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Midterm Examination
Second Semester AY 2021-2022

Name: ________________________________________________
ID No. ___________________________

Exam Duration: 2 hours

I. True or false :

INSTRUCTION: Write T if the statement is true and F if false. Right minus wrong
TOPIC-LEVEL OUTCOMES (TLO) TO BE ASSESSED: Students shall be able to demonstrate the f
Item outcomes: Questions Points
TLO 5: Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle / Electrical Characteristics
1 The design of every microcomputer starts with a CPU module 3
2 TLO 6:
The clock can be faster than theExplain
CPU Data Movement / System Clock 2
3 Cache memory is used to slow down the computer system 3
4 TLO 7: Explain Data Processing
The system clock shows the speed of the microprocessor. /Machine cycle diagrams 2
5 In a 6 layer PCB board the best TI stack up design is model 3 3
6 Machine cycle diagrams are important during the program debugging process 2
7 Speed of memory is measured by considering its timing diagram 2
8 The system clock is an electrical signal on the control bus 3
9 Many operations take multiple clock cycles to complete so the CPU often 3
performs operations at a significantly lower rate.
10 Memory access is an operation synchronized around the system clock. 3
11 The access time is specified by the clock frequency 2
12 If the memory subsystem doesn't work fast enough, the CPU will read garbage data 2


INSTRUCTION: Answer the questions . Use illustrations if needed ..Use separate sheets for you answers.

Item Questions Points

1 Refer to attached figure 1 and analyze the ALE signal in the timing diagram. 30
2 Refer to attached figure 2 and analyze the TW state in the machine cycle diagram. 30
FIG 1:

FIG 2:


Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:

Engr. Neil dela Cruz Engr. Sharon B. Ressurreccion Engr. Marc Ramde Gonzales
Faculty EE Examination Board Member EE Department Head

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