ASM2 NguyenHoangSonLam

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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 6: Management a Successful Business Project (491)

Submission date 2/7/2021 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Nguyen Hoang Son Lam Student ID GCD18550

Class GCD0805 Assessor name Bair Bairoui

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature:


Grading grid

P5 P6 P7 M3 M4 D2
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Introduction 4
About the report 4
1. Purpose 4
2. Methodology 4
3. Talent management 4
Research findings 5
1. Statistics on demography 5
2. Inferential statistics 6
Recommendation 9
Evaluation and reflection 9
Conclusion 10
References 10
Talent management continues to be a hot topic in every firm. The project continues in this report with the last two
processes: data processing and evaluation, in order to propose solutions that would help the organization boost
efficiency. This article will examine projects that focus on information items gathered using information collection
techniques. Our recommendations for talent management are examined, assessed, and put forward based on data
from prior survey replies once we have gathered all of the necessary information. This report will contain all of the

About the report

1. Purpose
The project has collected 26 replies from both workers and employers through a poll to attract talent (originally
expected to be about 20 people). There are two types of questions in the survey: demographics and major
questions. The results of the survey will be detailed further down.

2. Methodology
This project uses survey methodology. This method is suitable for the project requirements.

It starts from June 25, 2021 and ends on July 1, 2021

The survey is conducted entirely online. Through a Google form, employees will be evaluated on the company's
talent management.

All employees of two businesses who consented to participate in this experiment received a survey. These are the
two companies:

- CGV Da Nang -(Entertainment industry)

- FPT Securities -(Finance industry)

Employees will be asked a series of questions about their company's talent management.

Because each firm has its own culture and organizational behavior, the questionnaire will aid the project in
evaluating the effectiveness of in three organizations from three different industries. As a result, each company
will have its own approach to managing and developing talent.

3. Talent management
The carefully controlled, systematic process of bringing the right personnel onboard and helping them develop to
their full potential while keeping corporate goals in mind is referred to as talent management. The concept
captures the heart of talent management: how it incorporates all aspects of human capital at work and ensures
that the firm achieves its objectives. Under the umbrella of talent management, there are a number of
components and subprocesses that must work together to ensure the company's success (Ghosh, 2021).
Research findings
1. Statistics on demography

The first question is intended to determine the participant's gender. There were 26 people in total, 15 men
and 11 women (accounting for 57.7 percent and 42.3 percent , respectively). We can see that the
proportion of men is slightly higher than that of women, but they are nearly equal, indicating that the
talent management survey is appealing to all genders.

The participants' age groups were the subject of the second inquiry. The disparity is enormous, especially
among young adults aged 15 to 24. (about 23 people account for 88.5 percent percent ). Meanwhile,
people aged 25 to 30 years old account for 7.7% of the population, while those aged 35 to 45 years old
account for barely 1%. According to the data in the table, young people are particularly interested in talent
management and new perspectives on talent. Young people, on the other hand, may not have had real-
world visions yet, which is a flaw. Talent management may not be new to older individuals, but it is a
question of experience.
Concerning the status of the company's surveyor. There are thirteen individual contributors, five
managers, three executives, and three directors (Percentages are 52 percent , 20 percent , 12 percent and
12 percent respectively). Individual contributors and executives would be involved in talent management,
which would be more complicated and multi-dimensional.

2. Inferential statistics

Satisfied was chosen by 42.3 percent, Neutral by 34.6 percent, Very Dissatisfied by 15.4 percent, and
Very Satisfied by 7.7 percent. As can be seen, the working environment and conditions have a
considerable impact on the job process. Workers are inspired to work with the future Highest of them in a
healthy working environment, which supports staff protection, workforce growth, and performance.
When it comes to talent management, satisfaction with the training process for employees in the
workplace accounts for 40%, Strongly satisfied accounts for 28%, and neutral accounts for 12%. It is clear
that staff training and human resource development are targeted at maximizing existing human resources
and increasing business efficiency, employees will be more motivated to work better and adaptable in the
future if they can better grasp their work, master their profession, and perform their functions and
responsibilities more intuitively.

Concerning customer satisfaction with the competency assessment firm. 34.6 percent said they were
neutral, 26.9% said they were unhappy, 23.1% said they were satisfied, and 7.7% said they were both
satisfied and unsatisfied. Work and working hours of employees. Employee work satisfaction not only
encourages them to stay with the company, but it also strengthens their faith in it.
46.2 percent of participants chose neutral, 23.1 percent chose satisfied, 15.4 percent chose highly satisfied,
and 7.7 percent chose not satisfied and strongly unhappy when it came to the company's reward scheme.
The organization values exceptional accomplishments and recognizes and honors talented employees who
have excelled in the workplace.

Finally, 34.6 percent answered Yes and No, while 30.8 percent chose Maybe, according to the data. Talent
management is effective in retaining and moving current employees up the corporate ladder. Developing
and retaining talent is far more important than hiring, employing, and training new employees.

With the appraisal of the above information, The larger part would accept that advancing and preparing
innovativeness will assist the ability with developing time. A few focuses still are restricted,
notwithstanding, and there are sure perspectives that ability can each day become self-sufficient and self-
prepared. The aptitude in the work environment or the exceptional limit with regards to a person to add to
the business. On the off chance that they are fair or even incredible, they should be motivated. Others
think the work environment is a fundamental perspective, and a decent workplace will cause laborers to
feel more loose, from which the hidden variables will be delivered.

In view of the consequences of the overview, a scope of ideas would be made to effectively get to aptitude in
associations. In the first place, ability the executives should be centered more around the business. Today, ability
the board is the main factor deciding the accomplishment of organizations in the period of advanced insurgency.
Yet, how to execute this technique successfully is a troublesome issue with numerous variables, requires a ton of
good chiefs, with plentiful and top notch workforce and cutthroat economy. Enlisting qualified staff for the work
isn't troublesome.

Second, it will be burned through after some time if an ability isn't made and instructed. This issue must be
managed in a proper approach. Ability should be ready for maintainable development of businesses as worldwide
conditions startlingly shift. At the point when every individual develops, their force goes past their cutoff points
and is known to be an ability. Bad to contrast abilities can lead with frail confidence and lower work among people.
At the point when they have gone too far, the manager should remunerate them and let them realize that they
have worked effectively and that they intend to accomplish more. Gaining from each other is likewise an incredible
method to teach and develop imagination in associations. The grinding at work will in general foster your capacity
to work over the long run, however demeanor changes are testing. A contemporary mastermind has new freedoms
for work, that is an intrinsic ability.

Evaluation and reflection

The evaluation of all periods of task execution to empower compelling venture conveyance is communicated in the
undertaking the executives.. This undertaking is about ability the executives in the working environment. In the
wake of examining all the data assembled from different strategies, the undertaking will be assessed for the best
execution. A definitive objective of this undertaking is to assist organizations with bettering the significance of
ability the board. Find and hold the association's abilities.

The venture might be fruitful. In more detail, the study of workers will be sent in reality. Subsequent to
investigating the effect of this arrangement, the drawback of this arrangement isn't a lot. It's anything but costly to
execute this arrangement, or it may not cost much since staff usefulness the executives programming is accessible.

A solid point in the action that was completed in the venture is information assortment. Simultaneously of the
executives and care, the representatives all need to be seen by their bosses. A functioning workplace will assist
individuals with making the most of their work, so pay attention to and execute representatives' thoughts and
ideas. The prizes and acknowledgment likewise help representatives feel appreciated. A remunerating working
environment prompts more prominent efficiency and dedication that prompts the accomplishment of the
association. The shortcoming of this task comes from 26 reviews, gathered information without individual data or
direct meetings. Simultaneously, her poor delicate abilities are likewise an incredible justification representatives to
leave the association.
I took in significant exercises from the execution of the venture. The treatment of ability is testing. I didn't expect
there to be an opportunity toward the start of the undertaking. Along these lines, defensive procedures for this
chance are unrealistic while integrating data from the review. During the advancement interaction of this
undertaking, I found that all positions, large or little, are hazard estimates. In this way, the dangers should be
estimate and a defend arrangement should be looked for.

Data is collected once the project has been planned and the surveys have been implemented. All of those findings
were presented in this study, along with an assessment of them. In this paper, in addition to reviewing and
analyzing data collected through methods such as surveys and Internet references, The rules and procedures to
improve talent acquisition are focused on professionals' knowledge and the contributions of many acquisition
boards. Organizations will improve staff retention, update compensation strategies, promote employee loyalty, and
grow in the future by following these principles. Hopefully, when implemented in practice, this project will be a
success with no hazards.


Gardener, N., McGranahan, D. and Wolf, W. (2011), “Question for your HR chief: are we using our ‘people data’ to
create value?”, McKinsey.

Shrivastava, Shweta & Nagdev, Kritika & Rajesh, Anupama. (2018). Redefining HR using people analytics: the case
of Google. Human Resource Management International Digest.

Sareen and Mishra, 2016. A Study of Talent Management and Its Impact on Performance of Organization.

Journal of Business and Management, 18(12), pp. 66-73

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