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Technology Applications for Business

Course Facilitator: Dr. Preeti Khanna

Prepared by: Group 1

Sargam Jain - (G006)

Vandana Wadhwa - (G008)
Chirag Shetty - (G014)
Aman Agarwal - (G021)
Shubhankar Mayank - (G039)
Nithin Chaudary S - (G062)

Submission Date: 09th October 2020

Industry Analysis:

Manufacturing Industry has currently been among the high growth sectors in India. The
current Covid Scenario, global Intentions of moving the manufacturing capacities out of China
and various government backed schemes like Make in India, Atmanirbhar Campaign and others
have the potential to place India as a global manufacturing hub of the world. The main reasons
driving these are the varied range of material and human resources availability all throughout
the country. However, it must also be noted that the industry needs to be revolutionized through
the use of technology to be able to cater to the ever-increasing demands.

The Indian Manufacturing Industry has become one of the most lucrative investment
options for global investors as it is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2025. The implementation of
GST has made India a common market with GDP of $2.5 trillion and a population of 1.32 billion
making it a huge potential draw for investors. With majority of the sectors showing positive
growth (pre Covid) strong growth was recorded in the production of basic metals (10.8 per cent),
intermediate goods (8.8 per cent), food products (2.7 per cent) and tobacco products (2.9 percent)
(Other sectors in Annexure 2). India’s Index of major core industries stood at 131.9 in FY20.

Manufacturing industry is not what it used to be years ago, now it's been using digital
technologies to improve manufacturing processes, enhance customer experiences and also
leverage technology to adapt to fluctuating market dynamics and also do it as quickly as possible
to get the first movers advantage. Companies have begun using technologies like Artificial
Intelligence, machine learning, IOT, Process automations, Image processing etc. to take these
processes to the next level. The concept of Industry 4.0 which is defined as automation of
traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using modern smart technology (Cyber
physical systems) and having machine to machine communication enabled is also beginning to
gain momentum in the industry.

Pre-existing issues/ inefficiencies in manufacturing industry:

a) Defect Identification in processes: In case of continuous production processes where

large quantities of goods are manufactured manually checking each and every part for
defects is not possible, this leads to defective products getting qualified as non-defectives.

b) Process optimization: If the manufacturing processes are not analyzed and optimized on a
periodic basis it can lead to overuse of resources like energy, fuel, and raw materials. The
process of optimization is a fairly complex one for humans and achieving 100%
optimization is not possible.
c) Efficiency Calculation: Machine run time and efficiency calculation has to be done
manually in the current scenario. Monitoring and analyzing parameters that are critical to
machine health is a tedious activity when done mechanically. Optimizing machine
downtime by predicting failure before it occurs is not possible in most current scenarios.

d) Traceability of products over complete cycles is manual in current scenario and no

insights around critical quality, condition and production data at every stage are
automatically obtained in a system.

e) Real time insights related to process were not possible as no technology existed to trace
machine data in real time.

f) Consumption optimization: Analyze the consumption pattern of energy and other

consumables that are part of the production process and discover ways to optimize their

g) Manual data entry onto the enterprise systems.

Applications of Digital Technology in Manufacturing Industry:

This section is broadly divided into two parts. In the first part we shall be discussing digital
transformation implemented in the main manufacturing processes while in the second part we
shall discuss some details about digital technologies used in subsidiary activities of
manufacturing like office works, report generation data entry etc.

This study uses three case studies to explore possible applications of technologies like IOT,
Image processing, cloud computing, data analytics, RPA and of course AI/ML. The study
explores the application by explaining how these technologies helped Siemens, L&T and other
manufacturing companies in digitally transforming their processes.

Section 1: Digital Technologies in Manufacturing processes

Case 1:
Product: Mindsphere -A smart cloud for industries
Company used: Siemens
Application: Process tracking
Cost Involved: Siemens claims cost as $10 billion (includes cost of acquisition of partner firms)
Technology used: IOT, Data Analytics and AI, cloud services

MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects real
things to the digital world using sensors, and enables powerful industry applications and digital
services to drive business processes. In addition, today’s company’s transactions and processes
are loaded with data. It has become one of the most important resources essential in the age of
the Internet of Things and Data Analytics. To unleash full potential and get maximum benefit
from the data we must transform this flood of data into useful knowledge and actionable insights.
However, capturing and analyzing data from countless sources is a staggering challenge that's
why Siemens developed Mindsphere, the cloud-based open IOT operating system, so that
companies of every type and size can unlock the real full potential of their data assets and put
them to profitable use. It rapidly connects existing assets and systems of various manufacturers
and makes it possible to gather data from a multitude of sources and links it to advanced
analytics and other ERP applications. This system then transforms this data into valuable
knowledge, knowledge that helps increase availability quality and efficiency across the value
chain knowledge that solves problems before they occur knowledge that will speed up processes,
open up new avenues, improve processes and simplify decision-making knowledge, which
ultimately makes companies better. Mindsphere transforms data into knowledge and knowledge
into actionable insights and these insights transform into business success.

Siemens' latest gas turbines have over 500 sensors connected to the internet that continuously
monitors and sends data of critical parameters like temperature, pressure, stress, and other
variables. All this information is fed to their AI enabled data analytics system which uses neural
networks. Siemens claims their system is learning how to continuously adjust fuel valves to
create the optimal conditions for combustion based on specific weather conditions and the
current state of the equipment. More combustion results in few unwanted by-products and thus
use of these technologies ultimately helps make the system less waste generating and efficient.
By companies having a full understanding of all resources available and with actionable insights
obtained using data generated from them, the goal is to eventually make manufacturing
providing mass customization possible. The objective is to achieve rapid turnaround from design
to delivery with optimal use of machines and other resources.


a) Access the IoT platform optimized for industrial IoT applications

b) Highly scalable, cost-effective cloud infrastructure based on Cloud Foundry, including
integration to multiple databases like AWS etc.
c) High security standards
d) Easy data transfer into MindSphere by connecting multiple ERP and standalone systems to the
Intangible benefits: Paving the way for “connected smart factories”.

Case 2: AI Enabled Visual Inspection for defect identifications

Product: Visual Inspection for defect identifications

Solution developed by: Nano nets

Industries used in: Primarily in Automobile industry, Bottle making plants, Gear Manufacturing

Technology used: Image Processing, Machine learning

Application of the process: Identifications of defects using AI and Image processing.

Description: Visual inspection can get extremely difficult for human eyes in case of continuous
production scenarios. These defective goods getting passed in the inspection and reaching the
end customers can have a variety of consequences, to avoid these and to ensure 100 % accurate
inspection of defects Nano nets came up with this solution. It involves the analysis of products
on the production line and comparing them to standard or desirable product parameters. Visual
inspection can also be used for other purposes like assessment of the various equipment in a
production facility such as storage tanks, pressure vessels, piping, and other equipment. In some
of the cases the conditions are not favorable for humans to work because of the noise, waste
gases etc. so in such cases automated visual inspection can be a boon.

The process consists of following stages:

1. Training the Machine learning model: Machine learning model is fed with training data
and it generates a reference model. The training model will use hundreds of product
images to learn about the characteristics of the product, and use this knowledge to detect
defective products in the later stages.

2. Image Capture: This stage consists of a camera to capture the image of product line or
levels to be monitored. In this stage it is to be ensured that there are proper photographic
conditions exists for the image of the object to be captured. The photographs taken are
not limited to the visible spectrum, but can also make use of infrared, ultraviolet, and
other wavelengths to bring out the necessary details of the product.

3. Image cleaning, processing and comparison with training data: In this step the image
captured are initially worked upon by image processing tools to slightly improve the
image and generate an input for the testing.

1) The machine vision has a wider spectrum of visual perception Compared to human sight, it
can also work in the Ultraviolet, X-ray and Infrared regions of the spectrum as well which the
human eye isn't capable of. This can help in detecting defects not just on the surface but also in
the internal structure of a product. For example, internal cracks in steel rods.

2) Faster observations: These system based visual inspections are faster and more accurate as
compared with human vision. The errors of human vision like parallax error and optical illusion
etc. are completely eliminated in this process.

3) Enhanced capability as compared to humans: The human eye is incapable of making precise
measurements, especially on a very tiny scale. Even while comparing two similar objects, the
eye might not notice that the two objects are of the same size or not.

Section 2:

This section will cover the digital transformations in the subsidiary activities of manufacturing

Case 3: Use of Robotic Process Automation in generation of monthly Stock reports

Product Used: Automation Anywhere

Company Used: L&T Electrical and Automation

Solution/Tool Developed by: Automation Anywhere

Technology used: Robotic Process Automation

Application: Automatic Generation of Monthly Stock Report and Budget variability with
respect to planned budget


a) Process followed Prior RPA: Initially the operators from various data used to download
the data of stock and inventory changes for the month thru the ERP system. This data is
then brought into excel files as this data needs to be segregated into product types using
fixed rules (E.g. All products beginning with CAT no 012 belong to product X). Once the
data is segregated into product types, another set of costs data is downloaded for the same
set of products from the ERP system using a different transaction. These data are then
combined in excel using vlook up and other functions. At the end of this step we obtain a
stock level in terms of quantity and price for each product. This data is then compared
with the budgeted values of cost for the products and a consolidated report consisting of
products lists its quantity, budget actually used and planned budget. This report is used by
the senior management to monitor the quantities available and the budget used in
comparison with the planned budget.

b) With RPA: There are pre coded task bots which are set to get triggered at specific
schedules. These bots will perform all the tasks that previously required humans to
perform in the exact same way. The biggest advantage is these bots can handle the
mundane works quickly correctly and efficiently and the time of humans can actually be
used for more value-added activities.


a) Mundane and repetitive tasks are delegated to the bots.

b) Error free, efficient and repeatable
c) Hassle free and quicker results as compared to human activities
d) Huge cost saving for the organization, as recurring wage expenses decrease

SWOT analysis for application of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Industries

Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat

a) Huge impetus to a) Inflexible culture a) Wide range of a) Unstable

digital transformation as and reluctance to applications possible in network speed
strategy in manufacturing change the domain and connection
to meet ever increasing b) Limited budgets b) Firms competing to issues
demands due to very low get the competitive b) High initial
b) Success in initial margins in the advantage can help drive costs involved
deployments by manufacturing towards digital
industries. industry. transformation.

Recommendations for applications of digital transformation in manufacturing industry:

Based on our study and experience we suggest the following process for implementation of
digital transformation:

a) As-Is study: In this step the processes involved need to be studied and mapped out on a
flowchart or process map chart, post which the teams should identify the pain areas and
areas of improvement in the process.

b) Technology study: In this step the team should study the technologies or solutions
available in the market and try to find the one which can reduce the inefficiencies or
issues or can improve the process.

c) Feasibility study: The technology selected should be analyzed for feasibility in terms of
applicability to the company’s process, cost analysis and a go/No-Go decision should be

d) Implementation and Go live.

Conclusion and Future Scope:

The year 2020 has been a booster for application of digital technology in manufacturing with the
Covid 19 scenario making even the most hardwired companies to adapt these technologies.
These companies will be the pioneer to use and also motivate others to move towards these
technologies in the near future. In the wake of rising production demand and the limited
turnaround time available, most companies will implement digital transformations in their
strategies for the future. In the corporate world, the paradigm shift from boosting production
quantities to promoting innovation and enhancing efficiency, is visible and is the major driver for
success of digital transformations. However proper care must be taken in terms of data security
and encryption while progressing towards these technologies as data security will be a very
important aspect in the times to come. Adherence to security standards like ISO 27001 must be
mandatory for organizations moving towards digital transformation. These standards help to
manage the security of assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee
details or information entrusted by third parties and sets up rules and regulations to be followed
and adhered to in the implementation of transformations.

Thus, in short the current scenario and industry mindset predicts the rapid rise in the
implementation of digital technologies in the manufacturing industry with an eye on security
guidelines and policies to enhance data security.

Annexure 1

Source : IBEF (


Annexure 2

Source : IBEF (

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Industry Analysis: Manufacturing Industry has currently been among the high growth sectors in India. The current
Covid Scenario, global Intentions of moving the manufacturing capacities out of China and various government
backed schemes like Make in India, Atmanirbhar Campaign and others have the potential to place India as a global
manufacturing hub of the world. The main reasons driving these are the varied range of material and human
resources availability all throughout the country. However, it must also be noted that the industry needs to be
revolutionized through the use of technology to be able to cater to the ever-increasing demands. The Indian
Manufacturing Industry has become one of the most lucrative investment options for global investors as it is
expected to reach $1 trillion by 2025. The implementation of GST has made India a common market with GDP of $2.5
trillion and a population of 1.32 billion making it a huge potential draw for investors. With majority of the sectors
showing positive growth (pre Covid) strong growth was recorded in the production of basic metals (10.8 per cent),
intermediate goods (8.8 per cent), food products (2.7 per cent) and tobacco products (2.9 percent) (Other sectors in
Annexure 2). India’s Index of major core industries stood at 131.9 in FY20. Manufacturing industry is not what it used
to be years ago, now it's been using digital technologies to improve manufacturing processes, enhance customer
experiences and also leverage technology to adapt to fluctuating market dynamics and also do it as quickly as
possible to get the first movers advantage. Companies have begun using technologies like Artificial Intelligence,
machine learning, IOT, Process automations, Image processing etc. to take these processes to the next level. The
concept of Industry 4.0 which is defined as automation of traditional manufacturing and industrial practices, using
modern smart technology (Cyber physical systems) and having machine to machine communication enabled is also
beginning to gain momentum in the industry. Pre-existing issues/ inefficiencies in manufacturing industry: a) Defect
Identification in processes: In case of continuous production processes where large quantities of goods are
manufactured manually checking each and every part for defects is not possible, this leads to defective products
getting qualified as non-defectives. b) Process optimization: If the manufacturing processes are not analyzed and
optimized on a periodic basis it can lead to overuse of resources like energy, fuel, and raw materials. The process of
optimization is a fairly complex one for humans and achieving 100% optimization is not possible. c) Efficiency
Calculation: Machine run time and efficiency calculation has to be done manually in the current scenario. Monitoring
and analyzing parameters that are critical to machine health is a tedious activity when done mechanically. Optimizing
machine downtime by predicting failure before it occurs is not possible in most current scenarios. d) Traceability of
products over complete cycles is manual in current scenario and no insights around critical quality, condition and
production data at every stage are automatically obtained in a system. e) Real time insights related to process were
not possible as no technology existed to trace machine data in real time. f) Consumption optimization: Analyze the
consumption pattern of energy and other consumables that are part of the production process and discover ways to
optimize their utilization. g) Manual data entry onto the enterprise systems. Applications of Digital Technology in
Manufacturing Industry: This section is broadly divided into two parts. In the first part we shall be discussing digital
transformation implemented in the main manufacturing processes while in the second part we shall discuss some
details about digital technologies used in subsidiary activities of manufacturing like office works, report generation
data entry etc. This study uses three case studies to explore possible applications of technologies like IOT, Image
processing, cloud computing, data analytics, RPA and of course AI/ML. The study explores the application by
explaining how these technologies helped Siemens, L&T and other manufacturing companies in digitally transforming
their processes. Section 1: Digital Technologies in Manufacturing processes Case 1: Product: Mindsphere -A smart
cloud for industries Company used: Siemens Application: Process tracking Cost Involved: Siemens claims cost as $10
billion (includes cost of acquisition of partner firms) Technology used: IOT, Data Analytics and AI, cloud services
Description: MindSphere is the cloud-based, open IoT operating system from Siemens that connects real things to
the digital world using sensors, and enables powerful industry applications and digital services to drive business
processes. In addition, today’s company’s transactions and processes are loaded with data. It has become one of the
most important resources essential in the age of the Internet of Things and Data Analytics. To unleash full potential
and get maximum benefit from the data we must transform this flood of data into useful knowledge and actionable
insights. However, capturing and analyzing data from countless sources is a staggering challenge that's why Siemens
developed Mindsphere, the cloud-based open IOT operating system, so that companies of every type and size can
unlock the real full potential of their data assets and put them to profitable use. It rapidly connects existing assets
and systems of various manufacturers and makes it possible to gather data from a multitude of sources and links it to
advanced analytics and other ERP applications. This system then transforms this data into valuable knowledge,
knowledge that helps increase availability quality and efficiency across the value chain knowledge that solves
problems before they occur knowledge that will speed up processes, open up new avenues, improve processes and
simplify decision-making knowledge, which ultimately makes companies better. Mindsphere transforms data into
knowledge and knowledge into actionable insights and these insights transform into business success. Siemens'
latest gas turbines have over 500 sensors connected to the internet that continuously monitors and sends data of
critical parameters like temperature, pressure, stress, and other variables. All this information is fed to their AI
enabled data analytics system which uses neural networks. Siemens claims their system is learning how to
continuously adjust fuel valves to create the optimal conditions for combustion based on specific weather conditions
and the current state of the equipment. More combustion results in few unwanted by-products and thus use of these
technologies ultimately helps make the system less waste generating and efficient. By companies having a full
understanding of all resources available and with actionable insights obtained using data generated from them, the
goal is to eventually make manufacturing providing mass customization possible. The objective is to achieve rapid
turnaround from design to delivery with optimal use of machines and other resources. Benefits: a) Access the IoT
platform optimized for industrial IoT applications b) Highly scalable, cost-effective cloud infrastructure based on
Cloud Foundry, including integration to multiple databases like AWS etc. c) High security standards d) Easy data
transfer into MindSphere by connecting multiple ERP and standalone systems to the platform. Intangible benefits:
Paving the way for “connected smart factories”. Case 2: AI Enabled Visual Inspection for defect identifications
Product: Visual Inspection for defect identifications Solution developed by: Nano nets Industries used in: Primarily in
Automobile industry, Bottle making plants, Gear Manufacturing Company Technology used: Image Processing,
Machine learning Application of the process: Identifications of defects using AI and Image processing. Description:
Visual inspection can get extremely difficult for human eyes in case of continuous production scenarios. These
defective goods getting passed in the inspection and reaching the end customers can have a variety of
consequences, to avoid these and to ensure 100 % accurate inspection of defects Nano nets came up with this
solution. It involves the analysis of products on the production line and comparing them to standard or desirable
product parameters. Visual inspection can also be used for other purposes like assessment of the various equipment
in a production facility such as storage tanks, pressure vessels, piping, and other equipment. In some of the cases
the conditions are not favorable for humans to work because of the noise, waste gases etc. so in such cases
automated visual inspection can be a boon. The process consists of following stages: 1. Training the Machine
learning model: Machine learning model is fed with training data and it generates a reference model. The training
model will use hundreds of product images to learn about the characteristics of the product, and use this knowledge
to detect defective products in the later stages. 2. Image Capture: This stage consists of a camera to capture the
image of product line or levels to be monitored. In this stage it is to be ensured that there are proper photographic
conditions exists for the image of the object to be captured. The photographs taken are not limited to the visible
spectrum, but can also make use of infrared, ultraviolet, and other wavelengths to bring out the necessary details of
the product. 3. Image cleaning, processing and comparison with training data: In this step the image captured are
initially worked upon by image processing tools to slightly improve the image and generate an input for the testing.
Benefits: 1) The machine vision has a wider spectrum of visual perception Compared to human sight, it can also work
in the Ultraviolet, X-ray and Infrared regions of the spectrum as well which the human eye isn't capable of. This can
help in detecting defects not just on the surface but also in the internal structure of a product. For example, internal
cracks in steel rods. 2) Faster observations: These system based visual inspections are faster and more accurate as
compared with human vision. The errors of human vision like parallax error and optical illusion etc. are completely
eliminated in this process. 3) Enhanced capability as compared to humans: The human eye is incapable of making
precise measurements, especially on a very tiny scale. Even while comparing two similar objects, the eye might not
notice that the two objects are of the same size or not. Section 2: This section will cover the digital transformations in
the subsidiary activities of manufacturing processes

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Case 3: Use of Robotic Process Automation in generation of monthly Stock reports Product Used: Automation
Anywhere Company Used: L&T Electrical and Automation Solution/Tool Developed by: Automation Anywhere
Technology used: Robotic Process Automation Application: Automatic Generation of Monthly Stock Report and Budget
variability with respect to planned budget Description: a) Process followed Prior RPA: Initially the operators from
various data used to download the data of stock and inventory changes for the month thru the ERP system. This data
is then brought into excel files as this data needs to be segregated into product types using fixed rules (E.g. All
products beginning with CAT no 012 belong to product X). Once the data is segregated into product types, another
set of costs data is downloaded for the same set of products from the ERP system using a different transaction.
These data are then combined in excel using vlook up and other functions. At the end of this step we obtain a stock
level in terms of quantity and price for each product. This data is then compared with the budgeted values of cost for
the products and a consolidated report consisting of products lists its quantity, budget actually used and planned
budget. This report is used by the senior management to monitor the quantities available and the budget used in
comparison with the planned budget. b) With RPA: There are pre coded task bots which are set to get triggered at
specific schedules. These bots will perform all the tasks that previously required humans to perform in the exact
same way. The biggest advantage is these bots can handle the mundane works quickly correctly and efficiently and
the time of humans can actually be used for more value-added activities. Benefits: a) Mundane and repetitive tasks
are delegated to the bots. b) Error free, efficient and repeatable c) Hassle free and quicker results as compared to
human activities d) Huge cost saving for the organization, as recurring wage expenses decrease SWOT analysis for
application of Digital Transformation in Manufacturing Industries Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat a) Huge
impetus to digital transformation as strategy in manufacturing to meet ever increasing demands b) Success in initial
deployments by industries. a) Inflexible culture and reluctance to change b) Limited budgets due to very low margins
in the manufacturing industry. a) Wide range of applications possible in the domain b) Firms competing to get the
competitive advantage can help drive towards digital transformation. a) Unstable network speed and connection
issues b) High initial costs involved Recommendations for applications of digital transformation in manufacturing
industry: Based on our study and experience we suggest the following process for implementation of digital
transformation: a) As-Is study: In this step the processes involved need to be studied and mapped out on a flowchart
or process map chart, post which the teams should identify the pain areas and areas of improvement in the process.
b) Technology study: In this step the team should study the technologies or solutions available in the market and try
to find the one which can reduce the inefficiencies or issues or can improve the process. c) Feasibility study: The
technology selected should be analyzed for feasibility in terms of applicability to the company’s process, cost analysis
and a go/No-Go decision should be made. d) Implementation and Go live. Conclusion and Future Scope: The year
2020 has been a booster for application of digital technology in manufacturing with the Covid 19 scenario making
even the most hardwired companies to adapt these technologies. These companies will be the pioneer to use and
also motivate others to move towards these technologies in the near future. In the wake of rising production demand
and the limited turnaround time available, most companies will implement digital transformations in their strategies
for the future. In the corporate world, the paradigm shift from boosting production quantities to promoting innovation
and enhancing efficiency, is visible and is the major driver for success of digital transformations. However proper
care must be taken in terms of data security and encryption while progressing towards these technologies as data
security will be a very important aspect in the times to come. Adherence to security standards like ISO 27001 must be
mandatory for organizations moving towards digital transformation. These standards help to manage the security of
assets such as financial information, intellectual property, employee details or information entrusted by third parties
and sets up rules and regulations to be followed and adhered to in the implementation of transformations. Thus, in
short the current scenario and industry mindset predicts the rapid rise in the implementation of digital technologies
in the manufacturing industry with an eye on security guidelines and policies to enhance data security.

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