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Renewable Energy, Vol. 6, No. 5 ~ , pp.

659 662, 1995

~ ) Pergamon Elsevier Science Ltd

Printed in Great Britain





This Seminar was held at Brasenose College, Oxford University between 1 and 7 April 1995. It commenced on
Saturday evening with a small reception, followed by dinner.
On Sunday, I gave two lectures during the morning and in the afternoon a trip was arranged to visit
London and the Science Museum. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings were taken up by lectures and
discussions. On Wednesday afternoon, a trip was made to Cardiff to visit a wind farm. On Thursday, we had
a full day with additional lectures and discussion. In the evening we had a small reception followed by an
excellent dinner, where certificates and congress bags, with proceedings, were handed to each participant.
There were 14 participants from 11 countries: the U.K., Belgium, the U.S.A., Sweden, Poland, the Czech
Republic, Indonesia, Jamaica, Brazil, China, and Egypt and 17 speakers from four countries.
Each evening after dinner, the participants would assemble at the gate of the College and then go for an
evening social which included a tour of famous places in Oxford.
The speakers were : on Sunday--Prof. A. A. M. Sayigh ; on M o n d a y ~ D r F. A1-Chalaby, Dr H. DuMoulin,
Dr N. Trotz, and Dr L. Kazmerski ; on Tuesday --Dr I. Mays (two lectures), Dr L. Kazmerski, Dr D. Webb,
and Dr A. Gillet ; on Wednesday--Prof. C. Granqvist (two lectures) and Prof. B. Norton ; and on Thursday--
Dr D. Hicks, Mr G. Martin, Mr T. Sleginger, Dr C. Muscatt, Dr D. Bennett, Dr White, and Dr N. Pearsall.
The Seminar was very well run and co-ordinated. Both Mrs Marina Coye and myself were in attendance at
all times, The food was very good and the accommodation very comfortable.

Some of the participants at the WREN/British Council Seminar in Oxford.

660 WREN Newsletter

This Seminar was run for the second time--the first was at Reading in March 1994. It is going to be repeated
in 1996.
I take this opportunity to thank all the speakers for their excellent presentations and all the participants for
making it a truly rewarding experience. My thanks are also extended to Mr Graham Millington, International
Seminar Director, British Council, and Mrs Marina Coye, Director of Reading British Council Office.
The seminar's activities were well within WREN's responsibility, since :

WREN is a network of worldwide organisations promoting environmentally safe and econo-

mically sustainable renewable energy. WREN has been established to support and enhance the
utilisation and implementation of renewable energy sources, to further the communication and
technical education of scientists, engineers, technicians and managers in this field and to address
itself to the energy needs of both developing and developed countries. WREN was established
in 1992 during the second World Renewable Energy Congress at Reading, U.K. Its Secretary
General is Prof. A. A. M. Sayigh, and it has an executive committee from all regions of the
world. WREN is affiliated to UNESCO.


This Seminar was held between 17 and 20 May 1995 at the University of Kebangsaan, near Kuala Lumpur,
and was organised by the University's Faculty of Science. The Seminar was officially co-ordinated by Tenaga
Kebangsaan and was sponsored by Bilik Mesyuarat, Fakulti Sains Fizis dam Gunaan, Bangunan Dewan
Kuliah Utama and the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Internationally, it was sponsored by the Common-
wealth Science Council and the World Renewable Energy Network--WREN.
The Organising Committee came from the Institute of Energy, Malaysia, and the University of Kebangsaan,
Malaysia, and included the following : Prof. Dr Baharudin Yatim ( U K M ) - - C h a i r m a n ; Prof. Dr Mohd Yusof
Hj. Othman (UKM)--Secretary ; Prof. Madya Dr Muhammad Mat Salleh--UKM ; Dr Ramli O m a r - - U K M ;
It. Fuad A b a s - - U K M ; Dr Roslan Abd. S h u k u r - - U K M ; Dr Ahmad Zaharim Abdul A z i z - - U K M ; En.
Abdul Aziz Abd. R a h m a n - - J B E G ; Dr Malylm Pereira--PETRONAS; Dr Hoi Why K o n g - - F R I M ; En.
Zahari I b r a h i m - - U K M ; Prof. Madya Dr Masjuki H a s s a n - - U M ; En. Ahmad Sahdzli Abd. W a h a h - - T M B ;
Pn. Azni Zain A h m e d - - I T M ; Dr Fauzian Sulaiman--USM ; En. Zainazlan Mad. Z a i n - - I T M ; and En. Hozi
Abd. R a h m a n - - P P K .
The Seminar was opened by Ir. Mohd Annas Hj. Mohd Nor, Director General of Electricity and Gas, on
behalf of the Minister of Energy of Malaysia.
The Seminar was attended by 36 participants. The Commonwealth Science Council sponsored the following
four scientists to go to Malaysia and these scientists were selected by The World Renewable Energy Network
(WREN): Dr Larry Kazmerski--NREL, Vice-Chairman of WREN for the Americas; Mr Pradeep Chat-
urvedi--Indian Association for the Advancement of Science, Vice-Chairman of WREN for Asia ; Dr Simon
Powles--Renewable Energy Systems Ltd, U.K. (representing Dr Ian Mays), Vice-Chairman of WREN for
Europe; and Prof. Ali Sayigh, Secretary General of WREN.
The Secretary General of WREN and Dr Kazmerski gave another Seminar on Thursday morning at the
MARA Institute of Technology, organised by Zainazlan b. Md Zain and attended by 20 participants. The
Dean of Engineering, Dr Sulong Ahmad Kamaruddin was present and took the guests around the Institute.
On the same day another meeting took place between the foreign delegates and the Vice-Chancellor of the
University Kebangsaan, Prof. Sham Sani, in the presence of Prof. bn. Yatim and Professor Othman.
On Monday, the Secretary General of WREN gave a lecture on Renewable Energy at the University
Pertanian Malaysia, Physics Department, which was attended by 16 participants including the Deputy Dean,
Prof. Yusuf Sulaiman. The lecture was organised by Dr Mahdi Abdul Wahab.
On Friday, a meeting took place between the Secretary General of WREN and Mr Mohd Nor, Director
General of Electricity and Gas in Malaysia in the presence of Prof. Othman and Mr Abdul Aziz bin Abdul
Rahman, Principal Assistant Director of Electricity and Gas in Malaysia.
WREN Newsletter 661

lr. M o h d N o r has agreed to be a member of the U p p e r W R E N Council. A photograph of him opening the
Seminar and another photograph showing the other three foreign guests appear below.
I take this opportunity to thank Dr Trotz, Secretary General of The C o m m o n w e a l t h Science Council, for

His Excellency the Director General of Electricity and Gas in Malaysia, Mr Mohd Nor at the opening
ceremony of the Seminar.

Dr Kazmerski, Dr Powles and Mr Chaturvedi. front left, among participants of the Seminar.
662 WREN Newsletter

his support in sponsoring this Seminar ; the Vice-Chancellor of Kebangsaan, Prof. Sham Sani, for his kindness
and support ; and Prof. bin Yatim, Dean of the Faculty of Science and his Deputy, Prof. Othman, for their
excellent organisation and hospitality. Finally, my thanks go to all of my colleagues from WREN who, despite
their heavy schedules, managed to be with me in Malaysia.
I would like to thank all the participants and especially my friend and a vital member of WREN, En. Ahmad
Shadzli Abd. Wahan, Tenaga National Berhad Electric Company, who managed to convey our wish to his
Director General, Tan Sri Dato (Dr) Hj. Ani bin Arope that he become a member of the utility Council of
WREN and also our thanks for his hospitality.
Congress Chairman
Secretary General of WREN

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