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c. v.

Kettering University

G. Krauss and D.K. Matlock

Colorado School of Mines

INTRODUCTION reduction. Properties representative of

The traditional steel wrought steel eventually are attained
with increasing hot reduction. The
production process
consisted of the amount of hot reduction required to
refining and teeming achieve the transition from cast to
of liquid steel into wrought structure and properties is of
large ingots. Thesein- great interest, especially in small con-
gots required exten- tinuously cast billets that may receive
sive high temperature little hot reduction to finished bar sizes.
soaking and hot roll- The causesof reduced performance
ing to produce slabs, as a function of limited hot work have
blooms and billets that been difficult to unravel. Performance
were subsequentlyhot depends on a multitude of factors: the
rolled to finished homogenizing effectsof hot work; steel-
product shapes. Although some ingot and technology have been described in making, which establishes the cleanli-
casting capacity still exists, continuous detail by IMng.2 ness and inclusion content of the prod-
casting directly to slabs, blooms and A concern exists that smaller as-cast uct; caster design,which establishesthe
billets has largely displaced ingot cast- sectionsof continuously caststeelprod- sizeand geometryof the as-castproduct;
ing. Continuous casting has grown to ucts may not receive sufficient hot work the nature ofhotwork or roll passdesign
more than 80 percent of steel produc- to produce microstructures and prop- of the hot rolling standsused to produce
tion in North America, and to more than erties characteristic of more highly de- bars of various sizes;and, ultimately, the
85 percent in the United Kingdom.1,2 formed steelproducts. This is especially microstructure of the heat-treatedbar or
The popularity of continuous casting a concern in bar steelsthat are forged to forgings, such as ferrite-pearlite or high
has been driven by improvements in complex shapes.This article will review strength tempered martensite.
surface quality, greater uniformity in the literature related to the effectsof hot Thus, the amount of hot work re-
composition (due to the elimination of reduction on the properties and perfor- quired to produce wrought properties
top-to-bottom ingot segregation), en- mance of continuously cast bar steels. is caster- and mill-specific. A universal
ergy savings,high yields and increased Diminished mechanical properties and criterion for acceptability, such as a
production efficiency. The history and fatigueperformance havebeenreported single value of the commonly used hot
evolution of continuous caster design in strand-caststeelssubjectedto limited reduction ratio, based on reduction of

SEPTEMBER 1998 g 73
and recrystallization of the austenite grain
structure is achieved by the same method.
Despite this, microsegregation persists
even after extensive hot deformation.
Figure 6 presents evidence for
interdendritic microsegregation, al-
though with increasingly finer spacing,
in bars of 10V45 steel for reduction
ratios between 7:1 and 49:1.10 The
chemical segregation was revealed by
etching with picric acid and sodium
tridecylbenzene. The austenite grain
structure and the ferrite-pearlite micro-
structure formed on cooling of this steel
were superimposed on the chemical
variations. When tested in torsional fa-
tigue, all specimens showed wrought
Figure 3 The histogram shows the frequency of inclusions with various shapefactors as a
function of the hot reduction ratio.9 JOThe shape factor is defined in the text. behavior and fatigue crack initiation at
inclusions within the ferritic compo-
nent of the microstructure.
and a central zone with equiaxed den- distribution of porosity often is charac- Thus, in this experiment, microstruc-
drites with random orientations. As dis- terized by secondarydendrite arm spac- ture and inclusions controlled fatigue
cussed here, extensive porosity may exist ing, which is directly related to heat performance. The coarser effects of so-
in the central equiaxed zone. The relative transfer during solidification. lidification, such as columnar dendrite
areas of the columnar and equiaxed zones Figure 5 shows secondary dendrite crystal orientation and porosity, were
depend on caster speed, which deter- arm spacing as a function of the dis- dissipated by a reduction ratio of 7: 1.
mines thermal gradients and solidifica- tance from the chill surface for a num- Residual effects of dendritic segrega-
tion velocity. Electromagnetic stirring is ber of casters.14The larger the section tion may contribute to ferritelpearlite
used to promote the size of the equiaxed size and further the distance from the banding beyond association with as-cast
zone, minimize centerline porosity and surface, the coarser the dendrite spac- structures! Also, residual chemical seg-
reduce the size of the columnar zone. ing and associated micro segregation regation effects from the corners of square
The scale of the dendritic structure and porosity. billets eventually may contribute to
determines the distribution of inter-
dendrite chemical segregation and M.CROSEGREGA T.ON
porosity due to solidification shrinkage Center macroporosity and interdendrite
or gas evolution. These factors may microporosity are healed by hot work,
be detrimental to mechanical proper-
ties and performance. The fine-scale
3.~ .Low carbon steels
2 .Stainless steels (type 304) .

.-14 1.8 ~ .. ..

I != 1.0
.6 ..

1- Chill zone
I 2

= -.2

Columnarzone o -.6
..I -1.0

-2.4 -1.6 -0.8 -0.0 0.8 1.6 2.4

Equiaxed zone Log x (mm) Figure 6 A picric acid-sodium
tridecylbenzene etchJOdepicts effects
Figure 5 The secondary dendrite arm associated with residual interdendritic
Figure 4 The diagram shows various spacingfor a number of dijJerent casters microsegregation in bars of 10V45 steel
solidification zones in a continuously is shown as a function of distance from subjected to hot reduction ratios of (a)
cast billet.12
the chill surface. !4 7:1, (b) 10:1, (c) 27:1 and (d) 49:1.

SEPTEMBER 1998 a 75

nonsyrnmetrical distortion during final with discontinuities caused by speci- stirring produces an extensive equiaxed
heat treatment of bars and forgings.15.
16 men machining.17 dendritic zone and eliminates macro-
Solidification porosity increaseswith scopic centerline shrinkage. A light-
SOLIDIFICATION POROSITY greater distance from the surface of as- etching band, because of solute deple-
Porosity is a major consequenceof so- cast billets. As the dendritic structure tion, marks the initiation of electromag-
lidification and hasbeen shown to cause coarsens, the interior cooling rate de- netic stirring.
diminished fatigue performance. For creases,the last liquid steelsolidifies and In addition to stirring, porosity and
example, Figures 7 and 8 show fatigue final shrinkage develops. Density mea- the extent of the equiaxed central zone
crack initiation at porosity in as-cast surements,asa function of distancefrom of billets also are affected by superheat.
continuously cast 152-mm-square bil- the surfacesof 140-mm-squarecast bil- High superheat in unstirred billets in-
lets and hardened 4140 steeV 7Figure 7 lets, show porosity is low in columnar creases the extent of columnar solidifi-
illustrates fatigue fracture surfaces de- dendrite solidification zones and in- cation by retarding the nucleation of
veloped by axial fatigue testing of creasesto high levelscloseto and at billet equiaxed dendrites:Q, 21High superheats

specimensremoved from the columnar centerlines.18Brada has shown that cor- also have been found to increase
dendritic zone. Meanwhile, Figure 8 ners of square billets, where columnar interdendrite segregation and internal
illustrates fatigue in the equiaxed dendrite zonesfrom orthogonal surface porosity, requiring higher reduction
zone. The interdendritic morphology impinge, also are locations of high po- ratios for the elimination of porosity.21
of the porosity is revealed, especially in rosity in continuous cast billets.19 Electromagnetic stirring offsets the ef-
the second example; the former re- Figure 9 shows macroetched trans- fect of high superheats, but does not
vealed better fatigue life. Specimens verse sections of electromagnetically compensate completely for the in-
removed from bars of the same billet stirred and unstirred continuously creased size of columnar solidification
subjected to hot reduction ratios of castbillets of 4140 steel,171n
theunstirred zones at higher superheat temperatures.
3.3: lor greater showed marked im- billet, the columnar dendrite zone occu- Hot work eliminates porosity, but
provement in fatigue resistance.Fatigue pies most of the cross section, and mac- the amount required to produce full
initiation of hardened specimens from roscopic porosity is present at the density in bars is a function of the meth-
hot worked bars largely was associated centerline of the billet. Electromagnetic ods by which the hot work is applied.

~ ~10J.lrn
I Figure 7 Porosity is a major conseqltence of solidification. The micrographs show the
porosity at the fatigue crack initiation in a hardened 4140 steel specimen taken from the
columnar dendritic zone of an as-cast sti"ed billet.ll

For example, Figure 10 shows poros- etchingeffectsassociated with chemical Figure 12, taken from the work of Fett
ity is eliminated by relatively low reduc- segregationare still apparent. and Ross, shows strength and ductility
tion ratios, and rolling schedules with parameters as a function of the reduc-
heavy passes increase density more MINIMUM HOT REDUCTION tion ratio for normalized specimens of
readily than those with light passes.22The RATIOS 1040 steel,24 As noted previously, ulti-
heavy passes were accomplished with Table I lists a number of investigations mate strength and hardness are not
larger diameter cylindrical rolls. A study that have been designed to evaluatethe degraded in as-cast structures, but elon-
of the elimination of porosity in continu- transition from cast to wrought me- gation and reduction of area are re-
ously cast slabs also emphasized that a chanical behavior and structure in con- duced by the effects of solidification.
combination of rolling reduction and tinuously cast steels. The criteria, as Figure 13, from the same study, shows
rolling shape factor (as related to radius identified by each set of authors, dif- dependence of impact energy on the
of the work rolls) must be considered for fered for an effective transition. The reduction ratio, similar to that of the
the elimination of porosity.23 criteria included an elimination of ductility parameters. Both the impact
Another study was conducted on the porosity, mechanical behavior charac- and ductility measures of fracture resis-
effectiveness of various deformation teristic of products produced from in- tance reach constant values at the low
processes on consolidating central got cast steels or mechanical behavior reduction ratio of 3:1. Morris et al.
looseness and voids in bars produced that attained a stable high level as a show similar sets of data for tensile
from strand-cast billets. Morris et al. function of increasing hot reduction. properties, but greater variation in im-
found that hammer forging restored full A number of the investigations of pact properties in specimens is obtained
density at a nominal reduction ratio of mechanical properties determined by from billets subjected to low reduction
3:1.18 But, when continuous forging, tensile testing show yield and tensile ratios of between 3:1 and 7:1.18
groove rolling and flat rolling were used strength are relatively insensitive to The studies of fatigue in as-cast and
for hot deformation, reduction ratios of microstructural components intro- hot rolled continuously cast billets show
at least 5:1 were required. duced by solidification or hot work of that specimens from as-cast billets fail
Figure 11, from the study by Schultz et the as-cast structures. 17,18,21,24
How- for one of two reasons: coarse as-cast
al., shows in continuously cast 4140 bars ever, the properties that measure duc- columnar grain structure or porosity
subjected to a reduction ratio of 3:3, tility, such as reduction of area or total incorporated during solidification.17
some residual center porosity persists in elongation, are sensitive to solidifica- After relatively small amounts of hot
the bar produced from an unstirred bil- tion structures and improve with in- reduction, the effects of residual solidi-
let. 17No macroscopic evidence ofporos-
creasing hot reduction. fication no longer playa significant role
ity is visible in the bar produced from an The ductility parameters are deter- in the initiation of fatigue cracks. In-
electromagnetically stirred billet, but mined by ductile fracture mechanisms stead, fatigue initiates at inclusions or
related to pore and inclusion distribu- surface defects, which are determined
0 tions, and are adversely affected by by steel cleanliness, specimen prepara-
thosedistributions in as-castspecimens. tion and microstructure.
Heavy pass~ ~
s 01


1 15 2 2.5 3
Rolling Ratio

Figure 10 Density differences between

core and surface zones of cast plates, shown
as a function of reduction ratio and rolling
severity, indicate that porosity is eliminated
by relatively low reduction ratios!2

1998 a 77
14. A.W. Cramb, "Secondary Dendrite Arm Spacings
superheat and electromagnetic stirring. the Advanced Steel Processing and Prod-
in Continuous Cast, Thin Steel Sections," Casting
Deternlination of the success of these ucts Research Center, a National Sci- of Near Net Shape Products, TMS, 1988, pp.

efforts must then be made on a case-by- ence Foundation Industry-University Co- 673-682.
15. S. Gunnarson, "Effect of Strand Casting on Distortion
case basis. The mechanical properties operative Research Center at the of Carburized Steel Crown Wheels," Harterei-

Colorado School of Mines. ~ TechniscbeMitteilungen, Vol. 46,1991, p. 216.

must be evaluated and demonstrate that
16. H. Mallender, "Dimension and Shape Changes by
the properties are adequate for the pro- Carburizing," Einsatzharten, J. Grosch and J.
I. G. Millar , "Strand Cast Bar Steels in North America," Wunning, Editors, AWT, 1989, pp. 285-303.
posed application.
Bar Applications Group/American Iron and Steel 17. E.J. Schultz et al., "The Effect of Hot-RoU Reduction
This article has reviewed a number Ratio on the Axial Fatigue of Cuntinuously-Cast and
Institute, 1995, pp. 3-4.
2. W .R.lrving, "Continuous Casting of Steel, " Book 584,
of technical papers on the effect of hot Hardened 4140 Steel," 34th Mechanical Working

The Institute of Materials, 1993, pp. 1-20. and Steel Processing Proceedings, ISS, Vol. XXX,
reduction on the properties of continu- 1992, pp. 309-319.
3. W .C. Leslie, "Inclusions and Mechanical Properties,"
ously cast steel. Two of the most com- Trans. oftbe ISS, ISS, Vol. 2, 1983, pp. 1-24. 18. P.W. Morris, S.P. Ryalls and B.A. Wade, "Optimiza-

4. L.E. Samuels, OpticalMicroscopy ofCarbon Steels, tiun of the defonnation process for continuously cast
prehensive papers regarding mill proc- billets to provide the most appropriate materi:j! prop-
ASM, Materials Park, OH, 1980.
essing were commissioned by the 5. D. Schauwinhold, "Characteristic Properties and Ap- erties," Final Report, Contract No. 7210.EB/804 (DI-

European Commission.18, 21 Producers plications ofProducts from Continuously Cast Steel," D5.5/88), European Commission, 1994.
4th Internationallron and Steel Conference, 1982 , 19. G. Brada, "Characterization ofContinuouslyCastAISI

and users of steels should perform more pp. 3/3-3/12. 4130 Steel and the Effects of Hot-Reductiun Ratio on

6. R.L. Widner, "Value Creation Through Investment Structure and Axial Fatigue," M.S. Thesis, Colorado
work to be published and evaluated. School of Mines, 1993.
and Continuous Improvement," SAE, Warrendale,
This work would enable the establish- PA, 1992, Paper No.921678. 20. D.J. Hurtuk, "Aberrations Observed in the Relation-
7. J.D. StoverandR.V. Kolarikll, "Air-MeltedSteel With ship ofDendrite Size-Alloying Elements for Low Alloy
ment of clear limits of the minimum
Ultra-Low Inclusion Content Further ImpToves Bear- Steel," Proceedings of the International Confer-
amounts of hot reduction for specific ing Fatigue Life," SME, Paper No.871208. ence on Solidification, The Metals Society, London,
8. N .Islam, "Developments in the continuous casting of England, 1979, pp. 21-29.
steel compositions, steelmaking condi-
steel," Metals and Materials, 1989, pp. 392-396. 21. F. Fattorini and B. Grifoni, "Effect of the Rolling
tions and product applications. 9. B. Rittgers et al., "Effect of Hot Working Reduction Reduction Ratio on the Quality and Properties of
Ratios on the Torsional Fatigue of Strand Cast AISI Rolled Engineering Steel Bars Deriving from Cast
4140 Steel," 31st Mechanical Working and Steel Billets and Blooms via C. C. Route," Final Report,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Processing Proceedings, ISS, Vol. XXVII, 1989, pp.
Contract No. 7210-EB/402 (1.7.1985-30.6.1988),
C.V. White acknowledges the support of European Commission, 1990.
10. J. Dyek et al., "Effects of Hot Reduction and Bar
22. J-C. Brunet, "Reduction Ratios In Continuous Cast-
American Iron and Steel Institute, Deere Diameter on Torsional Fatigue of a Strand-Cast
ing: How Important Are They? ," Metal Progress, Vol.
Microalloyed Steel," 30thMechanical Working and
& Company, Chaparral Texas Steel Re- Steel Processing Proceedings, ISS, 1988, Vol. VVXI,
XX, 1985, pp. 45-53.
23. N. Okumura et al., "Hot Rolling Conditions in Cun-
cycling, Caterpillar Inc. and Inland Steel pp. 83-94.
tinuous Cast Slabs," pp. 217-228.
II. G.R. Speich and W.A. Spitzig, "Effect of Volume
Company. This support made possible Fraction and Shape of Sulfide Inclusions on Through-
24. G.A. FettandJ.W. Ross, "The Effect of Reduction Ratio
on the Mechanical Properties of Strand Cast Steel,"
a sabbatical leave from GMI Engineer- Thickness Ductility and Impact Energy ofHigh Strength
Impact of Improved Material Quality on Proper-
4340 Plate Steels," Metall. TransactionsA, Vo113A,
ing and Management Institute (now 1982, pp 2,239-2,257.
ties, Product Performance and Design, ASME, MD
Vol. 28,1991, pp. 1-14.
Kettering University) at the Colorado 12. Y. Tomita, "Effect of Hot Rolling Reduction on Shape
25. R.H. McCreery , "Effects of Reduction On the Minimill
of Sulfide Inclusions and Fracture Toughness of A/SI
School of Mines. The program on the 4340 mtrahigh Strength Steel," Metall. Transac- Steel," Metal Progress, 1984, pp. 29-31.

tionsA, Vol. 19A, 1988, pp. 1,555-1,561. 26. H.B. Emerick, "Evaluatiun of Continuous Cast Steel
effects of the hot reduction ratio on
13. T. Ototani, Calcium Clean Steel, Springer Verlag, for Seamless Tube Production," Continuous Cast-
continuous cast steels is supported by Berlin, 1986. ing, Gordun and Breach, 1962, pp. 197-208.

SEPTEMBER 1998 la 79

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