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Guess Paper-2024 Pakistan Studies (2059)

History & Culture of Pakistan (PI)

Expected Topics
1- Compulsory Ques/on
Sec%on I War of Independence, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Languages
2- 4 Marks
a. Religious Reformers
b. East India Company
c. War of Independence
d. Languages
3- 7 Marks
a. Religious Reformers
b. Arrival of Bri%sh
c. Languages
4- 10/14 Marks
a. Religious Reformers
b. Decline of Mughal Empire
c. Arrival of Bri%sh
d. Languages
1- Compulsory Ques/on
Not important for 2024-May/June
2- 4 Marks
a. Shimla Deputa%on
b. Mont-ford reforms
c. RowlaM Act
d. Khilafat movement
e. Jinnah’s 14 points
f. Govt. of India Act 1935
g. Cabinet Mission Plan
h. Lahore Resolu%on
i. Ch. Rehmat Ali
j. Allama Iqbal and Allahabad address
3- 7 Marks
a. Forma%on of AIML
b. Jinnah’s 14 points
c. Round Table Conferences
d. Govt. of India Act 1935
e. Cripps Mission
f. Radcliffe Award
g. Ini%al problems of Pakistan
4- 10/14 Marks
a. Events from 1909 to 1919
b. Khilafat movement


c. Round Table Conferences
d. Ch. Rehmat Ali and Allama Iqbal
e. Pakistan movement 1940 to 1947
1- Compulsory Ques/on
Rela%ons with USA, India, Iran, Bangladesh, Turkey, Early years of Pakistan
2- 4 Marks
a. Early years of Pakistan
b. Ayub Khan
c. Zulfiqar Ali BhuMo
d. Gen. Zia
e. Nawaz Sharif
3- 7 Marks
a. Ayub Khan
b. Grievances of East Pakistanis?
c. Gen. Zia
d. Nawaz Sharif
e. United Na%ons
4- 10/14 Marks
a. Early years of Pakistan
b. Reforms of Ayub Khan
c. Reforms of ZAB
d. Rela%ons with USA
e. Rela%ons with Bangladesh
f. Rela%ons with India
g. Pakistan and United na%ons
Environment of Pakistan (PII)
Expected Topics
1- Ques/on 1
a. Topography
b. Climate
2- Ques/on 2
a. Climate
b. Natural Resources-Water
c. Forests
3- Ques/on 3
a. Agricultural Development
b. Minerals
c. Power Resources
4- Ques/on 4
a. Industrial Development
b. Trade
5- Ques/on 5
a. Popula%on


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