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Unit 5 Speaking Test

Use Sharebook pages 27, 29, 31.

1 Cut up the cards on pages 27 and 29.
2 Remove or cover the sample answers and instructions at the bottom of all
Sharebook pages.

Question 1
Teacher: What is your favorite toy?
Student: [Answers will vary.]

Question 2
Separate the cards into two piles – one pile for cards that use “
can … and … ” and one pile for
cards that use “
can … , but can’t … ”. Put the “ can … and … ” pile between you and the student.
Put the “can … , but can’t … ” pile away for now.
Pick up one card from the “ can … and … ” pile and model a sentence for the student.
Teacher: [He / She / It] can [action] and [action].
Gesture to the pile to encourage the student to repeat the routine above. The student should pick two cards and
make two sentences.
Teacher: Now it’s your turn.
Student: [He / She / It] can [action] and [action].

Question 3
Now put the “ can … , but can’t … ” pile between you and the student. Put the “ can … and … ” pile away. Pick up
one card from the “ can … , but can’t … ” pile and model a sentence for the student.
Teacher: [He / She / It] can [action], but [he / she / it] can’t [action].
Gesture to the pile to encourage the student to repeat the routine above. The student should pick two cards and
make two sentences.
Teacher: Now it’s your turn.
Student: [He / She / It] can [action], but [he / she / it] can’t [action].

Question 4
Place page 31 face up between you and the student. Point to the picture of the car – this is likely to elicit a
negative response.
Teacher: Can you drive a car?
Student: No, I can’t.
Now point to another activity. Choose something the student will probably know how to do to elicit a
positive response.
Teacher: Can you [throw a ball]?
Student: Yes, I can.

© Macmillan Education Limited 2020

Unit 5 Speaking Test

Question 5
Gesture to page 31 to encourage the student to repeat the routine above. The student should ask you two
questions – answer one positively and one negatively.
Student: Can you [action]?
Teacher: No, I can’t.
Student: Can you [action]?
Teacher: Yes, I can.

© Macmillan Education Limited 2020

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