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Sheena Marie M.

Tarle BSN 2C



1. Respect for Human Dignity

Description: This code emphasizes the significance of respecting the inherent worth and uniqueness of every

Brief Explanation: Respect for human dignity is a fundamental principle in nursing ethics that recognizes the
intrinsic worth and value of every individual. Nurses must treat all patients with respect without discrimination
or prejudice and ensure their autonomy, privacy, and confidentiality are protected at all times. Nurses should
strive to promote dignity regardless of cultural, social, or economic differences. Respecting patients' autonomy
and involving them in decision-making processes is vital. Personally, I believe that upholding human dignity is
fundamental in fostering trust and therapeutic relationships.

2. Preservation of Integrity

Description: This emphasizes the importance of maintaining professional competence adhering to professional
standards and promoting trust and confidence in the nursing profession.

Brief Explanation: Integrity in professional practice requires nurses to act honestly ethically and responsibly in
all aspects of their work. Upholding integrity requires nurses to practice ethically maintain professional
boundaries and act in the best interests of their patients.

3. Collaboration

Description: This emphasizes effective communication respect for colleagues and interdisciplinary

Brief Explanation: Collaboration is fundamental to nursing practice promoting effective teamwork and
interdisciplinary communication. Nurses should actively collaborate with patient’s families and other healthcare
professionals to achieve optimal patient outcomes. I believe that fostering a collaborative environment enhances
the quality of care ensures holistic approaches and strengthens healthcare systems.

4. Protection of the Rights of Privacy and Confidentiality

Description: This highlights the significance of protecting patients' privacy and maintaining confidentiality.

Brief Explanation: Nurses uphold the confidentiality of patient information treating it with utmost respect and

only disclosing it when mandated by legal requirements or with the patient's consent. They create a safe

environment that respects patient privacy ensuring that personal information is safeguarded from unauthorized


5. Accountability and Responsibility

Description: This highlights the significance of being accountable and taking responsibility for the quality of


Brief Explanation: Nurses are accountable for their actions and omissions maintaining competence in their

practice and continuously seeking professional development. They take responsibility for the quality of care
they provide ensuring adherence to ethical standards and reporting any concerns regarding the safety and well-

being of patients.

6. Provision of Optimal Care

Description: This code emphasizes the provision of safe competent and ethical care to patients.

Brief Explanation: It encompasses the promotion of health prevention of illness and alleviation of suffering. I

firmly believe that every nurse should strive to provide holistic care that meets the physical emotional and

psychological needs of patients.

7. Promotion of Health and Well-being

Description: This code emphasizes the importance of health promotion disease prevention and advocating for

individuals and populations.

Brief Explanation: Nurses play a vital role in promoting health and preventing illness within communities.

Personally, I believe that nursing should extend beyond the hospital walls and actively contribute to public

health initiatives.

8. Ethical Research and Innovation

Description: This code emphasizes the ethical conduct of research and the promotion of evidence-based


Brief Explanation: Nurses should participate in research activities with integrity ensuring the rights and

welfare of participants. I firmly believe that evidence-based practice is essential for improving patient outcomes

and advancing the nursing profession.

9. Contributions to Society

Description: This code recognizes the nurse's role in shaping healthcare systems and policies.

Brief Explanation: Nurses are encouraged to actively contribute to the well-being of society through

involvement in professional organizations policy development and advocacy. Personally, I believe that nurses

have a duty to advocate for equitable access to healthcare and address social determinants of health.

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