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Rock is a subjective term. Karl Terzaghi (1946) arbitrarily defined rock as any natural
material having compressive strength >4000 psi (i.e. >28 MPa), which is same as structural
concrete. The problems of rock mechanics are mainly associated with intact rocks. Hence it is
necessary to classify the rock based on in-situ properties. The behavior of rockmass subjected to
change in stress due to change in physical conditions due to construction of some superstructures
or excavation of tunnel etc. is governed by mechanical properties of the intact rockmass &
number and nature of geological discontinuities present in the mass.
The term rockmass refers to any in-situ rock with all inherent geomechanical
anisotropies. Hence for considering rockmass for engineering purpose it is necessary to
schematize or classify their structure, composition and state as well as specific behavior due to
influence of various factors. When classifying rocks one of the primary tasks should be to
classify and define them not only in terms of their essential physical and geological
characteristics but also in terms of their mechanical behavior in response to various forms of
applied forces.
Rockmass classifications were developed to create in site investigation procedures more
systematic and effective. Idea of classification is not to replace analytical studies, field
observations, measurements or engineering judgment but to have a common basis for
categorizing into different groups.
Rockmass classification schemes have been developing for over 100 years since Ritter
(1879) first attempted to formalize an empirical approach to tunnel design, in particular for
determining support requirements. Several classification systems have been developed but none
is universally accepted. Because response of an earth material to dynamic load is quite different
from that which it develops in response to static loads. But efforts are there to bring about a
system which can universally be accepted.
Different classification systems place different emphases on the various parameters, and
it is recommended that at least two methods be used at any site during the early stages of a


1. To identify the most important parameters influencing the rockmass.
2. To divide a particular rockmass into groups of similar behavior.
3. To provide a basis for understanding the characteristics of each group.
4. To relate experiences of rock conditions at one site to those at another.
5. To yield quantitative data for engineering design.
6. To provide a common basis for effective communication among all concerned persons in a



1. It should be simple, easily remembered and understandable.
2. Each term should be clear and the terminology used is widely accepted by engineers and
3. The most significant properties of the rockmass should be included.
4. It should be based on measurable parameters which can be determined by relevant tests
quickly and cheaply in the field.
5. It should be based on rating system that weights the relative importance of classification
6. It should be functional by providing quantitative data for design of rock support.


(A) Based on Grain Size:
1. Coarse grained rock
2. Medium grained rock
3. Fine grained rock.
(B) Based on Chemical Composition:
1. Organic rock
2. Inorganic rock.
(C) Based on Origin:
1. Igneous rock
2. Sedimentary rock
3. Metamorphic rock.
(D) Based on Chemical Changes due to temperature & pressure:
1. Plastic rock
2. Non-plastic rock.


The basis of engineering classification of rocks was uniaxial compressive strength and
modulus of elasticity. Based on UCS, the rock is classified as class A, B, C, D and E. the
compressive strength value is based on the results of the specimen having L:D ratio of at least 2.
It may be observed from the following table that strength of different classes follow a geometric
Deer and Miller (1966) has given below table for classification of rocks in different
Class Description Strength (UCS) Rock Material Examples
A Very High Strength > 220 Diamond, quartzite, dense basalt, diabase,
majority of igneous rocks, granite, strong
metamorphic rocks.
B High Strength 110 – 220 Fine grained sandstone, majority of
limestone, dolomite, hard shale.


Class Description Strength (UCS) Rock Material Examples

C Medium Strength 55 – 110 Many shales, Sandstone, Limestone,
schistose, variety of metamorphic rocks.
D Low Strength 28 – 55 Generally porous, low density rocks, friable
sandstone, clay shale etc.
E Very Low Strength < 28 All weathered and chemically altered rocks
of any lithology.

Following table gives the classification of the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Rocks as
per Commission on standardization, International Society of Rock Mechanics, ISRM, 1978:
Description Uniaxial Compressive Strength
Soil < 0.25
Extremely Low Strength 0.25 – 1
Very Low Strength 1–5
Low Strength 5 – 25
Medium Strength 25 – 50
High Strength 50 – 100
Very High Strength 100 – 250
Extremely High Strength > 250


Rocks can be classified based on their relative hardness. Hardness of rock depends upon
the strength of chemical bond. For evaluation of rock hardness, Moh’s hardness scale is the
standard of relative hardness. Based on one rock can be scratched by the other, the Moh’s scale
of hardness has been developed. Following table describes the hardness of different minerals:
Hardness Mineral Scratching Characteristics
1. Talc Softest, can be scratched by figure nail.
2. Gypsum Can be scratched by figure nail.
3. Calcite A copper coin or brass pin can scratch.
4. Fluorite A pen knife (steel point) can scratch it easily.
5. Apatite Can be scratched by knife. (a window glass may by H=5.5 on MSH)
6. Orthoclase Can be scratched by a knife blade of good quality steel. (a hardened
(Feldspars) steel file may be rated as 6.5 H)
7. Quartz Can be scratched by Topaz. (scratches steel and glass)
8. Topaz Can be scratched by corundum, great hardness.
9. Corundum Can be scratched by diamond, harder than any other natural mineral
except diamond. It is used as industrial abrasive.
10. Diamond The hardest substance.



The Rock Quality Designation index (RQD) was developed by Deere (Deere et al 1967)
to provide a quantitative estimate of rock mass quality from drill core logs. RQD is defined as
the percentage of intact core pieces longer than 10cm in the total length of core. The core should
be at least NW size (54.7 mm or 2.15 inches in diameter) and should be drilled with a double-
tube core barrel. In such a case the effect of rock weakness are taken into account; because if the
rock will be weak then cores will not be a bigger length. At the same time due to joints, fractures,
etc. also the core will be lesser dimensions. Thus RQD gives good assessment for the quality of
rock. Rock Quality Designation (RQD) can be calculated by using the following formula:
𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑠 >10𝑐𝑚 𝑖𝑛 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ
RQD = ( ) × 100 (%)
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑢𝑛

The reliability of this index of fracturity, however, effected by (a) diameter of core & (b)
the workmanship experience and skill of drilling crew. Hence for RQD, a standardize diameter
of 50mm desirable.
RQD is a measure to quantify the discontinuity spacing and qualitative identification of
rockmass. The following is an idea about the ratings of RQD for various rock type conditions:

RQD Condition of Rock

0 – 25 Very poor
25 – 50 Poor
50 – 75 Fair
75 – 90 Good
90 – 100 Excellent

RQD is intended to represent the rockmass quality in situ. When using diamond drill
core, care must be taken to ensure that fractures, which have been caused by handling or the
drilling process, are identified and ignored when determining the value of RQD.

Figure 3.1 Diagrammatic representation of a typical rock sample recovered from a Bore hole


= 66 %

For RQD calculations, one need to use only the natural joints, proper check should be
done to identify any man made fractures in the core pieces during drilling or handling operation.
There is some difference between natural discontinuities and will normally be planar, discolored,
weathered, usually form in sets and sometimes in filled with clay or gouge material. On the other
hand, manmade fractures will normally be irregular and fresh usually random.


Z. T. Bieniawski originally developed the details of rockmass classification system in
1972-73 at South Africa based upon case histories drawn from civil engineering, and then
modified in 1989. It is called as the Geomechanics Classification or the Rock Mass Rating
(RMR) system. Bieniawski’s RMR system based on the following six parameters:
1. Strength of intact rock material (15)
2. Rock Quality Designation (20)
3. Spacing of discontinuities (20) (100)
4. Condition of discontinuity (30)
5. Groundwater condition (15)
6. Effect of orientation of discontinuities (rating adjustments)
In applying this classification system, the rock mass is divided into a number of structural
regions and each region is classified separately. The boundaries of the structural regions usually
coincide with a major structural feature such as a fault or with a change in rock type. In some
cases, significant changes in discontinuity spacing or characteristics, within the same rock type,
may necessitate the division of the rock mass into a number of small structural regions.
The joint spacing includes all discontinuities, and joint condition includes separation,
surface roughness, their continuity, wall condition, presence of the type of filling material, etc.
For various ranges of each parameter a rating value is allotted and the overall RMR is
obtained by adding the values of the ratings determined by the individual parameters. Ratings to
the above six parameters were allotted from the total ratings of 100 based on their relative
Bieniawski’s Geomechanics Classification of jointed rockmass is given in following


Effect of discontinuity strike and dip orientation in tunneling

Strike Drive with Dip Drive with Dip Drive against Dip Drive against Dip
perpendicular to (45º - 90º) (20º - 45º) (45º - 90º) (20º - 45º)
tunnel axis Very favorable Favorable Fair Unfavorable
Strike parallel to Dip 45º - 90º Dip 20º - 45º Dip 0º - 20º irrespective of strike
tunnel axis Very Unfavorable Fair Fair
A generalized guideline for supporting system has been shown in following table:
Class RMR Characteristics Requirement of Supports
of Rock
I 100 - 81 Very Good Rock Support is generally not required.
II 80 - 61 Good Rock Roof bolting may be used.
Roof bolting, roof stitching, yieldable steel props etc.
III 60 - 41 Fair Rock
can be used.
Steel arch, W-strap along with roof bolts etc. may be
used. Wire netting may also be used if necessary along
IV 40 - 21 Poor Rock
with roof bolts, yieldable steel props can also be used
wherever necessary.
V 0 - 20 Very Poor Rock Steel arch shall be used at a very close spacing.


 Limitations of Bieniawski RMR System:

1. This RMR system cannot be used reliably in weak rock condition because it is mostly
based on case histories of competent rock.
2. This system is not useful for deciding excavation meythod.


This CMRI-ISM geomechanics classification system is developed by Shri.
Venkateshwarlu (former Director of CMRI) in 1989. It is based on the Bieniawski’s RMR
system. In this system, following five parameters are used to classify a rockmass using the RMR
system, for designing the support system in underground coal mines. Each of the five parameters
is assigned a value corresponding to the characteristics of the rock. These values are derived
from the field surveys and laboratory tests. The sum of the five parameters is the RMR value
which lies between 0 and 100.
1. Layer thickness (30)
2. Structural features (25)
3. Weatherability of rock (20) (100)
4. Strength of rock (15)
5. Groundwater seepage (10)
The following table gives the CMRI-ISM geomechanics classification system applicable
for coal mines in India:
Parameter Range of values
1 Layer thickness (cm) < 2.5 2.5 - 7.5 7.5 - 20 20 - 50 > 50
Rating 0-5 6 - 12 13 - 20 21 - 26 27 - 30
2 Structural features (Index) > 14 11 - 14 7 - 11 4-7 0-4
Rating 0-4 5 - 10 11 - 16 17 - 21 22 - 25
3 Weatherability (I (%) < 60 60 - 85 85 - 97 97 - 99 > 99
cycle slake Rating 0-3 4-8 9 - 13 14 - 17 18 - 20
durability index)
4 Strength of the (kg/cm2) < 100 100 - 300 300-600 600 – 900 > 900
rock Rating 0-2 3-6 7 - 10 11 - 13 14 - 15
5 Groundwater (ml/min.) > 2000 2000 - 200 200 - 20 20 - 0 dry
seepage Rating 0-1 2-4 5-7 8-9 10
Rock Mass Rating, RMR 0- 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 - 60 - 70 - 80 - 90 -
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Description Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
Based on the geotechnical studies of above five parameters, RMR of immediate roof is
calculated by the weighted average method. These five parameters should be determined
individually for all the rock types in the roof. If there is more than one rock type in the roof,
RMR is evaluated separately for each rock type and the combined RMR is obtained as:

∑(𝑅𝑀𝑅 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑑 ×𝑏𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠)

Combined RMR =
∑(𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑑)


The RMR so obtained may be adjusted if necessary to take account for some special situations in
the mine like depth, stress, method of working, gallery span. The RMR adjustment parameters
Sr. No. Parameter Adjustments
1. Depth 0 to 30 %
2. Lateral stress 0 to 20 %
3. Induced stress 0 to 30 %
4. Method of extraction +10 to -10 %
5. Gallery span 0 to 20 %

1. Developed by Z. T. Bieniawski during 1. Developed by Shri. Venkateshwarlu
1972-73 in South Africa, then modified in (former Director of CMRI) during 1989 in
1989. India.
2. It is specifically used for hard rock 2. It is specifically used for determining RMR
formations (other than coal). of coal measure strata.
3. In India, this classification system is used 3. In India, this classification system is
for designing support system in specially used for designing support system
metalliferous mining deposits. in coal mining deposits.
4. It is dominant to the geological conditions 4. It is majoritily focusing on the geotechnical
of the strata. parameters of the strata.
5. It depends upon the following parameters: 5. It depends upon the following parameters:
a) Strength of intact rock material (15) a) Layer thickness (30)
b) Rock Quality Designation (20) b) Structural features (25)
c) Spacing of discontinuities (20) c) Weatherability of rock (20)
d) Condition of discontinuity (30) d) Strength of rock (15)
e) Groundwater condition (15) e) Groundwater seepage (10)
f) Rating adjustment for discontinuity f) Adjustment factors depending on
orientation. geotechnical conditions.
6. Rockmass classification based on RMR is 6. Rockmass classification based on RMR is
as under: as under:
RMR Class Description RMR Class Description
100 – 81 I Very Good 80 – 90 I-A
Very Good
80 – 61 II Good 90 – 100 I-B
60 – 41 III Fair 60 – 70 II-A
40 – 21 IV Poor 70 – 80 II-B
0 – 20 V Very Poor 40 – 50 III-A
50 – 60 III-B
20 – 30 IV-A
30 – 40 IV-B
0 – 10 V-A
Very Poor
10 – 20 V-B



 RMR System (Venkateshwarlu et al., 1989)
1. Layer Thickness:
 Layer thickness is the spacing of the horizontal discontinuities in the immediate roof
strata. It can be measured wherever roof exposures are available.
 Spacing between the bedding planes or planes of discontinuities should be measured
using borehole siratascope in a 2.0 m long drill hole made in the roof.
 Core drilling should be attempted wherever feasible, and the core log can be used to
evaluate layer thickness.
 Sometimes, an artificial fall may be induced by a single round of drilling and blasting.
 Measurements should be made in each rock unit in the immediate roof; such
measurements should be made in at least 10 different places in the area under survey.
2. Structural Features:
 Random geological mapping should be carried in each panel/district of the mine, and
all the geological features (discontinuities, sedimentary features, etc.) should be noted
with specific emphasis on their relative orientation, spacing and degree of abundance.
 Their influence on gallery stability should be assessed; and accordingly, the structural
index for each feature shall be determined from the Table below:
Feature Value Index
1 Major faults cutting across net > 10 m 15
the gallery displacement
2 to 10 8
<1m 5
Frequent Occasional
2 Presence of sedimentary lateral thickness 3 1
features variations
sandstone channels 6 3
kettlebottoms 4 3
plant impressions 3 1
ball coal 4 1
Orientation Orientation not
Spacing unfavourable unfavourable
3 Presence of minor <5m 10 5
>5m 7 3
[For joints with less than 2 mm aperture, the ratings may be reduced by 1]
4 Occurrence of joints / single set 6 4
cleats < 30 cm two sets 7 6
> two sets 8 8
single set 5 2
> 30 cm two sets 6 4
> two sets 6 6
 Index for structural features = sum of indices for individual features


3. Weatherability of Rock:
 Weatherability is expressed in terms of the Slake Durability Index.
 For this, the standard laboratory slake durability test should be carried out on fresh
samples of roof rock collected from the field.
 Weigh exactly ten pieces of the irregular sample; place them in the test drum
immersed in water, rotate for 10 minutes; dry, and weigh the material retained in the
drum; take mean of three values of the first cycle slake durability index (in %).
4. Rock Strength:
 Standard uniaxial compressive strength test should be conducted in the laboratory to
determine the strength of the roof rocks.
 Alternately, point load test can be carried out in the field itself.
 Place any irregular sample of the roof rock between the pointed platens of the
portable point load tester; apply load gently but steadily; record load at failure (in kg)
and measure distance between the platens (in cm).
Point Load Index:
IPL = load at failure (P) / square of distance between the platens (d2)
Note: The specimen should have a length‐to‐height ratio of roughly 2:1.
The test should be conducted on at least 10 samples, and the mean of the highest five
values should be taken.
σc =14 IPL (for coal measures rocks); take mean of ten values (unit kg/cm2).
5. Groundwater Seepage:
 Groundwater seepage from the roof strata is measured by drilling a 2 m long vertical
hole in the immediate roof.
 Measure the water dripping through the hole after half an hour of drilling (to allow
for clearing of any gummings from the hole).
 Take average of three values from three holes; express in milliliters/minute.
The sub-rating in between the RMR parameters is given in below Table:
Layer thickness Structural I cycle slake Rock strength Groundwater
Rating indices durability seepage rate
(cm) (%) (kg/cm2) (m/minute)
0 0.0 - 0.4 > 16 0 – 30 0 - 30 5000 - 10000
1 0.4 - 0.8 16 30 – 40 30 - 65 2000 - 5000
2 08 - 1.2 40 – 50 65 - 100 800 - 2000
3 1.2 - 1.6 15 50 – 60 100 - 150 500 - 800
4 1.6 - 2.0 60 – 65 150 - 200 200 - 500
5 2.0 - 2.5 14 65 – 70 200 - 250 140 - 200
6 2.5 - 3.1 70 – 75 250 - 300 80 - 140
7 3.1 - 3.7 13 75 – 80 300 - 375 20 - 80
8 3.7 - 4.3 12 80 – 85 375 - 450 10 - 20
9 4.3 - 5.0 11 85 - 87.4 450 - 525 moist - 10
10 5.0 - 5.6 87.4 - 89.8 525 - 600 dry
11 5.6 - 6.2 10 89.8 - 92.2 600 - 700
12 6.2 - 6.8 9 92.2 - 94.6 700 - 800


Layer thickness Structural I cycle slake Rock strength Groundwater

Rating indices durability seepage rate
(cm) (%) (kg/cm2) (m/minute)
13 6.8 - 7.5 8 94.6 - 97.0 800 - 900
14 7.5 - 9.0 7 97.0 - 97.5 900 - 1500
15 9.0 - 10.5 97.5 - 98.0 1500 - 2500
16 10.5 - 12.0 6 98.0 - 98.5
17 12.0 - 13.6 5 98.5 - 99.0
18 13.6 - 15.3 99.0 - 99.3
19 15.3 - 17.0 4 99.3 - 99.6
20 17 - 19 99.6 – 100
21 19 - 22 3
22 22 - 25
23 25 - 30 2
24 30 - 35 1
25 35 - 40 0
26 40 - 45
27 45 - 50
28 50 - 60
29 60 - 75
30 75 - 100
 (𝑅𝑀𝑅 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑑  𝑏𝑒𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠)
Combined RMR =  (𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑑)
The value of combined RMR calculated must be adjusted against the following parameters:
1. Adjustment factor: Depth
Adjustment of RMR Adjusted RMR
< 250 m Nil RMR x 1.0
250 – 400 m 10% reduction RMR x 0.9
400 – 600 m 20% reduction RMR x 0.8
> 600 m 30% reduction RMR x 0.7
2. Adjustment factor: Lateral Stress
Small 10% reduction RMR x 0.9
Moderate 20% reduction RMR x 0.8
High 30% reduction RMR x 0.7
3. Adjustment factor: Induced Stress
No adjacent working in seam Nil RMR x 1.0
Extraction areas within 20-40m in same seam 10% reduction RMR x 0.9
Extraction areas within 10-20m in same seam Upto 30% reduction RMR x (0.7-0.8)
Working with 10-20m parting 10% reduction RMR x 0.9
Working with 3-10m parting Upto 30% reduction RMR x (0.7-0.8)
4. Adjustment factor: Method of Extraction
Continuous miner 10% addition RMR x 1.1
Undercut and blasting Nil RMR x 1.0
Solid blasting 10% reduction RMR x 0.9
5. Adjustment factor: Gallery Span
< 4.8 m Nil RMR x 1.0
4.8 – 6.0 m 10 – 20 % reduction RMR x (0.8-0.9)


According to the final adjusted value of RMR, the roof of the mine working is
categorized as per following classification:
RMR Class Description
80 – 90 I-A
Very Good
90 – 100 I-B
60 – 70 II-A
70 – 80 II-B
40 – 50 III-A
50 – 60 III-B
20 – 30 IV-A
30 – 40 IV-B
0 – 10 V-A
Very Poor
10 – 20 V-B

 Based on RMR, Rock Load in gallery is calculated as under:

Rock Load = mean rock density  rock load height

(te/m2) (te/m3) (m)
Rock load height = Span  (1.7 – 0.037 RMR + 0.0002 RMR2)
(m) (m)

Rock Load = ρ  W  (1.7 – 0.037 RMR + 0.0002 RMR2) (Te/m2)

 After estimation of RMR of particular mine, the design of support system is given in
following section with one case study of mine “X”:
To characterize the roof conditions at the mine, the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) approach
of roof rock classification was applied (as detailed in below table). The coal shale layers in the
immediate roof upto 6 m thick were considered independently.


The combined RMR was obtained using weighted average method with thickness as the
weighting factor.

per meter length of







(1) Immediate roof of seam is 0.6 to 0.7 m thick layered silty sandstone. The roof is uneven,
and has innumerable plant impressions. Two sets of joints are mapped, the prominent one
having a trend 35°—215°, and the other at right angles to it. The former set is an open joint
set (aperture 2mm) and is more or less parallel to the dip rise galleries, the galleries are 3.6
m. The compressive strength of silty sandstone is 317 kg/cm2; weatherabilty (1 st cycle
slaking index) is 89.7 % and the dry density of rock is 2.215 tons/m3. The gallery
surrounding condition is dry. Classify the roof above gallery and calculate the expected
rock load in gallery and junction.
(2) An underground mine is working with continuous miner at 330m from the surface. The
immediate overlying strata are coal and sandstone having 1.4m and 15m thickness
respectively. The RMR of coal and sandstone is 45 and 56 respectively. The working span
is 5.4m. Calculate the rock load. (Assume of coal and sandstone is 1.41 and 1.83,

(3) Calculate number of resin capsule bolts required at gallery and junction as a support system
by considering RMR 59 with solid blasting. The mine is having horizontal stress problem
and covered 295m. the pillar size is 39.5m  39.5m (centre-to-centre), gallery width is
4.2m, gallery height 3.0m and rock density is 1.83 tons/m3.
(4) Calculate the number of roof bolt to be supported in a continuous miner depillaring panel at
a gallery and splits. Assume the RMR is 44, width of gallery is 4.8m, width of splits is
6.6m, rock density is 2.06 tons/m3. Anchorage capacity of bolt is 20 tons.

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