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Full Report

Term 2 (January-April) 2024/2025

Student Name: Wong Jia Hao
Form 3 T
House: Naquiah Boys

Subject Overall
Chinese Advanced Developing
Malay Advanced Exceeding
Art and Design Meeting
Drama Meeting
English Meeting
Geography Exceeding
History Meeting
ICT Meeting
Mathematics Meeting
Music Meeting
Physical Education Meeting
Science Meeting
Swimming Developing


IGCSE Mathematics Other Subjects
9 A*
7 A
6 B
5 C
3 D
2 E
1 G

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect

Chinese Advanced

Teacher: Ms Soo Kar Man

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Classical Reading:
To demonstrate understanding of explicit and implicit meanings
and viewpoints.

To accurately identify specific ideas and features in texts.

To produce clear and coherent texts that communicate

Class Narrative

During the first and second semesters, Form 3 students who are taking Chinese as their first language course primarily delve
into the study of argumentative essays. They undergo comprehensive training in identifying, analysing, and employing
arguments sourced from various articles to craft their own persuasive essays. Additionally, they engage in the study of modern
literary comprehension and modern poetry comprehension. As they progress into the second semester, their focus shifts to
reviewing narrative writing techniques and the art of rhetoric.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao consistently strives to keep up with the syllabus and completes his prep work diligently. However, he should focus on
improving his vocabulary to enhance his reading skills. Additionally, cultivating a habit of reading more will aid in improving his
writing by allowing him to add more details to his compositions.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect

Malay Advanced

Teacher: Mr Moorthi Velu

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Develop and apply the language skills of listening, speaking,
reading and writing in Malay Language.

Demonstrate understanding of the concepts, style of language
and grammar components.

Describe own learning through life skills, self management and

Class Narrative

All students embody well-rounded language learners, seamlessly integrating confidence, responsibility, reflection, innovation,
and engagement into their language use. Their commitment to continuous improvement and cultural understanding positions
them as effective and adaptable communicators in a variety of settings.

During term one and two, students studied topics covering self-introduction, family, time frame, my home, friends and school,
healthy lifestyle, my neighbour, my pet, food and drinks, and the calendar. Additionally, they are enhancing their language
skills by improving their vocabulary and sentence structures, using adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs. They are also
actively practising their writing skills by composing short passages in Malay. Furthermore, they are developing their speaking
abilities by engaging in conversations and responding to simple questions in Malay.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao is a positive learner who has started to demonstrate an improved understanding of the subject content. He is able to
spell most words correctly by applying his phonics knowledge. He takes part actively in the class discussions in a proper
manner and he has developed greater confidence in the basic knowledge of the language through this. In order to further
polish his Malay communication skills, Jia Hao would benefit from using the Malay language in everyday conversation outside
of class time. With extra confidence in himself I am sure he will continue to progress further.

Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect

Art and Design

Teacher: Ms Shafizah Binti Abdul Rahim

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Openness to experience, curiosity, and a willingness to take

Effective time management and organization skills.

Practical Skills:
Ability to perform more complex tasks with less supervision.

Class Narrative

In Term 2 of Art and Design, students will embark on an exciting journey into the realm of texture art. Through hands-on
projects and engaging lessons, participants will not only hone their artistic skills but also develop a profound understanding of
how textures contribute to the visual impact of their artwork. Skills and Techniques they are going to learn are Texture
Identification, Material Experimentation, Brushwork Mastery, Layering Techniques, Texture Blending, Composition
Enhancement, Creating Contrast and Personal Style Development.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao's mastery of different techniques to create and manipulate textures is evident in his artwork. The precision and control
he exhibits in his brushwork, layering, and choice of materials showcase a level of skill that sets him apart. His work reflects a
deep understanding of how textures can enhance the overall visual impact of his pieces. Fantastic job!
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr Tristan Weston

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Work cooperatively and sensitively with others in a group to
make drama exploring issues and themes.

Work sensitively and supportively with others, using a range of
skills, showing awareness of audience.

Using a range of drama vocabulary, reflect on their own and
others' work and give constructive responses.

Class Narrative

In Form 3, students have been developing a range of performance and directorial skills through their study of Shakespeare's

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao has a great sense of comic timing and this showed itself in a recent performance of a stage combat from Macbeth. He
was able to use varied dynamics and pace changes to make us laugh. In small groups, Jia Hao will often generate many ideas
and will contribute in performance. He is a strong performer but sometimes, if the work doesn't immediately grab his attention,
he can lose focus and energy which I would encourage him not to do. Overall, Jia Hao has had a good year in drama and has
been a pleasure to teach.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr. Charles Grant Harper

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Analysis and evaluation:
Clear, precise analysis of the effect and intentions of the text/

Reading/ Comprehension:
Confident, varied reading - understanding of literary/ non-fiction

Fluent, appropriate language, spelling, grammar, punctuation
and register.

Class Narrative

During the first term of the current academic year, our focus centred on the novella "Of Mice and Men" and poetry. Presently,
we are exploring the play "Blood Brothers." Throughout these studies, students have been immersed in diverse facets of the
English language, including reading comprehension, rhetoric, narrative writing, journalistic writing, and literary analysis.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao has made an excellent effort this year, and his positive, diligent attitude is an asset to the class. He works well in a
team and his good humour is appreciated by his classmates. His writing and reading comprehension have improved
significantly since the start of the year, and I hope to see that continue as he pushes for the top marks. In order to further
improve his language and analysis skills, he should work on responding to questions in greater detail, supporting his claims
with relevant evidence, and clearly communicating his reasoning.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Ms Clair Curtis-Dyke

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Critically evaluates human and physical processes, initiatives,
viewpoints, theories and models.

Geographical skills:
Including fieldwork, information systems and data generation,
interpretation, synthesis and analysis.

Understands, describes and explains features of human and
physical geography.

Class Narrative

In Geography so far this year, students have studied Hazards, Development and have just started the topic on Coasts. They
have looked at a mixture of human and physical topics and within these topics, learn about the interactions between the
human and physical world. Students have developed a range of skills such as analysis, communication, team work and
development of ideas.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao is a delightful student who works hard in lessons. He is very knowledgeable and is always willing to contribute his
ideas in lessons. In the recent development assessment he achieved an A grade because he was able to give examples in
detail and he achieved 39/42 in the end of unit test on hazards. He is a pleasure to teach.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr Anastassi Callinicos

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Applies significance, cause and consequence, change and
continuity and perspective to historical explanations.

Understands, describes and explains key features of the past.

Analyses and evaluates primary sources critically to develop
historical understanding.

Class Narrative

During term one, students studied international relations since 1900 and the rising tensions in Europe that led to the First
World War. They then completed a depth study of the War itself and its aftermath. In term two students have begun studying
Nazi Germany, including Hitler's rise to power. In term three they will study the Second World War, with a particular focus on
the Asia-Pacific theatre, including the Japanese occupation of Malaya and Singapore, its consequences and the formation of
Malaysia. Students have been developing the necessary source analysis and evaluation skills, as well as critical thinking and
argument skills to prepare them for studying IGCSE History.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao is working well and making steady progress. As we move towards the Second World War, he will begin to formulate
his own thoughts, and to make his own interpretations of History.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Ms Pathma

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of computer
application and concepts.

Problem Solving and Critical thinking:

Apply logical thinking to tackle and solve complex computing

Provide solutions by evaluating, making reasoned judgements,
and presenting conclusions.

Class Narrative

During Term 1, students created a spreadsheet model, engaging in tasks like VLookup, IF...Then...Else and linking
worksheets. Transitioning into Term 2, the focus has shifted towards Python programming. By the end of the term, students
will finalise their understanding through the creation of flowcharts, the composition of pseudocode, and the development of
computer programs.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao's programming skills have shown improvement. His programs in Python demonstrate problem-solving abilities, and he
has a good understanding of programming logic. Keep up the good work!
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr Surendren Uthandi

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Use and apply appropriate methods and multiple strategies to
solve a range of applied problems.

Recognise applicability of a generic formula in particular

Recall a formula, perform calculation and repeat a process.

Class Narrative

At the end of the term, students will be completing Sequences and functions, Graphs, Ratio and proportion, Probability,
Position and transformation, Volume, surface area and symmetry.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao is coping well and has shown excellent work attitude. He is also generous with helping out his friends who face
difficulties with mathematical problems. Jia Hao must concentrate on improving his presentation, which will help him to
eliminate unnecessary errors in his exams. He needs to practise on application question in order to improve his scores.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Dr Angela De Silva

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Making Music:
Perform convincingly and with growing independence.

Making Music:
When composing, demonstrate good understanding of idiomatic
use of media.

Making sense of Music:

Identify, explain and demonstrate how specific features of music
relate to its context.

Class Narrative

Students from various stages of musical expertise were challenged to perform something new or improved this term.
Beginners who have limited experience were encouraged to take up a musical instrument of their choice and discover how to
play a simple tune which helped them to relate the notes to the sound, before gradually moving on to developing another tune
and eventually making a simple composition. Students who are already advanced in a musical instrument were challenged to
perform a new piece or an improvement to the piece.

Teacher's Comment

Jin Hao practised and performed a piece of his choice in class and showed good improvement. He will continue to work on a
new piece and move on to develop his composition skills.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect

Physical Education

Teacher: Ms Faridahidayu Binti Amrizal

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Demonstrate physical ability, technical with tactical competence,
fitness capacity and creativity.

Apply knowledge, understanding, analysis, responsibility, and

Consistently show a work ethic, with confidence, resilience,
motivation and respect.

Class Narrative

This term we have focused on developing physical fitness through the track and field unit. Students have been given
opportunity to develop their own skills and confidence to explore and maintain physical fitness and to learn about personal
health and demonstrate positive social skills.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao has developed an improving standard of skill, adaptability, and understanding in PE this term. Learning various
techniques has presented difficulties, but he has strived to overcome these. He has shown the right approach and consistency
to harvest high jump techniques such as maintaining an effective running technique and maintaining the approach along the
curvature. Keep it up!
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr Balachandran Palaniandy

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Effectively conveys ideas and findings, communicates complex
concepts clearly and coherently.

Understands key concepts and applies them to analyse natural

Scientific Inquiry:
Engages in inquiry, conducts experiments, makes observations,
and draws evidence-based conclusions.

Class Narrative

This term students delved into the intricacies of Bonding and Stoichiometry, focusing on understanding fundamental chemical
concepts. The emphasis was on grasping the principles governing the connections between atoms in compounds and the
quantitative relationships in chemical reactions. Students engaged in various experiments and practical activities were
designed to solidify their understanding of chemical reactions. These exercises provided a hands-on approach to reinforce
theoretical knowledge.

Teacher's Comment

Jia Hao needs to apply himself with more effort; both in class and in prep time. To improve his practical skills, Jia Hao needs
to ensure that his conclusions are both accurate and detailed, making sure that he explores all the possibilities and link to the
scientific processes that he has been learning about.
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect


Teacher: Mr Eddin Bin Missuan

Reporting Standards Exceeding Meeting Developing Beginning

Perform effectively in different water-based situations.

Competence and proficiency:

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of
at least 250 metres.

Stroke effectiveness:
Be able to use a range of strokes to achieve different outcomes
and be certain of success.

Class Narrative

Swimming this term

has focused on stroke development and swimming more fluently and efficiently. The stroke focus has been the Fly and
Breaststroke along with developing a range of aquatic based skills e.g race starts.

Teacher's Comment

Continued effort and enthusiasm have enabled Jia Hao to reach an improving standard in his swimming. At a fundamental
level, his stroke development, water skills, and drag profile have significantly improved, especially in the freestyle arm
propulsion phase and the base position in three strokes.

Improving swimming techniques across different strokes requires a focus on key aspects such as kick technique, arm stroke,
and breathing technique. By implementing a more effective kick technique, ensure the feet are flexed outward, with the soles
facing backward during the propulsive phase in the breaststroke can enhance Jia Hao's performance and efficiency in the
Jia Hao, Wong Jia Hao

Integrity Empathy Mutual Respect

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