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Colonia, Raiza Mae G.

BSN 2D Nursing Informatics

Learning Activities
1. Read the recommended content discussed above and refer to the linked resources.

● Patient care technology

● Clinical decision support
● Current challenges in health information technology-related patient safety

2. Explain the meaning of the theory of informatics and correlate it in the

present condition of our country.

By utilizing information technology to improve patient outcomes, support healthcare

delivery in a variety of contexts, and improve nursing practice, nursing informatics plays a critical
role in the current state of healthcare in any nation.Through the integration of nursing
informatics ideas and technologies into healthcare systems, nations can work toward attaining
patient-centered, safer, and more efficient care.

3. In your point of view how the EMR and other electronic records are important in the practice
of the nursing profession.

In order to support real-time documentation and clinical decision-making, streamline

workflow, enable data analysis for quality improvement, and give nurses centralized access to
patient information, electronic health records, or EMRs, are essential tools in the practice of
nursing. Effective use of electronic records by nurses can increase patient safety, boost
productivity, and provide patients with high-caliber, evidence-based treatment.

4. When it comes to patients, how are you going to promote patient safety inside the hospital?

Encouraging patient safety in hospitals is an essential duty for medical personnel,

particularly nurses.

● Effective communication
● Medication safety
● Fall prevention
● Infection control
● Patient education
5. In client decision making why is it important that we are guided by policies and mandated
laws in our nursing practice

To ensure legal and ethical compliance, respect patient rights and autonomy,
standardize practice, control risks, sustain professional accountability, and foster
interdisciplinary collaboration, regulations and legislation that are mandated must be followed as
guidance when making decisions for clients in nursing practice. Nurses can satisfy the highest
standards of ethical and professional conduct while providing safe, effective, and client-centered
care by adhering to established protocols and guidelines.

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