Group 1 Global Perspective

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M A D E B Y: B A S E M , A D A M
O S A M A , AY M A N , S U LTA N
What is
• Sustainability means
meeting our needs
without harming future
generations or the planet.
It's about balancing
economic, social, and
environmental concerns
for long-term well-being.
Write down:
-3 things you didn’t know about

❑The UAE made a sustainable

city called Masdar city.
❑The UAE use solar panels to
provide energy.
❑In the UAE 96% of adults
stated they're willing to take
personal action to combat
environmental and
sustainability issues.
at Masdar City
• Masdar City in Abu Dhabi is a shining
example of sustainability. It runs on
renewable energy like solar power, uses
innovative water-saving techniques, and
designs buildings with eco-friendly
materials and features. The city promotes
walking, biking, and electric transport,
reducing carbon emissions. Plus, it's a hub
for green innovation and research, showing
how cities can be both eco-friendly and
The UAE’s waste-to-energy
program that contributes to
reducing landfill waste

• The UAE's waste-to-energy

program is an innovative
initiative aimed at reducing
landfill waste by converting it
into valuable energy resources .
seigolonhcet decnavda hguorhT
ciboreana dna noitarenicni ekil
ylno ton margorp eht ,noitsegid
stcapmi latnemnorivne seziminim
osla tub sllfidnal htiw detaicossa
ygrene elbawener ot setubirtnoc
gnicnahne ,noitareneg
.ytiruces ygrene dna ytilibaniatsus
The steps that have been
taken to increase recycling
in the country
• Steps taken to boost recycling in
the UAE include developing
recycling infrastructure,
and launching public awareness
campaigns gnitnemelpmi ,
noitcelloc etsaw detagerges
yrotaluger gnitcane ,smetsys
gniretsof dna ,serusaem
.rotces etavirp eht htiw spihsrentrap
esaercni ot mia stroffe esehT
llfidnal ecuder ,setar gnilcycer
elbaniatsus etomorp dna ,etsaw
.tnemeganam ecruoser
What are the TOP 5
greenest countries in the

Here are the top 5 greenest

1. Sweden
2. Denmark
3. Norway
4. Finland
5. Switzerland
Write some background information about
this country (the geography of the country,
the weather in this country, the population
of the country)

• Japan, an island nation in East Asia, boasts

a diverse geography, characterized by
mountainous terrain and numerous islands.
Its climate varies from temperate in the north
to subtropical in the south, with four distinct
seasons. The population of approximately 126
million people is heavily concentrated in
urban areas, notably the Tokyo metropolitan
region. Japan is predominantly ethnically
Japanese, though it also hosts minority groups
like the Ainu and Ryukyuans. The country faces
demographic challenges due to an aging
population and low birth rates, which impact
its economy and social welfare system.
What is JAPAN ranked in

• In the 2022 Environmental

Performance Index (EPI), Japan was
ranked 12th out of 180 countries.
This index evaluates countries based
on various environmental factors such
as air quality, water and sanitation,
biodiversity, and climate change
mitigation efforts. Japan's ranking
reflects its ongoing efforts to address
environmental challenges and
implement sustainable practices.
• Japan's sustainable development goals
encompass reducing greenhouse gas
emissions in line with the Paris Agreement
targets, promoting renewable energy
sources to diversify its energy mix,
enhancing resource efficiency through
What are the recycling and the circular economy, and
prioritizing biodiversity conservation and
countries’ goals ecosystem preservation. These goals reflect
Japan's commitment to addressing
of sustainable pressing environmental challenges while
fostering economic growth and social well-
development? being in a sustainable manner.

We pledge to conserve Energy: Turn off We pledge to save Water: Be mindful of We pledge to use Sustainable
lights, computers, and appliances when not water usage by fixing leaks, taking shorter Transportation: Choose walking, biking,, or
in use. Use energy-efficient appliances and showers, and using water-saving devices like using public transportation whenever
consider renewable energy sources like solar low-flow faucets and toilets. possible to reduce carbon emissions from
or wind power if feasible. vehicles.
Ayman: I
Basem: I really really enjoyed
enjoyed searching
designing the for information
presentation. for
the presentation.

Adam: I enjoyed
Sultan: I am researching
happy that I about the topic
participated and designing
on this ppt.

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