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Grade 6 Unit 1 Lesson 6

Learning objectives Agenda Key vocabulary Previous knowledge

Scanning for information. Reading- Scanning Race to mourn (v) Students will be combining previous
dinghy (n)
Creating outlines. Writing- Outline Writing to maintain (v) mind maps and knowledge of what
Be able to write an a introduction to biography Speaking- Present writing to grapple (v) content is included in a non-fictional
dozy (adj)
carnivore (n) biography.
appalled (adj) Correct tense
to manhandle (v)
to brandish (v) Paragraph structure
to badger (v)
Timing Activities and description Differentiation (teacher to

1. 10m 2. 1. Agenda & vocabulary: Agenda and Vocabulary test of words given out at the end of last lesson. Do
vocabulary quiz with the students. Remind Ss to take notes throughout the lesson as they will have a content
quiz at the end of the lesson
10m 2. Direct and reported Speech : T will go through the slides explaining both Direct and Reported speech. Go Target AfL questions during this time
through the examples . You could create your own sentence on the board and get the students to try to change
it to reported speech directly or vice versa . Once you are happy with understanding you can let the students
practice converting the sentences on the next slides.
Quotations: refresher on use of quotations make sure students have highlighters or pencils to mark quotations
and review paragraph structure.
What are quotations?What is their importance?What are the rules when using quotations?

30m Scanning race - Story Race rules and answers are included in the attached document titled Scanning race
instructions and answers- FOR TEACHER.docx Before the active learning task starts talk to students about
selecting keywords to scan for and put an example question on the board and have students decide which are
the key word(s) to scan for to locate the answer to that question. They will use textbook pages 24-29 for this
task. There are 8 questions that students must answer about Steve Irwin using scanning skills. he students are
to scan the excerpt and write down the answer. The students are then to scan texts B-E, to find where the
excerpt comes from. Teacher reveals the after the activity
10m 4. Video: Robert Irwin. 4. Robert Irwin's virtual Australia Zoo tour.mp4 This shows the students his legacy, ask
them beforehand if they notice any similarities between Steve and his Son, Robert as well as the types of
animals they have at the zoo. This is a nice way to break the lesson up before they begin the writing task.

5m 5. Discussion: Have students discuss important info about Steve along with any interesting facts they learned.

10m 6. Planning sheet- In the workbook pg. 30 there is a planning sheet. Have students individually fill out the Support.
order and main points they want to have in their essay. This is a planning sheet only and should be Help sheet with keywords/Ideas
keywords/bullet points. Students should not write the essay on their planning sheet.

5m 7. Video: Steve Irwin Fun.mp4- with additional facts about Steve that may be useful in the essay. It is mostly
for entertainment but they can possibly get some facts such as the scar from the croc or can help them form
opinions eg he is very brave or he is a bad person who spent his life tormenting animal

10m 8. Written assessment task (please collect workbook for assessment and feedback) workbook. pg. 31 They Sentence stems for weaker students.
are to write three to four sentences in the intro. Make sure to go around to assist, find 1 or 2 students at
differing levels to present sections to class on notebook. Before starting the writing task- there is a recap on
how to structure essays, some key information that the weaker students could use to help them write their
essays, and an example of an introduction.

5m 9. Select a student(s) to read their introduction: to give an idea of content to any students who are unsure

20m 10. Body writing: stopwatch set time limit of 15 minutes Sentence stems

10m 11. Conclusion: Students to write conclusion Sentence stems

5m 12. Unfinished sections: Students to check work and finish up their writing piece Pair/share for peer assessment

5m 13. Plenary. Link tasks done to agenda and learning objectives. Remind students about post-lesson content:
vocabulary task, content quiz, summary matching

Success criteria Homework/marked work Resources

Teacher can check students’ workbooks as they’re Workbooks, Textbooks

doing the tasks and offer direct feedback.
PPT presentation
AfL questions
Video: 4. Robert Irwin's virtual Australia Zoo

Video: 6. Steve Irwin Fun.mp4

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