Assignment # 1

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Assignment Title: Introduction to Materials Extraction

Objective: The objective of this assignment is to familiarize students with the fundamental principles,
processes, and techniques involved in the extraction of materials. Through this assignment, students will
explore various methods used to extract materials from their natural sources and understand the significance of
each method in different industries.
1. Research Component:
 Choose one material from the following list:
 Iron ore
 Gold
 Conduct research to understand the following:
 Geological occurrence and distribution of the chosen material.
 Primary methods used for extraction.
 Chemical and physical processes involved in extraction.
 Environmental impacts associated with extraction.
 Economic significance and industrial applications of the material.
2. Presentation:
 Prepare a concise presentation summarizing your research findings.
 Include visual aids such as diagrams, charts, or images to enhance understanding.
 Your presentation should cover the following points:
 Introduction to the chosen material and its significance.
 Methods of extraction, including any variations or advancements.
 Environmental considerations and sustainability issues.
 Economic importance and global trends related to the material.
 Aim for a duration of 7-10 minutes for the presentation.
3. Written Report:
 Write a brief report (500-700 words) expanding on the content of your presentation.
 Include references to credible sources used for your research.
 Your report should provide detailed insights into the extraction process, its challenges, and
potential future developments.
4. Reflection:
 Reflect on the ethical considerations associated with the extraction of your chosen material.
 Discuss potential alternative methods or technologies that could mitigate environmental impacts
or improve sustainability.
Submission Guidelines:
 Submit your presentation slides along with your written report as a single document.
 Ensure that all sources are properly cited using a standard citation format (APA, MLA, etc.).
 Submit your assignment by [Insert Submission Deadline].
Assessment Criteria:
 Depth of research and understanding of the chosen material.
 Clarity and organization of the presentation.
 Use of appropriate visual aids to support key points.
 Analysis of environmental and ethical considerations.
 Critical thinking and exploration of alternative solutions.
Note: Feel free to reach out if you need clarification on any aspect of the assignment. Good luck!

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