is leading the Foundation as its Chairperson.

Core Purpose & Values

Mission and Vision

To achieve our vision, we have initiated projects for comprehensive development of children from
marginalized communities. With our programs we can imbibe in children a strong sense of self-
esteem, confidence in their capabilities and a thirst to learn new things.

It is our dream to create an educational model wherein underprivileged children will receive
quality education, opportunity, and constant guidance right from class 1 till they successfully reach
their career paths.

 To recognize the meaning, nature, scope and features of the training and development.

 To know how the training and development program effects on the employee productivity.

 To study the employees perception towards organizational training and development.

 To study the methods used in training the employees.

 To determine which kind of training and development programs are effective in motivation.

 To study the effectiveness of training and development programs in vision plus.

 To give the suggestion for the growth and perspective of the company.

 The development of any organization depends on its employees. For organizational

productivity training and development assumes great significance.

 Training aims at increasing the knowledge and skills of the employee whereas

organizational development on the other hand refers to overall improvement of the


 its structure, objectives, policies and procedures including managers and


 Organizational development can be achieved by hiring the services of the

professional’s consultants.

 Training and development programs are often viewed as part of organizational


 A better knowledge about these things can facilitate the trainer as well as the

trainee in conducting and benefiting from the training.

 But training being a very complex process makes it a bit difficult.

 Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a

particular job.

 It utilizes a systematic and organized procedure by which employee learns technical

knowledge and skills.

 Training refers to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of

helping members of an organization.

 Training is closely related with education and development but needs to be differentiated

from these terms.

 It is aimed at improving the behavior and performance of a person

 Training provides an atmosphere of sharing synthesizing with the help of the trainers, the

information already available on the subject.


 Interaction with the company executive was limited due to their busy schedule.

 The information collected is mainly primary data and the accuracy is subject to the

responses received.

 The employees of the Vision Plus and services found it difficult to answer questions

properly due to their busy and heavy workload.

 Some were reluctant to answer some question thinking that might affect their job


 The primary collection of data was time consuming, as the employees were busy.

 The total time allowed by company to do the project was very less.

Overview of the literature:

1.” Training And Development”, Beardwell & Holden (1997)

According to human resource management has emerged as a set of prescriptions for managing
people at work. Its central claim is that by matching the size and skills of the workforce to the
productive requirements of the organization, and by raising the quality of individual employee
contributions to production, organizations can make significant improvements on their

2. “Effect of Training and Development on Employee Productivity”, McGhee (1997)

Stated that an organization should commit its resources to a training activity only if, in the
best judgment of managers, the training can be expected to achieve some results other than
modifying employee behaviour. It must support some organizational goals, such as more efficient
production or distribution of goods and services, product operating costs, improved quality or
more efficient personal relations is the modification of employees behaviour affected through
training should be aimed at supporting organization objectives.

3. “An study on Effect of Training and Development on Employee Motivation”, Arnold etal

Motivation is concerned with the factors that influence people to behave in certain ways.,
have listed the components as being, direction-what a person is trying to do, effort- how hard a
person is trying to and persistence- how long a person keeps on trying. Motivating other people is
about getting them to move in the direction you want them to go in order to achieve a result, well
motivated people are those with clearly defined goals who take action that they expect will
achieve those goals. Motivation at work can take place in two ways. First, people can motivate
themselves by seeking, finding and carrying out that which satisfies their needs or at least leads
them to expect that their goals will be achieved. Secondly, management can motivate people
through such methods as pay, promotion, praise and training (Synderman 1957). The organization
as a whole can provide the context within which high levels of motivation can be achieved
training the employees in areas of their job performance.

4.” Effect of Training and Development on Competitive Advantage”, Boxall and
Purcell (1992)
Competitive advantage is the essence of competitive strategy. It encompasses those capabilities,
resources, relationships, and decisions, which permits an organization to capitalize on
opportunities in the marketplace and to avoid threats to its desired position, (Lengnick-Hall
1990). suggest that ‘human resource advantage can be traced to better people employed in
organizations with better processes.’ This echoes the resource based view of the firm, which
states that ‘distinctive human resource practices help to create the unique competences that
determine how firms compete’ (Capelli and Crocker- Hefter, 1996). Intellectual capital is
the source of competitive advantage for organizations.

5.” Effect of Training and Development on Customer Relations”, (Gale 1994).

William Edward Deming, one of the quality Gurus defines quality as a predictable degree of
uniformity and dependability at low costs and suitable to the market, he advises that an
organization should focus on the improvement of the process as the system rather than the work
is the cause of production variation Many service organizations have embraced this approach of
quality assurance by checking on the systems and processes used to deliver the end product to
the consumer. Essentially this checks on; pre-sale activities which encompass the advice and
guidance given to a prospective client, customer communications (how well the customers are
informed of the products and services, whether there are any consultancy services

6.“A literature review on training and development and quality of work life”, Kulkarni,

Pallavi P.(2013)

The authors suggest that training and development is a process leading to qualitative as
well as quantitative advancements in an organization, especially at the managerial level. It is
stated that training has specific areas and objectives whilst development is a continuous process
less concerned with physical skills than with knowledge, values, attitudes and behavior. The
authors discuss the process in which an organization recognizes their responsibility for optimal
organizational performance and development of organizational motives for optimum quality of
employee working life.

7. “A study on role of training and development” (Nguyen Ngoc Thang, 2010)

This study provided a review of the literature on human resources training and its effect

on firm performance, and it developed and proposed a framework for analyzing training and

firm performance issues in order to assess advantages and disadvantages. Based on the firm

performance measures used in previous studies firm performance was classified into financial

firm performance and non-financial performance.

8. “A study on learning and development in employee benefits”, (Hamid, 2011)

The study makes it evident that the training programmers are very rate in the corporation.

The Corporation should view training as process, which will add value to the business by

ensuring that best opportunities are provided to maximize the talent of employees to optimize

their contribution towards achievement of corporate goals. However , to bring the situation

under control , certain suggestions are being given, which, implemented will make training

programmers effective.

9. “The effectiveness on training and development program”, (Sylvia N. Naris, 2012)

This paper intend to evaluate the current state of staff development and training tertiary

educational institutions, with special emphasis on Namibia. This paper is original since it

examines staff development and training activities and various factor affecting it in higher

educational institutions, which creates and opportunity for further investigation into strategic

issues confronting staff development and training activities.

10. “The study on evaluation in training and development”, (Subha Imtiaz, 2009)

As per the Article The result of stress management issues like counseling are unexplored
options for stress management which can be employed along with monetary and non-monetary
structural reforms by the management to effectively manage the stress and retain high performance
of employee by lowering their turnover and dissatisfaction


Research methods are the techniques and tools by which you research a subject or
a topic. Research methodology involves the learning of various techniques to research and
acquiring knowledge to perform tests, experiments, surveys, and critical analysis. Research
methodology simply refers to the practical “how” of any given piece of research. It’s about
how a researcher systematically designs a study to ensure valid and reliable results that
address the research aims and objectives.

Research Instrument:
A questionnaire was prepared to keep the objective in mind, the questions were
structured and directed to make the respondent understand them easily. The respondent has
to use a rating scale to answer some questions. The questionnaire includes open-ended and
closed-ended questions.

Descriptive Research:
Descriptive research design is called explanatory design. This describes the
demographic characteristics of employers who are attending training programs.
Descriptive studies are undertaken in many circumstances. When the researcher is
interested in knowing the characteristics of certain groups such as age, occupation,
experience, etc., a descriptive study is necessary. Hence the researcher has chosen the
descriptive research method for the study.

Research design:
The study was based on a survey method. The study aims to find the satisfaction
levels of employees

Sample Size:
The sample size of this study is 95 respondents

Data Requirement:
Primary Data:
In the study, primary data were collected through personnel interviews using a
questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered to hundred employees of Maruthi

Secondary Data:
Secondary data for this study was collected.
1. Previously publishes records, statistics, research reports, and
documents. 2. Periodicals and websites.

Sampling Data
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population.
The convenience sampling method was used in the selected.

In this study, the researcher has used a questionnaire consisting of Twenty-Five
choice-based questions

Graphical Representation Of Data

Graphical representation tools such as bar graphs and pie charts have been used for
the data analysis

Statistical Tools:
1. Percentage Analysis

Percentage Analysis:
Percentage analysis refers to a special kind of ratio. % is used in making a
comparison between two or more serried of data, % is used to describe a relationship. It
can be used to compare the relative terms and the distribution of two or more series of

% of Respondents = (No. of respondents/Total) * 100

Crosstabs statistics:
In statistics, a contingency table (also known as a crosstabulation or crosstab) is a
type of table in a matrix format that displays the (multivariate) frequency distribution of
the variables. They are heavily used in survey research, business intelligence, engineering,
and scientific research.

Chi-square test for hypothesis tests about whether your data is as expected. The
basic idea behind the test is to compare the observed values in your data to the expected
values so that you would see if the null hypothesis is true.

Contingency Coefficient:
The contingency coefficient is a coefficient of association that tells whether two
variables or data sets are independent or dependent on each other. It is also known as
Pearson's Coefficient (not to be confused with Pearson's Coefficient of Skewness).

Phi And Cramer’s V:

Squaring phi will give you the approximate amount of shared variance between the
two variables, as does r-square. Cramer's V is used to examine the association between two
categorical variables when there is more than a 2 X 2 contingency (e.g., 2 X 3).

Chi-Square Test:

Null Hypothesis H0:

There is no significant difference between the gender and organization’s
effective work culture

Alternative Hypothesis H1:

There is a significant relationship between experience and level of

O E O-E (O – E)2 (O – E)2/E

4 2.61 1.39 1.932 0.740

3 3.36 -0.36 0.130 0.039

21 22.03 -1.03 1.061 0.048

3 3.08 -0.08 0.006 0.002

4 3.96 0.04 0.002 0.0004

26 25.96 0.04 0.002 0.00006

0 1.31 -1.31 1.716 1.310

2 1.68 0.32 0.102 0.0609

12 11.01 0..99 0.980 0.0890

Total 2.2895

Degree of freedom = 4

Table value = 9.49

Calculated value = 2.2895


H0 There is no significant between experience and level of satisfaction

O E O-E (O – E)2 (O – E)2/E

15 9.33 5.67 32.14 3.445

9 11.2 -0.36 4.84 0.432

4 7.47 -2.2 12.04 1.612

7 11 -3.47 16 1.455

13 13.2 -4 0.04 0.003

13 8.8 4.2 17.64 2.005

3 4.67 -1.67 2.789 0..597

8 2.9 5.1 26.01 8.969

3 3.73 -0.73 0533 0.143

Total 18.661

Degree of freedom = 4

Table value = 9.49

Calculated value = 18.661

Hypothesis 3:
There is a significant relationship between experience and level of

O E O-E (O – E)2 (O – E)2/E

4 2.61 1.39 1.932 0.7402

11 6.35 4.65 21.623 3.4051

10 11.02 -1.2 1.44 0.1285

3 7.84 -4.84 23.426 2.9879

3 3.08 -0.08 -0.006 0.0021

5 7.48 -2.48 6.150 0.822

14 13.2 0.8 0.64 0.0485

11 9.24 1.76 3.098 0.335

0 3.08 -3.08 9.486 3.08

1 3.17 -2.17 4.709 1.485

6 5.6 0.4 0.16 0.0286

7 3.92 3.08 9.486 2.42


Degree of freedom = 6
Calculated value = 15.484
Table value = 12.5


Table 4.1 Age of Respondents

The data collected is shown in the form of table and pie chart below:

Age No of Frequency Percentage

18 – 29 20 21.05%

30 – 39 33 34.74%

40 – 55 27 28.42%

55 above 15 15.79%

4.1 Chart representing Age respondence

Age Wise Calculation

16% 21%
18 – 29
30 – 39
40 - 55
55 above


The above table interpreted that 36.84% of respondents are of the age group 18-29,
28.42% of them belong to the age group 30-39 and 18.95% belong to the age group 40-55 and
15.79 are the age group of 55+years.

Table 4.2. Gender of The Respondence

Gender No of Frequency Percentage

Female 68 71.58%

Male 25 28.5%

Chart 4. 2. Representing the Gender Respondents




The above table interpreted that 68.42% were respondent male, 32.58% were
respondent’s female.

Table 4.3 Education Qualification

Qualification No of Respondent percentage

Graduated 72 71.8%

Diploma 7 6.8%

Post Graduated 22 21.4%

Chart 4.3 Education Qualification







10.00% 6.80%

Graduated Diploma Post Graduated

From the above table, 71.8% are belongs to graduated. 8% are belongs to diploma, 21.4%
are belongs to post graduated.

Table 4.4 Monthly Income

Income No of Respondent percentage

10k – 20k 67 66%

20k – 30k 25 25%

30k – 40k 7 6.8%

40k – 50k 3 2.9%

Above 50k 1 1%

Chart 4.4 Monthly Income







0% 1.00%
20k – 30k 30k – 40k 40k – 50k Above 50k


From the above table, 70% are belongs to 10k – 20k. 19% are belongs to 30k – 40k, 8% are
belongs to 40k – 50k, 1% are belongs to above 50k.

Table.4. 5 Under Go Training Programs

Gender No of Frequency Percentage

Yes 60 68.4%

No 33 32.6%

Chart 4. 5 Representing under go training




In the above table and chart representing the conducted programmed in yes 68% and the no

Table 4.6 Training program is compulsory for the employees to work better

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Yes 99 99%

No 1 1%

Char 4.6 Representing the employees work better




Yes No

, majority of the respondents agree that training program is compulsory for the employees to
work better

Table 4.7 Training is helpful in enhancing productivity and performance of employees

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Strongly agree 64 64%

Agree 33 33%

Netral 2 2%

Disagree 0 0%

Srrtongly disagree 1 1%

Chart 4. 7 Representing Training is helpful in enhancing productivity and performance of



33% Strongly agree

64% Srrtongly disagree



97% of the respondents agree that training is helpful in enhancing productivity and
performance of an employee, 2% of the respondents neutral in their opinion and only 1% of the
respondent disagree with the statement.

Table 4.8 Method of training is used in your organization

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Coaching 65 65%

Job Rptation 3% 3%

Conference 17% 17%

Role playing 5% 5%

Others 0% 0%

Chart 4. 8 Representing Method of training is used in your organization.








Coaching Job Rptation Conference Role playing Others

17% of the respondent’s agree that they consider conference as their training, 5% of the respondents
agree that role playing is the method which they used for training and rest 3% agree that job rotation is
the method which they use to their employees in the organization.

Table 4.9 Barriers to training and development in the organization

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Lack of interest 48 48%

Non availability of silled trainer 10 10%

Lack of time 1 1%

Finance problem 5 5%

Other 36 36%

Chart 4. 9 Barriers to training and development in the organization







Lack of interest Non availability of Lack of time Finance problem Other
silled trainer

48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is the barrier for training and development in their
organization. 10% of the respondents agree that barrier may be non availability of skilled labours. 5%
of the respondents may agree that finance is the barrier for training and development for their
organization and rest of the respondents says it is due to some other factor

Table 4.10 How long does it take to implement the trained process

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Less than one month 22 22%

2 -3 months 77 77%

4 – 5 months 3 3%

6 months 0 0%

Chart 4. 10 Representing How long does it take to implement the trained process










Less than one month 2 -3 months 4 – 5 months 6 months

77% of the respondents agree that within 2-3 months they need to implement training process,
20% of the respondents agree that they need minimum of one month for implementing training. 3% of
the respondents agree that they need 4 to 5 months to implement training process in their organization.

Table 4.11 Training is relevant to the needs of the organization

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Yes 98 98%

No 2 2%

Chart 4. 11 Representing Training is relevant to the needs of the organization




majority of the respondents agree that training is relevant to needs of the organization

Table 4.12 Training helps to improve employee and employer relationship

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Strongly agree 42 42%

Agree 47 47%

Neutral 10 10%

Disagree 1 1%

Strongly disagree 0 0%

Chart 4. 12 Representing Training helps to improve employee and employer relationship











Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


89% of the respondents agree that training helps to improve employee and employer relationship, 10%
of the respondents neutral in their opinion and only 1 % of the respondents disagree with this

Table 4.13 Training helps to increase the motivation level of employees.

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Strongly agree 30 30%

Agree 68 68%

Neutral 1 1%

Disagree 0 0%

Strongly disagree 1 1%

Chart 4. 13 Representing Training helps to increase the motivation level of employees


70% 68%






1% 0% 1%
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


68% of the respondents strongly agree that training helps to increase motivational level of the
employees. 30% of the respondents agree that it helps to improve employee and employer relationship,
1% of the respondents neutral in their opinion and only 1% of the respondents strongly disagree that it
does not help to improve employee and employer relationship.

Table 4.14 Training program enable the employees to be accountable and authoritative in making
Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Strongly agree 51 51%

Agree 33 33%

Neutral 15 15%

Disagree 0 0%

Strongly disagree 1 1%

Chart 4. 11 Representing Training program enable the employees to be accountable and authoritative
in making decision






Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree


51% of the respondents agree that training program enable the employees to be accountable and
authoritative in making decision. 33% of the respondents strongly agree that training program enable
the employees to be accountable and authoritative 15% of the respondents neutral in their opinion and
only 1% of the respondent strongly disagree with the statement.

Table 4.15 Training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills

Particulars No of Respondent percentage

Strongly agree 39 39%

Agree 42 42%

Neutral 4 4%

Disagree 10 10%

Strongly disagree 5 5%

Chart 4. 11 Representing Training method focus on developing team work and leadership skills










Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Series 1

81% of the respondents agree that training method focus on developing team work and leadership

skills, 15% of the respondents not agree with the statement.

Findings during the project work:
 99%of the respondents agree that they like to attend training program.

 82% of the respondents agree that training means it is knowledge and skills.

 Majority of the respondents agree that training program is essential for both new employees

and existing employee.

 82% of the respondents strongly agree that training is a part of organizational strategy.

 Majority of the respondents agree that training is well planned in their organization.

 73% of the respondents agree that every month training programs are conducted in their


 Majority of the respondents agree that training program is compulsory for the employees to

work better.

 97% of the respondents agree that training is helpful in enhancing productivity and

performance of an employee.

 65% of the respondents agree that coaching is the method to use training in the organization.

 48% of the respondents agree that lack of interest is the barrier for training and development

in their organization.

 77% of the respondents agree that within 2-3 months they need to implement training

process in their organization.

 Majority of the respondents agree that training is relevant to needs of the organization.

 89% of the respondents agree that training helps to improve employee and employer


 68% of the respondents strongly agree that training helps to increase motivational level of

the employees.51% of the respondents agree that training program enable the employees to

be accountable and authoritative in making decision

 The environment of the organization must be very friendly which will help employees in
satisfaction of the work and others factors.
 The organization has many freshers from which they work very enthusiastically and there can
be more productivity.
 The relationship between the superior and subordinate is very good and this will bring the
organization and employees to work in a good environment.
 Organization provides employee opportunity to the people who are not properly educated or
highly qualified.
 The organization gives them proper training and improve them.

 To Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need so that they
can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should decide some of the training they
would like to undergo.
 The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for employees for training
as to give them an idea as to why this training is been conducted and what they have to learn in
the training program
 conducted and also after training completion they should take feedback as to how effective was
the training so that the necessary improvements in training programs can be considered and
 Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct constant value
addition programs such as Time management, Stress management trainings, group dynamics,
grievance redressal; these will help to add value and is also essential in today’s business
 Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so as to get Improved
quality of training activities, Improve ability of the trainers to relate inputs to output know their
understanding about the training programme conducted
 Training program should evaluate the abilities, competencies and potentials of the trainees for a
particular job or work skills.


Web Site: and

book & Journals:

 Noe, Raymond A. "Employee Training & Development." NHRD Network Journal 2, no. 4
(January 2009)
 Armstrong, Michael B., and Richard N. Landers. "Gamification of employee training and
development." International Journal of Training and Development 22, no. 2 (April 10, 2018)
 Sinaga, Marida, and Setyo Riyanto. "TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT TO IMPROVE
 Osewe, Joseph Ouma, and Jarso Yusuf Gindicha. "Effect of Training and Development on
Employee Satisfaction: A Case of the Judiciary of Kenya."

I Raghul Prasanth S.R the student of Dr M.G.R Educational and research institute I am


DEVELOPEMNT”. It is a part of MBA (HRM) curriculum. I request you to share your valuable

time and provide the information. I ensure that information furnished by you is used for academic

purpose only.

1) Gender:

a) Female b) Male

2) Qualification:

a) 10th b) Graduation c) Post graduation d) Diploma

3) Do you like to attend the training program?

a) Yes b) No

4) What do you understand by training?

a) Learning b) Enhancement c) Sharing Information

5) Do you feel training program is essential for both new employees and existing employees.

a) yes b) No

6) . Do you agree that organization considers training as a part of organizational strategy?

a) Strongly agree b) agree c) Neither

d) Strongly disagree e) disagree

7) Do you agree that training is well planned in your organization?

a) Yes b) No

8) How often the training programs are conducted in your organization?

a) Every month b) Quarterly c. Half yearly d. Once in a year

9) Do you feel training program is compulsory for the employees to work better?

a. Yes b. No

10) What method of training is used in your organization?

a. Coaching b. Job Rotation c. Conference d. Role playing e. Others

11) What are the barriers to training and development in your organization?

a. Lack of interest b. Non availability of skilled trainer c. Lack of time

d. Finance Problem

12) How long does it take to implement the trained process?

a. Less than 1 Month b. 2 - 3 Months c. 4 - 5 Months d. 6 Months

13) Whether training is relevant to the needs of the organization?

a. Yes b. No

14) Does training helps to increase the motivation level of employees?

a. Agree b. Strongly Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly


15) Do you agree that instructor responses to trainees’ doubts?

a. Agree b. Strongly Agree c. Neutral d. Disagree e. Strongly Disagree

16) Are you satisfied with the effectiveness of training program?

a. Excellent b. Very good c. Average d. Poor

17) Do you think that the feedback can evaluate the effectiveness of training program?

a. Yes b. No


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