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ConversionFly Pre-Launch Video #3 Script

Ok, so by now you know that to be successful marketing online you need to have proper
tracking in place and have some simple numbers.

Every successful marketer online tracks their marketing, knows how their marketing
funnels and traffic sources are performing, and is able to make decisions with certainty
and confidence thanks to having some simple numbers.

You don’t want to try to fly blindly without proper tracking or numbers where you’re
forced to guess at what you should be doing with your marketing. Simply hoping you’re
making the right decisions. You need to be able to move forward knowing exactly what
to do with your marketing without guessing at anything.

This video is all about showing you those numbers and giving you a blueprint to follow
so you have everything you need to know to profitably move forward with a new
marketing funnel, to fix any broken or underperforming marketing funnel, and to
generate maximum sales and profits from all of your marketing.

I’m Todd Brown. And for the last handful of years I’ve had the opportunity to coach,
guide, and advise many of the top online entrepreneurs in the engineering of their own
six and seven-figure marketing funnels. I’ve helped thousands of online marketers get
their first profitable marketing funnel launched and producing sales. And I’m honored to
be considered the go-to guy for creating wildly profitable marketing funnels online today.

Now let’s talk about you and your marketing funnel… and how you can follow what I’m
going to layout for your in this video to finally know exactly how to set-up, optimize, and
scale your sales… using those same simple numbers.

And, oh just in case you’re wondering, NO… you do not need to be good at math, you
won’t have to work with any crazy mathematical calculations, and you don’t have to
waste a bunch of time trying to figure out crazy tracking code. If you can copy and paste
once, and you’re willing to look at one simple dashboard, you can do this.

Now, if you haven’t seen the first two videos in this series I strongly recommend you
watch those. They lay the entire foundation for what’s allowed me, personally, and
thousands of my clients and marketers just like you to go from haphazard, hope
marketing to producing tens of millions of dollars.

At the foundation of you being able to do that, as you now know, is Complete Campaign
Tracking which gives you some simple numbers that show you how each piece of your
marketing funnel is performing and how it’s performing from each source of website

So, let’s talk about those numbers and the easy decisions they allow you to make.
Now we’ve got a ton to cover in this video. So I’m going to move at lightning pace.

As I mentioned in our last video, there are three different categories of numbers
(marketing metrics) we’re going to talk about.

These are the same marketing metrics I look at, that you’re also going to look at so you
never have to make another marketing decision by guessing at anything.

The three categories of these marketing metrics are:

Let’s start with the first category: The Funnel Viability Metric

If you’re investing in paid traffic, there’s only one number… one metric… that
determines whether your marketing funnel is truly effective — Return On Investment
(ROI). How much money you spent on a traffic source and how much money you made

It’s the only number that tells you whether your funnel is truly performing well or not. It’s
the only number that tells you whether your funnel is making you money or costing you
money. And it’s the only number you can deposit. You can’t deposit optin rate, sales
conversion rate, order form completion rate, or upsell take-rate. As you’ll see in just a
bit, those are strictly Optimization Metrics. And only used at a certain time for fixing or
improving your funnel.

Return On Investment (ROI) is the only thing you can bank. So it’s how we measure
your funnel’s success!

Fact is: You can have a sky-high optin rate and still be losing money. You can have a
sky-high sales conversion rate and still be losing money. You can even have a sky-high
optin rate, sales conversion rate, and upsell take-rate, and… yes… still be losing

That’s why ROI is called The Funnel Viability Metric. And is why it’s essential that you
properly track and know your exact return on investment from each traffic source you’re
paying for. How much money did you spend on each source of traffic and how much
money did each source bring you back.

Now, when setting-up and testing a new funnel, the first thing you want to look at is the
funnel’s viability. You do this by looking at Return On Investment (ROI).

Your ROI tells you everything you need to do and exactly what to do next.

If your ROI is 100% or more you’ll continue to drive more and more traffic.
But if the ROI is not 100%, you’ll then use the second category of marketing numbers to
understand how to fix your funnel. These numbers are called Funnel Optimization

As I mentioned earlier, this category consists of the following four numbers:

Optin Rate
Sales Conversion Rate
Order Form Completion Rate
Upsell Take-Rate

Here, looking at these four numbers, you’ll be able to see the “constraint” in your
marketing funnel — the one stage or step in the funnel that, when improved, will make
you more money and have the biggest positive impact on your ROI.

Think of the “funnel constraint” as the current weakest link in the “funnel chain”. If your
funnel was a chain, it would only be as strong as its weakest link. To strengthen the
chain, you would need to first identify the weakest link. Then, you’d need to strengthen
that weakest link. Trying to strengthen a chain by focusing on any other link other than
the weakest link is futile. Same with optimizing a marketing funnel. That’s why, when
optimizing, we always fix the funnel constraint. And why those four Funnel Optimization
Metrics are so valuable. Because they tell you, without you having to guess at anything,
which stage in our funnel is that funnel constraint.

By identifying and optimizing your funnel constraint — using your four Funnel
Optimization Metrics — you’re able to identify, focus on, and strengthen the weakest link
in the chain. And, by doing so, you make the entire chain stronger. Meaning: You make
more money and improve your return on investment. And that’s exactly how we
methodically fix & improve the performance of any broken or underperforming funnel!

But that’s just the beginning… Because, when you follow the approach I just outlined for
setting-up new funnels, you’ll quickly have a handful of funnels working to bring you
more leads, more customers, and more sales.

Now it’s time to start scaling and driving more profits. Here, you’ll look at the third
category of marketing numbers - your Funnel Profitability Metrics.

Let me tell you about some of the cool and easy decisions you’re able to make when
you have these numbers in front of you. Then I’ll tell you exactly where and how to
begin using these numbers to bank more profits from all of your traffic.

First off, these numbers tell you a bunch of really valuable things, such as:

Average Visitor Value which tells you how much each visitor is worth to you from each
of your different traffic sources. Paid or free. This is perfect for you if you’re not yet
using paid traffic because you’re unsure of how much you should invest per click. Once
you know your Average Visitor Value you’ll know exactly how much you can afford to
spend per click on each source of paid traffic while still generating a profit from each.

For example: You may see that you can spend .25 cents per click on Facebook for a
particular funnel, but can spend .50 cents per click on Google Adwords for that same
funnel. Even within Facebook, you may see that you can spend more per click with one
ad than another for the same exact marketing funnel.

Or, you may see that you can use Google Adwords and Facebook Ads to pump traffic
into one funnel, but shouldn’t be using Youtube ads to send traffic to that same funnel
because it’s not profitable for you. All with the same exact funnel.

See, when you see the Average Visitor Value for your funnel per traffic source, you’re no
longer lumping all traffic sources into the same bucket and simply measuring an
average of their results. Now, you’re able to spend the perfect amount for each visitor,
with each ad, with each traffic source, for any marketing funnel you have.

And the result is you’re able to profitably pump more and more visitors into any of your
marketing funnels. And that’s just what you’re able to see and do with one of the Funnel
Profitability Metrics.

Next is Revenue Per Lead which tells you how much money every single lead or optin
brings you from every different traffic source you use. This is great because when you
know this number, you know exactly how much money every lead, on average, is worth
to you. And this allows you to ensure you generate a profit from any traffic source that
requires a “pay per lead”.

Next we have Breakeven Speed & Profit Velocity which tell you how quickly you
recapture every $1 you put into paid traffic and how quickly each traffic source brings
you a profit. This is another great metric for you because now you don’t have to wonder
how quickly your money is coming back to you and how quickly you’re making a profit.

Then we have Cost Per Acquisition which tells you how much it costs you to acquire a
single new customer from each of your different traffic sources. With this metric you can
see exactly which sources of traffic allow you to generate a profit and which sources of
traffic are just too expensive for the price point of your product.

Next: Average Cart Value which tells you how much every new customer spends with
you, on average, during their first transaction… from each of your different traffic
sources. With this metric you know exactly which traffic sources are making you the
most money from brand new customers.

Then we have Lifetime Customer Value which tells you how much money each of your
customers spend with you, on average, over the entire course of their patronage with
your business. This is an incredibly value number for you to have at your fingertips
because you may find that one traffic source is bringing you customers that spend $500
with you over the life of their patronage. While you may find that another traffic source
is bringing you customers that spend $1000 with you over the life of their patronage.

Now you can put more of your budget to the sources of traffic bringing you the better
quality customers.

This way, you make a heck of a lot more profit from the same $1 invested in traffic. All
because you’re able to focus on the traffic sources with the higher long-term customer
value. You know which traffic sources to pump more money into since you know which
sources are bringing you the most valuable customers long-term.

And then there’s Total Sales Volume which tells you how much you’re making from each
source of traffic and which sources of traffic are bringing you the most new customers
for every $1 you invest. So if you want to create a surge of new customers coming into
your business, but you have a limited budget, now you know the exact sources of traffic
to use.

And of course, there’s ROI which tells you how much bankable money your funnel is
brining you from each source of traffic, from each ad, and from each audience you’re
targeting. So now you know, with certainty and confidence where to focus your
marketing efforts to enjoy maximum profits.

So, you see why having these numbers is so valuable for you… how it eliminates the
need for you to guess at anything… and how it makes marketing online so much easier
for you?

With accurate Funnel Profitability Metrics: You know exactly how much you can invest to
get a visitor from any source of traffic, with every ad, with every traffic source.

When you’re using Complete Campaign Tracking and have the three different
categories of numbers in front of you, marketing successfully online is truly no longer
complicated, confusing, or mystifying. It really is black and white. It’s straight-forward.
It’s scientific. Cause it’s all in the numbers!

When you have these numbers, you have the knowledge and ability to do things with
your marketing you can not do without them.

And that’s the real big difference between the marketers who consistently have winning
funnel after winning marketing funnel… and the average struggling marketers.

The big difference between them is NOT in their marketing skills or chops. It really isn’t.

The big difference is in recognizing the value of having the right numbers so you don’t
have to guess at anything.

It’s knowing and using the numbers that makes this whole game easy.
And now you know!

Look: In this video and over the last two videos I’ve walked you through a lot of stuff.

You certainly don’t need to start with everything. You just need to take one baby step
and start properly tracking your marketing and using just a few of these numbers so you
can feel confident you’re making all the right marketing moves.

Now, like I said earlier, I’ve worked with thousands of online entrepreneurs and
marketers over the last handful of years. And I’ve had the opportunity to witness
firsthand some amazing success stories of average marketers going from struggling to
make their first sale… to tens of thousands of dollars a week and even millions of
dollars a year. But I’ve also seen what holds others back from ever achieving the level
of success and income they’ve wanted. So I want to make you aware of these traps so
you can avoid getting stuck.

The first thing is this misconception that… if you’re a new marketer and just learning the
basics right now you don’t need to track or look at your numbers yet.

Fact is: The best time to start tracking properly and looking at your numbers is when
your first starting out. Because that’s what allows you to scientifically turn a small
marketing budget into a profits. And it’s what allows you to grow big quickly without
risking your money on guesses or hunches.

Next is this idea that if you don’t have a big email list or any list at all or don’t get much
traffic right now that you don’t need proper tracking.

Well, you already know that if you want to grow big, you need to start using some paid
traffic at some point. And having proper tracking in place and some simple numbers in
front of you is what will allow you to confidently pick and use the best source of traffic for
your funnel to get started with.

Some marketers think tracking and using numbers is only for the marketers that use
paid traffic. And not for them if they’re only getting organic traffic.

Well even if you only plan on ever using free sources of traffic, you still want to know
which organic sources are converting for you into new customers, which are bringing
you the most amount of new customers, which are generating the highest value new
customers for you, and which are the ones you should focus more of your time on. With
proper tracking and armed with some simple numbers, you have everything you need to
maximize your sales, profits, and ROI. Because even with free sources of traffic, there’s
still your investment of time.

And there’s this view that some marketers have that the whole idea of tracking and
numbers sounds confusing and is outside their comfort zone.
Well, truth is it may be outside of your comfort zone. Even though we’re talking about
simple numbers, you still need to be willing to do a little bit of work and do some things
that you haven’t done up to this point. Because, if nothing changes, nothing will change
for you. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the
definition of insanity.

To finally join the ranks of the successful marketers, you need to be willing to make the
commitment to do the things that work. You need to be willing to make a slight change.
You need to be willing to start tracking properly and letting some simple numbers guide
your next steps… instead of trying to guess your way to success and hope things

Now in the last video I mentioned I was going to give you the opportunity to get and use
my personal tool for doing all of your tracking… the one I paid thousands of dollars to
have created for me and my company over the last 12 months called ConversionFly.

In the next and last video in our series, I’m going to show you how ConversionFly
works, how it does all of your tracking for you, how it gives you all the numbers you
need, and how it gives you the confidence you need to move forward making more
money from your marketing.

And you’re not going to have to pay $1000, or $800, or even $500 to get it. I’m going to
give you the opportunity to get ConversionFly at a ridiculous discount, and if you’re one
of the first marketers to grab it, you’re also going to get a bundle of incredibly valuable
marketing funnel resources with it. This way you truly have everything you need to
finally experience the success online you’ve been looking for.

So if you’re ready to stop guessing and start growing your business with confidence as
a Mathematical Marketer with Complete Campaign Tracking and simple numbers, mark
your calendar for this Thursday, April 21st at 3PM ET. Because that’s when Video #4 will
go live and when you’ have the chance to be one of the first marketers to get and use

In the meantime, go ahead and leave me a comment below. You can see all the
comments that have been coming in and that I’ve personally responded to almost every
single one. I love hearing from you. And I’d love to know how excited you are also to
finally be able make your marketing decisions with confidence. So go ahead, let me
know, and leave a comment below.

And I’ll talk to you on this Thursday at 3PM ET in our final video.

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