Bac Practise

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1. Put the right tense or form

The general attitudes in society (to accept)-------------------------------------- the fact that the school structures
for industrial society must( demolish )---------------------------------------------- in order to give way to a new kind
of development. In industrial societies, schools and universities ( to regard/ merely)
------------------------------------------ as buildings, as weaver factories, hospitals and concert halls. The
information society (up to now/ destroy)-------------------------------------- the walls of schools and universities ;
the school (to be)--------------------------------------- no longer a simple building, it is a learning centre intricately
connected with the surrounding society thanks to the various tools of the information society. As a
consequence of global networking, schools ( recently / to become)--------------------------------------------- part of
network culture. The tools of information and communication technology and particularly those of
teletechnology, (to be)------------------------------------------------ today an in integral part of this process of

2. Choose the right alternative

Girl’s education is a ( important / key / interesting)---------------------------------------- challenge in Yemen ,

especially in rural areas ( which/ where / who)------------------------------------------------------- only 30% of school-
age girls are enrolled compared to 71% of girls in urban areas. UNICEF ‘s support has been designed to
(address/ talk / enhance)------------------------------------------- basic obstacles to rural girls’ participation in
education, including lack of schools and ( short / shortening / shortage)------------------------------------ female
teachers. Activities aim at expanding access through construction and rehabilitation of community schools
built close to home; (to improve / approve / prove)------------------------------------- quality through pre-service
and in—service training of female teachers; and to strengthen awareness or the importance of education
through information ( companies / campaigns / companions )-------------------------------- conducted through
the media and through inter-personal communications by religious leaders and village- based
communicators. Parent-teacher associations and communities are( revolved / evolved / involved)
---------------------------------------------- in school construction, to encourage attendance (either / as well as /
both)------------------------------------------------ perseverance.

3. Supply the correct form or tense of the bracketed words or verbs

Education in the USA is free and aims to help each child make the most of his talents and (able)
-------------------------------------------. Schooling is (compel)------------------------------------. Today six states require
(attend)----------------------------- to the age of 18 , six others to the age of 17 and the rest to the age of 16.
Self-(rely)----------------------------- and self –discipline (encourage)------------------------------------ by giving young
children certain tasks and (perform)----------------------------------------- in the classroom. In high school, a
student council often (work) -------------------------------------along with administration to plan programs and
activities. 16 and 17-year –old children are responsible for the (safe)---------------------------------------- of the
younger ones crossing the street in front of the school
4. Fill in the blanks with words from the list

urgent - dropouts – abandon – covers – wasting - certainly – better – widely – parental – boost – relevant -

Education for all is not the same thing as quality education for all. It is------------------------------ agreed that is
not enough to put children into school, they also have to learn something -----------------------------------and
stay in school. Most countries, including countries with large populations such as Brazil and China, are now
talking about quality, a concept that-----------------------everything from the physical condition of school to
------------------------------- teacher training, from the availability of textbooks to more -----------------------------
involvement. The need for improving the-------------------------- of education systems is ---------------------------.
Today, in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa less than three out of four pupils reach the fifth grade. In terms
of measuring efficiency, their school systems are-------------------------- up to a third of their resources on
repeaters and --------------------------------. In fact, a quarter of the 96 million pupils who entered school for the
first time in 1995 are likely to ---------------------- their schooling before fifth grade.

5. Put the verbs in the right tense or form

My daughter, Siobham , loved school. She was bright and was in the top classes for most of her subjects?
All her teachers predicted she(get)-------------------------------------------- great GCSE results and go to university.
But last February , my husband and I (force)-------------------------------------------- to stop Siobham, now she is
15, going to school for her own safety. Years of bullying (leave)--------------------------------------------her
terrified. Siobham was 9 when (bully)---------------------------------------- began to target her because she wore
glasses. She would get pushed around in the corridors and playgrounds and she would come home with her
coat ( tear)------------------------------------------- . we thought taking a different bus (help)------------------------------
but the (bully) ------------------------------------------------kept following her. My husband and I worked for the
police but felt so (help)--------------------------------------------- . Then Siobham (terrify)-----------------------------------
of going to school every day and even tried to kill herself. Thus, we decided to look into the
(impossible)-------------------------------------------- of her studying from home. Sibham gets all the courses online
and has a home tutor to help her with some subjects. Now, she is studying for an ‘A’ level. Leaving
(convention )-------------------------------------------- school is the best thing to have happened.

6. Choose the correct alternative

Enrolment has fallen most sharply at pre-schools ( who / which / where)----------------------------------------

severe children between the ages of 7 and 13. Some have shifted to weekly boarding, allowing pupils to go
home on weekends. Others have turned (on / up / into)---------------------------------------------- day schools,
dropping the boarding option entirely. The public schools, independent boarding schools for teenagers are
not suffering as (badly / bad / worse)------------------------------------------- ; some parents still enter (there/
they’re / their)--------------------------------------------- children at birth on waiting lists for the top schools. Even
the critics or f the prep schools concede that studying away from home can benefit older kids. “After
puberty, the experience of community at boarding school can be very (valueless / invaluable / invalid)
--------------------------------------” says psychotherapist Nick Durfell, director of Boarding school survivors
workshops. “But before that point, a child must be able to deal with the outside world from within the
comfort of its family.” Piers Partiridge another psychotherapist declares that sending a child (to / away / in)
------------------------------------------ from everything that is familiar –Mom, Dad, friends, even smells-is (like /
similar / the same)------------------------------------ to emotional abuse”.
7. Fill in the blanks with words from the list
as well – rushing – attending – appeals –furthermore – into – pursue – cyber – integrate – bullied
– do – more - concentrate

Online learning is conducted through web communication and internet technology. This learner-based
education has numerous ------------------------ . To start with, distance learning is an opportunity to
----------------------------------- digital media ------------------------------the curriculum. Moreover, with open
learning the student is able to ------------------------------------- his studies whenever and wherever he wishes.
Added to this, ------------------------------students may say goodbye to school uniforms, heavy bags and to the
hustle of the ------------------------------------hours-. Besides, virtual schools are considered as a blessing for
families living abroad and who want to have English education as well as for -----------------------------------------
children or kids with physical health problems. ------------------------------------------ , cyber students can feel
more confident and --------------------------------------------- more away from strict teachers. Also, they will be
able to ----------------------------------or speed up their learning operation. Last but not least , students will get
rid of school duties -----------------------------as frightening tests and exams. To end up, I -----------------------------
believe that virtual schools are much ------------------------------beneficial than -------------------------------
traditional classrooms.

8. Supply the right form of the bracketed verbs/words

There is no doubt that virtual school are of numerous benefits. Yet , no one can deny how (harm)
------------------------------ this new technology is. In fact , online learning implies little verbal and physical
(communicate)-----------------------------------.Moreover , cyber students will be less motivated and disciplined
which can damage their moral behaviour. Added to this , (sit)------------------------ at the computer for long
hours can not only cause backbone pains but also have side effects on the eyes. Disadvantages include that
a person has (be)-------------------------- self motivated to learn as learning cannot
(enforce)--------------------------------------------------- via the internet.

Besides, online learning can reduce students’ skills mainly that of speaking and writing. Additionally, there
will be no chance for children to learn how to handle the bustle and (bully)-------------------------in the
playground. To conclude , I (strong)--------------------------- believe that the electronic learning technology is a
blessing in disguise. That’s why it’s advisable for students (avoid)--------------------------such learning methods.

9. Supply the right tense or from of the bracketed words or verbs

In most contemporary educational systems of the world, secondary education consists of the second years
of formal education that occur during (adolescent) -------------------------------- . It is characterized by (move)
-----------------------------------------from the typically compulsory , comprehensive education to for minors to
the (option)----------------------------------- selective “post secondary” or “higher education” ( university or
vocational school) for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period may be called secondary or
high schools, middle schools, colleges or vocational schools. The exact meaning of any of these terms( vary)
------------------------------from one system to another but generally, secondary education occurs mainly during
the teenage years. In the United States and Canada , primary education and secondary education together
(call) ----------------------------------------K12 education and in New Zealand year 1-13 is used. The purpose
of secondary education can be to give common (know) ---------------------------------------, to prepare for higher
education or to train (direct) ---------------------------in a profession .
10. Supply the right tense or form of the bracketed words or verbs
Lifelong learning is a feature of modern life and will continue to be so. We believe in a culture of
lifelong learning where the education system, provision of learning and the benefits of new
technology are focused on (make) --------------------------------------------- it easier for more people to
participate in learning at any stage of their lives. Learning has never been ( important)
----------------------------------------------for our society than it is today. we live in a (high) ---------------------
competitive world characterized by fast changing technologies. The role of education and training
in our society is also changing. Part of that change will be (increase) -----------------------------------------
interest and participation by adults in all types of learning. Lifelong learning will make a major
(contribute) ---------------------------------------in building a modern and a strong society. People will
understand the importance and benefits of developing their( able) -------------------------------------------
and talents. We need to update (continue) ----------------------------------the skills in the workforce and
better equip people to manage their own future. For many, lifelong learning will be means to
(achieve) ------------------------------- goals , living a more fulfilling life and playing a ( confidence)
--------------------------in society

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