Politics Outline

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Malaysia’s Post-Pandemic Challenges in:

1. Digital Divide and Access to Education
- The shift to online learning exposed a significant digital divide in Malaysia.
Many students, particularly in rural and low-income areas, lacked access to
necessary digital devices and reliable internet connectivity. This divide
hindered their ability to participate in remote learning effectively.
2. Quality of Education
- Many teachers were unprepared for the digital shift, lacking the necessary
training and resources to deliver effective online instruction. This situation
resulted in a potential decline in the quality of education and student
3. Mental Health Issues
- The pandemic and the shift to online learning caused increased stress and
anxiety among students. The lack of social interaction, increased screen time,
and the pressure of adapting to new learning methods adversely affected
students' mental health.
4. Learning Gaps
- Prolonged school closures and the inconsistent quality of online education
contributed to significant learning gaps. Students, especially those from
disadvantaged backgrounds, fell behind academically, exacerbating existing
educational inequalities.
5. Examination and Assessment Disruptions
- The pandemic disrupted traditional examination schedules and methods.
The changes in assessment methods caused confusion and anxiety among
students and parents, impacting students' academic planning and future
1) People need to get a vaccination to enter certain premises
- Individual rights vs. public health
- Limit access to essential services or activities for individuals who are
unable or unwilling to get vaccinated

2) Mental health
- Mental health impact of quarantine and social distancing
- Mental health issues of patient after Covid-19 recovery
- Mental health impact on frontline healthcare professionals
- Stigma related to Covid-19 pandemic

3) Social inequality
- Pandemic has widened the gap between the wealthy and the
economically disadvantaged, leading to increased poverty and inequality

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