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Professional Sleeper

In order to evaluate the comfort of their beds, a hotel in Finland engaged a staff member
to serve as a "professional sleeper." Each night, the person uses a different hotel bed and
reviews them all to determine which one she prefers.

Professional Mourner
Hiring professional mourners is not rare in various societies. The family will engage
professional mourners to attend the funeral service when a significant person passes
away without any friends. The objective is to improve the deceased's reputation.

Paper Towel Sniffer

The paper towel sniffer is a new kind of hero who will make sure that paper towel
producers produce high-quality goods with the right odour. Not all heroes have capes,
but if you like to sniff paper, you could make $52,000 per year doing it.

Dog Surfing Instructor

Unbelievable as it may seem, there is a market for teaching dogs to surf. Professionals
are hired to instruct owners and their pets in surfing. Additionally, instructors who
specialize in teaching dogs can make about $13 per hour.
Fake Wedding Guest
These are guests who are paid to show up at weddings in order to make the occasion
appear busy and give the bride, groom, or both a positive social image. .

Airplane Painter

Vomit Cleaner
Your breakfast is certain to come out the wrong way on some roller coasters since they
dip, rise, and turn at such odd angles. Since the owners of amusement parks were aware
of this, this position was created.
Golf-Ball Diver
Golfers spend more time retrieving balls than hitting them. For those out-of-reach ones
in water hazards, courses employ Golf-Ball Divers that are responsible to find and pick
up the missing ball

Professional Pusher
Japan is indeed a hardworking nation. It makes sure that its entire people reach work on
time and that’s why Japan has employed people to push others onto trains so that
nobody’s late for work. I love this country!

Deodorant Tester
If you have a habit of poking your nose into other people’s business, there is a
wonderful job for you! Deodorant testers poke their noses into other people’s armpits to
test the odour-fighting powers of deodorants. Now that’s what you call a stinking job.

Bicycle Fishers

Amsterdam is the most bicycle friendly capital city of the world. It’s no surprise then
hat a lot of these two-wheelers end up in one of the canals, thus giving rise to another
profession – the bicycle fisher. Each year Amsterdam fishes out around 14,000 rusty
bikes from its waterways.
Professional Panda Fluffer, China

The thing with Pandas is that they are extremely lazy animals. They don’t move around
much except for when it comes to eating. So even for them to mate, they need human
help. The exact job of the fluffer is to cuddle and frisk them so that they get excited and
move around. People say that of all the professional jobs and businesses in the world,
this is the most satisfying. We can only imagine why?!

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