Smrithy E. Mohan

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Smrithy E.Mohan1, Shyja M2

Government engineering college Kozhikode, Dept. Of Chemical Engineering

Kozhikode, India

Corresponding author-E-mail:


An alternate source of fuel is necessary in today’s scenario in which raw materials are

collected from the environment itself and the important thing is that the product is ecofriendly

and economically feasible also. Cashew nut shell is an example for this kind of raw material and

biodiesel obtained from this is good in its biodegradability, no sulphur emissions, high cetane

number and low volatility. It reduces environmental pollution. Due to the over usage and

increase in the automobiles there is a dramatic increase in the demand of fossil fuels. Hence there

is a need for an alternate source of energy.

Keywords: Cashew nut shell, biodiesel, fossil fuel, ecofriendly, biodegradable

1. Introduction

Cashew otherwise known as wonder nut, is a valuable commodity in global market and

also an important cash crop. Cashew nut is obtained from cashew tree which help in soil

conservation, aforestation and waste land development. About 34% of the worlds cashew export

is from India. Cashew nut shell oil is extracted from the shell coat and nut.[1] Its shell consists of
three layers endocarp, epicarp and mesocarp contains shell oil. Cashew nut shell oil is valuable

in industrial and therapeutic point of view because of its very important antimicrobial property

and termite and insect resistance. It consists of kernel, shell and testa. 30% of the cashew nut

shell contains phenolic liquid which is reddish brown in colour. This viscous phenolic liquid is

known as the cashew nut shell liquid oil. This oil has many applications as it can be used in the

automotive brake lining, modified resins, manufacture of superior type of paints, insulating

varnishes in the electrical industry, special types of adhesive cement, polyurethane based

polymers, surfactants. CNSL is composition of three components such as anacardic acid (70%),

cardanol (5%) and cardol(18%). Anacardic acid is said to be high hydrocarbon family which is

said to be a fatty acid or vegetable oil. The commonly used raw material for the production of

biodiesel is vegetable oil and animal fats. Transesterification is the process used to convert oil to

biodiesel. The use of biodiesel can reduce the dependency on fossil fuel and reduce green house

emissions. It is biodegrable, non toxic and renewable. Hence biodiesel is emerging as an

alternative fuel over conventional diesel fuels. [2]

2. Methodology

2.1. Extraction methods of cashew nut shell oil

CNSL can be extracted from cashew nut mainly by using three methods. They are thermal

method, mechanical method and solvent extraction.

Thermal method is also called roasting method. It is a cheaper method. In this method the

nuts are taken in a pan and was constantly agitated by keeping over an open charcoal fire, then

the shells burst and release cashew nut shell oil.85-90% of the liquid was recovered. Mechanical

method is also called screw press method. It is considered as one of the oldest method for
extracting oil, in which pressure was applied to squeeze out the oil by placing oil bearing

materials between the permeable barriers. 10gm of the sample was taken and wrapped in a filter

paper and inserted into soxhlet chamber. N-hexane was used as the solvent and this was taken in

a bottom flask. Then it was heated continuously for a period of 4hours at 600C. When the heating

was continued, the solvent in it was evaporated into the extraction chamber and goes upto the

condenser and falls back as liquid. By doing so the dissolved oil in the sample falls back to the

bottom flask. This was continued to reflux for 4 hours. The wrapped sample was dried in an oven

for 30minutes and allowed to cool. Then the product is weighed.[3]

2.2. Biodiesel production

Transesterification process is used to produce biodiesel. This process mainly uses three


Figure.1 Transesterification process

2.2.1. Acid catalysed esterification process

To the cashewnut shell oil methanol and sulphuric acid was added in the ratio 1:17.Then

it was constantly stirred by using a magnetic stirrer. This was done at constant temperature. The

optimum temperature is 600C for 45minutes.[1]

2.2.2. Alkali catalysed esterification process

Then the transesterification process was continued by adding sodium hydroxide. The

heated cashew nut shell oil was mixed with sodium hydroxide. Sodium hydroxide was added to

minimise the free fatty acid content present in the cashew nut shell oil. Then the produced

product is transferred to purification process.[1]

2.2.3. Purification of oil

The obtained oil contains methanol and cashew nut shell esters. The obtained oil is

heated at 800C to get the maximum yield of biodiesel.[1]

3. Result and Discussions

3.1. Characterization of Cashew nut shell oil

Characterization of cashew nut shell oil has been done by using flash point, calorific

value and peroxide value.

3.1.1. Flash point

Flash point is the temperature at and above which a liquid is gives off enough

flammable vapour to form a mixture with air that can be ignited by contact with a hot surface,

spark or flame.The lower the flash point, the easier it is to ignite the material. This has been done

using the flash and fire point apparatus. The flash point of CNSL is 2060C.[3]
3.1.2. Calorific value

Calorific value of CNSL can be found using bomb calorimeter.

Gross calorific value =

Gross calorific value of oil = 4921KJ/Kg

Where w1 is weight of water, w2 is weight of jacket,T1 is initial temperature,T2 is final


3.1.3. Peroxide value

1gm oil was taken in a clean dry boiling tube and add KI and solvent mixture such as

glacial acetic acid and chloroform in 2:1 ratio into the mixture. It is then transferred to a boiling

water and heat vigorously for 30 minutes and add 25 ml of water into it. Then titrate against

0.002N Na2S2O3 solution, when yellow color gets vanished, add 0.6ml of starch solution and

shake well, then titrated until the blue color vanished. A blank was titration ran afterwards. The

peroxide value of CNSL is 35.[3]

3.2. Characterisation of biodiesel

Biodiesel characterisation was done by using FTIR, flash point, calorific value, pour

point and cloud point.

3.2.1.FTIR spectrophotometer analysis

FTIR is the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy. Figure.2 shows the FTIR of

biodiesel. The main functional groups present in a biodiesel are C=O are in the wavelength range
of 1500-2000cm-1,C-O alkoxyl stretching in the range of 1000-1500cm-1, C-H functional

groups stretching in the range of 693cm-1 and symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibration of

C-H alkane group(methyl group) is in the range of 2800-2900cm.[4]

3.2.2. Flash point:

This was found out by the flash and fire point apparatus. The flash point of biodiesel

is 1680C.

3.2.3. Calorific value:

The calorific value of biodiesel was obtained using Bomb calorimeter apparatus. The

calorific value of biodiesel is 36488KJ/Kg.

3.2.4.Pour point

The pour point of a liquid is the temperature below which the liquid loses its flow

characteristics. The pour point of biodiesel is 100C.

3.2.5. Cloud point

The sample was taken and half filled in the test jar. Then close it with a cork

carrying test thermometer. Then it is placed in a cooling bath at a constant temperature. The

sample was taken out for every 10C in order to find out the cloud formation. The temperature at

which the first crystal appeared is recorded. The cloud point of biodiesel is 70C.

4. Conclusions
Cashew nut shell oil has been extracted using different techniques and it is

characterized by flash point, iodine value and calorific value. Biodiesel is produced from cashew

nut shell oil and it is characterized by using flash point, FTIR, pour point and cloud point.


Authors express sincere thanks to the faculty members of chemical engineering

department of Government engineering college, Kozhikode, for proper assistance and guidance

throughout the work.


[1] Amith Kishore Pandian, Dinesh Babu Munuswamy, Santhanakrishnan Radhakrishanan,

Yuvarajan Devarajan, Ramesh Bapu Bathey Ramakrishnan, Beemkumar Nagappan, Petroleum

Science , 2018,15:176–184.

[2] P.Arul kumar, T.Dineshkumar, G.Gnanamoorthy, R.Karthikeyan,K.Kavin, IJSRD -

International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, 2017,Vol. 5, 2017.

[3] Onyema C. T, Okerenwogba F. O, Iloameke I. M, Ekwueme I. J., Ejiagha M. C.,

Ohaekenyema E. C,American Journal of Science and Technology,2014,1(5):344-347.

[4] A. Y. Oyerinde1 and E. I. Bello, British Journal of Applied Science & Technology, 2016,

13(3): 1-14, Article no.BJAST.22178.

[5] Sabrina N. Rabelo, Vany P. Ferraz, Leandro S. Oliveira, and Adriana S. Franca, International

Journal of Environmental Science and Development, , December 2015,Vol. 6, No. 12.

Figure.2 FTIR of biodiesel

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