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Managed by UDGAM Consultancy

Class: X Subject: PAT

1.Self-Management Skills - ICT Skills- Entrepreneurial Skills – Answer any 4 out of the given
6 questions (1 x 4 = 4 marks)
i. What does an upright (straight) body posture convey or show?
a. Pride
b. Professionalism
c. Confidence
d. Humility

ii. What makes you complete work or studies without others cheering you?
a. Self-confidence
b. Communication
c. Self-motivation
d. Self-esteem

iii. Freddie works hard to be selected in the school football team. What type of motivation is
a. Internal
b. External
c. Forced
d. Influenced
iv. Which of the following is a valid file extension for Notepad file?
a. .jpg
b. .doc
c. .text (POST) starts
d. . txt
v. Ajit has a Sweet outlet. He pays his employees on the 1st of every month.
a. Creates a new product
b. Manages the business
c. Takes risk
d. Marketing
vi. Chetnadecides to sell her company tires in Sri Lanka. It does not sell and she has a loss. She
apologies to the people who work for her. She says she will plan better next time. She-
a. Takes responsibility for your mistakes
b. Thinks before making a decision
c. Does not give up
d. Is creative
2.Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)
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i. Which among these is not a part of Physical Education program
a.Adventure Games
b. Group song
c.Folk Dance
d. Self-defense activities
ii. ________________is intended to find out and report on what has been learnt
a. Assessment
b. Evaluation
c. Feedback
d. Parent Teacher Meeting
iii. The word ‘assess’ comes from the Latin assidere, which means -----
a. To sit beside.
b. To come first.
c. To win.
d. To score.
iv. Which of these is True?
a. Basket is used for Throwing & target practice.
b. Inventory can be done only with Software
c. Budget is part of inventory management
d. Inventory is not the part of job role of Physical Education Teacher
v. Which amang these is not a health related fitness component?
a. Muscular strength
b. Flexibility
c. Balance
d. All of these
vi. Each physical education professional is expected to uphold the-------------
a. Create an environment
b. Student value
c. Code of conduct
d. None of these

3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Physical education teacher are ------------------- for students.
a. Role model
b. Emotional
c. Positive
d. All of these
ii. Full form of BMI.
a. Body Mass Index
b. Body Mass Indicator
c. Baby Mass Index
d. None of these
iii. Skill related fitness are based upon the-------------system.
a. Skeleton
b. Neuromuscular
c. Digesting
d. Respiratory
iv. When the play is planned, conducted step by step in a particular way, it becomes
a. Tournament.
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b. Structured play.
c. League Tournament
d. IPL
v. Skill Assessment is the measure of
b. Neuromuscular co-ordination
c.Individual records
d. Aerobic capacity
vi. The standard duration of the Assembly should be
a. 15-20 minutes.
b. 5 – 10 minutes.
c. 30- 40 minutes.
d. 1 hour.

4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Which of the following is not a traditional Exercise
b. Malkhamb
d. Dodge Ball
ii. When play is not planned it is called------------
a. Structured
b. Unstructured
c. Both A& B
d. None of these
iii. ----------- are used for marking.
a. Saucer cone
b. Marking cone
c. Rope
d. All of these
iv. Assessment is the process deployed to
a. Understand student learning.
b. Understand test pattern
c. Understand sports cultural
d. Understand team building process
v. Which among these is not a Skill Related component?
b. Balance
d. BMI
vi. The difference between an Assessment and an Evaluation is
a.Assessment tests skill and evaluation tests fitness
b. Assessment improves learning quality and evaluation judges learning level
c.Assessment identifies talent and evaluation help in team selection
d. Assessment helps children and evaluation helps teacher

5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions (1 x 5 = 5 marks)

i. Agenda for the Parent Teacher Meeting in the context of the subject of Physical Education
a. Parent awareness about the PE programme in the school.
b. Student awareness about the PE programme in the school.
c. Management awareness about the PE programme in the school.
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d. Development of student teacher relationship.
ii. Which of the following activity develops the throwing and catching skills.
a.Jumping monkeys
b. Toss the ball
c.Kick the ball
d.Movement skills
iii. Inventory refers to ----------
a.Sports goods
b.Materials stocked
c. Infrequent sports goods
d.,Sports Kit
iv. An Early Years Physical Activity Facilitator works with the age ______ years old children.
a.2-4 Years
b. 1-2 Years
c.3-8 Years
d. 0.5-2 Years
v. Sports equipment or props should be -------
a.High quality & expensive
b. Universally designed
c. From good brand
d. Age appropriate
vi. Which of this is not possible to do in Free Play sessions?
a. Improve Communication
b. Assess and give Report Card
c. Promote sense of Sportsmanship
d. Encourage Creativity


Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability Skills (2 x 3 = 6 marks)

Answer each question in 20 – 30 words.

6.Explain any two functions which helps the entrepreneur to:

a. Manage the income earned.
b. Increase the sale of their product.
7. Describe stress and stress management.
8. List the ways in which an entrepreneur affects a society.
9. Explain how to clean a computer on a daily basis.
10. What are the steps you will perform to save a text file in Ubuntu?

Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20 – 30 words each (2 x 4 = 8 marks)

11. Write the type of evaluation.
12. What are the Difference between Sports and Games?
13. What is free play?
14. What are the advantages of Structured play?
15. Define the term inventor in sports?
16. Write a short note on Inventory management system.

Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50– 80 words each (4 x 3 = 12 marks)
17. What are the qualities of a good Physical Activity Facilitator?
18. Suggest a sample design of an audit sheet to help monthly tracking of sports inventory .
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19. What are the components of fitness?
20. Prepare a Lesson plan of Free play activity.
21. Elaborate the factors influencing the selection of props and equipment

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