The $61,000 Breakfast Plate

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The $61,000 Breakfast Plate
How your morning coffee, bowl of cereal,
and maybe a donut on your way to work
can make you $61,275 in just 11 months
Dear Profit-Seeker,

You probably don't see dollar signs when you look down at your breakfast plate in the morning. Yet the single best
investment analyst I know thinks you should.

His name is Eric Roseman. He is the editor of a weekly trading service called Commodity Trend Alert. If the name
sounds familiar, it may be because it's the most successful service of its kind anywhere in the world. The name says it

Commodity refers to many of the things we all use every day to get by... including what's on your breakfast plate -- as
in bacon, eggs, wheat, orange juice and coffee to name a few...

Trend refers to the single most powerful investment force at work in the markets today, the unyielding boom in select
commodities (as you'll see clearly in a moment)...

And then there's the Alert - as in the remarkably profitable weekly investment bulletins Eric has been sending to a
select group of subscribers for the last 18 months- with recommendations that have resulted in....

115% gains in 9 months from the boom in silver

124% gains in 7 months from the surge in palladium
199% in 7 weeks from skyrocketing prices in oil
223% in 10 months from uranium in an ongoing energy surge
292% in 6 weeks from the Atkins-diet drive in beef
151% in 12 months from coal and a cold winter in China 4/6/2005
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and 166% in 16 months from the surging demand for commodities of all types!....
Plus dozens of more double-and triple-digit winners you'll learn about in this letter.

And perhaps the most remarkable part. All these gains were posted during a time period when the S&P tracked down

I'll show you the details of these recommended trades in this letter. I'll also show you exactly why he's been able to
consistently post these kinds of gains even while the stock market has fallen. Most importantly, you'll see for yourself
how the undeniable trends he's identified can help you make even greater profits in the months ahead - no matter what
happens on Wall Street.

In fact, I'll specifically show you how Eric's CTA portfolio could have recently helped you rake in gains of $61,275 in
just under a year. And why I believe he's poised to do it all over again as the trends underlying these recommended
trades are simply gathering steam.

But first, I want to show you where you can find the most profitable investment ideas you'll come across in the next
year - in fact, it was staring you right in the face this morning... and you may not have even realized it.

The Breakfast of Investment Champions

You'll finally be convinced that breakfast is the most important meal of the day when you look at what kind of profits
you could make off a few simple items that absolutely everyone consumes every single day. Stop and think about
your morning routine for a moment...and I'll show you where the money is hiding...

A Hot Cup of Joe...

Main Ingredient? Coffee Beans: You'd never know it when you shell out $3.50 for a latte at Starbucks, but coffee
prices have been at their lowest in 100 years. There's nowhere to go but up - which is exactly the direction prices are
moving. One company that deals in this and other commodities made 166% in the last 14 months for Eric's portfolio...

A Bowl of Cereal...
Main Ingredient? Grain: In the last few years, China has become the largest consumer of commodities in the world.
And it has a huge appetite for grains! It's still early; The Big Grain Gain is just getting underway, but don't wait too 4/6/2005
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long to buy in. The last time this happened, the Soviet Union began to import grain in the early '70s and prices
skyrocketed. The latest addition to Eric's portfolio produces grain and profits in abundance and could triple in the next
12-18 months as grain and other agricultural commodity prices rise.

A Krispy Kreme Delight...

Main Ingredient? Sugar: The biggest U.S. export these days is our lifestyle - and our insatiable sweet tooth. Over the
last 12 months, sugar cane prices have surged 30% and they still have a ways to go before we can call them corrected.
Eric's portfolio includes one of Canada's largest sugar processing companies. It's up 25% in the past nine months,
including dividends. The trust pays a fat 10.5% yield, but it's still trading for a lean $3.20 a share, and will have a
tremendous upside as sugar prices continue to rebound.

The Dreaded Morning Commute...

Main Ingredient? Oil: Think sabotage in Saudi Arabia...War in Iraq... For that matter, just look at all the SUV's lining
the roads, and think about the gas mileage they get! Between the state of the world, and our lust for bigger and faster
cars, our need for oil is quickly outstripping current supply. In March alone you might have pulled in 199% of pure
profits in oil-based equities with one of Eric's top portfolio performers.

Turn Rising Prices into Soaring Profits

My name is Erika Nolan, and I'm the Executive Director of the Sovereign Society.
We are a group of over 10,000 European and American individuals who look for
'I made a quick profit... to emerging or hidden opportunities - particularly those used by the world's wealthiest
cover the first year's 1% -- but that are often inaccessible to average investors. My job is to show our
subscription on my first members how to access these investments - and make extraordinary gains along the
trade.' way - but still maintain the basic security and safety of their capital.
'I found your diversified Today, I want to tell you about something more than just a good stock-picking
picks, commodities and service, or an investment analyst with a great track record. I want to tell you about a
related stocks very trend that is becoming the dominant investment force of this decade...and one that
interesting. I made a quick few people see yet even though it's part of everything they do!
profit sufficient to cover the
first year's subscription on Let Wall Street argue over whether Google is really worth a ridiculous 100 or 200 4/6/2005
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times sales (haven't they learned anything from the 2000 crash?)... or whether
my first trade... Your IGL biotech or nanotech stocks are worth hundreds of times earnings. Eric Roseman is
pick has also been very focusing on an undeniable trend that will take you all the way through the rest of the
interesting. I bought in on decade - blowing past Wall Street's most hyped-up, overvalued stocks.
your recommendation and
after an initial dip, bought For the rest of this decade, the smart money
some more, as it seemed a will be investing in companies producing fast-rising hard assets --
compelling story. I also rather than in overvalued, under-performing paper assets
bought some options at that with nowhere to go but down ...
time, Sept 12.50 calls slightly
out of the money. That Paper assets have tumbled relentlessly in the last few years...and still they don't
investment is now up more have much value. But that doesn't mean you have to give up on the stock market. It
than 200% (in about a does mean that you're looking for a different kind of stock than you were in the 90's.
month). I sold enough today You'll find the money when you find the stocks that are backed up by hard assets,
to cover my original which have been steadily on the rise since 2001.You may not be accustomed to
investment and am holding thinking of commodities as money-makers...yet. But they represent the hottest
the remaining contracts, and hidden values living right under investors' noses - just waiting for someone to pay
of course, holding the stock. attention. Think about it for a minute...
Since I don't have time to do
the research, I am happy to  Even at $2 a gallon, you still fill up your tank for your daily commute...maybe even
pay for what I feel is quality a weekend road trip, right? We all do. But look at how your bottom line changes
material from your service to when you turn that purchase into an investment instead of an expense: When CTA
help increase my potential investors dumped just $5,000 into four of Eric's oil-based trades that closed in the
investment success.' last four months they netted a $15,068 profit. Look at these four easy steps to a five-
-- Glenn S., figure profit...
New Orleans, LA
First, we issued a close out recommendation on Tsakos Energy Navigation
after seeing a 40.65% gain in 10 weeks.
Then, we picked up another 37.41% on Canadian Oil after 12 months.
Duke Energy put up a solid 24.51% in 6 months. Then, Eric hit a major home run and brought the house
Crude Oil Calls March 2005 swept up 199% in just 8 weeks! (This is one of the best parts of how Eric 4/6/2005
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chooses trades - using quick leverage strategies to select options that can bring in a quick profit.)

 Are you cooking up burgers and steaks for dinner more than ever thanks to the Atkins diet? If you'd gotten into
another one of Eric's home runs this past spring, Live Cattle Calls Dec 2004 - opened in April, closed by May -
you'd have made a whopping 292% gain in just 6 weeks! CTA investors on top of that one turned $5,000 into
$19,600 faster than you can say medium-rare...

 You're still using aluminum foil to wrap up your leftovers, right? What you might not realize is how much
demand there is for a non-corrosive and lightweight base metal like aluminum in high-growth countries like
China and India. Or that aluminum is at rock-bottom inventory levels - and rock-bottom prices - and is gearing
up for a surge in the next five months. CTA investors are getting into these trades right now - and preparing to
double or even triple their profits from this sector this year.

Everything we take for granted is a commodity. We only notice them when we don't have them! But when that day
comes, we're willing to pay almost anything to get our hands on the goods we need.

Every single person in every corner of the world is just like you and me - we make dinner, we build houses, we drive
to work. We drink coffee or tea or orange juice. We eat cereals and rice and bread. When the economy gets rough and
you cut corners, you cut back on luxuries. But commodities are the essentials.

An Experienced Global Trader Makes Money In Any


As an experienced global trader, and the editor of a private

investment advisory publication, Commodity Trend Alert, Eric
Roseman shows subscribers how to profit from investments that are
almost completely overlooked by Wall Street-yet are among the top
performers in the world. His opinions are often sought by Canada's 4/6/2005
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CBC Business World, The Canadian Moneysaver, The Sovereign
Individual, The Oxford Communiqué and other leading financial

When you know how to spot and ride a trend - it doesn't matter if the
market is rising or falling, you'll be making profits. That's exactly
how Eric is able to post double and triple digit gains for those who
follow his CTA portfolio. Early in March when oil prices were
zooming up - Eric was right on top of it and CTA subscribers made
199% gain in just five weeks. But now, oil is over the top - and Eric
sees some correction coming down the pike - so he has a trade in play
for that scenario too - and another big gain is on its way.

Eric's trademark is picking consistent winners - making solid gains on

40 of the last 44 trade picks for the CTA portfolio, and a 24% overall
portfolio gain so far this year, compared to less than 1% for the S&P
500 during the same time.

Low Supply + Low Production Capacity + Low Prices + Huge Demand...

Equals Big Profits in Commodities

There are undervalued companies working under the radar of Wall Street to fix the current supply and demand
imbalance. Only a handful of investors know about them right now. They quietly grow, produce, mine, and distribute
the commodities that every household needs - both here and in countries that are working double and triple time to
catch up to us. The companies that can deliver on this demand are the same ones that will make you rich in the
coming decade...

The growing energy demands of developing countries like China and India have already brought an average gain of
96% over the last three years for Eric's subscribers. Eric isn't just riding the oil geyser, either. Energy is about more
than just'll find great picks underpinned by methanol, natural gas, coal, uranium, even alternative energy
sources of the future in the CTA portfolio. Just look at the hand we're holding - and the potential profits waiting when 4/6/2005
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these positions close out...

Italy's ENI Spa France's Total ADR

(+81% since July 2001) (+43% since July 2001)

Fording Canadian Coal Oppenheimer Real Assets

Trust Fund
(+151% since July 2003) (+66% since July 2002)

International Uranium Methanex

(+233% since November (+32% since October
2003) 2003)

Norway's Statoil Petrobras January 2005

(+11% since February 30 calls
2004) (+22% since June 2004)

The severe shortage in the supply of base metals compared to the overwhelming demand is a developing mega-trend
that Eric has let his subscribers in on early. Since 2001, we've seen nickel climb +96%, tin +60%, lead +56%, and
copper +54%... but those are just minor course corrections compared to what we're going to see in the next three years
or more.

If you think uranium is only good for making a nuclear weapon, think again. Fighting cancer, preserving food,
generating energy -- even the smoke detectors in your home need uranium to protect you and your family!
International Uranium Corporation showed their ability to deliver on the demand for this commodity - and it also
delivered a 223% gain to Eric's subscribers in the last 18 far.

Let me take a minute to show you how I know this solid trend will last a decade, and why The Sovereign Society has
dedicated an entire weekly investment alert to grabbing these profits. While average investors will be fighting for
S&P stock scraps - if they can even find any. 4/6/2005
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History shows us why the future for commodities is so bright
Commodity prices are at historic lows. During the bull market in stocks in the eighties and nineties, commodities
languished - both in price, and more importantly, in production capacity.

No one developed a new sugar plantation, or opened up a new offshore drilling rig, or founded a new lead mine. Even
worse, with prices so low, many producers were forced to abandon their crops, their production. They couldn't sustain
themselves through the 20-year bear market in commodities.

At the same time, demand is steadily climbing. China's and India's economies are heating to a boil. There's a war to
support in Iraq. But the hard goods that everyone needs take time and capital to grow and produce.

There's no little San Francisco-based boutique start-up firm of techies that's going to fill the gap in worldwide grain
production. The gap between supply and demand is only going to get worse. While the market corrects itself over the
next decade, prices will go up sharply...and you'll want to be there to reap the profits.

We've picked up on the trend early...but don't think we're the only ones to jump in. Famous 'Commodities will do
conservative billionaire investor Warren Buffet has loaded up on shares of PetroChina. well for years to
Another legendary investor, George Soros, has re-directed a sizable portion of his fortune come, while stocks -
into commodities. Jim Rogers, an investment partner with Soros, launched a commodities recovering from their
index fund that was up 130% in its first year - and hasn't found the ceiling yet. recent bubble - will
move little'
Not that your broker is going to have a handle on getting you into trades that leverage this - Jim Rogers, investor
new bull market. Buy and hold doesn't always apply here - market-neutral strategies that author of Adventure
make money in any market are the best approach. And the average Wall Street type doesn't Capitalist
deal in much beyond the basics.

But if the world's savviest investors, and wealthiest people are all paying more attention to commodities than stocks
and bonds, that's your signal that something big is happening. Take a look at the last 80 or so years of commodities
pricing and you'll see why the smart money is so excited:

Yes, that's the beginning of a long trend upwards in prices you see on the far right. Average investors might look at 4/6/2005
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this picture and want no parts of it. They won't jump in for a few more years, once this trend is all over the news, all
over Wall Street, and the shrewdest investors have already swept the floor of profits.

The Great Commodities Bull Market Is Not A Prediction

It's Already In Swing...and Showing No Signs Of Cooling Off
A few years ago, if I started whispering about commodities in your ear at a cocktail party, you might have politely
brushed me off and moved across the room. Betting on commodities seemed pretty speculative. After all, for 20 years
they did absolutely nothing but fall.

But since October of 2001 there's been a bull market in hard assets that hasn't shown any signs of slowing. Precious
metals like copper and silver....Oil and natural gas... Cotton... Soybeans... Live cattle...Coal...Grain...they've all been
quietly ticking up since the beginning of 2003.

No matter how you look at this market, commodities end up looking good. First, trends generally run in cycles.
Historically, commodities prices make a big leap every 20-30 we're right on time for the next big upswing:

1939 - 1954: raw materials were up 99%

1955 - 1969: they remained the same or even trickled down
1970 - 1981: prices jumped 106%
1982 - 2001: prices trickled so far down they got to record lows - in some cases they were lower than the cost of
production - which slowed or killed production completely.

Here's the thing, we don't need prices to skyrocket again for this to be a bull market. Just a 50% overall increase
during the next decade will be enough to make a lot of people many times that amount. And there's just no way prices
can remain so low with demand so high. It's an economic improbability.

Look at the profits early investors have made so far...

and it's only the beginning
Eric Roseman, an expert on global trends and an advisor to the Sovereign Society, picked up on this trend as soon as
it started - while almost no one else was looking. He came to me and said, 'We need to provide a service that focuses 4/6/2005
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on commodities -- the money's about to start rolling in.'

I'll admit, it took me a little while to come around. But Eric started picking one winning investment after another -
and every single money-making trade pick was based on something that I ate, or drove, or used or wore...

What once seemed obscure and speculative suddenly became obvious: The best opportunities in the world were
staring me in the face every day and I hadn't seen it. As soon as I started really paying attention - all I could see
were the lowest-risk/highest-profit investment opportunities in the world. Even during breakfast...

So the Commodity Trend Alert was born - a weekly advisory for a select group of subscribers who have been quietly
been able to make a killing the past couple of years.

Commodity Trend Alert is not some wildly speculative tip sheet. This is as solid as a trend gets. Take a look at just a
few of the big hits CTA investors have seen this past year...

Big Winner #1:

Chicago Mercantile Exchange At The Right Time For A 371% Gain
No one on Wall Street was paying attention to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) when Eric tipped off his
subscribers. The CME trades four key derivatives, including futures and options on futures.

Since stocks peaked at the end of the 90's, the NYSE has been losing volume - to the tune of 61% since 2000.
Meanwhile, trading volume at the CME is steadily increasing as the bull market in commodities is gearing up. A seat
on the NYSE has gone down $250,000...while a seat at the CME is on the rise.

Since commodities and stocks have a negative correlation to one another, the sector in an upswing isn't hard to spot.

The beauty of this kind of trade is that you don't have to worry about the risks of derivatives, futures, and other ways
of investing in commodities in order to get in on the action. Instead, CTA followers were able to buy stock in the
CME itself - they invested in the services it provides to members and speculators. During the 21 months and counting
that Eric has had CME stock in his recommended portfolio, subscribers who followed his advice on this stock have 4/6/2005
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seen 371% gains.

All the benefit of the commodities bull market...with none of the risks - and a smart way to tie your gains to this

Big Winner #2:

The Future of Water Technology Brings Investors 117% Gains in 14 Months

Water has been called the oil of the 20th century. One company that Eric picked up at a bargain price 14 months ago
saw that trend and jumped on it. They transformed themselves from a paper business in the 1960's, to a more
diversified manufacturing company by the 1990's.

This past year, however, they transformed again into a $2 billion water technology company...and CTA investors
have been along for the ride.

Not only are they at the beginning of the curve in an emerging industry, but China and India are a strong focus in their
business plan for the next five years.

How did Eric know that Pentair was headed for a turnaround...months before the acquisition that turned them into a
major player in the water technology market?

Insider buying...Eric is someone who pays attention to every possible market indicator. So when he heard that
insiders – such as Pentair Chairman Randall J. Hogan himself – was buying up so much company stick that he maxed
out his shares and options -- Eric quicly added Pentair to CTA's weekly Best Buys list.

Just 14 months later, Pentair (PNR-NYSE) has shot up 117%...and is showing no signs of cooling down.

Big Winner #3:

307% Gain in 12 Months Just For Keeping China Warm
China's economic growth isn't exactly a secret. A whopping 8.3% during the first six months of 2003 - and that was 4/6/2005
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during the height of the SARS epidemic. Meanwhile, the world's industrialized nations were barely hitting a growth
rate of 1.5% during the same period. Today it's up to 9.6% and is quickly building to a solid 10% growth rate despite
all efforts to cool their economy down.

So Eric found a way to keep this hot economy warm last winter that you won't believe...

Coal. That's right. It's not pretty and it's not popular here anymore...but for an emerging market that's growing at the
rate that China is, it's the most affordable and abundant source of energy around right now.

Eric happens to live in the heart of China's biggest coal exporter: Canada. He knew the inside scoop on the best
company to fill China's growing need - and turn a nice profit for investor's along the way.

Fording Canadian Coal Trust is structured as a trust unit, similar to REITs in the United States. Over 85% of its
quarterly distributions are paid out as capital gains, not dividends. This provides investors with income, and is a very
tax effective move. Fording paid out an effective 11% annual yield - far better than crashing bonds, preferred or
convertible bonds.

Not to mention the 307% capital gain CTA subscribers have made in just 16 months! That's a gain so far of $15,350
on your $5,000 investment - on top of the generous dividends!

There are dozens of other winners in this portfolio -- ranging from a respectable 22% all the way to an outrageous

But first, let me stress this...

When you hear about the next big winner

you'll be the first one down to the breakfast table every morning...
The run is far from over. Eric has uncovered a new trade that has all the right ingredients to deliver an explosion in
profits in the next year:

Delivering breakfast to billions for the last 100+ years: beans...sugar...soybeans...vegetable 4/6/2005
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oil...flour...without this company, there is no breakfast! When you have spent this much time building infrastructure,
innovating ways to unlock the potential of nature, and feeding much of the world, you know a thing or two about how
to deliver profits in a bull commodities market, too!

Aren't we all sick and tired of these fly-by-night companies that are full of promise, but fall way short of delivering
profits? Worse yet, nobody makes anything anymore - least of all earnings! The dot-com bust taught us all a very big
lesson - when you build your castles on sand, they come tumbling down the minute the sands shift.

This giant sleeper is in the top 5% of the S&P 500, and the top 1% in the food industry - with operations in 71
countries and on 6 continents. It is so undervalued right now that...

 Insiders are loading up: While no one seemed to be paying much attention, this company's top executive
purchased $12 million in stock.
 Share price is down: But earnings are steadily growing, management is strong, and the company is well
diversified among a number of fast rising commodities.
 It's headed for a 200% rise...but it might not stop there: When the true value of this company is recognized,
the share price will climb quickly, and CTA subscribers will be poised to reap the profits.

Eric reveals all the details, and his exact recommendation on this trade in his new CTA Special Report: Four Great
Resource Plays for 2005 that will give you the full analysis on this company. He'll tell you why he thinks they're so
strong...why the time is just right...what demand they fulfill in the global commodities marketplace...and why they are
the right company to deliver.

Plus, he'll give you the inside scoop on another five hot picks he's making right now...every single one of them
perched to bring in healthy returns in the next 12 months.

This report will only be available to current subscribers of the Commodity Trend Alert. I'm going to give you a
chance to join right now and receive your free report immediately.

But first, let me show you what else CTA subscibers enjoyed last year, and give you a glimpse of what you can look
forward to when you join ... 4/6/2005
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Inflation's Back
But With CTA You Won't Lose Purchasing Power --
You'll Make a Fortune From It!
Inflation is looming. Alan Greenspan is afraid of it. George W. Bush
is afraid of it. And the average debt-laden consumer is terrified.

The Feds are doing their part to stave it off by slowly raising interest
rates, but they can't raise them too high or they risk blowing a hole in
the housing bubble they've created. Wall Street is trying to perform
CPR on the market, but they can barely sustain a day's gain without
losing ground the next.

But Commodity Trend Alert subscribers aren't worried a bit. We say,

'Bring it on!' Because we know our investments are sitting on the
right side of the equation to make a mint this decade.

In June of 2004, CBS MarketWatch told the tale about the rising cost
of wholesale food prices, energy, and core producer prices. But the
big news was not when they reported that the rise in commodities
prices were higher than expected -it was when they said the increase
caught economists off guard!*

It shouldn't have. Yes, everyone knows that oil prices are at record
highs...but that's not the only place where we are seeing this
inflationary trend. The numbers tell the tale...copper (+54%), tin
(+60%), scrap steel (+121%). It's not just a run on base metals
either...we've seen big rises in coal (151%), uranium (233%). 4/6/2005
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CTA subscribers are already profiting from this inflationary trend at
every turn. Thanks to the Atkins diet craze in this country, CTA
subscribers saw a quick 292% gain on live cattle in six weeks.
Thanks to the growth in China and the war in Iraq, we've reaped an
average gain of 96% on energy trades alone this year - with a big hit
in oil for a 5-week gain of 199%. Our ship even came in with the oil
tankers for a 40% gain in 10 quick weeks. Ginseng - a commodity in
Asian countries - delivered 30% in just under two weeks! And
precious metals - the bellwether of inflationary times - have turned in
124% gain in palladium in 7 months and 115% in silver in 9 months.

But we're only looking at the beginning. There are still plenty of
commodities at bargain-basement prices - but they are all perched to
move up soon, too. Low prices have led to diminished supplies and
production capacity - but demand is going through the roof.

Not coincidentally, during the same period that paper assets

flourished - the 80's and 90's -- hard assets plummeted. Now that the
bull market in stocks is over - so is the 25-year bear market in

It's a see-saw of sorts. When paper assets go down... hard assets go

up. And thanks to supply shortages and huge demand in China, India
and other emerging markets, plus loose monetary policy all over the
world - especially the US - the rise of commodity prices has only just
begun. It will be the single strongest market force this decade.

Remember when lines at the gas station snaked all the way up the
block? The kind of profits made in precious metals when we got off
the gold standard? Commodities investors made serious money that
decade...and they were pretty much the only ones. 4/6/2005
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You can start taking advantage of inflation while everyone else tries
to dodge it by joining the investors who are already pulling down
profits with the Commodity Trend Alert. This guaranteed no-risk
quarterly offer comes with an exclusive special-report that will hand
you your first five triple-digit winners on day one. Read on to get
your subscription started today.

*Source: CBS MarketWatch, 8:30am, 06/17/04

Not just a handful of winners:

The CTA portfolio consistently brings home double- and triple-digit profits
Don't misunderstand me - the CTA is much more than just a few big hits. Far from it. Eric has been remarkably
consistent as well - crucial for the growth of your overall portfolio. Of 44 open positions at the end of 2003, 40 were
profitable - for an amazing 91% winning percentage!

And this year, he's doing it again. The overall CTA portfolio is posting huge gains... with 292%...199%...64%...40%
in the last three months alone. And over 85% of common stock trades picks have appreciated - many in the high
double-digits and several in the triple-digits. Take a look:

 Crude Oil March 2005 calls: 199% gain in just 5 weeks

 Cattle-Live 86 calls: 292% gain in just 6 weeks
 North American Palladium: 124% gain in 7 months
 Pan American Silver: 115% gain in 9 months
 International Uranium Corp: gains so far of 223% in 10 months
 Chicago Mercantile Exchange: 166% in 16 months and we're still holding on for the ride...
 Fording Canadian Coal Trust: a keeper at 151% and climbing still after 12 months
 Jyske Bank Denmark: 83% gain in 12 months
 Tsakos Energy Navigation: 41% gain in a quick 10 weeks 4/6/2005
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 Man Group PLC20: 40% in 10 months
 Chai-Na-Ta: a slam-dunk 30% gain in just 13 days!

In fact, let me show you exactly how your breakfast plate could have been worth over $61,000 this past year. You
won't believe how simple...

read on 4/6/2005

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