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DBMS - Viva QnA


Semester : 4

Branch : CS/AI-DS/ML - Engineering

As per Mumbai University Syllabus

Created by Doubtly.in

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DBMS - Viva QnA 2

Module 1: Introduction Database Concepts 4

Module 2: Entity-Relationship Data Model: 6

Module 3: Relational Model and Relational Algebra: 9
Module 4: Structured Query Language (SQL): 11
Module 5: Relational-Database Design 13

Module 6: Transactions Management and Concurrency and Recovery 15

Some important queries 17

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Module 1: Introduction Database Concepts

Q: What is a database, and what are some of its characteristics?

A: A database is an organized collection of data that is stored electronically. Some of

its characteristics include: persistence (data is stored beyond the life of an
application), large capacity (databases can store large amounts of data), and
concurrent access (multiple users can access the database simultaneously).

Q: What is the difference between a file system and a database system?

A: A file system is a collection of files that are stored on disk and organized
hierarchically. A database system, on the other hand, is designed to manage and

store large amounts of data in an organized and efficient way. Databases support
advanced querying and indexing, as well as data integrity and security features.

Q: What is data abstraction, and why is it important in databases?

A: Data abstraction is the process of hiding implementation details and exposing
only the relevant information to users. It is important in databases because it allows
users to work with data at a high level, without needing to understand the underlying

details of how the data is stored and managed.

Q: What is data independence, and why is it important in databases?


A: Data independence is the ability to change the data storage or schema without
affecting the applications that use the data. It is important in databases because it
allows for greater flexibility and scalability, as well as easier maintenance and


Q: What is a DBMS, and what are some of its components?

A: A DBMS (Database Management System) is a software system that is used to

manage and store data in a database. Some of its components include: a data
dictionary (which stores metadata about the database), a query processor (which
translates user queries into instructions for the database), and a transaction
manager (which ensures data integrity and consistency).

Q: What is a database administrator (DBA), and what are some of their


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A: A database administrator (DBA) is a person who is responsible for managing and
maintaining a database system. Some of their responsibilities include: designing and
maintaining the database schema, ensuring data security and privacy, monitoring
database performance and capacity, and performing backups and recovery

Q: What are some advantages of using a database system over a file system?

A: Some advantages of using a database system include: improved data consistency

and accuracy, better data sharing and concurrency, increased productivity and

efficiency, and enhanced security and access control.

Q: What is a database schema, and what is it used for?

A: A database schema is a blueprint or plan that describes the structure of a
database. It includes information about the tables, fields, and relationships in the
database. The schema is used to create and maintain the database, as well as to
ensure data integrity and consistency.

Q: What is normalization, and why is it important in database design?


A: Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce

redundancy and dependency. It is important in database design because it helps to
improve data integrity and consistency, as well as to reduce the risk of data

Q: What are some common data types used in databases?


A: Some common data types used in databases include: integer, decimal, string,
date/time, boolean, and binary. Each data type has its own range of values and

operations that can be performed on it.

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Module 2: Entity-Relationship Data Model:

Q: What is the Entity-Relationship (ER) model, and how is it used in database design?

A: The Entity-Relationship (ER) model is a conceptual data model that is used to

represent entities and their relationships in a database. It is used in database design
to help visualize the data structure and to identify the relationships between entities.

Q: What is an entity type, and how is it represented in an ER diagram?

A: An entity type is a group of entities that have the same attributes. It is represented
in an ER diagram as a rectangle, with the entity type name written inside.

Q: What is a weak entity set, and how is it represented in an ER diagram?

A: A weak entity set is an entity set that cannot be uniquely identified by its own
attributes. It depends on another entity set, called its owner entity set, for
identification. It is represented in an ER diagram as a rectangle with double lines,
with the entity set name written inside.

Q: What is a strong entity set, and how is it represented in an ER diagram?


A: A strong entity set is an entity set that can be uniquely identified by its own
attributes. It does not depend on another entity set for identification. It is represented
in an ER diagram as a rectangle with a single line, with the entity set name written


Q: What are the different types of attributes, and how are they represented in an ER


A: The different types of attributes include: simple, composite, and derived attributes.

Simple attributes are atomic values that cannot be further divided. Composite
attributes are composed of multiple simple attributes. Derived attributes are
calculated based on other attributes. They are represented in an ER diagram as
ovals, with the attribute name written inside.

Q: What is a key, and why is it important in entity-relationship modeling?

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A: A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies an entity. It is important in
entity-relationship modeling because it helps to ensure data integrity and to avoid
data redundancy.

Q: What are relationship constraints, and how are they represented in an ER diagram?

A: Relationship constraints are rules that specify the relationships between entity
sets. They include cardinality constraints (which specify the number of entities in a
relationship) and participation constraints (which specify whether an entity is
required or optional in a relationship). They are represented in an ER diagram using

lines that connect the entity sets, with cardinality and participation notation written
near the lines.

Q: What is the Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model, and how is it different from
the ER model?
A: The Extended Entity-Relationship (EER) model is an extension of the ER model
that includes additional features, such as generalization, specialization, and
aggregation. It is different from the ER model in that it allows for more complex
relationships and hierarchies between entities.

Q: What is generalization, and how is it represented in an EER diagram?


A: Generalization is the process of creating a new entity type from existing entity
types. It is represented in an EER diagram using a triangle, with the new entity type

written inside. The existing entity types are connected to the new entity type using
lines, with the word "is-a" written near the lines.

Q: What is specialization, and how is it represented in an EER diagram?


A: Specialization is the process of creating a new entity type from an existing entity
type by adding more specific attributes. It is represented in an EER diagram using a
triangle, with the existing entity type written inside. The new entity type is connected
to the existing entity type using a line, with the word "is-a" written near the line. The
new entity type has its own attributes, which are represented using ovals.

Q: What is aggregation, and how is it represented in an EER diagram?

A: Aggregation is the process of combining two or more entities into a single entity. It
is represented in an EER diagram using a diamond, with the new entity type written

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inside. The existing entity types are connected to the new entity type using lines, with
the word "part-of" written near the lines.

Q: How can you determine the cardinality and participation constraints in a


A: You can determine the cardinality and participation constraints in a relationship by

analyzing the business rules that govern the relationship. For example, if a customer
can have multiple orders, but an order can only be placed by one customer, the
cardinality of the relationship would be "one-to-many" and the participation of the

customer entity would be "mandatory" while the participation of the order entity
would be "optional".

Q: What is the difference between a strong and weak entity set?

A: A strong entity set can be uniquely identified by its own attributes, while a weak
entity set cannot be uniquely identified by its own attributes and depends on another
entity set (called its owner entity set) for identification.
Q: What is a composite attribute?

A: A composite attribute is an attribute that is composed of multiple simple

attributes. For example, an address attribute may be composed of street, city, state,

and zip code attributes.


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Module 3: Relational Model and Relational Algebra:

Q: What is the Relational Model?

A: The Relational Model is a conceptual model used to organize data in a database.

It is based on the concept of relations (tables) that are composed of tuples (rows)
and attributes (columns).

Q: What is a relational schema, and what does it include?

A: A relational schema is a blueprint for the structure of a database that defines the
tables, attributes, and relationships between tables. It includes the table names,
attribute names, data types, and any constraints or rules.

Q: What are keys in a relational schema?

A: Keys in a relational schema are attributes that uniquely identify a tuple in a table.
They are used to enforce data integrity and maintain consistency in the database.

Q: How can you map an ER or EER diagram to a relational schema?

A: You can map an ER or EER diagram to a relational schema by creating tables for
each entity type, using the attributes as columns in the table, and creating foreign

keys to represent the relationships between tables.


Q: What are relational algebra operators?

A: Relational algebra operators are a set of mathematical operations used to

manipulate tables in a relational database. Some of the operators include union,

intersection, difference, selection, projection, join, and division.


Q: What is a selection operator in relational algebra?

A: The selection operator in relational algebra is used to retrieve a subset of tuples

from a table based on a specified condition.

Q: What is a projection operator in relational algebra?

A: The projection operator in relational algebra is used to select specific columns

(attributes) from a table and discard the rest.

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Q: What is a join operator in relational algebra?

A: The join operator in relational algebra is used to combine two or more tables
based on a common attribute. It creates a new table that contains all the attributes
from the original tables.

Q: What is a query in relational algebra?

A: A query in relational algebra is a sequence of relational algebra operations used to

retrieve data from one or more tables in a database. The output of a query is a table

that contains the results of the operations.

Q: What is the difference between union and intersection operators in relational


A: The union operator combines two tables and eliminates any duplicates, while the
intersection operator returns only the common rows between two tables, without
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Module 4: Structured Query Language (SQL):

Q: What is SQL? A: SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language

used to manage and manipulate data in a relational database.

Q: What are the types of commands in SQL?

A: The types of commands in SQL are Data Definition Language (DDL) commands,
Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands, and Data Control Language (DCL)

Q: What are some examples of DDL commands in SQL?

A: Examples of DDL commands in SQL include CREATE, ALTER, and DROP, which are

used to create, modify, and delete database objects such as tables, views, and
indexes. bt
Q: What are integrity constraints in SQL?

A: Integrity constraints in SQL are rules that are used to ensure data consistency and
accuracy in a database. Some examples of integrity constraints are key constraints,
domain constraints, and referential integrity constraints.

Q: What is the purpose of key constraints in SQL?


A: Key constraints in SQL are used to ensure that a column or set of columns in a
table uniquely identifies each row. Primary key constraints and unique key
constraints are examples of key constraints.

Q: What is the purpose of referential integrity constraints in SQL?


A: Referential integrity constraints in SQL are used to ensure that the relationships
between tables are maintained and that data is not deleted or updated in a way that
would violate these relationships.

Q: What are the types of DML commands in SQL?

A: The types of DML commands in SQL are SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE,
which are used to retrieve, add, modify, and delete data in a database.

Q: What are aggregate functions in SQL?

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A: Aggregate functions in SQL are used to perform calculations on a set of values
and return a single value. Examples of aggregate functions include SUM, AVG, MAX,

Q: What is the purpose of GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in SQL?

A: GROUP BY and HAVING clauses in SQL are used to group data and perform
aggregate calculations on the groups. GROUP BY is used to group the data by one or
more columns, while HAVING is used to filter the groups based on a condition.

Q: What are views in SQL?

A: Views in SQL are virtual tables that are based on the results of a SELECT
statement. They can be used to simplify complex queries and provide a more

user-friendly interface to the data.

Q: What is a join in SQL?

A: A join in SQL is used to combine data from two or more tables based on a
common column or set of columns.
Q: What is a trigger in SQL?

A: A trigger in SQL is a special type of stored procedure that is automatically


executed in response to a specific event, such as a data modification or insertion, in


a database.

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Module 5: Relational-Database Design

Q. What is the relational database design?

A. Relational database design is a process of creating a set of tables that organize

data into meaningful and useful units.

Q. What are the pitfalls in relational database designs?

A. The pitfalls in relational database designs are redundancy, inconsistency, and


Q. What is normalization in the context of relational database design?

A. Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to reduce
redundancy and dependency.

Q. What is functional dependency?

A. Functional dependency is a relationship between two attributes in which the value
of one attribute determines the value of another attribute.

Q. What is first normal form (1NF)?


A. First normal form (1NF) is a state of a database table that meets a minimum set
of criteria including having a primary key and no repeating groups.

Q. What is second normal form (2NF)?


A. Second normal form (2NF) is a state of a database table in which all non-key
attributes are dependent on the primary key.

Q. What is third normal form (3NF)?

A. Third normal form (3NF) is a state of a database table in which all non-key
attributes are dependent only on the primary key and not on any other non-key

Q. What is Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF)?

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A. Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) is a state of a database table in which every
determinant is a candidate key. It eliminates some anomalies that can occur in 3NF

Q. What is a repeating group in a database table?

A. A repeating group is a set of two or more columns that are similar in nature and
contain the same type of data.

Q. What are anomalies in a database table?

A. Anomalies are inconsistencies or problems that can occur in a database table,
such as redundancy, deletion, and insertion anomalies.

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Module 6: Transactions Management and Concurrency and

Q: What is a transaction in a database?

A: A transaction in a database is a logical unit of work that consists of a series of

operations that are executed as a single unit.

Q: What are the ACID properties of a transaction?

A: The ACID properties of a transaction are Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and

Q: What is the meaning of Atomicity in the context of a transaction?

A: Atomicity refers to the property of a transaction that ensures that all of its
operations are treated as a single, indivisible unit of work. Either all of the operations
in the transaction are completed successfully, or none of them are.
Q: What is the meaning of Consistency in the context of a transaction?

A: Consistency refers to the property of a transaction that ensures that the database
remains in a valid state before and after the transaction executes. The transaction

must abide by all the constraints and rules of the database schema.

Q: What is the meaning of Isolation in the context of a transaction?

A: Isolation refers to the property of a transaction that ensures that its intermediate

states are invisible to other transactions executing concurrently. Each transaction

must execute in isolation without interference from other transactions.

Q: What is the meaning of Durability in the context of a transaction?

A: Durability refers to the property of a transaction that ensures that once a

transaction has committed, its changes are permanently stored in the database, and
even if there is a system failure or power outage, the changes will be preserved.

Q: What is concurrency in a database system?

A: Concurrency in a database system is the ability of multiple transactions to access

the database at the same time.

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Q: What is serializability in a database system?

A: Serializability in a database system is the property that ensures that the execution
of multiple transactions is equivalent to some serial execution of those transactions.

Q: What are the different concurrency control protocols?

A: The different concurrency control protocols are Lock-based and Timestamp-based


Q: What is a lock-based protocol in a database system?

A: A lock-based protocol in a database system is a protocol that uses locks to
prevent conflicting transactions from accessing the same data simultaneously.

Q: What is a timestamp-based protocol in a database system?
A: A timestamp-based protocol in a database system is a protocol that uses
timestamps to order the transactions and ensure serializability.
Q: What is log-based recovery in a database system?

A: Log-based recovery in a database system is the process of using a log file to undo
or redo transactions that were not completed due to a system failure or other error.

Q: What is deadlock handling in a database system?


A: Deadlock handling in a database system is the process of detecting and resolving

deadlocks, which occur when two or more transactions are waiting for each other to

release locks on resources.

Q: What are the transaction control commands in a database system?


A: The transaction control commands in a database system are COMMIT, which

saves the changes made by a transaction, and ROLLBACK, which undoes the
changes made by a transaction.

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Some important queries


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