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Evaluating SSC English Syllabus In the Light Of CLT

A Project Report

Submitted to the Department of English, Ishakha International University, Bangladesh

in Partial Fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (Hon’s) in English.

Supervised By:
Md. Abdullah Bhuiyan
Department of English

Submitted By:

Md. Nayem Uddin

Student ID: 163301026

Course Code: EN 4090

Course Title: Capstone Project & Report Writing

Department of English

Date of Submission: January 17, 2022.



I hereby declare that this thesis is a presentation of my original research work.

Whenever contributions of others are involved, every effort has been made to indicate this
clearly, with due reference to the literature and acknowledgement of collaborative research
and discussions.

Student’s Signature


This is to certify that I have read this report and that in my opinion it is fully adequate,

in scope and quality, as a report for the Bachelor degree of Arts (Hons) in English.

Supervisor’s Signature



First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty Allah for
giving me the courage and determination to complete the research within scheduled time. I
am grateful to my supervisor Md. Abdullah Bhuiyan whose supervision and guidance
throughout all stages of research has enabled me to complete the paper successfully. I would
also like to thank to the respected teachers of different schools who gave me their valuable
ideas. Their thoughts, ideas, suggestions and experiences made it possible for me to conduct
my study.
Lastly, my warmest gratitude goes to my parents for being there &supporting me at every
aspect of my life.


This study aims at examining the effectiveness of present Secondary School

Certificate English syllabus in order to find out the active role of this syllabus in
motivating students to achieve communicative competence. By using a mixed method
approach, the researcher has carried on this study by collecting data from Hundred
students of SSC level through a questionnaire, and from Six English teachers by
interviewing them. This study has found that most of the students of SSC level are not
motivated enough to achieve communicative competence. The students are more
interested to memorize some specific answer provided by the teacher according to
the then traditional teaching method which is mostly similar to Grammar Translation
Method. The students are more serious to secure a good GPA in their public
examination than focusing on developing their language skills. It further revealed
that the present syllabus is effective in making students motivated only in some
specific extent, and that is because some activities have been provided in the
syllabus. But still students are not being prepared to achieve the expected result.
Mostly the teachers are not motivating students to practice these activities. They
claim that students are not interested at all in achieving communicative competence
rather they are more focused on their GPA. But this study finds that CLT approach
has never been presented elaborately to the students so that they can understand how
they are going to be taught English and how they are suggested to do so. That is why
they are not comfortable with this method and accepting this approach as a threat for
their GPA. However, based of these findings some steps have been recommended to
overcome this problem.

Table of Contents

Contents PageNumber

Declaration………………………………………………………………………… ii

Acknowledgement………………………………………………………………… iii

Abstract…………………………………………………………………………… iv

CHAPTER1.1:Introduction About CLT…………………................................... 01

1.2: Syllabus Curriculum………………………………...………………… 01

1.3: Characteristics of teaching/learning process……………………...…. 01

1.4: Introduction of CLT in Bangladesh………………………………...…. 02

1.5: Advantages of CLT Method………………………………...…. 03

1.6: Disadvantages of CLT Method…………….…..…………..… 03

1.7:ResearchQuestions…………………………………………………… 04

1. 8: Objectives of the Study…….………………………………………… 04

1.9: Rationale of the Study……….……………………………………… 04

CHAPTER 2:LiteratureReview……………………….………….…………… 05

CHAPTER 3: 3.1 Research Methodology…………………………………………… 07

3.2: Method of Data Collection.……………………………………….… 07

3.3: Instruments……………………………………………………………. 07
3.4: Sampling of the Study…………………………………………………. 08
3.5:Data Analysis………………….……………………………… 09

CHAPTER 4: FindingsandAnalysis…………………………………… 10

Results of Students’ Questionnaire Survey……………………………. 10

Analysis of Teachers’ Interview………………………………………… 13

Findings of the Data analysis…………………………………………… 14

Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion………………………………… 16

Recommendations……………………………………………………… 15

References………………………………………………………………………… 17

Appendix -I………………………………………………………………………. 18

Appendix- II………………………………………………………………………. 18

Appendix- III……………………………………………………………………… 18

Chapter 1


1.1 About CLT:

Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is a process that focuses on

acquiring communicative skill and linguistic skill instead through learner interaction, lunched in
1980s. This process is based on such theme that to adept a language, practicing that language
while communicating with others is a must. Teachers/instructors are using the CLT method in
order to teach English as a secondary language and encourage students to utilize this language in
classroom. To increase language skill in a fruitful way, ESL teachers can take steps that may
help the students to be more skillful. Interaction is not only the method but also the goa; of ESL

1.2 Syllabus Curriculum:

Communicative language teaching syllabus organizes the teaching
according to the notional and functional categories of language rather than according to its
structures. It concentrates on the following:

(1) Interactions: using language to communicate,

(2) Tasks: using language to perform meaningful tasks
(3) Learner: putting the learner’s interests needs in the forefront.

1.3 Characteristics of the teaching/learning process:

1. The most definite characteristic of CLT is that almost everything that is done is done with
communicative intent.

2. Another feature of CLT is the use of authentic materials. Whenever possible authentic
language as it is used in a real context should be introduced.
3. Activities in CLT are often carried out by students in small groups.

1.4 Introduction of CLT in Bangladesh:

In 1995 the Ministry of Education of

Bangladesh took CLT based English curriculum. The aim of the present curriculum is to improve
the communicative competence of the learners. To earn this goal, English syllabus was
improvised by National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB). By accomplishing the
secondary level, students are expected to master the art of four English skills e.g. reading,
writing, listening and speaking. The main purpose of the new language teaching curriculum was
to increase communicative competence through the practice of four language skills.

However, CLT is not accepted cordially by the teachers in Bangladesh and it is not practiced in
the schools in true sense. In the starting, CLT was opposed by the traditional English teachers as
they were not ready for something which was wholly new to them.

According to the researcher’s identification, the functional curriculum has been implemented
partly which can be considered as a possible reason of the current state of failure of the CLT
approach in Bangladesh. It is thought that the education administration failed to involve some
vital issues including teacher preparation for implementing education policy and teste formation
at the introduction of CLT method in Bangladesh.

As a consequence, the imposition of CLT has affected language teaching and learning adversely.
It is now generally believed that the CLT approach has not come into force to bring the
anticipated changes in the existing English teaching and learning situation. Studies found that the
teachers are still using the same ancient process of English learning by the way they were taught
while they are teaching their students. Earning mark is the most important issue for all. Even the
teacher’s goal is to prepare the students for the impending test so that students can achieve higher
score in the examination. It seems that even after more than two decades of the arrival of CLT,
the English teachers are not conscious of the objectives of English curriculum. The innovation in
English language teaching curriculum was obscure to most of the teachers. Undoubtedly the

policymakers of Bangladesh were mostly reliable to this teaching and testing of English. In could
hardly be denied that ground realities were not duly considered while CLT introduced at
secondary level education in Bangladesh.

1.5 Advantages of CLT Method:

1. Communicative approach is a process which is related to pupil basically. Because it is

based on pupil’s need and their interests as well.

2. Communicative approach makes a secondary language available to the students and it also
creates the interest to adept the language among the students. Meaningful language is
always more easily possessed by learners.

3. Seeks to use genuine reasons and students get much interest and become motivated to learn
a secondary language.

4. In order to speak students, acquire grammar rules which is more proficient and efficient.

1.6 Disadvantages of CLT Method:

1. Through CLT method teaching and learning may hamper as it merely pays heed
to these contexts.

2. It is often seemed that the communicative approach is to be interpreted as, if the

teacher understands the student, they can master a good communication, but
native speakers of that target language can have great difficulty understanding
students and the students can have lack of interest on that specific language.

3. The CLT approach focuses on fluency but not accuracy. It is pointed out as a
disadvantage of the method. The method does not focus on error reduction.
Instead of it, the process creates such a situation where the learners are left using
their own devices to solve their communication problems. Through this way, they
may produce incoherent and they may do much grammatically incorrect

1.7 Research Questions:

This paper tries to find out the answer of following questions:

1. What are the English language teacher’s attitudes towards the applying of CLT?
2. Does CLT help the students to develop communicative competence?
3. How much CLT is effective for language learning?
4. How much the present SSC Syllabus can help to implement CLT in Secondary level

1.8 Objectives of the Study:

The study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of CLT approached
secondary English syllabus of Bangladesh in acquiring communicative competence in English.

1.9 Rationale of the Study:

The study will Evaluate the SSC English syllabus in the light of
Communication Language Teaching (CLT) method and will justify its effectiveness in achieving
communicative competence. The researcher provided relevant materials to find out their
motivations. As Communicative Language Teaching approach had been implemented in our
secondary level syllabus with an expectation that students will able to acquire communicative
competence in English as it is second or official language in Bangladesh, but since 1995 to
present, CLT approach has failed to achieve the expected goal at secondary level of Bangladesh.
In the meantime, several surveys and studies have been done to find out the problem. And
according to the results of these studies many editions and corrections have been done to provide
a standard syllabus based on CLT approach among the secondary level students. This study will
be a useful to evaluate the current secondary syllabus and will able to justify how much this
syllabus is effective in motivating the students to acquire communicative competence. The
author of the study thinks that it is a step for future researcher in this field.


Literature Review

• Hossain in 2012 made an elaborate study on the present CLT based SSC syllabus and
observed that this syllabus includes some items that may help the students practice reading
and writing skills, yet students are not able to communicate in English. He pointed out some
possible causes behind this inability of students, such as untrained teachers, uninteresting
contents of English syllabus and text book, student’s poor performance, lacking in the
teacher student’s interaction and above all.

• Tahmina Sultana Saima says in her study in 2018 based on the effectiveness of SSC
English syllabus plays a very insignificant role in motivating to achieve communicative
competence, instead of practicing, the students are still found to memorize selected answers.
And another findingfrom her study says that students are more motivated to get a good Grade
Point Average (GPA) in exam than achieving competence. She also gives some possible
recommendations which may help to motivate students to achieve communicative

• Md. Miraz Hossain had made an evaluation on SSC English Syllabus which was published
on a group project of BANGLADESH RESEARCH FOUDATION JOURNAL on 2012,
where in his study Md. Miraz Hossain tries to point out the merits and drawbacks of CLT
based SSC English syllabus. He collected data by following questionnaire and interviewing
method. He collected some samples and statements by interviewing a few students and
teachers. Whatever in his study he confirms that the current CLT approached SSC syllabus is
appropriate in acquiring competency in English andis more successful both in the public
exam and in the real life situation than any other syllabus in the past. The main drawbacks
which are responsible for the incapability of acquiring competency in English are mainly
lack of teachers, lack of teacher’s appreciation on approaching CLT to the students. However
,Md. Miraz Hossain suggested a few recommendation regarding this crisis which can help
to overcome this problem.

• M.A.K Ruman elaborately evaluated the SSC syllabus based on CLT approach to find out
its merits that how much it is helpful in teaching and learning communicating English. He

tried to find out the causes behind the inability of achieving expected result. He made an
investigation among the teachers and students by collecting samples and statements,
following questionnaire and interview methods. Through his evaluation and investigation, the
findings of the study say that lacking of untrained teachers, student’s poor performance,
failure of implementing the syllabus properly are the major problem behind the failure of
achieving communicative competence on secondary level in Bangladesh.

• Mohammad Humayun Kabir, Farhad Jamila, Nahida Sultana has made a study on the
implementation of CLT principles at the SSC level in Bangladesh. In order to find out the
loopholes the have chosen two methods regarding classroom observation, and practicing
teacher’s interviews. Problems like lack of efficient and trained teachers, class size, present
testing system, lack of student’s language proficiency and deficiency in students and
teacher’s interaction have been pointed out in the way of CLT method as hindrances. They
have also added some recommendations to address this issue. Implementation of CLT in the
educational institutions, alignment of teaching and testing of English, following curricular
guidelines and so on can be the resolution of the cited crisis.


3.1 Research Methodology:

This chapter discusses the research methodologies that have been used to
conduct the researcher. The process of data collection for this researcher were students’
questionnaire, teachers interview and classroom observation. This chapter also includes the
process of data analyze and sampling.

The purpose of the study is to investigate and evaluate teachers’ and students’ perception,
attitudes and response towards the applying of Communicative Language Teaching in language
classroom according to their syllabus.

3.2 Method of Data Collection:

The current study utilized a qualitative research approach to
answer the research questions developed for the study. We have used a few methods namely
observation, questionnaire and interview analysis. For the sake of greater validity and reliability
of this research, we used classroom teaching observation and teacher interview to investigate the
ways how (SSC) English syllabus influences teaching communicative English language.

3.3 Instruments:
In this study, researcher used two survey instruments-questionnaire and
interview. The questionnaire designed for the students. Researcher also interviewed six English
teachers teaching at SSC level by following a structured interview so that they can “expand on
answers that are particularly important. The interviewed teachers have been coded as T1, T2, T3,
T4, T5 and T6.

The researcher has to browse a number of articles for preparing checklist. He followed Methela
Rahman (2013), Hussain (2010). She selected 8 questions for checklist. The checklist was used
while the researcher observed classes. The researcher conducted two classes in two different
schools following the checklist to find out student’s perceptions, attitudes and their response of
using authentic materials.

3.4 Sampling of the Study:

The researcher has collected data from two types of

respondents – teacher and students. The researcher has selected 6 schools from urban and rural
area of Kishoreganj. The researcher had designed sample to collect data. Samples selected for the
survey are shown in following chart:

Name of Institution No. of Teacher No. of Students No. of Observed Class

Arjat Atarjan High School 01 25 01 (1hour 20 min)

Hashmot Uddin High School 01 16 _

Haybatnagar A.U Kamil Madrasah 01 10 _
Kishoreganj Girls High School 01 19 _
Gundhar High School 01 10 _
Kapasia Pilot High School 01 20 01(30 min)

In ‘Arjat Atarjan High School’ the researcher selected 25 students among 40 students randomly. The
researcher informed the respondents about the present study and its significance in first class. They
are requested to attend next class. He conducted a class with 40 students using Communicative text
and task. Newspaper, literary extracts, you-tube videos, intelligence test, multimedia presentation
about CLT approach, Google etc. are used by the researcher. The researcher tried to find out their
negative and positive response towards the CLT approach on their SSC syllabus.

Next in ‘Hashmot Uddin High School’ the researcher conducted the survey among 16 students
out of 25 students randomly. 16 students and 1 teacher took part to the questionnaire survey and

Next in ‘Haybatnagar A.U Kamil Madrasah’ the researcher conducted the survey among 10
students out of 19 students randomly. 10 students and 1 teacher took part to the questionnaire
survey and interview.

In ‘Kishoreganj Girls High School’ the researcher conducted questionnaire survey among 19
students of class 9.Here 1 teacher also took part to the interview.

In ‘Gundhar High School’ questionnaire was provided among 10 students. Researcher also took
interview of one English teacher.

Next in ‘Kapasia Pilot High School’ the researcher conducted a class using CLT methods. The
researcher observed the class and after finishing the class the students filled up questionnaire
sheets. Here 1 teacher also participated in interview.

The teachers are cooperative and share their valuable opinion and suggestion about the present

3.5 Data Analysis:

The samples are organized into a table according to level of agreement.
The researcher used numerical figure for each statement. The researcher identifies results into
percentage. It is convenient to find out information. The researcher tried to find out results
through percentage.

Teachers act like they preferred teach according to CLT in classroom. The researcher finds out
their motivations towards CLT approach. The result of data analysis and findings are presented
in next chapter.


Findings and Analysis

Results of Student’s Questionnaire Survey:

In order to know how much the activities included

in SSC English syllabus help the students to speak English fluently, students were given four
possible options to choose negative or positive. The following table has been designed to show it

Table 1: The extent of students’ ability to speak English:

The extent to which students are able to speak English Percentage

1. I speak English both in classroom and outside 15%

2. I speak English only in classroom when teacher speaks 27%
3. I don’t feel comfortable in speaking English 12%
4. I cannot speak English at all 46%

In the table no 01, the researcher has asked four question to the students in a questionnaire
method. Researcher wants to the ratio of student’s activities. The result shows that a large
number of students (46%) cannot speak English either. A few number of students only practice
English speaking as a part of teacher student’s interaction. However, a large number of student
do not feel comfortable in speaking English though they are following CLT based English

Then researcher attempted to know how the secondary level students are practicing to improve
their writing skills as it is one of the four major language skills. The students were gone through
another questionnaire, where they were asked how they participates on paragraph writings,
completing stories, fill in the gap and etc. the ratio of their activities has been designed to show

Table 2: How Student’s practice on writing paragraph, completing stories and fill in the gaps
students write paragraphs by- memorizing practicing understanding conducting
64.8% 18.3% 12% 4.9%

70 64.8
10 4.9

by memorizing By practising in classroom by undrestanding by conducting learning
and at home strategies

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

In this chart the investigation shows that only 4.9% students are trying to utilize special learning
strategies where a huge number of students are basically following reading and memorizing
process. Basically the students who are on the alarming 64.8 rate are more worried about their
GPA that is way they are following the short cut process, which is clearly opposite to the goal of
the present CLT based syllabus.

In an another student
ent questionnaire
questionnaire the researcher wanted to find that why the students are
learning English? The researcher attempted to find if students are focused on achieving
communicative competence or not. As CLT focuses on the language skill development, they
should be motivated to achieve masters on language communicating. Therefore researcher
collected data from the students in questionnaire method where He asked questions with multiple
choices. The questions are- why are you learning English? There have been given four choices
from which students should pick one.

Table 3:: reason behind learning English:

1) Why are you learning English?-a)
a) to pass the examination b) to communicate c) university admission d) for a job
What is English in your syllabus?
syllabus?- a) a language b) a subject c) a topic d) I don’t know

Statistics from this questionnaire says that 38% students are learning English as a communicative
method. They want to achieve communicative skills in English. But ddue ue to the lacking of well
management and enough appreciation they are not doing well in achieving communicative
competence. The statistics shows:

Series 1

I don’t y
Language a subject a topic to pass communi for a job
know admissio
Series 1 30 63 0.5 6.5 5 27 3 65

Although CLT is a language teaching method, this statistics shows that a massive number of
students are accepting English as a subject, though they are being taught on the basis of CLT
based syllabus. It signifies that students are merely focused on achieving communicative
competence rather they are more conscious about their grades which leads them to accept
English as a subject.

Though some students are found in this study who are trying to develop English as their second
language but this rate is too poor to count.

Researcher has made another questionnaire among the students who are trying to acquire
communicative competence to find out the way they are practicing whether it is based on CLT or
not. The researcher asked some question regarding to their goal and found how they practice
speaking English as a secondary language:

Table 4: Students’ practice on spoken and listening skill

How often students have practice on speaking Always Sometimes Rarely
And listening skills in their classroom and home? 3% 15% 20% 62%

Among the students who are interested in achieving good communication skill in English have
been separated into four past on the basis of their participation. Only 3% of those students are
trying to practice both speaking and listening in home and classrooms. Among the 60% have
claimed that they practice with family and often with friends but in classroom they do not. They
feel the lacking of proper atmosphere on the classroom and less appreciation comes from
teachers which makes them uncomforting while speaking English on the classroom.

Analysis of Teachers ‘Interview:

Researcher interviewed Six English teachers teaching at

secondary level. Their opinions regarding the present SSC English syllabus in motivating
students to achieve communicative competence all are described below. T1 has stated that his
students will easily be motivated, if the teacher can make them practice communicative activities
in an effective and interesting way. When He has been asked about how his students react while
trying to make them practice those activities according to CLT approach? In responding to this
question, he replied, “the students who possess higher level of understanding can respond well,
and react positively” but still there is some students who are capable to co-operate very nicely,
they don’t show interest properly rather they use to think it as an extra curriculum and they throw
it away and focus on making good result by memorizing and reading guide book.

T2 claims that when she tries to make her students practice some communicative activities, they
do not show any interests. According to her, students are mostly seen “to memorize everything
without understanding anything to get good marks.”

T3 shared her experience of 20years and said that students are mostly motivated “to memorize
and copy from their friends in the examination.” she also expressed that when she tries “to make
the classroom environment appropriate for practicing communicative activities, students’
reaction is not co-operative. Though a few students respond but rest of others feels shy and many
of them cannot even understand the class and losses their interest to participate on class.

T4 said that students are not motivated to develop their communicative skills. They only want to
secure a good GPA in the examination.

T5 remarked that her students are not motivated enough to achieve communicative skills. When
she tries to make them practice communicative activities in the classroom, “they do not show any
interest, and want to memorize only those activities that have the probability to appear in the
examination.” Besides they do not have enough materials and guidelines which can make the
more professional in applying Communicative approach in the classroom.

T6 claims that students are always scared and aware about public examination. It is not their
fault, the system has made them to follow touch and pass process. They don’t want to take risk
on trying a new method as it may become a lengthy process to reach at the top point where
memorizing and reading guides can help them to acquire a good result in a short time. So, it is
clear that, all teachers agree to a point that most of the students’ purpose of learning English is to
achieve a good GPA in the examination. When they were asked about the students’ purpose of
learning English, they replied: “It has become a practical tendency of students to achieve a
greater GPA in examination.”

Findings of the Data Analysis:

Some questions of students’ questionnaire were framed in
order to assess how students of SSC level take preparation for the activities prescribed in their
syllabus, and how they attempt these activities in the examination so that I may know whether
the activities prescribed in SSC English syllabus are appropriate in motivating students to
achieve communicative competence. However, it has been found that a small number of students
take preparation for ‘completing story’ and ‘paragraph writing’ by trying to write
on their own, while majority of the students take preparation for these activities by memorizing
some selected stories provided by their teachers, and a very small number of students care to
know how to write a story or a paragraph. The students who try to write on their own may
develop writing skill, but students of this kind are fewer in number. It is also found that most of
the students take preparation for ‘dialogue writing’ activity by memorizing some dialogues from
prescribed books, while some students take preparation by trying to write dialogues on their own
or learning how to write a dialogue. But no students take preparation for ‘dialogue writing’ by
playing the roles presented in dialogues in their classroom. So, it is clear that the purpose of
introducing this activity has not been fulfilled.
On the other hand, teachers make their students prepared for ‘gap filling with right forms of
verbs’ in several ways. Most of the students stated that their teachers make them understand
grammatical rules, some are made to memorize grammatical rules or memorize the answer of
some chosen ‘gap filling’ activity from textbook or guide-books. Based on this, it can be said
that ‘gap filling with right forms of verbs’ activity helps most of the students, but partially,
acquire grammatical knowledge which is also a part of communicative competence. One of the

objectives of present CLT-based SSC English syllabus is to enable students “to acquire
necessary grammar competence in English language” (National Curriculum, 2012: 74). But some
of them are made to memorize grammatical rules, which are not expected at all.
It is clear that students are not participating on their classrooms and are not following the proper
guideline which is provided by current SSC syllabus. They are motivated in a wrong way. By
investigating the co-relation between the books students are following and the provided syllabus
this study has found that the conventional guide books are not following CLT curriculum at all.
These books are basically composed for helping teachers as it contains lots of seen/unseen
comprehensions, complete question patterns, fill in the gaps and many items according to the
testing curriculum. The teachers are mostly interested in picking up one of them applying those
in the question papers which is not acceptable on CLT curriculum. Again these books are
randomly being provided to the students and making them motivated that the question will be
among of these provided patterns, which leads them to memorizing these readymade books for
their examination.
Another major finding that is responsible for the failure of CLT approach in Bangladesh is
teacher student interaction. Most of the teachers are commonly not interested to adapt a new
curriculum for teaching English. They like to teach the way they had been taught when they were
students. They randomly mixed CLT method with the previous Grammar Translation Method.
They follow guides for testing 1st paper English as it is completely comprehensive and
communicative and for testing 2nd paper English they mixed it with Grammar Translation
Method where they emphasize on grammatical accuracy instead of emphasizing on the proper
applying of these grammatical items. As a result most of the students can achieve accuracy in
solving grammatical problems but they are not able to apply them in real life communications,
which were the major demerits of GTM (Grammar Translation Method).


Recommendations and Conclusion

As described in this study, the present CLT based SSC syllabus is more effective in motivating
the students to acquire communicative competence than any other time. The provided syllabus is
much effective on developing writing and reading skills than the speaking and listening. Though
syllabus curriculum needs a little bit more additions but according to this study findings the
testing method need a massive change. There are less marks for speaking and listening test. As
situation says that a large number of students are running after a good result, testing process
should equally give priority on each four skills of acquiring communicative competence in a
language. Another major finding from this study has dragged in front which are conventional
supporting guide books. These books are distracting student from understanding and applying
the linguistic knowledge in the real life which they are being taught in the classrooms. It seems
that text books has been replaced by the optional guide books and teachers are merely following
the text book on their testing process rather they feel much comfort in using guide books.. Beside
these the old and for most limitations of applying CLT curriculum in SSC syllabus are untrained
teachers, lacking of teacher student interaction, mismanagement and unfavorable atmosphere of
classrooms and insufficient teaching materials are still exist in the way of achieving
communicative competence. For all of these reasons students of secondary level are still far
away from achieving communicative competence in spite of following a CLT based syllabus.
To get rid of this problems researcher has found some possible recommendation which are given

1. A new testing method may be provided where each four language skill will be at priority.
2. Classroom atmosphere may be transformed as language friendly.
3. Number of well trained teachers should be increased.
4. Guide books may be prevented and teachers should motivate students to practice
communicative English in real file activities.
5. Classroom facilities may need to be increased.
6. Syllabus curriculum Board needs to emphasize on English 2nd paper study plans. There
need to add some additions like writing paragraph from statistic charts or completing
stories from a picture etc.


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