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Chosen stimulus:

Unspoken Hearts

It was unspoken and entirely mutual, they would rather remain painfully ‘friends’ before losing
the other entirely, a torturous method to avoid a heartbreak greater than any else. She giggled at
another of his jokes, looking into the night sky she admired the view, whilst he admired her and
the way her eyes twinkled differently whenever he was around. “It means something, it has to.”
The constant war in his mind, the lingering question, “Could we be more than friends?” It was
always there, the lingering eyes, the magnetic pull between them, the constant denial of each
other's feelings to prove everyone who could see what they didn't, wrong. It was pride and fear;
the two things that kept them from embracing the other's soul entirely. It was his fifth year
knowing her now, and every year he found more reasons why he chose her above everyone else.
At first it was difficult to comprehend, “Why was I doing this for her if I don’t like her? How
come she’s the only girl I never get tired of?” To everyone else, it was quite obvious, both their
friends could sense the pull between them. As did they, but still, chose to ignore every direct and
indirect sign because they’d rather never find out than lose the only person they would ever trust
to come as near to their hearts as the other did.

The sun glistened at peak noon, the warmth of it pushed Aziz’s shoulders higher and pumped his
chest further. The butterflies in his stomach multiplied. He could feel his heartbeat with every
breath he took. His face felt hotter, every step he took towards Amara was like nearing a
scorching furnace, the flames burning for her in his heart. She sensed his presence and greeted
him with a smile that pushed up her rosy cheeks, involuntarily making her eyes squint. The smile
reflected on Aziz’s face as he sat down, ready to spew the question that caused a myriad of
sleepless nights. He took a deep breath and started slowly “Can I ask you something Amara?”
She nodded compliantly. For the last time Aziz contemplated the consequences of his question
and realized the better one of the outcomes could create his fairytale. “Can we be more than
friends?” Amaras pupils dilated. Suddenly trapped in her mind, she drowned in panic, a convoy
of screams replayed in her head. She tried replying, but nothing came out. Fear consumed her.
The fear of losing the person she loved most. The fear of the unknown. She finally gained access
to her inner voice which had managed to escape from the thorns around her throat.
“Aziz'' she said softly. “I don't think we’re meant to be more than friends.”
“Oh” he muttered under his breath.
The world disappeared from underneath his feet. The butterflies in his stomach. Dead. His
crimson red face slowly turned pale as he tried to escape the sight of Amara. He dragged his
body, moving like a dead corpse. His heart begged him to fight for the love he deserved. But his
brain had already made the decision to flee.
Finally giving up trying to sleep, after what had felt like eternity. She stood in the balcony, the
mid December heat added on by the fumes of the cigarette she inhaled that calmed the
overbearing thoughts. Looking into the pale moonlight. Between noon and midnight, it had been
the longest time that Aziz and her had spent without talking. Even in a short period of time, the
distance had started to create a void in her heart. She reminisced the moments she and Aziz
shared, constantly replaying in her head. The way they would laugh together, or the way they
would catch each other's eyes across a room. His face embedded into her head like a melody.
Their was no remedy for forgetting the memories. She questioned if she had made the right
decision. Wondering, “Are we destined to be?” She found herself alone, in the journey to
conquer the destiny of love. Suddenly she realized that not talking for him for only half a day
had shifted her world. She could not imagine a lifetime without her beloved, Aziz.

Aziz, awoken with a heavy heart. Dreading to face Amara. He pushed through like he had for
five years. Instead of ignoring the love he felt for her, he would simply ignore her. Approaching
the entrance of their workplace, it took every part of his being to walk there. At the entrance
stood Amara. Glistening with a smile that engulfed her face. Peering into Aziz’s eyes, hoping
they would peer back. Aziz felt his face become hot again; making him wish he was wrapped in
the comfort of his blanket away from the worries his confession had caused. Amara’s
enlightenment at night freed her from the fear that had made her refuse the love she yearned for.
So she approached Aziz.
“Aziz!” she exclaimed.
“Hmm” he replied, refusing to meet Amara’s eyes.
“The emptiness my heart felt without you in my life for such a short time made me realize how
much you mean to me.”
The fire that burned in Aziz’s heart flickered once again
“If you still would, I would like to try to be more than friends with you”
The flicker in his heart emerged into a raging flame. As both their eyes twinkled while peering
into each other’s souls.

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