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Ben Pakulski Presents…

High / Low Threshold

WEEK 6 1

Legal Disclaimer

The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counseling. The information should be used in conjunction with
the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to
obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to
accept full responsibility for your actions.

By continuing with the program you recognize that despite all precautions on the part of Pakulski Fitness International, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur
because of your use of the aforementioned information, and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against
Pakulski Fitness International, or its affiliates, as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program. 2


Day 36 Day 37 Day 38 Day 39 Day 40 Day 41 Day 42

(e.g; Mon) (e.g; Tue) (e.g; Wed) (e.g; Thur) (e.g; Fri) (e.g; Sat) (e.g; Sun)

Chest & Back Arms & Posterior Chain

Week 6 Off or Cardio Legs Torso Vertical Off or Cardio
Horizontal Shoulders & Traps 3
Week 6

Day 37 - Horiozontal, Chest & Back Approx. Workout Time: 65 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

A1 One-Arm DB Rows 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90

A2 BB Bench Press 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90

B1 Seated Cable Rows, Overhand-Grip 5 8-10 4-0-1-0 10

B2 Seated Cable Rows, Neutral-Grip 5 8-10 3-1-1-0 10

Elbows High, Seated Cable Rows, Overhand-Grip

B3 5 15-17 2-1-1-0 90
(Pull toward ears)

C1 30º Inc. DB Press (neutral-grip) 5 8-10 4-1-1-0 10

C2 Flat DB Chest Press with Internal Rotation 5 8-10 4-1-1-0 10

C3 30º Flat DB Flyes with Internal Rotation 5 15-17 2-1-1-0 90 4
Week 6

Day 38 - Arms & Shoulders Approx. Workout Time: 85 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

A1 Seated 'Supinating' DB Curls 5 4-6 4-0-1-1 60

One-Arm Rope Tricep Pushdowns / Pressdowns,

A2 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 60

B1 45º Inc. DB Hammer Curls 5 6-8 3-0-1-0 10

B2 Seated Zottman Curls 5 6-8 4-0-1-0 10

B3 30º Prone Inc. DB Hammer Curls 5 14-16 2-0-1-0 60

Overhead Cable / Rope Extensions (facing away

C1 5 8-10 4-0-1-0 10
from apparatus)

Rope Tricep Pushdowns / Pressdowns, Neutral-

C2 5 8-10 3-0-1-0 10
Grip (rotate hands apart at the bottom)

C3 Lying DB Tricep Extensions 5 14-16 2-0-1-0 60

D1 One-Arm Cable Lateral Raises 5 8-10 2-2-1-0 10

One-Arm DB Lateral Raises (with "thick" bar if

D2 5 8-10 2-2-1-0 10

D3 One-Arm Poliquin Raises 5 12-15 2-2-1-0 60 5
Week 6

Day 39 - Legs Approx. Workout Time: 65 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

A1 BB Back Squats 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90

Lying Leg Curls, Body Extended (dorsiflex feet on

A2 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90
the way up, plantar-flex going down)

B1 BB Back Squats - heels elevated 5 8-10 4-0-1-0 10

B2 DB Lunges (Quad Emphasis) 5 8-10 3-0-1-0 10

B3 Leg Extensions 5 15-17 2-0-1-2 120

C1 Seated Leg Curls - toes pointed away 5 6-8 4-0-1-1 10

Seated Leg Curls - toes pulled to shins & keep

C2 5 6-8 3-0-1-0 10

C3 Stiff-Leg Deadlifts (knees slightly bent) 5 15-17 3-0-1-0 120 6
Week 6

Day 40 - Vertical Torso Approx. Workout Time: 63 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)

A1 Wide-Grip Pull-Ups 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90

A2 Standing BB Overhead Press 5 4-6 4-0-1-0 90

B1 Wide-Grip Lat Pulldowns, Overhand-Grip 5 8-10 4-0-1-0 10

B2 Reverse-Grip Lat Pulldowns 5 8-10 3-1-1-0 10

B3 Dec. BB Pullovers (lat focus) 5 15-17 2-1-1-0 90

C1 60º Inc. DB Press - Neutral grip 5 8-10 4-1-1-0 10

45º Inc. DB Press - Pronating (palms facing at the

C2 5 8-10 4-1-1-0 10
bottom, rotate on the way up)

C3 High Inc. DB Front Raises 5 15-17 2-1-1-0 90 7
Week 6

Day 41 - Posterior Chain & Traps Approx. Workout Time: 54 mins

Target Rest
Exercise Sets * Tempo Set / Weight / Reps
Reps (secs)
Snatch Grip Deficit Deadlifts (lower back
A1 emphasis) - elevate feet 2-3", hands as wide apart 5 6-8 5-0-1-1 60
as possible

A2 Supported One-Arm DB Rows with Elbow ‘Out’ 5 6-8 4-0-1-0 60

45º Leg Press - feet high (greater range of motion)

B1 5 8-10 4-0-1-0 60
- shoulder-width apart

B2 Standing DB Shrugs 5 8-10 2-0-1-2 60

C1 Barbell Good Mornings- feet narrow 5 10-12 3-1-1-0 60

C2 Rope Face Pulls 5 10-12 2-0-1-0 60 8

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