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SEC:SR_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B) Date: 03-09-23

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks:180



binomial distribution, Statistics
PHYSICS: PRESENTWEEK (100%): Semiconductors: semiconductor diode: 1- V
characteristics in forward and reverse bias; diode as a rectifier; I-V
characteristics of LED. the photodiode, solar cell and Zener diode;
Zener diode as a voltage regulator. Junction transistor, transistor
action, characteristics of a transistor: transistor as an amplifier
(common emitter configuration) and oscillator. Logic gates (OR. AND.
NOT. NAND and NOR). Transistor as a switch.
(INCLUDING: All JEE MAINS Experiments of Semiconductors)
CHEMISTRY: PRESENTWEEK (100%):GROUP-17: Occurance, General
characteristics, size, ionization enthalpy, electron gain enthalpy,
electro negativity, Bond energy, Color of halogens, oxidation state,
oxidising power, reactivity towards hydrogen, oxygen, metals, Chlorine
– preparation, properties, uses, Preparation & properties of hydrides &
oxides, oxoacids & bleaching powder, Inter halogens & pseudo
Narayana IIT Academy 03-09-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_PTA-5_Q’P

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 8) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 9 – 14) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 15 – 18) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 26) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 27 – 32) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 33 – 36) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 44) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, +3 0 8 24
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 45 – 50) +4 -2 6 24
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Sec – III (Q.N : 51 – 54) Matrix Matching Type +3 -1 4 12
Total 18 60

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Narayana IIT Academy 03-09-23_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B)_JEE-ADV_PTA-5_Q’P
MATHEMATICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
1. Real numbers x and y are chosen independently and uniformly at random from the

interval (0, 1). If the probability that log2 x  log2 y  is p , then

p equals ( [.] is


2. An unfair coin, with probability of a head turning up is tossed 50 times. The
  1 50 
probability that the total number of heads is even is a 1     . The value of a is
 3 

3. Let P( X  k ) denote the probability of getting exactly ‘k’ heads when a certain coin is
flipped 5 times. If P( X  1)  P( X  2)  0, then P( X  3) is ( g.c.d . (m, n)  1) . The

value of m  n equals

4. Suppose the probability mass function of the discrete random variable is

X x 0 1 2 3

P ( x) 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.3

What is the value of E  3 X  2 X 2  ?

( E ( X ) is the expected value of the random variable X)

5. Let b be a real number randomly selected from the interval  17,17 . Then, m and n are
two relatively prime positive integers such that m/n is the probability that the equation
x 4  25b 2   4b 2  10b  x 2 has at least two distinct real solutions. Find the value of m  n .

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6. A moving particle starts at the point (4, 4) and moves until it hits one of the coordinate
axes for the first time. When the particle is at the point (a, b) , it moves at random to
one of the points  a 1, b  , (a, b 1) , or (a  1, b  1), each with probability ,
independently of its previous moves. The probability that it will hit the coordinate axes

at (0, 0) for the first time is mn , where m and n are positive integers such that m is not

divisible by 3. Find m  n .

7. One hundred people line up to board an airplane. Each has a boarding pass with
assigned seat. However, the first person to board has lost his boarding pass and takes a
random seat. After that, each person takes the assigned seat if it is unoccupied, and one
of unoccupied seats at random otherwise. What is the probability that the last person to
board gets to sit in his assigned seat ?

8. 8 distinct composite integers are selected randomly from the first 360 natural numbers.
Amongst the selected 8, the probability that there exists a pair which is NOT relatively
prime is

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
9. A knockout tennis tournament is arranged for 32 players. Opponents in each round
except the final round are drawn at random, and in any match either player has a
probability of winning. Two players are chosen at random before the start of the

first round.

The probability that they play each other in the final round is ( g.c.d (m, n)  1) . The
probability that they play each other in the tournament is  g.c.d ( p, q)  1 . Which of

the following is/are correct ?

A) m  n  497 B) m  n  17 C) p  q  17 D) p  q  497

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10. Suppose you play a game by tossing a fair coin repeatedly and independently. If a head
comes up, you win Rs. 1 and if a tail comes up you lose Rs.1. Suppose you start with
Rs. n . Let P(m, n) be the probability that you will get to Rs. m first without running
out of money (m, n  N , m  n) . Which of the following is/are CORRECT ?

1 4 1 7
A) P  51,50   B) P  325, 52   C) P 100, 50   D) P  325, 52  
2 25 2 25

11. Let a, b are any given constants. X and Y are random variables. The mean and
variance are denoted as E(X) and V(X) respectively for random variable X and
similarly E (Y ) and V (Y ) for the random variable Y. Which of the following is/are
correct ?

A) E (aX )  aE ( X )

B) V ( X  Y )  V ( X )  V (Y )

C) If X and Y are independent, then E ( XY )  E ( X ) E (Y )

D) V (aX )  a 2 V ( X )

12. If A and B are independent events such that the probability that they both occur
1 3
simultaneously is and the probability that neither of them will occur is , then
8 8

A) the probability that event A will occur is

B) the probability that event B will occur is

C) the probability that event A will occur is less than

D) the probability that event B will occur is more than

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13. In a game of tennis, amongst 2 players P1 & P2 a stage is reached called “deuce”. (
Deuce is the score in a game of tennis when both players have forty points each. One
player has to win two points one after the other to win the game. Each game is worth
one point.) Let be the probability that P1 wins a point and this is true independently
for all points. Which of the following is are correct ?
A) The probability that P1 wins the game is 20%.
B) The probability that P1 wins the game is 33.33%.
C) The probability that P2 wins the game is 80%.
D) The probability that P2 wins the game is 66.66%.
14. Two unbiased 6 sided dice are thrown simultaneously and the sum of scores on their
uppermost faces is recorded. The mean and variance of this distribution is denoted as
E(X) and V(X) respectively. Which of the following is/are correct ?
A) E(X) = 7 B) E(X) = 6.83 C) V(X) = 5.67 D) V(X) =
(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
15. k cards 1  k  52 are dealt from a pack of 52 cards. Let P (k ) denote the probability
that k th card dealt is a spade. Match the following.
List I List II

I) P(1) (P)

II) P(3) (Q)

III) P(51) (R)

IV) P(52) (S)
2 52
(T) 
2 53
A) I – P, II – Q, III – S, IV – T B) I – P, II – Q, III – T, IV – S
C) I – P, II – P, III – P, IV – P D) I – P, II – P, III – Q, IV – Q
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52. A random variable X is defined as the highest score obtained in k independent throws
of an unbiased 6-sided die. Match the Column-I with nearest possible entries of
Column – I Column - II
I) For k  2, P( X  4) equals P) 17%
II) For k  2, P( X  5) equals Q) 19%
III) For k  3, P( X  4) equals R) 25%
IV) For k  3, P( X  5) equals S) 28%
T) 33%
A) I – Q, II – R, III – S, IV – T B) I – Q, II – R, III – P, IV – S
C) I – P, II – R, III – S, IV – Q D) I – Q, II – P, III – T, IV – S
53. Life of bulbs produced by two factories A and Bare given below.
Length of life Factory A Factory B
(in hours) (Number of bulbs) (Number of
550 – 650 10 8
650 – 750 22 60
750 – 850 52 24
850 – 950 20 16
950 – 1050 16 12
120 120

Let xA , xB denote ‘mean’ for factory A and B respectively. S.D(A), S.D(B) denote
‘Standard deviation’ for factory A & B respectively, and C.V.(A), C.V.(B) denote‘
coefficient of variation’ for factory A & B respectively.
Match the following.

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List I List II
I) xA  xB is (P) >0
II) S.D(A) – S.D(B) is (Q) <0
III) C.V(A) – C.V(B) is (R) =0
From the point of view of length
IV) of life, more consistent bulbs are (S) Factory A
T) Factory B

A) I – P, II – Q, III – Q, IV – S B) I – P, II – R, III – R, IV – S
C) I – P, II – Q, III – Q, IV – T D) I – Q, II – P, III – R, IV – T
54. Let n be an integer, n  3 . Let P1 P2 ........ Pn be a regular n-sided polygon inscribed in a
circle. Three points Pi , Pj , Pk are randomly chosen, where i, j, k are distinct integers

between 1 and n inclusive. Let  ( n) be the probability that  Pi Pj Pk is obtuse. Match

the following.
Column – I Column – II
I)  (5) P) 48.23%
II)  (10) Q) 50%
III)  (15) R) 63.15%
IV)  (20) S) 69.23%
T) 71.45%

A) I – Q, II – Q, III – R, IV – T B) I – Q, II – R, III – T, IV – R
C) I – Q, II – Q, III – S, IV – R D) I – Q, II – Q, III – T, IV – S

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PHYSICS Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
19. The concentration of hole-electron pairs in pure silicon at T  300 K is 7 1015 percubic
meter. Antimony is doped into silicon in a proportion of 1 atom in 107 atoms. If half of
the impurity atoms contribute electrons in the conduction band, the factor to which the
number of charge carriers increases due to doping is x 105 . Then the value of x is
(The number of silicon atoms per cubic meter is 5 1028 ).
20. The product of the hole concentration and the conduction electron concentration turns
out to be independent of the amount of any impurity doped. The concentration of
conduction electrons in germanium is 6 1019 per cubic meter. When some phosphorus
impurity is doped into a germanium sample, the concentration of conduction electrons
increases to 2 1023 per cubic meter. If the concentration of the holes in the doped
germanium is x 1015 per cubic meter, the value of x is
21. A circuit is arranged as shown in figure. The output voltage VO is (in volt)

22. In a common emitter amplifier circuit using an n-p-n transistor, the phase difference (in
degree) between the input and the output voltages will be
23. Ge and Si diodes start conducting at 0.3 V and 0.7 V respectively. In the following
figure if Ge diode connections are reversed, the value of VO changes by (in volt)
(assume that the Ge diode has large breakdown voltage)

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24. A photo detector is made of a semiconductor having a forbidden energy gap Eg  0.7eV .

What is the maximum wavelength (in nm) detected by it (rounded off to nearest
integer)? (hc  1240eV  nm)

25. In the figure shown, the maximum current (in mA) through Zener diode is

26. A transistor connected in common-emitter mode configuration is used as an amplifier.

Load resistance in the output RL  5k  and input resistance Ri  2k  and current gain is
50. Its power gain is

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
27. In the figure, given that VBB supply can vary from 0 to 5.0 V, VCC = 5 V,
dc  200, RB  100 k , RC  1 k  and VBE  1.0V . Then

A) The minimum base current at which the transistor will go to saturation is 25 A

B) The minimum base current at which the transistor will go to saturation is 10  A

C) The input voltage at which the transistor will go to saturation is 3.5V

D)The input voltage at which the transistor will go to saturation is 1.5 V

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28. In a p-n junction,

A) New holes and conduction electrons are produced continuously throughout the

B) New holes and conduction electrons are produced continuously throughout the
material except in the depletion region

C) Holes and conduction electrons recombine continuously throughout the material

D) Holes and conduction electrons recombine continuously throughout the material

except in the depletion region.

29. Figure shows the variation of output voltage with input voltage of a transistor in
common emitter configuration. Which of the following statements are true?( V0 is output
voltage and Vi is input voltage)

A) At Vi  0.4V , transistor is in active state.

B) At Vi  1V , it can be used as an amplifier.

C) At Vi  0.5V , it can be used as a switch turned off.

D) At Vi  2.5V , it can be used as a switch turned on.

30. In a n-p-n transistor circuit, the collector current is 10mA. If 95 percent of the electrons
emitted from emitter reach the collector, which of the following statement(s) are true?

A) The emitter current will be 8 mA.

B) The emitter current will be 10.53 mA.

C) The base current will be 0.53 mA.

D) The base current will be 2 mA.

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31. Consider the circuit arrangement shown in figure for studying input and output
characteristics of n-p-n transistor in CE configuration. VBE  0.7V , so that the transistor is
operating at point Q as shown in the characteristics shown in the figure.Given that the
input impedance of the transistor is very small and VCC  VBB  16V

A) The value of RB is 510k

B) The value of RC is 2k

C) Voltage gain of the circuit is 0.52

D) Power gain of the circuit is 69.4

32. For the transistor circuit shown in figure, given I C  1mA , VCE  3V , VBE  0.5V , VCC  12V
and   100 . Then

A) RE  1.2k

B) RB  108k

C) Current through 20k resistor is 0.085 mA

D) Current through the resistor RB is 0.095 mA

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(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.

List-I List-I

a)Both A and B are open p) >5V

b) A is closed, B is open q) 5V

c) A is open, B is closed r)<5V

d) Both are closed

For the circuit shown in figure, positions of inputs A and B are given in list-I and
corresponding voltages at point Q are given in list-II. Then correct match of list-I, with
list-II is
A) a—q, b—p, c—p, d—r B) a—q, b—r, c—r, d—r
C) a—p, b—q, c—r, d—r D) a—q, b—r, c—r, d—p

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34. Figure shows a D.C voltage regulator circuit with a Zener diode of break down voltage
6V. Unregulated input voltage varies between 4V to 16V. In list-I input voltage is
given and corresponding current through Zener diode is given in list-II. Then correct
match of list-I with list-II is

List-I List-I
a)4V p) 0mA(negligible)
b)8V q) 0.5 mA
c) 10V r) 1 mA
d) 16V s) 3.5 mA
A) a—p, b—q, c—p, d—s B) a—q, b—p, c—r, d—s
C) a—p, b—p, c—q, d—s D) a—r, b—p, c—q, d—s
35. For the following circuit input voltages of A and B are given in list-I and corresponding
output voltages at X are given in list-II. Then the correct match of list-I with list-II is
(diodes are ideal)

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List-I List-I
a) A=0V, B=0V p) 0V
b) A=5V, B=0V q) 5V
c) A=0V, B=5V r) -5V
d) A=5V, B=5V s) -1V

A) a—p, b—p, c—p, d—q B)a—q, b—p, c—p, d—p

C) a—p, b—q, c—q, d—r D) a—q, b—q, c—q, d—p
36. For the following circuit input voltages of A and B are given in list-I and corresponding
output voltages at X are given in list-II. Then the correct match of list-I with list-II is
(diodes are ideal)

List-I List-I
a) A=0V, B=0V p) 0V
b) A=5V, B=0V q) 5v
c) A=0V,B=5V r) -5V
d) A=5V, B=5V s) -1V
A) a—q, b—p, c—p, d—p
B) a—p, b—q, c—q, d—p
C) a—q, b—p, c—p, d—p
D) a—p, b—q, c—q, d—q

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CHEMISTRY Max. Marks: 60
(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains EIGHT (08) questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE
For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) designated to enter the answer.
Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Full Marks: +3 If ONLY the correct numerical value is entered as answer.
Zero Marks: 0 In all other cases.
37. How many of the following products are correctly matched
i) U  ClF3 (l)  UF6 (g)  ClF(g)

ii) Cl2  2NaOH  NaCl  NaClO3  H2O


iii) XX1  H2O  HX1  HOX (Electro negativity of halogen X1 >halogen X)

Br2  3F2 
 Pr oduct isa yellow green liquid
(diluted with water)
v) Cl2  NH3 
 NH 4 Cl  N 2
 excess 

vi) Au  4H   NO3  4Cl 

 AuCl3  NO  H 2O
vii) ICl> Br2 ( Boiling point)
viii) I2O5 is a good oxidizing agent and is used in the estimation of carbon dioxide .
ix) The bromine oxides are ( Br2O , BrO2 BrO3 ) the most stable halogen oxides,
& are very powerful oxidizing agents
38. Oxidation state of Au and Pt in the complex formed by dissolving in aqua regia
separately is X and Y respectively, then X  Y is …
39. How many of the following species do not show disproportination ?
a )ClO  b) ClO2 c) ClO3 d) ClO4 d) Cl2 with dil NaOH e) F2 with water
40. Based on VSEPR theory, the number of 900 F  Br  F bond angles in BrF5 is
41. The oxidation number of chlorine in the final product B in the following sequence of
reaction is:
KClO4  H 2 SO4 
 KHSO4  A
A 
42. X  4HCl  A  B  C

X  4 NaCl  4H 2 SO4  A  B  C  4 NaHSO4 Where A,B,C are similar products of 1 stand

2nd reactions then “X” (a Mn Compound) atomicity is P and oxidation state of

central atom is Q then P+Q is …

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43. Number of pseudo halides among the following are
1) CN  2) SeCN  3) CNO  4) I 3 5) N 3

6) SCN  7) ICl2 8) ClO3 9) S 22

44. Total number of reagents that can oxidise aqueous iodide to iodine from the following
1) Na2 S2O3 2) CuSO4 3) Br2 4) O3 5) FeCl3

6) acidified K2Cr2O7 7) alkaline KMnO4 8) H 2O2 9) Cl2

(Maximum Marks : 24)
This section contains SIX(06) multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its
answer, out of which ONE OR MORE THAN ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong
45. Chlorine may be prepared by

A) Oxidation of concentrated hydrochloric acid by MnO 2

B) Oxidation of concentrated hydrochloric acid by KMnO 4

C) Reaction of NaCl with MnO2 in presence of con.H2SO4

D) Pb3O4 reaction with HCl in this Cl2 preparation both acid base reaction and redox
reactions are involved.

46. Choose the correct option(s) for the given statements

(i) dissociation energy of F2 is lower than that of Cl2.

(ii) F has more negative electron gain enthalpy than Cl.

 4 H  (aq)  4 I  (aq)  O2 ( g ) G  ve

(iii) I 2 ( s)  2 H 2O(l ) 

(iv) The mullikenelectronegativity value of F is higher than Cl.

(v) F2 is a far better oxidizing agent than Cl2 .

(vi) The viscosity of HF is less than that of water because HF can’t form three-
dimensional network of hydrogen bonds which water does .

A) II,V B) I , iii , iv C) v, vi D) I,II,III,IV,V,VI

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47. Which of the following is/are correctly matched
A) ClO2  Cl2O  H 2O  OF2 bond angle

B) HClO  HClO2  HClO3  HClO4 oxidizing power

C) HOCl  HOBr  HOI Acidic strength
D) ClO2 , ClO3 , ClO4 sp, sp 2 , sp 3 hybridization (central atom Cl)
48. Bleaching powder is prepared by

A) reacting quick lime with chlorine gas

B) reacting lime water with chlorine gas

C) reacting dry slaked lime with dry chlorine gas

D) reacting lime stone with dry HCl

49. Which of the following are colorless gases or colorless solid ?

I) ClF , ClF3 II) ClF , BrF III) ICl , IF7 IV) ClF , ClF3 , IF5 , IF7


50. Choose the correct option(s) for the given statements

i) Among the halogens, as the size of the molecule ( X 2) increases ,London attraction

increases , causing the change of physical state

ii) HCl>HBr> HI> HF (Volatile nature)

iii) All halogens ( Fluorine, chlorine,bromine and iodine) produces X 3 (X- halogen)

type of poly halides.

iv) AgF>AgCl>AgBr>AgI (order of solubility)

v )In general inter halogens are more reactive than halogen X2 (X = Cl,Br,I)

vi) Cl2 < Br2< I2(order of solubility in water)

A) i,ii,iii B) ii,iv C) i ,v D) iii,vi

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(Maximum Marks: 12)
This section contains FOUR (04) questions.
Each question has TWO (02) matching lists: LIST-I and LIST-II.
FOUR options are given representing matching of elements from LIST-I and LIST-II. ONLY ONE of these four
options corresponds to a correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
For each question, choose the option corresponding to the correct matching.
Full Marks : +3 If ONLY the option corresponding to the correct matching is chosen.
Zero Marks : 0 If none of the options is chosen (i.e. the question is unanswered).
Negative Marks : –1 In all other cases.
51. Match the following reactions of the product with their shape or physical state
Column-I Column-II
A) Br2  3F2  P) Bent T Shaped
B) Cl2  F2 
 Q) Brown red solid (  form)

C) I 2  Cl2  R) Colorless gas


D) Br2  F2  S) Colorless liquid


A) A-Q, B-S, C-R, D-P B) A-P, B-Q, C-R, D-S

C) A-P, B-R, C-Q, D-s D) A-S, B-Q, C-R, D-P
52. Match the following reactions with the product formed as major or one of the product
Column-I Column-II
A) NaClO3   COOH 2  P) N2

B) Cl2  NH3 
 Q) HCl
 excess 

C) Cl2  NaOH 
 R) ClO2

D) Cl2  H 2 O  Na 2S2O3 
 S) NaClO3

A) A-P, B-Q, C-R, D-S B) A-R, B-P, C-S, D-Q

C) A-R, B-S, C-P, D-Q D) A-S, B-P, C-R, D-Q

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53. Balance the following equations with appropriate coefficients of Column-II
Column I Column II
A) aClO4 (aq)  bH2O2  aq  
 cClO2  aq   d H 2O    2O2  g  p) 3,10,2,6

B) a MnO4  aq   b IO3  aq   H2O   

 c MnO2  s   d IO4  2OH   aq  q) 1,2,1,2

C) a Cl2O  b NH 3 
 c N 2  d NH 4Cl  H 2O r) 2,3,2,3
D) a HBrO3  b H 2 S 
 c Br2  d H 2 SO4  H 2O s) 8,5,4,5
A B C D A B C Ds
A) q r s p B) q r p s
C) r q p s D) s p r q
54. Match the following reactions with the product formed as major or one of theproduct
Column-I Column-II
A) 2NaCl  2H2O 
 P) HOI &HCl

B) 3F2  3H2O  Q) HOCl& HI

C) ICl  H2O ¾ ¾® R) Cl2

D) Cl2  H2S  S) O3

T) S ( S=Sulphur)
A) A-R, B-S, C-Q, D-T B) A-R, B-S, C-P, D-T
C) A-R, B-Q, C-S, D-P D) A-P, B-Q, C-R, D-S

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