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Grade 6 Unit 2 Lesson 2- Online

Learning objectives Agenda Key vocabulary Previous knowledge

Explore the structure of an article Reading: Boy gets toilet seat quotation (n) Newspaper headlines (last week)
award (n)
Learn how news reports are done stuck on his head massive (adj) Interviewer/interviewee (last unit)
Practice verbs and reading comprehension News report: Bees are Dying journalist (n)
fascinating (adj)
Writing: Endangered animals rescue (v)
immune system (n)
pollinate (v)
endangered (adj)
harmful (adj)
Timing Activities and description Differentiation (teacher to

1. 10m 2. 1. Agenda & vocabulary: Agenda and Vocabulary test of words given out at the end of last lesson. Do
vocabulary quiz with the students. Remind Ss to take notes throughout the lesson as they will have a content
quiz at the end of the lesson.
5m 2. Discussion: Crazy news stories: Short discussion attempting to elicit any crazy news stories students have

15m 3. 2. Red Tide: Gap-fill/ listening activity: Students are going to have to listen and watch and complete a gap-
fill activity in their notebooks. Before you play the video, tell students that today they will be learning about
how the news is presented on television. We will be practising our listening skills, but we should also pay
attention to the different roles people play in the report - the news anchor, sitting at his desk in the studio, the
field reporter, who is out at the scene and interviewing people, and the various interviewees.
Direct students to the notebook, where they will write down the sentences with missing words before
listening. Explain that they will see the report only twice, and need to listen and fill the gaps. Play redtide.mp4
(2m02) once, then get students to compare the answers they filled in. Play the report a second time, then
check answers
25m 4. Lonely Hamster Reading- Textbook pg. 44: Here they will find an article about a story of a school pet
hamster disappearing during a school holiday. Tell Ss before we read to focus on the 5Ws as we go through, and
be prepared to identify them at the end.

Work through slides, nominating Ss to read portions, clarifying where necessary, and answering questions.
Finish off with the 5Ws.
15m 5. Television News Report: This cannot function as a roleplay, so Ss will work through characters thinking about
what would be good questions to ask them, and what their answers might be, based on what we know of

Slides contain info on each character, as well as a quote. T should spend a few minutes with each character,
discussing with Ss what an interviewer might ask and receive from them.
15m 4. Video: News report video: Bees dying: Before playing the video, allow SS to copy down the questions from
the PPT. After playing the video, allow SS to answer the questions. For question 4, the answer is not given in
the video- this is time for students to be creative and think of ways to preserve the bee species. This can be
done as a brainstorming activity.

25m 5. Writing task: Endangered animals: SS must write a paragraph about an endangered animal in Vietnam.
Before beginning the task, brainstorm some animals that are endangered in Vietnam, this can also help the
weaker students come up with ideas. There are points for them to write on such as: Why is this animal
important for the environment and the planet? Why is this animal becoming endangered? What solutions can
you think of to help this problem? There is also a slide following the instructions with 4 animals on it and the
Vietnamese names. After completing the writing task, allow some students to share their paragraph with the

15m 6. Grammar exercise (verbs)- Croc- wrestling granny wins award: SS must read the article and change the
verbs in brackets to the correct form. Elicit answers from SS before revealing the correct answers

15m 7. Reading comprehension: Quiz (True or False): After T has given the correct answers, allow students to read
the article aloud, nominating different students to read different paragraphs. Once that is complete the SS will
do a True/ False quiz on the article.

10m News Media quiz: On the slides that follow there will be a paragraph describing different news media, with a
missing word. Students must read the paragraph and choose the best news media.

5m 10. Plenary. Link tasks done to agenda and learning objectives. Remind students about post-lesson content:
vocabulary task, content quiz, summary matching

Success criteria Homework/marked work Resources

Assessment during speaking tasks Vocabulary task Workbooks, Textbooks

AfL questions Post-lesson tasks

PPT presentation

Video: BBC News Bees are Dying.mp4

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