Compiled Current Affairs For Polity Meritnest

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June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)

Article 311(2)(c)
⇨ Allows government to terminate employees
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024) deemed security threats without inquiry, under
certain high-level approval.
Quota In Minority Institutions
Constitution and Legislature.....................1
⇨ Madras High Court ruled religious and
Bodies....................................................... 14
linguistic minority institutions exempt from
Miscellaneous...........................................30 oslo
Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, and Other
Backward Class reservation rules.
Constitution and Legislature
⇨ Government cannot force these institutions to
offer reservations.
Article 3
⇨ State government cannot limit minority
⇨ Parliament can legislate on state formation,
institution status duration.
boundary changes; must consult affected states
⇨ Minority status remains unless National
via President's recommendation.
Commission for Minority Educational
Institutions revokes on valid grounds.
Article 370
⇨ First Division Bench allows minority
⇨ 2019 Supreme Court upheld removing Jammu
institutions to admit up to 50% from their
and Kashmir's special status, confirming no
minorities based on merit; rest must be
retained sovereignty post-1947 accession.
merit-based without counting minorities who
⇨ Designated as a temporary, transitional
qualify on merit.
provision in the Constitution's Part XXI.
⇨ Right to Education Act, 2006's Section 2(d)
exempts minority institutions under
Article 35A
Constitution Article 30(1) from 'private
⇨ Allows Jammu and Kashmir Assembly to
educational institution' definition.
define state's permanent residents and their
Notifying Minority
⇨ Central government designates communities
Article 142
as minorities per National Commission for
⇨ Empowers Supreme Court to ensure complete
Minorities Act, 1992's Section 2(c).
justice in ongoing cases; used broadly, scope
⇨ In 1993, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists,
defined across multiple judgments.
and Zoroastrians (Parsis) declared minorities.
⇨ Jains designated as minority community in
Article 200
⇨ Governor's options after receiving a passed
bill: assent, withhold, refer to President, or
Constitutional Provisions Related to
return for reconsideration.
⇨ Article 29: Rights to preserve distinct
Article 299
language, script, or culture.
⇨ Deals with contracts made by Union or State
⇨ Article 30: Minorities can establish/administer
in President's or Governor's name; no immunity
educational institutions; restricted to 9654469135
from law for government in contractual
religious/linguistic minorities.
⇨ Article 350-B: Post-1956 Constitutional
Amendment creates Special Officer for
Article 355
Linguistic Minorities role to safeguard their
⇨ Central government can intervene in states to
constitutional protections.
address internal or external threats; part of
Constitution's emergency provisions.
Basic Structure Doctrine 1
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Doctrine limits Parliament's amendment
powers to protect India's Constitution's 'Basic Right To Walk
Structure'. ⇨ Punjab implemented mandatory footpaths
⇨ Supreme Court's 1973 Keshavananda Bharati and cycle tracks on all roads, including National
judgment recognized 'Basic Structure', not Highways Authority of India (NHAI) roads.
explicitly mentioned in Constitution.
⇨ Key features include supremacy, secular Personality Rights
nature, separation of powers. ⇨ Protects personal identity markers like name,
⇨ District Judiciary's independence deemed voice, signature, images under privacy and
part of this structure by recent Supreme Court property rights.
judgment. ⇨ No explicit statute, inferred from right to
privacy and property rights.
Money Bill
⇨ Defined under Article 110(1), includes Reservation for Locals in Private Sector
taxation, appropriation of funds; only ⇨ Punjab and Haryana High Court invalidated
introduced in Lok Sabha. Haryana State Employment of Local Candidates
⇨ Rajya Sabha cannot amend or reject, only Act, 2020 as unconstitutional.
recommend changes. ⇨ Violates Part III (Fundamental Rights) and
⇨ President must endorse, cannot reject. Constitutional Morality by discriminating based
on state of residence.
Preventive Detention ⇨ Similar laws in Andhra Pradesh since 2019.
⇨ Detains individuals based on reasonable
apprehension of threat to public order. Uniform Civil Code (UCC)
⇨ Detention without trial. ⇨ Proposes same civil laws for all Indian citizens
⇨ Article 22(1) and 22(2) of the Constitution on personal matters.
protect against arbitrary arrest, not applicable ⇨ Mentioned in Article 44 (Directive Principles
under preventive detention (Article 22(3)). of State Policy) of the Constitution.
⇨ Maximum detention period without trial is ⇨ Currently, religious communities follow
three months, extendable with high court codified personal laws.
judges' board approval. ⇨ Goa uses Portuguese Civil Code of 1867 as
⇨ Permitted under various laws including Code UCC.
of Criminal Procedure, Narcotic Drug and
Psychotropic Substance Act 1985, Unlawful Pleasure of the Governor
Activities (Prevention) Act. ⇨ Article 164 states Ministers hold office at the
⇨ Police can arrest without warrant under Code
oslo Governor's pleasure, implying dismissal only on
of Criminal Procedure Section 151 to prevent Chief Minister’s advice.
cognisable offences. ⇨ "Pleasure of the Governor" signifies the Chief
⇨ Supreme Court mandates preventive Minister’s authority over ministers' tenure.
detention as a last resort.
Sessions of the Parliament
Right to Silence ⇨ Article 85: President summons Parliament, no
⇨ Based on Article 20(3) of the Constitution, more than six months between sessions.
prohibits self-incrimination in criminal ⇨ President can prorogue or dissolve the House
proceedings. of the People (Lok Sabha).
⇨ Not applicable under Customs Act, 1962 or ⇨ Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs
Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 as the decides session timings, formalized by
person is not an accused. President.
⇨ Supreme Court in Nandini Satpathy v. P.L. Dani ⇨ Minimum of two sessions annually due to
emphasized rights within police stations. six-month rule. 2
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ No fixed parliamentary calendar; typically ⇨ Issued by designated party official, often
three sessions: Budget (January-April/May), called a chief whip.
Monsoon (July-August), Winter
(November-December). Adjournment Sine Die
⇨ House adjourned without set date for
Special Session of Parliament resumption by the presiding officer.
⇨ Summoned by President under Article 85(1) ⇨ Different from summoning or prorogation,
for specific occasions. which are presidential powers.
⇨ Term "special session" not defined in 9654469135
Constitution. Parliamentary Privileges
⇨ Usual procedural devices like question hour ⇨ MPs and certain participants like the Attorney
may be unavailable. General and Union Ministers enjoy specific
rights and immunities.
No Confidence Motion ⇨ Breach of these privileges is punishable under
⇨ Article 75(3): Council of Ministers collectively parliamentary law.
responsible to Lok Sabha. ⇨ Privileges are outlined in Article 105
⇨ No Confidence Motion outlined in Lok Sabha (Parliament) and Article 194 (state legislatures).
Rule 198. ⇨ No comprehensive law codifying all privileges
⇨ Requires support of 50 MPs to initiate. has been enacted.
⇨ If passed, government must resign; if defeated, ⇨ MPs immune from arrest in civil cases 40 days
government continues. before and after parliamentary sessions or
⇨ 27 motions since independence; recent 28th committee meetings.
motion defeated. ⇨ Parliament exclusively determines breaches or
contempt, not the courts.
Tribunals ⇨ Privilege breach concerns must be raised with
⇨ Introduced in Constitution by 42nd the Chairman or Speaker's consent.
Amendment Act, 1976.
⇨ Article 323-A covers Administrative Tribunals, Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
Article 323-B covers other matters. ⇨ Constituted annually as one of three Financial
⇨ Tribunals for taxation, foreign exchange, Parliamentary committees; others are
industrial issues established under Article Estimates Committee and Committee on Public
323-B by Parliament and state legislatures. Undertakings.
⇨ Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985, ⇨ Reviews government spending as authorized
established tribunals under Article 323-A. by Parliament, based on Comptroller and
⇨ No hierarchy in Administrative Tribunals, Auditor General (CAG) reports.
possible hierarchy in Article 323-B tribunals. ⇨ Membership rules and functions are set by
parliamentary procedures.
Anti-Defection Law ⇨ Comprises 15 to 22 members; no more than
⇨ Tenth Schedule added by 52nd Amendment 15 from Lok Sabha and up to 7 from Rajya
Act, 1985. Sabha.
⇨ Legislators disqualified for defection by ⇨ Ministers are excluded from membership.
House's Presiding Officer. ⇨ Established in 1921 following Montague
⇨ Exceptions include party mergers with Chelmsford Reforms.
two-thirds agreement.
⇨ Decision by Chairman or Speaker is final. Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC)
⇨ Ad-hoc body established for specific
WHIP objectives and duration.
⇨ Written directive to party members on voting
behaviour. 3
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Formed via motion passed in one house and ⇨ If no vice-chairperson is available, another
agreed by the other; membership and subjects member as determined by the House presides.
decided by Parliament. ⇨ Cannot preside when Chairman or Deputy
⇨ Not a court of law; cannot impose penalties. Chairman’s position is vacant.
⇨ Role is to examine public issues and ⇨ Rajya Sabha Chairman recently formed an
recommend actions to Parliament. all-women panel of vice-chairpersons.
⇨ Recommendations are not binding on
government. Committee of Privileges oslo
⇨ Dissolved after completing its task or term. ⇨ Consists of 15 members in Lok Sabha and 10
in Rajya Sabha, nominated by the Speaker or
Parliamentary Secretariat Chairman.
⇨ Each House of Parliament has its own ⇨ Rajya Sabha committee headed by the deputy
secretarial staff, as mandated by Article 98. chairperson.
⇨ Functions include secretarial assistance, ⇨ Examines breaches of privilege of the House,
recording proceedings, preparing research its members, or committees.
materials, and serving committees.
⇨ Recruitment and conditions of service Ethics Committee of Lok Sabha
regulated by Parliament; posts common to both ⇨ Members appointed by the Speaker for one
Houses may be created. year.
⇨ Speaker and Chairman can create new posts, ⇨ Monitors members' ethical and moral conduct,
with Class I or II posts requiring Union Ministry examines misconduct cases.
of Finance consultation. ⇨ Complaints against members require another
⇨ Secretariat divided into services like MP’s referral, evidence, and an affidavit, except
Legislative, Executive, Administrative, and if self-reported.
Verbatim Reporting. ⇨ Does not review complaints from media
⇨ Secretary-Generals rank equivalent to reports or subjudice matters.
Cabinet Secretary but lower in precedence. ⇨ Committee reports to the Speaker; House
decides on report discussion.
Lok Sabha Secretariat
⇨ Speaker has ultimate control. Appointments Committee of the Cabinet
⇨ Secretary General acts as Administrative (ACC)
Head. ⇨ Appoints key Government of India positions.
⇨ Governed by Lok Sabha Secretariat ⇨ Includes the Prime Minister (Chairman) and
(Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, Minister of Home Affairs.
1955. ⇨ Excluded ministers-in-charge of concerned
ministries since July 2016.
Rajya Sabha Secretariat ⇨ Recently appointed Jaya Verma Sinha as
⇨ Chairman has administrative control. Chairperson of the Railway Board.
⇨ Secretary General is Administrative Head.
⇨ Governed by Rajya Sabha Secretariat Cabinet Committees in India
(Recruitment and Conditions of Service) Rules, ⇨ Comprise various committees including
1957. Economic Affairs, Security, Parliamentary 9654469135

Affairs, and others.

Panel of Vice-Chairpersons ⇨ All chaired by the Prime Minister, except
⇨ Chosen by the Rajya Sabha Chairman. Parliamentary Affairs and Accommodation.
⇨ Can preside over the House in the absence of ⇨ Parliamentary Affairs chaired by the Defence
Chairman or Deputy Chairman, with equivalent Minister from 2014-2024.
⇨ Holds office until a new panel is nominated. 4
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Prime Minister formed new committees on ⇨ Legal doctrine preventing withdrawal from
Employment & Skill Development and agreements lacking formal consideration.
Investment & Growth in 2019. ⇨ Used to enforce contracts or claim
compensation for non-performance.
Cabinet Secretary (CS)
⇨ Appointed by the ACC based on National Party Status
seniority-cum-merit. ⇨ Aam Aadmi Party recognized as India's ninth
⇨ Administers Government of India (GoI) national party after Gujaratoslo
business and transaction rules. ⇨ Criteria include winning 2% of Lok Sabha seats
⇨ Heads the Civil Services Board. or being recognized as a state party in four
⇨ Recently extended for another year. states.
⇨ Entitles to a reserved symbol, single proposer
16th Finance Commission for nominations, and additional campaign
⇨ Constituted under Article 280(1) by the benefits.
⇨ Chaired by Arvind Panagariya, with other Star Campaigners
members pending notification. ⇨ Nominated by political parties for specified
⇨ Aims to address fiscal imbalances between the campaigning periods.
central and state governments. ⇨ Must be registered with the Chief Electoral
⇨ Recommendations effective for five years Officer and Election Commission within a week
starting April 1, 2026. of election notification.
⇨ Recognized parties allowed 40 campaigners;
All India Judicial Service (AIJS) unrecognized registered parties allowed 20.
⇨ Centralizes recruitment for district and
additional district judges. Electronic Voting Machine (EVM)
⇨ Proposed in the 14th Law Commission Report ⇨ Consists of a control unit and a balloting unit,
of 1958. powered by an alkaline battery.
⇨ Included in the Constitution via the 42nd ⇨ Manufactured by Electronics Corporation of
Amendment, 1976 under Article 312. India Limited and Bharat Electronics Limited.
⇨ Implementation pending legislative decision. ⇨ First used in 1982 in Kerala; utilized
nationwide in 2004 Lok Sabha elections.
Dual Citizenship ⇨ Can record up to 2,000 votes.
⇨ Allows legal citizenship in multiple countries.
⇨ Offered by countries like the United States, Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT)
Finland, and Israel. ⇨ Provides voters with a printed slip to verify
⇨ Prohibited in India; alternative offered their cast vote.
through the Overseas Citizenship of India ⇨ Paper slip visible for seven seconds in the
program, excluding migrants from Pakistan and voting compartment.
Bangladesh. ⇨ Deemed necessary for voting transparency by
the Supreme Court in 2014.
Rule 176 and Rule 267
⇨ Rule 176 allows short-duration discussions up Custodian of Enemy Property for India 9654469135

to two-and-a-half hours. ⇨ Manages properties designated as

⇨ Rule 267 permits suspension of the enemy-owned following wars.
predetermined agenda with Chairman's ⇨ Expanded definition in 2017 includes legal
approval. heirs and successors, regardless of nationality.
⇨ Operates under a quasi-judicial capacity and
Doctrine of Promissory Estoppel Civil Procedure Court guidelines. 5
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
System of Judges Appointment in India ⇨ Requires consent for data processing, with
⇨ President appoints Supreme Court judges parental or guardian consent for minors and
consulting the Chief Justice of India and individuals with disabilities.
necessary judges. ⇨ Excludes data used for personal/domestic
⇨ High Court judges appointed after consulting purposes or publicly disclosed by the Data
the Chief Justice of India, Governor, and the Principal.
High Court's Chief Justice. ⇨ Permits international data transfer, except to
⇨ The Collegium System involves a committee countries restricted by the central government.
for judicial appointments and transfers. ⇨ Establishes the Data Protection Board of India
as a civil court to enforce the act, with Board
Electoral Bonds (EB) members appointed for two years, renewable.
⇨ Recently abolished by Supreme Court. ⇨ Appeals against the Board's decisions to be
⇨ Introduced in Union Budget 2017-18 as made to the Telecommunications Dispute
interest-free bearer instruments to improve Settlement and Appellate Tribunal.
political funding transparency. ⇨ Sets penalties up to Rs 250 crore for various
⇨ Issued by specified banks, purchasable via breaches, including failures in child data
cheque or digital payments. protection, security measures, and breach
⇨ Donated within a fixed timeframe, converted notifications.
into cash through political parties' notified bank
accounts. Press and Registration of Periodicals Act, 2023
⇨ Donor anonymity maintained, promoting ⇨ Replaces the Press and Registration of Books
transparent donations to political parties. Act, 1867.
⇨ Valid for only 15 days, available for purchase ⇨ Governs the registration of periodicals
during 10 designated days in specific months. containing public news or comments, excluding
⇨ Political parties must submit annual income books and academic journals.
tax returns under Section 13A of the Income ⇨ Allows online registration for periodicals
Tax Act, 1961; electoral bonds exempt from this through the Press Registrar General and
Act. specified local authorities.
⇨ Requires prior approval for reproducing
Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDP), foreign periodicals in India.
2023 ⇨ Online declarations for printing presses,
⇨ President of India approved the Digital moving away from the previous District
Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023. Magistrate declaration requirement.
⇨ Initiated after the Supreme Court declared ⇨ The Press Registrar General can suspend
privacy a fundamental
oslo right in K.S. Puttaswamy periodical registration for 30 to 180 days for
vs. Union of India (2017). infractions like misinformation or publication
⇨ Follows the Justice Srikrishna Committee's discontinuity.
draft proposal of 2018 by the Ministry of ⇨ Imposes penalties for publishing unregistered
Electronics and Information Technology. periodicals or not submitting annual statements
⇨ Regulates digital personal data processing, on time.
balancing protection rights and lawful ⇨ Sets protocols for the registration and
processing needs. reproduction of foreign periodicals.
⇨ Establishes obligations for Data Fiduciaries ⇨ Mandates digital news platforms to register
and rights for Data Principals, with financial under the IT (Intermediary Guidelines and
penalties for violations. Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021.
⇨ Applicable to data processed in India and data ⇨ Defines the role of the Press Registrar General
processed abroad for transactions in India. of India, responsible for issuing registration
certificates, maintaining a register, and
overseeing periodical management. 6
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Allows banks and non-bank entities to
Cinematograph (Amendment) Act 2023 function as Points of Presence for onboarding
⇨ Amends the Cinematograph Act 1952 to NPS subscribers.
enhance anti-piracy measures.
⇨ Aligns with the Copyright Act, 1957 and the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002
Information Technology Act, 2000. ⇨ Consolidates and amends law for cooperative
⇨ Appoints Nodal Officers from the Central societies with inter-state objectives.
Board of Film Certification and the Ministry to ⇨ Applicable to all cooperatives not confined to
address piracy complaints. one state.
⇨ Allows original copyright holders or ⇨ Requires registration under the Central
authorized persons to file piracy complaints. Registrar appointed by the Central
⇨ Enables Nodal Officers to conduct hearings to Government.
assess the validity of complaints from ⇨ Societies can create bye-laws aligned with this
non-authorized individuals. act for internal governance.
⇨ In related news, the Bihar Cabinet has ⇨ Central Registrar must prepare amalgamation
requested Special Category Status for Bihar. or reorganisation schemes for cooperative
banks on Central Government's directive, with
Advocates (Amendment) Act, 2023 Reserve Bank of India (RBI) approval, following
⇨ Amends the Advocates Act, 1961, repealing the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
sections concerning touts from the Legal
Practitioners Act, 1879. Multi-State Cooperative Societies
⇨ Defines touts as those securing legal work in (Amendment) Act, 2023
exchange for payment. ⇨ Introduces a Cooperative Election Authority
⇨ Enables high courts and district judges to for election oversight in multi-state societies.
compile and publish lists of touts. ⇨ Establishes a Cooperative Rehabilitation,
⇨ Restricts listed touts from entering court Reconstruction, and Development Fund
premises. financed by profitable multi-state cooperatives,
excluding companies under the Companies Act,
Electricity (Amendment) Rules, 2024 2013.
⇨ Amends Electricity Rules, 2005 to allow ⇨ Permits state cooperative societies to merge
specific consumer groups and those with Energy into multi-state cooperatives, subject to state
Storage Systems to own and operate their laws.
transmission lines without a license. ⇨ Mandates cooperative ombudsman and
⇨ Stipulates that tariffs must be
cost-reflective, information officers' appointment.
without revenue gaps except in natural ⇨ Ensures representation of women and
calamities. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes (SC/ST) on
Point of Presence (PoP) Regulations 2023
⇨ Issued by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Cooperative Societies
Development Authority to regulate interactions ⇨ Defines a cooperative as a voluntary
for National Pension System subscribers. association for common economic interests.
⇨ Requires a single registration for entering the ⇨ States have jurisdiction over cooperatives,
National Pension System. except for inter-state cooperatives governed by
⇨ Designates Points of Presence as initial the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act,
contact points within the NPS architecture. 2002.
⇨ Authorizes Point of Presence Service ⇨ Central registrar manages administrative and
Providers branches to serve as collection points. financial controls. 7
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Maharashtra leads with 567 cooperatives, ECs removable only upon CEC
followed by Uttar Pradesh (147) and New Delhi recommendation.
⇨ Multi-State Cooperative Societies 97th Constitutional Amendment Act 2011
(Amendment) Bill, 2022, passed to amend the ⇨ Recognizes forming cooperative societies as a
2002 Act. fundamental right (Article 19). 9654469135
⇨ Introduces a new Directive Principle of State
Nari Shakti Vandan [Constitution (106th Policy on promoting cooperative societies
Amendment)] Act, 2023 (Article 43-B).
⇨ Establishes one-third reservation for women ⇨ Adds Part IX-B, "The Cooperative Societies,"
in Lok Sabha, state assemblies, and the National to the Constitution (Articles 243-ZH to 243-ZT).
Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi assembly. ⇨ Authorizes Parliament and state legislatures
⇨ Allocates one-third of SC/ST reserved seats to to legislate on multi-state and other cooperative
women. societies, respectively.
⇨ Act's provisions activate post-delimitation ⇨ Supreme Court ruling in Union of India vs
following the next census. Rajendra Shah (2021) limits Part IXB's
⇨ Female reservation provisions to expire after application to Multi-State Cooperative
15 years unless extended by Parliament. Societies.
⇨ Allows for periodic rotation of reserved seats
post-delimitation. Places of Worship Act, 1991
⇨ Legislative representation remains unchanged ⇨ Prohibits the conversion of any place of
until current assemblies and Lok Sabha dissolve. worship and maintains the religious character as
⇨ Originally introduced as Constitution (128th) of 15 August 1947.
Amendment Bill. ⇨ Excludes Ayodhya's disputed structure due to
ongoing litigation.
Chief Election Commissioner and other
Election Commissioners (Appointment, Indian Penal Code (IPC)
Conditions of Service and Term of Office) Act, ⇨ Drafted by Thomas Babington Macaulay,
2023 enacted in 1860, effective from 1862.
⇨ Receives presidential assent, replacing the ⇨ Underwent several post-independence
1991 Election Commission Act. amendments, complicating the code.
⇨ Responds to Supreme Court's directive in ⇨ Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 proposed to
Anoop Baranwal v Union of India for replace IPC, removing sedition (Section 124A)
transparent appointments via a selection and introducing terrorism and organised crimes
committee including the Prime Minister, Chief as offences.
Justice of India (CJI), and Leader of the
Opposition. Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (CrPC)
⇨ Establishes a Search Committee, led by the ⇨ First enacted in 1882, significantly amended in
Minister of Law and Justice, to nominate 1898, 1923, and 1955.
candidates. ⇨ Law Commission of India's 41st report led to
⇨ President appoints the Chief Election CrPC 1973.
Commissioner (CEC) and Election ⇨ Bharatiya Nagarik Suraksha Sanhita 2023
Commissioners (ECs) on the Selection proposed to replace CrPC.
Committee's recommendation. ⇨ Allows bail for first-time offenders after
Salaries and service conditions for CEC and
⇨oslo one-third of the maximum sentence served.
ECs equated to those of the Cabinet Secretary. ⇨ Permits electronic mode for all trials, inquiries,
⇨ Retains constitutional provision for CEC and proceedings.
removal similar to a Supreme Court Judge, with 8
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Police can request medical examinations in the Supreme Court for "serious lapses" and
certain cases, mandates forensic investigations "uncertainty" in its implementation.
for serious crimes. ⇨ Defines sexual harassment as unwelcome
⇨ Allows collection of personal identifiers from physical, verbal, or non-verbal sexual conduct,
individuals, irrespective of arrest status. including advances, requests for sexual favours,
and exposure to pornography.
Evidence Act, 1872 ⇨ Covers all women employees, regardless of
⇨ Enacted to consolidate evidence laws for employment type or awareness of the principal
judicial decisions. employer.
⇨ Bhartiya Sakshya Bill, 2023 to replace Indian ⇨ Expands 'workplace' definition to include
Evidence Act, 1872. various organisational types and non-traditional
⇨ Standardises admissibility of electronic or settings.
digital records. ⇨ Applicable to all public and private sectors
⇨ Treats electronic information as oral evidence. across India.
⇨ In joint trials, a proven confession affects all ⇨ Mandates formation of an Internal Complaints
relevant accused. Committee (ICC) for employers with over 10
employees, led by a senior female employee and
Commissions of Inquiry Act, 1952 including an NGO worker.
⇨ Empowers central and state governments to ⇨ Requires creation of a local committee for
appoint commissions for public inquiries. complaints from women in firms with fewer
⇨ Central government can inquire into matters than 10 employees or the informal sector.
from List I and III, states from List II or III of ⇨ Employer must file an annual report detailing
Schedule VII. sexual harassment complaints and actions
⇨ Commissions have civil court powers. taken.
⇨ Recent commission appointed to investigate
violence in Manipur. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP)
(Amendment) Act, 2021
Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace ⇨ Specifies conditions under which abortion is
(Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, legal: advice of one medical practitioner up to
2013 20 weeks, two practitioners from 20 to 24
⇨ Aims to ensure workplace equality and weeks for specific risks, and medical board
freedom from sexual harassment, in line with advice beyond 24 weeks for substantial foetal
Vishaka judgment (1997). abnormalities.
⇨ Covers all women, regardless of employment

status, at any workplace. Fugitive Economic Offender (FEO) Act, 2018

⇨ Defines workplace harassment, includes ⇨ Aims to confiscate properties of economic
physical, verbal, and visual harassment. offenders fleeing the country to evade
⇨ Employers must establish an Internal prosecution, or who refuse to return, with
Complaints Committee (ICC); a Local offences valued at minimum Rs. 100 crore.
Complaints Committee (LCC) is for workplaces ⇨ A special court can declare someone a fugitive
with fewer than 10 workers. economic offender and order confiscation of
⇨ Complaints must be filed within 3 months, crime-related properties, benami properties,
extendable by 3 months. and others, both domestically and abroad.
⇨ Non-compliance by employers results in a fine ⇨ Confiscated properties vest in the central
up to ₹50,000, increasing with repeat offences. government, managed and disposed of by an
appointed administrator.
PoSH Act
⇨ Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA)
and Redressal) Act, 2013 (PoSH) highlighted by 9
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Regulates foreign donations to prevent
adverse effects on internal security. Model Prison Manual 2016
⇨ Enacted in 1976, amended in 2010 to enhance ⇨ Aims to standardize laws, rules, and
control over foreign donations. regulations across prisons.
⇨ Applicable to all associations, groups, and ⇨ Adopted by only 11 states and Union
non-governmental organizations intending to Territories.
receive foreign donations.
⇨ Mandatory registration under FCRA, valid for Government of National Capital Territory of
five years and renewable upon compliance. Delhi (Amendment) Ordinance, 2023
⇨ Amends Government of National Capital
Model Prisons Act 2023 Territory of Delhi Act, 1991.
⇨ Prepared by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ⇨ Excludes "Services" from the Delhi Assembly's
replace the British-era Prisons Act of 1894 and jurisdiction.
focus on inmate reformation and rehabilitation. ⇨ Establishes National Capital Civil Services
⇨ Includes punishment for the use of prohibited Authority, comprising the Chief Minister, Chief
items like mobile phones, establishment of Secretary, and Principal Home Secretary (last
high-security and open jails, and measures two appointed by the Central Government).
against criminal activities of hardened criminals. ⇨ Authority advises the Lieutenant Governor on
⇨ Provisions for legal aid, parole, furlough, and services including transfers, postings, and
premature release for good conduct. disciplinary matters, with decisions based on
⇨ Prisons and detainees are a state subject; the majority votes.
act serves as a guideline for states to adopt. ⇨ Empowers the Lieutenant Governor to make
final decisions on matters including the
Bureau of Police Research and Development Authority's recommendations.
(BPRD) ⇨ Overrides a Supreme Court decision granting
⇨ Established in 1970 to modernise police Delhi government control over administrative

forces, functioning under the Union Home services.

⇨ Replaced the Police Research and Advisory
9654469135 2023 Supreme Court Verdict
Council formed in 1966. ⇨ States that the elected Government of the
⇨ Acts as a national think tank for police National Capital Territory of Delhi has
research and development. legislative and executive powers over "Services"
⇨ Oversees the National Police Mission created under Entry 41, List II of the 7th Schedule.
in 2008, headquartered in New Delhi. ⇨ Requires the Lieutenant Governor to act on
the advice of the Council of Ministers of Delhi
Prisons Act 1984 regarding matters within their legislative
⇨ Originated from the 1836 "Prison Discipline authority.
Committee" recommendations by Lord
Macaulay. Article 239AA
⇨ Defines "prison" as any designated detention ⇨ Introduced by the 69th Amendment Act,
space, excluding police custody and subsidiary 1991, based on the S Balakrishnan Committee's
jails. recommendations.
⇨ Grants Delhi a Legislative Assembly with
Constitutional Provisions for Prisons powers to legislate on State List or Concurrent
⇨ Prisons and detainees fall under the State List, List subjects, excluding police, public order, and
with administration vested solely in state land.
governments. ⇨ In disputes between the Lieutenant Governor
⇨ Model Act is intended as a guideline for state and Ministers, the issue is referred to the
adoption. President. 10
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)

Ordinance Mediation Act 2023

⇨ Defined as a temporary law enacted by the ⇨ Defines mediation to include various forms
State or Central Government without like pre-litigation, online, community mediation,
legislature approval. and conciliation.
⇨ Governed by Article 123 and Article 213, ⇨ Establishes the Mediation Council of India,
detailing presidential and gubernatorial consisting of a chairperson, two full-time
ordinance powers respectively. members, three ex-officio members
⇨ Has the same force as an Act but is temporary, the Law Secretary and Expenditure Secretary),
expiring 6 weeks after the legislature and a part-time industry member.
reconvenes. ⇨ Allows foreign nationals as mediators.
⇨ May lapse earlier upon withdrawal by the ⇨ Mediation proceedings limited to 120 days,
President/Governor or disapproval by both extendable to 180 days by mutual agreement.
legislative houses. ⇨ Excludes enforcement of settlements from
⇨ Only issued on matters within the legislative international mediations.
competence of Parliament or a state legislature. ⇨ Settlements from mediation are binding and
enforceable like court judgments, challengeable
J&K Reorganisation (Amendment) Act, 2023 on fraud or inappropriateness for mediation
⇨ Modifies the J&K Reorganisation Act of 2019. grounds.
⇨ Increases legislative seats from 107 to 114.
⇨ Reserves seven seats for Scheduled Castes Pharmacy (Amendment) Act, 2023
and nine for Scheduled Tribes. ⇨ Extends the Pharmacy Act, 1948 to the Union
⇨ Replaces the term "weak and underprivileged Territory of Jammu and Kashmir.
classes" with "other backward classes" as ⇨ Recognizes pharmacists registered under the
defined by the Union Territory of Jammu & Jammu and Kashmir Pharmacy Act, 2011 as
Kashmir. registered under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.
⇨ Legislative Assembly to include up to two ⇨ Emphasizes regulation of pharmacy practice
members from the Kashmiri migrant community and education by the Pharmacy Council of India
(including one woman) and one member and respective state councils.
representing displaced persons from
Pakistan-occupied Jammu and Kashmir. Telecommunications Act 2023
⇨ Replaces the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, the
Essential Services Maintenance Act (ESMA) Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, and the
⇨ Enacted in 1968 to ensure the availability of Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Possession) Act,
crucial services. 1950.
⇨ Prohibits strikes by employees in essential ⇨ Requires prior central government
services, not excused by bandhs or curfews. authorization for telecommunication services,
⇨ Covers services in public conservation, network operations, and radio equipment
sanitation, water supply, hospitals, national possession.
defence, and sectors like petroleum, coal, ⇨ Assigns spectrum primarily by auction; allows
electricity, steel, fertiliser, banking. administrative allocation for national security,
⇨ Includes communication and transportation disaster management, and specified public 9654469135

services under its scope. services.

⇨ Applies regardless of excuses like bandhs or ⇨ Amends the Telecom Regulatory Authority of
curfews. India Act to set professional experience
⇨ Allows states to define their own essential requirements for the Chairperson and
services and enforce ESMA accordingly. members.
⇨ Central government may invoke ESMA during
national disruptions, particularly in railways. 11
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Introduces user protection measures like ⇨ Empowers Customs officers to enforce
consent for messages and a Do Not Disturb government regulations.
register. ⇨ Allows State Governments to make rules for
⇨ Permits message interception, monitoring, or managing imported livestock.
blocking for national security and public order. ⇨ Last amended in 2001, modifying livestock
⇨ Excludes over-the-top platforms from product definitions and incorporating
regulation. provisions of the Customs Act 1962.
⇨ Renames Universal Service Obligation fund to ⇨ The proposed Livestock Products Bill, 2023
Digital Bharat Nidhi, earmarked for telecom was withdrawn due to concerns from animal
research and development. activists; existing legislation continues to apply.

Post Office Act, 2023 UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities)

⇨ Replaces the Indian Post Office Act, 1898. Regulations, 2023
⇨ Grants postal officers the authority to ⇨ Issued by the Ministry of Education,
intercept, open, or detain mail for national superseding the 2019 regulations.
security, public safety, or other specified ⇨ Aims to enhance focus on quality, excellence,
reasons. and strengthening the research ecosystem in
⇨ Exempts the Post Office from liability except higher education.
as prescribed by rules. ⇨ Follows previous notifications in 2010, 2016,
⇨ Appoints the Director General of Postal and 2019.
Services as the head of India Post. ⇨ Deemed to be University status under UGC
Act 1956 allows institutions to offer their own
Coastal Aquaculture Authority (Amendment) degree programs, equivalent to regular
Act, 2023 universities.
⇨ Amends the Coastal Aquaculture Authority ⇨ Benefits include increased funding, better
Act 2005 to enhance regulation of coastal faculty recruitment, and flexible admissions
aquaculture activities. policies.
⇨ Clarifies ambiguities, bringing all coastal ⇨ Eligibility for Deemed University status
aquaculture under the Act's purview. includes top rankings in the National
⇨ Registration under the Act now serves as valid Institutional Ranking Framework and high
permission under Coastal Regulation Zone grades from the National Assessment and
Notification, eliminating the need for multiple Accreditation Council.
⇨ Adds new functions to the Coastal Registration of Birth and Death (Amendment)
AquacultureosloAuthority's role. Act, 2023
⇨ Decriminalizes illegal coastal aquaculture ⇨ Amends the Registration of Birth and Death
operations, introducing fixed penalties instead. Act 1969.
⇨ Allows establishment of hatcheries, nucleus ⇨ Births and deaths registration falls under the
breeding centres, and broodstock multiplication Concurrent List, allowing both Parliament and
centres in no-development zones and buffer state legislatures to legislate.
zones. ⇨ Mandates the Registrar General of India to
⇨ Bans antibiotics and harmful maintain a national database of registered
pharmacologically active substances in coastal births and deaths.
aquaculture. ⇨ Requires Chief Registrars and Registrars to
contribute to and maintain state-level
Livestock Importation Act 1898 databases.
Enables the Central Government to regulate,
⇨ ⇨ Introduces provisions for electronic
restrict, or prohibit the import of potentially certificates and linkage with Aadhaar.
infected livestock. 12
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
Central Goods and Services Tax (Second ⇨ Authorized to investigate agreements,
Amendment) (CGST) Bill, 2023 combinations, and dominance issues affecting
⇨ Amends the CGST Act, 2017, affecting the competition.
Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal
(GSTAT). Inter-Services Organisation (Command,
⇨ Changes qualifications for GSTAT members to Control & Discipline) Bill, 2023
include advocates with 10 years’ experience in ⇨ Armed Forces operate under distinct acts:
indirect taxation. Army Act 1950, Navy Act 1957, Air Force Act
⇨ Raises the minimum age for appointment to 1950. 9654469135
GSTAT to 50 years. ⇨ Diverse acts challenge discipline in
⇨ Increases the retirement age for the president Inter-services Organisations (ISOs) like
of GSTAT from 67 to 70 years, and for members Andaman and Nicobar Command, Defence
from 65 to 67 years. Space Agency.
⇨ Positions GSTAT as the second appellate ⇨ ISOs also include joint training facilities like
authority within the GST framework for National Defence Academy, National Defence
disputes under CGST and State GST Acts. College with multi-service personnel.
⇨ Bill authorises ISO Commander-in-Chief to
Competition (Amendment) Act (CAA) 2023 discipline personnel.
⇨ Amends the Competition Act, 2002. ⇨ ISO Bill 2023 retains existing Service Acts,
⇨ Expands the definition of combinations to Rules, Regulations.
include transactions valued above Rs 2,000
crore. Jan Vishwas (Amendment of Provisions) Bill,
⇨ Reduces the approval time for combinations 2023
from 210 days to 150 days. ⇨ Passed in Lok Sabha to enhance ease of living
⇨ Revises the definition of control as the ability and business.
to exert material influence over management or ⇨ Decriminalises approximately 180 offences
strategic decisions. across 42 laws in sectors like environment,
⇨ Extends cartel provisions to include "Hub and agriculture, media.
Spoke Arrangements," making non-competing ⇨ Transforms fines into penalties, obviating need
companies liable for facilitating for judicial prosecution.
anti-competitive agreements. ⇨ Eliminates all offences, penalties under Indian
Post Office Act 1898.
Competition Act 2002
⇨ Replaces the Monopolies and Restrictive Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and
Trade Practices (MRTP) Act, 1969. Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023
⇨ Establishes the Competition Commission of ⇨ Amends Offshore Areas Mineral
India (CCI) to prevent anti-competitive (Development and Regulation) Act, 2002.
practices. ⇨ Introduces composite licence for exploration
⇨ Prohibits anti-competitive agreements, abuse and production rights.
of dominant positions, and combinations ⇨ Production lease under composite licence
detrimental to competition in India. valid for 50 years.
⇨ Establishes non-lapsable Offshore Areas
Competition Commission of India (CCI) Mineral Trust for fund management under
⇨ Established under the Competition Act, 2002, Public Account of India.
overseen by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. ⇨ Grants atomic minerals exploration,
⇨ Comprises a Chairperson and 2 to 6 members production licences only to government or
appointed by the Central Government. government companies.
⇨ Terms last 5 years or until age 65, with
eligibility for reappointment. 13
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
Mines and Minerals (Development and ⇨ Central government vote weightage is
Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2023 one-third, states together two-thirds of total
⇨ Passed recently, amends Mines and Minerals votes cast.
(Development and Regulation) Act, 1957. ⇨ Supreme Court in Union of India vs Mohit
⇨ Follows comprehensive amendments in 2015, Minerals Pvt Ltd ruled GST Council
2016, 2020, and 2021 introducing sector recommendations not binding on Centre or
reforms. States.
⇨ Establishes District Mineral Foundation and ⇨ GST Council Office in New Delhi, Revenue
National Mineral Exploration Trust. Secretary as Exofficio Secretary.
⇨ Removes distinctions between captive and ⇨ Composition:
merchant mines; eases mineral concessions • Union Finance Minister– Chairperson.
transfers. • Union Minister of State, in-charge of Revenue
⇨ Allows private sector to mine lithium, or finance– Member.
beryllium, niobium, titanium, tantalum, • State Government nominated finance,
zirconium. taxation or other Minister – Members.
⇨ Grants central government auctioning powers • Vice-Chairperson selected by members from
for mining lease and composite licence of amongst themselves [Article 279A (3)].
critical minerals like gold, silver, copper.
National Commission for Minority Educational
Cinematography (Amendment) Bill, 2023 Institutions (NCMEI)
⇨ Passed recently by both houses. ⇨ Statutory body established by NCMEI Act,
⇨ Introduces new certification categories, 2004.
including three age-based 'UA' categories: 'UA ⇨ Quasi-Judicial body with powers of a Civil
7+', 'UA 13+', 'UA 16+'. Court.
⇨ 'A' or 'S' certificates require separate ⇨ Ensures rights of religious minorities to
certificates for TV or other prescribed media. establish and administer educational
⇨ Film certificates to have perpetual validity. institutions under Article 30, Constitution of
⇨ Omits section 6(1) preventing Centre's India.
revisional powers on already certified films. ⇨ Linguistic Minorities not covered under
⇨ Prohibits unauthorised recording and NCMEI Act, 2004.
exhibition of films, making it a punishable ⇨ Headed by a chairman from a religious
offence. minority community, former High Court Judge.
⇨ Three members nominated by Central
Bodies Government.
oslo ⇨ Roles: adjudicatory, advisory, and
GST Council recommendatory.
⇨ Constitutional body under Article 279A (1) via
101st Constitutional Amendment Act. National Commission for Minorities (NCM)
⇨ Recommends GST rates to Union and States ⇨ Autonomous body established by National
under Article 279A (4). Commission for Minorities Act, 1992.
⇨ GST rates mutually decided by States and ⇨ Advises central and state governments on
Center at GST Council Meeting. minority communities' welfare and
⇨ Quorum requirement of one-half of total development.
members for meetings. ⇨ Consists of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson
⇨ Decisions based on a majority of not less than and five members, all from minority
three-fourths of weighted votes of members communities.
present and voting. ⇨ Seven total members nominated by Central
Government from persons of eminence, ability,
and integrity. 14
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Each member serves a three-year term.
CBI Director ⇨ Statutory body under Lokpal and Lokayuktas
⇨ Appointed under Delhi Special Police Act, 2013.
Establishment Act (1946) and Lokpal and ⇨ Aims to implement obligations of United
Lokayuktas Act, 2013. Nations Convention Against Corruption 9654469135
⇨ Appointment made by Centre on (UNCAC).
recommendation by a three-member ⇨ Lokpal consists of a Chairperson and up to
Appointment Committee. eight Members, half being judicial Members.
⇨ Committee comprises Prime Minister, Leader ⇨ Fifty percent members from Scheduled Castes
of the Opposition in Lok Sabha, and Chief (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward
Justice of India or a Supreme Court judge Classes (OBCs), Minorities, and Women.
nominated by him. ⇨ Appointed by the President on
⇨ Leader of single largest party included if no recommendations of a Selection Committee:
recognised Leader of the Opposition. Prime Minister, Speaker of the Lok Sabha,
⇨ Tenure fixed at 2 years by Central Vigilance Leader of the Opposition, Chief Justice of India
Commission Act 2003. or nominee, and an eminent jurist.
⇨ Chairperson and Members serve five years or
General Consent to CBI until age 70, whichever is sooner.
⇨ Approval given by state governments to CBI ⇨ Salary of Chairperson equal to Chief Justice of
under DSPE Act, 1946. India; Members equal to Supreme Court Judges.
⇨ Necessary as jurisdiction of these agencies ⇨ Post-tenure, Chairperson and Members
confined to Delhi and Union Territories. ineligible for reappointment.
⇨ Withdrawal of consent has prospective effect ⇨ Jurisdiction includes corruption allegations
only on new enquiries. against Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of
⇨ Courts can order CBI investigations despite Parliament, Union government officials (Groups
withdrawal of consent. A to D), and heads and officers of entities
⇨ Withdrawal bars CBI from registering new funded by or established by the Centre; receives
cases within that state. foreign contributions above ₹10 lakh.
⇨ Tamil Nadu recently withdrew general consent ⇨ Exceptions: Prime Minister relating to specific
to CBI. areas, judiciary, armed forces, state government
employees unless involved with Union affairs.
Director General of Police (DGP) Appointment
⇨ Appointments based on Supreme Court's Lokayukta
judgment in Prakash Singh vs Union of India ⇨ Established by state legislation under Lokpal
(2006). and Lokayuktas Act, 2013.
⇨ State government selects DGP from top three ⇨ State-level anti-corruption authority
senior officers empaneled for promotion. investigating corruption among state public
⇨ Names sent to Union Public Service servants.
Commission (UPSC) to form a three-member ⇨ Maharashtra first state to establish Lokayukta
panel including UPSC, central and state in 1971, followed by Odisha.
government representatives.
⇨ In 2018, Supreme Court order held any Zonal Councils
conflicting state or central rule/legislation ⇨ Statutory bodies under States Re-organisation
Act, 1956.
⇨ Punjab Police Amendment Bill, 2023, passed ⇨ Divided India into five zones with a council for
by Punjab assembly amends Punjab Police Act, each: Northern, Central, Eastern, Western,
2007, allowing state to bypass UPSC Southern.
empanelment. 15
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Serve as forums for resolving issues between ⇨ Provides free legal services to weaker
Centre and States, and among States. sections; organizes Lok Adalats for dispute
⇨ Union Home Minister chairs each council. resolution.
⇨ Members include Chief Minister, two ⇨ Chief Justice of India is Patron-in-Chief;
Ministers from each state, and two members second senior-most Supreme Court judge is
from Union Territories in the zone. Executive Chairman.
⇨ North-Eastern Council created by ⇨ State Legal Services Authorities and High
North-Eastern Council Act, 1971, includes eight Court Legal Services Committees at state and
northeastern states. High Court levels respectively; District and
Taluk Committees at district levels.
Office of the Chief Commissioner for Persons
with Disabilities Supreme Court Legal Services Committee
⇨ Established under Section 74 of Rights of (SCLSC)
Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. ⇨ Statutory body under section 3A of Legal
⇨ Under Department of Empowerment of Services Authorities Act, 1987.
Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social ⇨ Provides free legal services to economically
Justice and Empowerment. disadvantaged and marginalized.
⇨ Includes one Chief Commissioner and two ⇨ Chaired by a sitting Supreme Court judge;
assisting Commissioners. Chief Justice of India is Patron-in-Chief.
⇨ Investigates, on own initiative or otherwise,
rights deprivations of persons with disabilities. Bar Council of India (BCI)
⇨ Statutory body established by Parliament
Press Information Bureau (PIB) under the Advocates Act, 1961.
⇨ Nodal government agency for media ⇨ Regulates the Indian bar, prescribing
communication. standards of professional conduct and
⇨ Established in 1919, made permanent in 1923. etiquette.
⇨ Placed under the Department of Information ⇨ Exercises disciplinary jurisdiction over the bar.
and Broadcasting in 1941, named Press ⇨ Sets legal education standards and grants
Information Bureau in 1946. recognition to universities for law degrees that
⇨ Part of the Ministry of Information and qualify for advocate enrollment.
Broadcasting post-1947. ⇨ Section 29 of the Advocates Act mandates
⇨ Recently celebrated centennial anniversary. only BCI-enrolled advocates may practice law.
⇨ Recently, BCI allowed foreign lawyers and law
Registrar-General & Census Commissioner of firms to practice in India, excluding court
India oslo appearances, through the 'Bar Council of India
⇨ Established in 1961 under the Ministry of Rules for Registration of Foreign Lawyers and
Home Affairs. Foreign Law Firms in India, 2021'.
⇨ Manages demographic surveys including
Census of India and Linguistic Survey of India. Railway Board in India
⇨ Registrar-General usually a Joint ⇨ Executive arm of the Ministry of Railways.
Secretary-level civil servant, also acts as Census ⇨ Handles daily administration of Indian
Commissioner. Railways.
⇨ Under Census Act, 1969. ⇨ Chaired by a senior Indian Administrative
Service (IAS) officer.
National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) ⇨ Oversees passenger and freight train
⇨ Constituted in 1995 under Legal Services operations.
Authorities Act, 1987.
Commission of Railway Safety (CRS)
⇨ Acts as railway safety authority in India. 16
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Handles safety of rail travel and operations; ⇨ Established in 1982 by the NABARD Act,
statutory functions include inspectorial, 1981, following the recommendation of the B.
investigatory, and advisory roles. Sivaraman committee.
⇨ Headquartered in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. ⇨ Functions transferred from the Reserve Bank
⇨ Under administrative control of the Ministry of India (RBI) and the then Agriculture
of Civil Aviation (MoCA) to avoid conflict of Refinance and Development Corporation. 9654469135
interest with the Ministry of Railways. ⇨ Administered by the Ministry of Finance,
entirely governed by the Government of India.
Capacity Building Commission (CBC) ⇨ Acts as the national development bank for
⇨ Established in 2021 as part of Mission fostering rural prosperity through both financial
Karmayogi. and non-financial interventions.
⇨ Independent body with executive and financial ⇨ Provides refinance to rural lending
autonomy. institutions, loans to Farmer's Producer
⇨ Three-member commission supported by an Organisations, and Primary Agriculture Credit
internal secretariat; Secretary heads the Societies (PACS).
secretariat. ⇨ Supports initiatives like the Self Help Groups
⇨ Members from diverse sectors: private, Bank Linkage Programme (SHGBLP), Livelihood
academia, public, and civil society. and Enterprise Development Programme
⇨ Focuses on enhancing the performance and (LEDP), and Kisan Credit Card scheme.
efficiency of the civil service.
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
Economic Advisory Council to the Prime ⇨ Established in 1992 as a statutory body under
Minister (EAC-PM) the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
⇨ Non-constitutional, non-statutory, 1992.
independent body advising the Prime Minister. ⇨ Aims to protect investors' interests, promote
⇨ Provides advice on economic and related and regulate the securities market.
issues, either suo motu or upon referral. ⇨ Functions include quasi-legislative,
⇨ Issues include inflation, microfinance, and quasi-judicial, and quasi-executive roles.
industrial output. ⇨ Conducts inspections, inquiries, and audits of
⇨ NITI Aayog acts as the nodal agency for stock exchanges, mutual funds, intermediaries,
administrative, logistic, planning, and budgeting and self-regulatory organizations.
needs of EAC-PM. ⇨ Holds civil court powers under the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908.
National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) ⇨ Can suspend trading, prohibit dealings in
⇨ Established in 2014 under the Ministry of securities, suspend stock exchange
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions. office-bearers, and impound proceeds of
⇨ Governed by a body headed by the Cabinet transactions under investigation.
⇨ Objectives include improving governance, Quality Council of India (QCI)
policy reforms, and capacity building. ⇨ Established in 1997 by the Department for
⇨ Provides training for civil servants and Promotion of Industry & Internal Trade (DPIIT)
technocrats from India and developing and the Ministry of Commerce & Industry, with
countries. industry collaboration.
⇨ Functions as a national repository for good ⇨ Registered as a non-profit under the Societies
practices, initiatives, and Registration Act XXI of 1860.
methodologies. ⇨ Operates through bodies like the National
Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural (NABCB) and National Accreditation Board for
Development (NABARD) Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL). 17
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Governed by a 38-member council Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
representing government, industry, and Authority (PFRDA)
consumers. ⇨ Set up under the PFRDA Act, 2013, under the
⇨ Chairman appointed by the Prime Minister Ministry of Finance.
based on industry recommendations. ⇨ Headquartered in New Delhi, consisting of a
Chairperson and up to six members, at least
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs three being full-time.
(CBIC) ⇨ Regulates National Pension System (NPS) and
⇨ Known previously as the Central Board of applicable pension schemes.
Excise and Customs (CBEC), established under
the Central Boards of Revenue Act, 1963. Investor Education and Protection Fund
⇨ Subordinate to the Department of Revenue, Authority (IEPFA)
Ministry of Finance. ⇨ Established under the Companies Act, 2013,
⇨ Headed by a Chairman with six additional within the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
members. ⇨ Administers refunds of unclaimed dividends,
⇨ Manages policies on levy and collection of matured deposits, and promotes investor
Customs and Excise duties, Goods & Services education and protection.
Tax, and oversees prevention of smuggling. ⇨ Initiatives include 'Fundoo' mascot, 'Niveshak
Didi' with India Post Payment Bank, and
Insurance Regulatory and Development 'Niveshak Sarathi' for financial literacy.
Authority of India (IRDAI)
⇨ Established as an autonomous statutory body Financial Intelligence Unit India (FIU IND)
under the IRDA Act, 1999. ⇨ Established in 2004 as the central national
⇨ Apex body supervising and regulating the agency.
insurance sector, under the Ministry of Finance. ⇨ Responsible for receiving, processing,
⇨ Headquartered in Hyderabad, consisting of a analyzing, and disseminating suspect financial
Chairman, five full-time, and four part-time transaction information.
members. ⇨ Reports directly to the Economic Intelligence
⇨ Insurance sector is the 10th largest globally, Council (EIC), led by the Finance Minister.
growing from $11.1 billion in 2001 to $91
billion in 2021. Financial Stability and Development Council
⇨ Insurance Penetration has increased from (FSDC)
2.7% in 2000 to 4.2% in 2021. ⇨ Constituted in 2010 based on the Raghuram
⇨ Surety Bonds expanded by relaxed IRDAI Rajan Committee's 2008 recommendations.
norms to mitigate
oslo risk and increase market ⇨ Aims to strengthen financial stability, enhance
availability. inter-regulatory coordination, and promote
⇨ Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB) set sector development.
up in 2009, maintains a repository and analytics ⇨ Not a statutory body; no separate funding.
of sector information. ⇨ Chaired by the Union Finance Minister;
sub-committee led by the Reserve Bank of India
Bima Vahak Guidelines (BHG) (RBI) Governor.
⇨ Issued by IRDAI to establish a women-centric ⇨ Can invite experts; recently held its 27th
distribution channel enhancing insurance meeting.
⇨ Aims for improved accessibility and Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO)
availability of insurance across India. ⇨ Corporate fraud investigating agency,
Part of IRDAI's strategy for its 'Insurance for
⇨ operational since 2015.
All' goal. ⇨ Operates under the Ministry of Corporate
Affairs. 18
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Granted statutory status under Section 211 of ⇨ Also covers the Fugitive Economic Offenders
the Companies Act, 2013. Act, 2018, and the Conservation of Foreign
⇨ Primary investigative agency for white-collar Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling
frauds and crimes. Activities Act, 1974 (COFEPOSA).
⇨ Takes cases referred by the Central ⇨ Director's tenure and extensions governed by
Government or initiated by the SFIO Director the Central Vigilance Commission Act, 2003.
with written justification. ⇨ Recent Supreme Court ruling invalidated the
⇨ Exclusive investigative authority once a case is third extension of the current ED chief,
assigned. affirming9654469135
a maximum of three annual
⇨ Headquartered in New Delhi with regional extensions.
offices in Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, and
Kolkata. PMLA Appellate Tribunal
⇨ Established under Section 25 of the
National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) Prevention of Money-laundering Act, 2002, by
⇨ Statutory body established under Section 132 the Central Government.
of the Companies Act, 2013, in 2018. ⇨ Comprises a Chairperson and two other
⇨ Monitors compliance with Auditing Standards, Members, appointed for five years or until age
oversees service quality of professions. 65, whichever comes first.
⇨ Regulates accounting standards and auditing ⇨ Hears appeals against orders of the
profession. Adjudicating Authority and related authorities.
⇨ Led by a chairperson and up to 15 members ⇨ Part of India’s commitment to international
appointed by the Central Government. conventions against money laundering.
⇨ Has civil court powers to investigate ⇨ Enforcement Directorate and Financial
professional misconduct by chartered Intelligence Unit-India are key agencies for
accountants or firms. implementing PMLA.

Financial Services Institution Bureau (FSIB) Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI)

⇨ Replaced the Bank Board's Bureau (BBB), ⇨ Premier intelligence and enforcement agency
operates under the Department of Financial for anti-smuggling.
Services (DFI). ⇨ Operates under the Central Board of Indirect
⇨ Led by a chairman nominated by the central Taxes and Customs, Ministry of Finance.
government. ⇨ Established in 1957, headquartered in New
⇨ Includes Secretaries of the DFI, the chairman Delhi.
of the Insurance Regulatory
Authority of India (IRDAI), a deputy governor of Operation Black Gold
the RBI. ⇨ Involved the seizure of an alloy containing
⇨ Three part-time members from banking and 16.67 kg of gold and 39.73 kg of silver in Delhi.
three from insurance. ⇨ The alloy was valued over Rs 10 crore.
⇨ Identifies manpower capabilities, recommends
appointments for state-run financial services Operation “Kachchhap”
institutions. ⇨ Conducted by the Directorate of Revenue
Intelligence (DRI).
Directorate of Enforcement (ED) ⇨ Recovered 955 live baby turtles from various
⇨ Financial investigation agency established in species including Indian Tent Turtle and Indian
1956, under the Department of Revenue, Flapshell Turtle.
Ministry of Finance. ⇨ Part of DRI’s environmental protection and
⇨ Enforces the Foreign Exchange Management illegal wildlife combat efforts.
Act, 1999 (FEMA), and the Prevention of Money
Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA). National Productivity Council 19
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Established in 1958 as an autonomous ⇨ Operates systems like National Financial
organization. Switch and Immediate Payment System.
⇨ Operates under the Department for ⇨ Offers services like Bharat Bill Payment
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Interface and Unified Payments Interface.
Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
⇨ Promotes sustained innovation-led NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL)
productivity in economic, environmental, and ⇨ Wholly-owned subsidiary of National
social sectors. Payments Corporation of India.
⇨ Member of the Tokyo-based Asian ⇨ Focuses on helping other countries establish
Productivity Organisation (APO), with India as a efficient and secure payment systems.
founding member. ⇨ Recently facilitated a partnership agreement
for implementing the Rupay Domestic Card
Central Consumer Protection Authority Scheme in the UAE.
⇨ Established in 2020 under the Consumer District Mineral Foundation (DMF)
Protection Act, 2019. ⇨ Established as a non-profit trust under the
⇨ Regulatory body under the Ministry of Mines and Minerals (Development and
Consumer Affairs. Regulation) Amendment Act 2015.
⇨ Led by a Chief Commissioner with two ⇨ Aims to benefit people and areas affected by
commissioners focusing on goods and services mining-related operations.
respectively. ⇨ Funded by contributions from mineral
⇨ Aims to promote, protect, and enforce concession holders, managed at the district
consumer rights as a class. level under state jurisdiction.
⇨ Functions and composition are prescribed by
Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) the respective State Government.
⇨ Established in April 2001 for guaranteed
clearing and settlement in various financial Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT)
markets. ⇨ Established in 1963 under the Ministry of
⇨ Provides non-guaranteed settlement for Commerce & Industry to enhance skills in the
specific derivatives and cross-currency external trade sector.
transactions through CLS Bank. ⇨ Granted "Deemed to be University" status in
⇨ Promoted by major Indian banks including 2002.
State Bank of India and ICICI Bank. ⇨ Recognized by the National Assessment and
⇨ Recognized as a Qualified Central Accreditation Council as Grade ‘A’ institution in
Counterparty by the Reserve Bank of India in 2005 and 2015.
2014. ⇨ Recently celebrated its 60th Foundation Day
⇨ Operates a Trade Repository for on its Diamond Jubilee.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) derivatives reporting.
Centre for Processing Accelerated Corporate
National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) Exit (C-PACE)
⇨ Initiative of the Reserve Bank of India and ⇨ Operated by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Indian Banks’ Association under the Payment (MCA). 9654469135

and Settlement Systems Act, 2007. ⇨ Aims to streamline the company strike-off
⇨ Operates as a "Not for Profit" company for process.
retail payments and settlement systems. ⇨ Located at the Indian Institute of Corporate
⇨ Headquartered in Mumbai, promoted by ten Affairs, Manesar, Haryana.
major banks including State Bank of India and ⇨ Reduces registry burden, ensures hassle-free
Citibank. and timely company removals. 20
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
National Economic Offence Records (NEOR) ⇨ Chairperson to be appointed by the Centre.
⇨ Central repository for all economic offences. ⇨ Focuses on turmeric cultivation and trade
⇨ Shares data with central and state intelligence enhancement.
and enforcement agencies.
⇨ Project coordination by the Central Economic Turmeric (Curcuma Longa)
Intelligence Bureau with support from the ⇨ Grown in tropical and subtropical climates like
National Informatics Centre. India, Indonesia, USA, and southern Europe.
⇨ Uses application programming interface ⇨ Requires temperatures of 20-35°C and annual
software for data migration, minimizing manual rainfall over 1500 mm.
interference. ⇨ Thrives in well-drained sandy or clay loam
soils with a pH of 4.5-7.5, rich in organic matter.
Unique Economic Offender Code ⇨ Contains bioactive compounds like curcumin,
⇨ Alpha-numeric, system-generated code. known for anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
⇨ Issued when police or central agencies report properties. 9654469135
to NEOR.
⇨ Linked with Aadhaar for individuals or PAN for
Turmeric Trade
companies. ⇨ India is the largest producer, consumer, and

⇨ Facilitates swift multi-agency probes without exporter of turmeric.

waiting for chargesheets. ⇨ Main production states are Maharashtra,
⇨ Provides a comprehensive profile of offenders. Telangana, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu.
⇨ Controls over 62% of global turmeric trade.
Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) ⇨ Major export markets include Bangladesh,
⇨ Established in 1970 under the Ministry of UAE, USA, and Malaysia.
Textiles. ⇨ Expected market value to reach $1 billion by
⇨ Operates as a Public Sector Undertaking 2030.
under the Companies Act 1956.
⇨ Engages in trade, procurement, and export of Rubber Board of India
cotton. ⇨ Statutory organisation under the Rubber Act,
⇨ Governed by the Textile Policy 1985. 1947.
⇨ Conducts price support operations when ⇨ Functions under the Ministry of Commerce
market prices fall below government-set and Industry.
minimum support prices. ⇨ Led by a Chairman with 27 members
⇨ Also undertakes commercial purchases to representing the rubber industry.
meet the domestic textile industry's raw ⇨ Headquarters in Kottayam, Kerala.
material needs during lean seasons. ⇨ Manages rubber statistics, promotes
marketing, and undertakes labour welfare.
Coconut Development Board
⇨ Statutory body established in 1981. Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
⇨ Functions under the Ministry of Agriculture (GJEPC)
and Farmers Welfare. ⇨ Apex body for the Indian gem and jewellery
⇨ Headquarters in Kochi, Kerala with regional industry.
offices in Bangalore, Chennai, Guwahati, and ⇨ Sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce &
Patna. Industry.
⇨ Launched 'Hello Naariyal' Friends of Coconut ⇨ Promotes international market entry and
Trees call centre for coconut harvesting and export of Indian gems and jewellery.
plant management assistance. ⇨ Headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

National Turmeric Board Kimberly Process (KP)

⇨ Newly constituted in Telangana. 21
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Established in 2003 to prevent conflict
diamonds trade. Agricultural and Processed Food Products
⇨ India is a founding member and chaired the KP Export Development Authority (APEDA)
in 2008. ⇨ Established in 1986.
⇨ Joint initiative by governments, diamond ⇨ Operates under the Ministry of Commerce
industry, and civil society. and Industry. 9654469135
⇨ Has 55 members representing 82 countries ⇨ Headquarters located in New Delhi.
including the European Union with 28 members. ⇨ Serves as an apex export trade promotion
active body.
Rough Diamonds ⇨ Manages activities across 14 product
⇨ Diamonds in their natural state, pre-cut or categories including fruits, vegetables,
polished. processed items, animal, dairy, poultry products,
⇨ India primarily imports rough diamonds and and cereals.
exports polished ones. ⇨ Supports exporters with assistance and
schemes like Trade Infrastructure for Export
National Startup Advisory Council (NSAC) Scheme (TIES) and Market Access Initiative
⇨ Constituted by the Department for Promotion (MAI).
of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT) in 2020. ⇨ Chairman appointed by the Central
⇨ Advises on creating a robust ecosystem for Government.
nurturing innovation and startups in India.
⇨ Aims to foster sustainable economic growth Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
and large-scale employment. ⇨ Established in 1929 as a registered society
⇨ Headed by the Union Ministry of Commerce under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
and Industry. ⇨ Functions as an autonomous organisation
⇨ Includes ex-officio and non-official members under the Department of Agricultural Research
from diverse startup ecosystem roles, such as and Education (DARE), Ministry of Agriculture
successful founders, veterans, investors, and Farmers Welfare.
incubators, and industry representatives. ⇨ Headquartered in New Delhi.
⇨ Acts as the apex body for research and
Khadi and Village Industries Commission education in agriculture, horticulture, fisheries,
(KVIC) and animal sciences nationwide.
⇨ Statutory body under the Ministry of Micro, ⇨ Recently hosted the International Research
Small and Medium Enterprises. Conference on ‘From research to impact:
⇨ Responsible for planning, promoting, Towards Just and Resilient Agri-Food Systems’
organizing, and implementing development with CGIAR Gender Impact Platform.
programs for Khadi and other village industries.
⇨ Works in rural areas, coordinating with other Consultative Group on International
rural development agencies as needed. Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
⇨ Established in 1971.
Standing Committee on Statistics (SCOS) ⇨ Comprises a strategic partnership of donors
⇨ Established by the Ministry of Statistics and supporting 15 international research centres.
Programme Implementation (MoSPI), replacing ⇨ Works with government, civil society
the Standing Committee on Economic Statistics organisations, and private businesses.
(SCES). ⇨ Focuses on transforming food, land, and water
Broad mandate to review frameworks and
⇨oslo systems amid climate crisis.
results of all surveys by the National Statistical
Office. National Cooperative Organics Ltd (NCOL)
⇨ Final approval of survey publications rests ⇨ Established under the Multi State Cooperative
with the National Statistical Commission. Societies Act, 2002 in 202. 22
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Headquartered in Anand, Gujarat. ⇨ Central Electricity Authority notified the
⇨ Aims to provide a platform for farmers 2022-32 NEP.
engaged in natural farming. ⇨ Mandated by the Electricity Act, 2003 to
⇨ Manages marketing for organic products both prepare and notify NEP every five years
domestically and internationally. following National Electricity Policy.
⇨ Allocates 50% of profits from organic product ⇨ NEP reviews the previous five years
sales directly to member farmers. (2017-22), details plans for the next five years
⇨ Promoted by the National Dairy Development (2022-27), and outlines prospective plans for
Board. 2027-32.
⇨ Handles the entire supply chain including ⇨ First NEP notified in 2007.
aggregation, certification, production, testing, ⇨ Past decade saw electricity demand grow at a
procurement, storage, processing, branding, CAGR of approximately 4.1%; projected to grow
packaging, labeling, and marketing. at 7.18% CAGR next five years.

Bharatiya Beej Sahakari Samiti Ltd (BBSSL) EV Battery Standardization

⇨ Established in 2023 under the Multi-State ⇨ No current standardisation for electric vehicle
Cooperative Societies Act, 2002. batteries in India.
⇨ Focuses on providing certified, scientifically ⇨ Central Electricity Authority proposed battery
prepared seeds nationwide. standardization to enhance EV-to-grid charging.
⇨ Contributes to traditional seed conservation, ⇨ Operates under Electricity Act, 2003, which
promotion, and research. superseded the 1948 Act.
⇨ Ministry of Cooperation recently unveiled
BBSSL’s Logo, Website, and Brochure. Indian Renewable Energy Development
Agency (IREDA)
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) ⇨ Specialised non-banking finance agency for
⇨ Statutory organisation constituted under the renewable energy sector, formed in 1981.
Section 3(1) of the repealed Electricity (Supply) ⇨ Public Limited Government Company,
Act, 1948, continued under Section 70 of the registered as a Non-Banking Financial
Electricity Act, 2003. Institution.
⇨ Operates under the Ministry of Power's ⇨ Notified as a “Public Financial Institution”
administrative control. under section 4 ‘A’ of the Companies Act, 1956.
⇨ Aims to ensure reliable 24*7 power supply of ⇨ Registered as a Non-Banking Financial
adequate quality to all consumers. Company with the Reserve Bank of India.
⇨ Formulates the National Electricity Plan every ⇨ Provides financial assistance for projects on
five years for
oslo optimal resource use in power new and renewable energy sources and energy
generation. efficiency.
⇨ Located in New Delhi with up to 14 members,
including the Chairperson, who serves at the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI)
central government's pleasure. ⇨ Not-for-profit company established in 2011
⇨ Chairperson acts as the Chief Executive, under Section-25 of the Companies Act 1956.
steering power sector development. ⇨ Operates under the Ministry of New and
⇨ Advises on the National Electricity Policy, Renewable Energy.
devising short-term and long-term electricity ⇨ Sole Central Public Sector Undertaking
development plans. dedicated to the solar energy sector.
⇨ Designated authority for cross-border ⇨ Established to aid the implementation of the
electricity trade. National Solar Mission and achieve its targets.
National Electricity Plan (NEP) Energy Transition Advisory Committee (ETAC) 23
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Formed by the Ministry of Petroleum and Defence Research and Development
Natural Gas. Organization (DRDO)
⇨ Developed a road map for transitioning from ⇨ Founded in 1958, headquartered in New
fossil fuels to green energy. Delhi.
⇨ In its "The Green Shift" report, proposed ⇨ Grew from 10 to 52 laboratories, developing
banning diesel-powered four-wheelers in cities defence technologies.
with over 10 lakh population by 2027, shifting ⇨ Under Ministry of Defence.
to electric and gas-fuelled vehicles. ⇨ Develops strategic systemsoslo
like missiles,
⇨ Recommended a complete ban on internal aircraft, and electronic warfare systems.
combustion engine two- or three-wheel vehicles ⇨ Motto: "Balasya Mulam Vigyanam" (The
by 2035. source of strength is science).
⇨ Undergoing review by a committee led by
National Security Adviser (NSA) Prof. K VijayaRaghavan.
⇨ Created in 1998, first to receive cabinet
status. Cantonment Board
⇨ Presides over the National Security Council ⇨ Manages civilian population in cantonment
(NSC). areas under the Cantonment Act of 2006.
⇨ Senior official on NSC and chief adviser to the ⇨ Operates under the Union Defence Ministry.
Prime Minister on national security and ⇨ Board includes elected and nominated
international affairs. members, and ex-officio members like the
station commander.
National Security Council (NSC) ⇨ Total of 66 cantonment boards in India.
⇨ Established in 1998, oversees strategic ⇨ Cantonments house both military and civilian
political, economic, energy, and security populations.
⇨ Comprises Strategic Policy Group (SPG), National Cadet Corps (NCC)
National Security Advisory Board (NSAB), and ⇨ Established under National Cadet Corps Act
Secretariat. of 1948.
⇨ SPG, chaired by Cabinet Secretary, integrates ⇨ Youth wing of Armed Forces, comprising Army,
inter-ministerial coordination. Navy, and Air Force divisions.
⇨ NSAB provides long-term analysis on national ⇨ Provides voluntary military training to
security. students.
⇨ Operates under the executive office of the ⇨ Headquartered in New Delhi, divided into 17
Prime Minister. Directorates at state level.
⇨ Members include Ministers of Home Affairs, ⇨ Offers three types of certificates based on
Defence, External Affairs, and Finance. training duration.

Defence Acquisition Council (DAC) Information Management and Analysis Centre

⇨ Highest decision-making body in Defence (IMAC)
Ministry on procurement, established ⇨ Located in Gurugram, Haryana, serves as
post-Kargil War in 2001. National Maritime Domain Awareness centre.
⇨ Chaired by Defence Minister. ⇨ Connects operational centres of Navy and 9654469135
⇨ Members include Chief of Defence Staff and Coast Guard.
service chiefs. ⇨ Main centre for National Command Control
⇨ Decides on new policies and capital Communication and Intelligence System (NC3I).
acquisitions for the military and Indian Coast ⇨ Tracks commercial ships (white shipping).
Information Fusion Centre for Indian Ocean
Region (IFC-IOR) 24
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Established in 2018 at IMAC, Gurugram. ⇨ Mountain pass between India and China in
⇨ Strengthens maritime security by sharing Karakoram Range, at 5,540 m (18,176 ft).
maritime information. ⇨ Highest pass on ancient caravan route
⇨ Hosts International Liaison Officers from 12 between Leh, Ladakh and Yarkand, Tarim Basin.
partner nations including USA, UK, and ⇨ Named 'Karakoram', meaning 'Black Gravel' in
Australia. Mongolic.

National Investigation Agency (NIA) Indian Coast Guard (ICG)

⇨ Established post-2008 Mumbai attacks under ⇨ Maritime law enforcement and search and
National Investigation Agency Act 2008. rescue agency established in 1977 by Coast
⇨ Aims for excellence in counter-terrorism at Guard Act, 1978.
national level. ⇨ Operates under Ministry of Defence.
⇨ Operates under Ministry of Home Affairs' ⇨ Jurisdiction over territorial, contiguous zone,
proclamation. and exclusive economic zone of India.
⇨ Can handle terror-related crimes across states
without state permissions. Commando Battalions for Resolute Action
⇨ National Investigation Agency (Amendment) (CoBRA)
Act, 2019 allows investigating offences ⇨ Established in 2008 as a specialized unit
committed abroad. within the Central Reserve Police Force.
⇨ Personnel trained in guerrilla tactics and
National Technical Research Organisation jungle warfare.
(NTRO) ⇨ Initially created to combat Naxalite
⇨ Formed post-1999 Kargil conflict as technical insurgency.
intelligence agency. ⇨ Deployed against various insurgent groups in
⇨ Reports directly to the Prime Minister's Office asymmetrical warfare within India.
and National Security Adviser.
⇨ Authorized for lawful interception and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF)
monitoring of external communications. ⇨ India's premier central police force for internal
⇨ Covered by The Intelligence Organisations security, under Ministry of Home Affairs.
(Restriction of Rights) Act, 1985. ⇨ Established in 1939 as Crown Representative
⇨ Develops technology in aviation, remote Police.
sensing, cybersecurity, cryptology, strategic ⇨ One of the oldest Central Armed Police
monitoring. Forces.
⇨ Participates in UN peacekeeping missions.
oslo Border Police (ITBP)
⇨ Raised in 1962 post Sino-Indian War, under National Council of Educational Research and
CRPF Act. Training (NCERT)
⇨ Gained autonomy with Indo-Tibetan Border ⇨ Autonomous organization set up by the
Police Force Act, 1992. Government of India in 1961 under the
⇨ Operates under Union Home Ministry. Societies Registration Act.
⇨ Motto: “Shaurya-Dridhata-Karma Nishtha” ⇨ Advises Central and State Governments on
(Valour – Determination – Devotion to Duty). school education quality improvement.
⇨ Guards India's border with Tibet, involved in ⇨ As per the National Education Policy (NEP)
Anti Naxal Operations and UN missions. 2020, NCERT develops National Curriculum
⇨ Maintains 180 outposts along 3,488km border Frameworks (NCFs) for Early Childhood Care
from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Jachep La in and Education (ECCE), School Education, and
Arunachal Pradesh. Adult Education.
⇨ Recently granted Deemed-to-be-University
Karakoram Pass status. 25
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Includes senior government officials and
Deemed to be University Status eminent scientists.
⇨ Eligibility: Top 100 in National Institutional ⇨ Promotes basic research in science and
Ranking Framework (NIRF) for 3 continuous engineering, provides financial assistance.
years, or top 50 in any NIRF category; National ⇨ Recently subsumed into NRF.
Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC)
‘A’ grade with at least 3.01 Cumulative Grade Centre for Development of Telematics (C-DOT)
Point Average (CGPA) for 3 consecutive cycles. ⇨ Autonomous Telecom R&D centre, established
⇨ Institutions with high standards in specific in 1984 by the Department of
areas receive autonomy to design syllabi and Telecommunications, Ministry of
courses. Communications, Government of India.
⇨ University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, ⇨ Registered under the Societies Registration
1956 allows Central Government to declare Act, 1860 and as ‘public funded research
institutions as deemed universities on UGC's institution’ with the Department of Scientific
advice. and Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of
Science & Technology.
UGC (Institutions Deemed to be Universities) ⇨ Headquarters: New Delhi.
Regulations, 2023
⇨ Released by Ministry of Education (MoE). TRINETRA Security System
⇨ Supersedes UGC (Institutions Deemed to be ⇨ Launched by C-DOT.
Universities) Regulations 2019. ⇨ Integrates Security Information and Event
⇨ Aims to enhance quality, strengthen research, Management (SIEM), Security Orchestration
and transform higher education landscape. and Automated Response (SOAR), Data Loss
⇨ Regulations previously notified in 2010, Prevention (DLP), User Entity and Behaviour
revised in 2016 and 2019. Analytics (UEBA), Multi-Source Threat
National Research Foundation (NRF) ⇨ Offers 24x7 near real-time cyber-security
⇨ Replaces Science and Engineering Research monitoring and resolution of threats like Virus,
Board (SERB). Malware, Ransomware, Spyware, etc.
⇨ Led by Prime Minister, includes 10
directorates focused on various domains. Biotechnology Research and Innovation
⇨ Board of 18 includes eminent Indian and Council (BRIC)
international scientists, senior government ⇨ Apex autonomous society, centralizes
functionaries, and industry leaders. governance of biotech research in India.
⇨ Registered
osloas a society, operates with an ⇨ Formed after rationalizing key autonomous
independent secretariat. institutions under the Department of
⇨ Administrative Department is Department of Biotechnology.
Science and Technology (DST). ⇨ Union Minister of State for Science &
⇨ Modeled on US National Science Foundation Technology addressed the first-ever BRIC
(NSF). Society meeting.
⇨ Recently received presidential assent for
Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill, Indian Council of Social Science Research
2023. (ICSSR)
⇨ Established in 1969 based on the
Science and Engineering Research Board recommendation of Prof. V. K. R. V. Rao
(SERB) Committee.
Statutory body under DST.
⇨ ⇨ Autonomous organisation funded by the
⇨ Chaired by Secretary to the Government of Ministry of Education.
India in DST. 26
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Supports social sciences research through ⇨ Affiliated with All India Council For Technical
grants for projects, fellowships, international Education (AICTE), IITs, etc.
collaborations, capacity building, surveys,
publications. Indian Space Association (ISpA)
⇨ Apex, non-profit industry body for private and
International Institute for Population Sciences public space industry in India.
(IIPS) ⇨ Established in 2021.
⇨ Established in July 1956, originally as ⇨ Acts as a bridge between government and
Demographic Training and Research Centre, private industry.
re-designated in 1985.
⇨ Joint sponsorship of Sir Dorabji Tata Trust, the NewSpace India Limited (NSIL)
Government of India, and the United Nations. ⇨ Public sector unit under Department of Space,
⇨ Serves as a regional centre for Training and formed in 2019.
Research in Population Studies for the ESCAP ⇨ Commercial arm of ISRO, replacing Antrix. 9654469135
region. ⇨ Interfaces with industry, conducts commercial
⇨ Declared a 'Deemed to be University' on oslo
negotiations, supports technology transfer.
August 14, 1985, under Section 3 of the UGC
⇨ Manages self-owned, procured, or leased
Act, 1956. satellites; provides communication services and
⇨ Under the administrative control of the remote sensing data, both domestically and
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, internationally.
Government of India.
Internet and Mobile Association of India
Commission for Scientific and Technical (IAMAI)
Terminology (CSTT) ⇨ Not-for-profit industry body established in
⇨ Established in 1961 following a Presidential 2004 under Societies Registration Act, 1860.
order. ⇨ Represents India's digital services industry,
⇨ Created under clause (4) of Article 344 of the with over 500 members.
Constitution of India. ⇨ Aims to expand online and mobile value-added
⇨ Operates under the Department of Higher services.
Education, Ministry of Education, Government ⇨ Represents businesses to government,
of India. investors, consumers, and stakeholders.
⇨ Headquarters: New Delhi.
⇨ Primary function: Evolve and propagate Digital Publisher Content Grievances Council
standard terminology, ensure widespread (DPCGC)
distribution. ⇨ Self-regulatory body for Online Curated
⇨ Collaborates with State Governments, Content (OCC) providers, under IAMAI.
Universities, Regional Textbook Boards, and ⇨ Recognised and registered by Ministry of
State Granth Academies in developing scientific Information & Broadcasting under IT
and technical terminology and reference (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media
material in Hindi and other Indian languages. Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
⇨ Includes an OCC Publishers Council and an
Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) independent Grievance Redressal Board (GRB)
⇨ Principal society in India for aeronautics, chaired by a retired judge.
aerospace, and aviation. ⇨ Aims to balance viewer complaints and
⇨ Facilitates interaction among professionals in free-speech content presentation.
civil and military aviation and related agencies.
⇨ Inaugurated by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru in 1948, Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI)
who was also the first Patron-in-Chief. 27
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Established in 1985 under Companies Act, ⇨ Established under Drugs and Cosmetics Act,
1956 as a voluntary, self-regulatory non-profit 1940.
company. ⇨ Part of Central Drugs Standard Control
⇨ Issues guidelines for advertising, including Organization (CDSCO).
recent guidelines on dark patterns and ⇨ Advises Central and State Governments on
greenwashing. administration of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 9654469135
⇨ Not a government body; focuses on 1940.
self-regulation to protect consumers. ⇨ Carries out functions assigned by the Act.
⇨ Draft Guidelines to Prevent Greenwashing
and oversees advertising of environmental Central Drugs Standard Control Organization
claims. (CDSCO)
⇨ Statutory body under Drugs and Cosmetics
Central Bureau of Communication Act, 1940.
⇨ Government of India's nodal advertising ⇨ Central drug authority of India.
agency, under Information and Broadcasting ⇨ Functions under Directorate General of
Ministry. Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family
⇨ Headquarters in New Delhi; established in Welfare.
2017 by integrating DAVP, DFP, and S&DD. ⇨ Regulates drug imports, new drug approvals,
⇨ Conducts campaigns to educate on clinical trials.
government policies through various ⇨ Acts as Central License Approving authority,
communication channels. oversees Drug Technical Advisory Board (DTAB)
⇨ Digital Advertisement Policy 2023 approved meetings.
to enhance digital media use for government
awareness. National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
⇨ Institute under Directorate General of Health
Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) Services, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
⇨ Statutory body under Ministry of Information ⇨ Director is administrative and technical head,
and Broadcasting, headquartered in Mumbai. part of Public Health sub-cadre of Central
⇨ Regulates public exhibition of films under Health Service.
Cinematograph Act 1952. ⇨ Located in New Delhi.
⇨ Certification by CBFC required for film ⇨ Nodal agency for disease surveillance, control
exhibition in India. of communicable diseases.
⇨ Appeals against CBFC decisions now directed ⇨ Coordinates outbreak investigations,
only to High Court following FCAT abolition in response actions.
2021. ⇨ Addresses Anti-Microbial Resistance (AMR),
provides diagnostic support, builds technical
National Health Authority (NHA) capacity.
⇨ Established 2019 as autonomous under
Society Registration Act, 1860. National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
⇨ Implements Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri (NPPA)
Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY). ⇨ Established under Drugs (Prices Control)
⇨ Oversees National Digital Health Mission to Order, 1995.
create National Digital Health Eco-system. ⇨ Attached to Department of Pharmaceuticals,
⇨ Replaced National Health Agency, attached to Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilisers.
of Health and Family Welfare. ⇨ Regulates drug pricing, ensures availability
and affordability.
Drugs Technical Advisory Board (DTAB) ⇨ Recently fixed ceiling price of 18 formulations
⇨ Highest statutory body for drug technical and retail price of 23 new drugs.
matters in India. 28
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
Indian Pharmacopoeia Commission (IPC) ⇨ Functions as a distinct funding mechanism
⇨ Autonomous institution under Ministry of from traditional sources for arts and culture in
Health and Family Welfare since 2009. India.
⇨ Publishes and updates Indian Pharmacopoeia ⇨ Aims to mobilize additional resources via
(IP). Public-Private Partnerships to support and
⇨ Pharmacopoeia sets drug standards for preserve India's tangible and intangible cultural
manufacture, stock, sale in India. heritage.
⇨ Recently became member of Pharmacopoeial ⇨ Includes members from corporate and public
Discussion Group (PDG). sectors, private foundations, and non-profit
Pharmacopoeial Discussion Group (PDG) ⇨ The Executive Committee is led by the
⇨ Formed by US, EU, Japan in 1989, WHO joined Secretary of the Ministry of Culture.
as observer in 2001. ⇨ Donations receive tax benefits under the
⇨ Aims to harmonize pharmacopeial standards Income Tax Act.
among member countries/regions.
⇨ Reduces manufacturers' burden by Prime Ministers' Museum and Library (PMML)
harmonizing analytical procedures and criteria. Society
⇨ Formerly known as the Nehru Memorial
Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA) Museum and Library, recently renamed.
⇨ Statutory body of Ministry of Women & Child ⇨ An autonomous institution under the Ministry
Development. of Culture.
⇨ Nodal body for adoption of Indian children, ⇨ Located in the historic Teen Murti campus
monitors and regulates domestic and south of Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi.
international adoptions. ⇨ Dedicated to advancing9654469135
research on modern
⇨ Designated Central Authority for and contemporary India.
inter-country adoptions under Hague ⇨ The General Council, President, and
Convention on Inter-country Adoption, 1993. Vice-President are appointed by the Central
⇨ Mandated to frame regulations on Government.
adoption-related matters as per Juvenile Justice
(Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. Viswa Bharati University
⇨ A Central Government-funded autonomous
National Archives of India (NAI) university in Santiniketan, West Bengal.
⇨ Established in 1891, originally in Calcutta ⇨ Established in 1921 by Nobel Laureate
(Kolkata), as the Imperial Record Department. Rabindranath Tagore.
⇨ Now the largest archival repository in South ⇨ Renowned as a leading centre for visual arts
Asia. practice and research.
⇨ Relocated to New Delhi in 1911. ⇨ Granted the status of a Central University in
⇨ Operates as an attached office of the Ministry 1951 by an act of the central government.
of Culture. ⇨ The President of India appoints the
⇨ Holds a vast collection of records, including Vice-chancellor.
public records, private papers, oriental records,
cartographic records, and microfilms. Unique Identification Authority of India
⇨ Access to these records is regulated by the (UIDAI)
Public Records Rules of 1997. ⇨ Statutory under Aadhaar Act 2016.
⇨ Established under the Ministry of Electronics
National Culture Fund (NCF) and Information Technology (MEiTY).
⇨ Established by the Government of India as a ⇨ Has regional offices, a data center, and tech
Trust under the Charitable Endowment Act of centers across the country.
1890. 29
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Issues Unique Identification numbers (UID), ⇨ Governed by a 32-member Executive Council,
called “Aadhaar”, to all residents of India. headed by the President.
⇨ Consists of a Chairperson, two part-time
Members, and the Chief Executive Officer Miscellaneous
(CEO) who is also the Member-Secretary.
⇨ Aadhaar is a 12-digit individual identification Anticipatory Bail
number issued after a verification process. ⇨ Bail granted in anticipation of arrest.
⇨ Serves as proof of identity and address, ⇨ Under Section 438 of theoslo
Criminal Procedure
remains valid for life, and aids in accessing Code (CrPC), application possible if non-bailable
various services. offence is feared.
⇨ Application made to High Court or Sessions
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Court of crime locale.
⇨ Standards development in India is largely ⇨ Prevents arrest post grant; police cannot
government-led with BIS as the National arrest.
Standard Body. ⇨ Safeguard against false accusations due to
⇨ Established under BIS Act 2016. enmity, ensuring pre-arrest release.
⇨ Involved in standardization, marking, and
quality certification. Bail
⇨ Administered by the Ministry of Consumer ⇨ Judicial release from custody, ensuring court
Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. appearance later.
⇨ Minister of the administering ministry serves ⇨ Governed by Sections 436 to 439 of the CrPC.
as President of BIS. ⇨ Granted by police officer or judicial
Social Audit Advisory Body (SAAB)
⇨ First of its kind in India, set up in the National Statutory Bail or Default Bail
Institute of Social Defence (NISD). ⇨ Right to bail when police investigation exceeds
⇨ NISD functions under the Department of specified custody time.
Social Justice & Empowerment, Ministry of ⇨ Enshrined in the CrPC.
Social Justice and Empowerment. ⇨ Police produce suspect in court if 24-hour
⇨ Guides the ministry in institutionalizing social investigation completion is unfeasible.
audits for its various schemes. ⇨ Police have 60 days for investigation, 90 for
⇨ Promotes capacity building of members in the severe crimes (death sentence, life
Social Justice Cell of the Social Audit Units. imprisonment, minimum 10 years).
⇨ Recently held its first meeting. ⇨ Judicial remand not extendable beyond 60 or
90 days.
Indian Olympic Association (IOA) ⇨ Court releases individual post-period if bail is
⇨ Established in 1927 with Sir Dorabji Tata as furnished.
the Founding President and Dr. A.G. Noehren as ⇨ Extended periods under special laws like
Secretary General. Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
⇨ Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation under Act (180 days, extendable to one year).
the Societies Registration Act of 1860. ⇨ Under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention)
⇨ Governing body for the Olympic Movement Act, 90 days extendable by another 90. 9654469135

and the Commonwealth Games in India. ⇨ Includes police and judicial custody but not
⇨ Oversees representation of athletes in the house-arrest.
Olympic Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian ⇨ Must be actively claimed; not automatic
Games, and other international competitions. despite unmet deadlines.
⇨ Recognised by the Ministry of Youth Affairs
and Sports. Zero FIR
⇨ FIR registered regardless of offence location. 30
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Obligates police to start investigation ⇨ Section 432 of Criminal Procedure Code
immediately, jurisdiction no bar. (CrPC), 1973 allows government sentence
⇨ Later transferred to appropriate jurisdiction suspension/remission.
police station. ⇨ Section 433A requires 14 years imprisonment
⇨ Introduced post-Nirbhaya incident, 2012 by before remission.
Justice Verma Committee. ⇨ Article 72 and Article 161 empower President
and Governor respectively for remission.
Section 124A of IPC oslo
⇨ Sedition, curbs freedom of speech and Denotified, Nomadic and Seminomadic Tribes
expression. (DNTs)
⇨ Drafted by Thomas Babington Macaulay, ⇨ Originally labelled as criminals under the
1870, targeting the Wahabi movement. Criminal Tribes Act, 1871 by the British.
⇨ After independence, sedition term removed ⇨ Act repealed in 1952; communities declared
from Constitution, 1948. DNTs.
⇨ Made a criminal offence in the new CrPC, ⇨ No Central list or constitutional recognition as
1973 by Indira Gandhi's government. a group like Scheduled Castes/Tribes.
⇨ Punishable by up to life imprisonment or a ⇨ 2014: Bhiku Ramji Idate commission to
three-year term with fine. compile state-wise DNT lists, identify unlisted
⇨ Upheld by Supreme Court in Kedar Nath Singh communities, and recommend welfare
vs. State of Bihar. measures.
⇨ Non-bailable, affects government job
prospects, passport possession, and court Special Category Status (SCS)
presence requirements. ⇨ Introduced in 1969 by the 5th Finance
Commission to aid disadvantaged states.
Expulsion of Lawmakers in India ⇨ SCS granted preferential treatment, funding,
⇨ Expulsion of an MP based on constitutional and reservations in local jobs and education.
and house rules. ⇨ Initial SCS recipients: Jammu & Kashmir,
⇨ Constitutional basis: MPs guilty of breach of Assam, Nagaland.
privileges or contempt can be suspended or ⇨ Eight more states later included.
expelled. ⇨ No constitutional provision for SCS; ceased
⇨ Legal basis: Presiding Officer can order following 14th Finance Commission's
withdrawal from House for order maintenance, recommendations.
with expulsion for severe misconduct.
⇨ Under Representation of the People Act Mitakshara Law
(RPA), 1951: Disqualification for imprisonment ⇨ Governs Hindu family property succession;
period plus six years if sentenced to two or based on Vijnaneswara's 12th century
more years. commentary.
⇨ Election void leads to office vacation; Supreme ⇨ Codified in the Hindu Succession Act, 1956,
Court appeal available. initially recognizing only males as heirs.
⇨ Tenth Schedule: Disqualification for defection. ⇨ Applicable to non-Abrahamic faiths;
⇨ Articles 102 (1) and 191 (1): Disqualifies recognizes joint family property rights.
MPs/MLAs for profit office, unsound mind, ⇨ Coparcenary rights shared among male 9654469135

insolvency, or invalid citizenship. members; shares fluctuate with family changes.

⇨ 2005 amendment allowed women
Legal Basis of Remission coparcenary rights.
⇨ Supreme Court invalidated Gujarat ⇨ Prevalent across India, except regions
government's remission in Bilkis Bano case; trial following Dayabhaga School.
was in Maharashtra.
Dayabhaga School of Thought 31
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Based on Jimutuvahana's commentary on ⇨ Started in October 2019, extended until
Yagnavalkya Smriti. March 31, 2026.
⇨ Inheritance decided by spiritual benefit ⇨ Funded by Nirbhaya Fund, implemented by
principle. the Department of Justice, Ministry of Law &
⇨ Predominantly followed in Bengal and parts of Justice.
⇨ Recognizes no sub-schools. Recusal By Judges
⇨ Judges can recuse from cases with potential
Sapinda Marriages conflicts of interest to avoid bias perception.
⇨ Delhi High Court upheld prohibition of ⇨ Based on the principle 'Nemo judex in sua
Sapinda marriages under the Hindu Marriage causa' and the need for justice to be seen to be
Act (HMA), 1955. done.
⇨ Court noted unregulated partner choice could ⇨ No codified rules in India for recusal; relies on
legitimize incestuous relationships. judge's discretion.
⇨ Section 5(v) of HMA prohibits Sapinda
marriages unless permitted by custom. Narco Analysis Test
⇨ Sapinda relationship extends to the third ⇨ Involves injecting sodium pentothal to induce
generation through the mother, fifth through a sedative state, neutralizing imagination.
the father. ⇨ Supreme Court ruled in Selvi & Ors vs State of
Karnataka & Anr (2010) against non-consensual
Consanguinity narco analysis, brain mapping, and polygraph
⇨ Practice of marrying close relatives, prevalent tests.
globally. ⇨ Narco analysis results not primary evidence;
⇨ In social terms, marriage between blood material discovered via voluntary tests
relatives; genetically, it's inbreeding. admissible under Section 27 of the Evidence
⇨ Estimated 15-20% global population practices Act, 1872.

inbreeding, notably in Asia and West Africa. ⇨ Used in 2002 Gujarat riots and 26/11 Mumbai
⇨ High inbreeding levels identified in India's terror attack cases.
endogamous populations, e.g., Ashkenazi Jews,
by CSIR Centre for Cellular and Molecular Sodium Pentothal
Biology, Hyderabad. ⇨ Sodium pentothal, or sodium thiopental, is a
fast-acting anaesthetic used in surgery.
Law Allowing Mining of Certain Minerals ⇨ Part of the barbiturate class, acts as a central
⇨ India’s Parliament passed a law for auctioning nervous system depressant.
and mining lithium and other minerals. ⇨ Dubbed "truth serum" for its supposed effect
⇨ Lithium removed from atomic minerals list, on honesty.
allowing private company auctions.
⇨ Lithium discovered in Jammu and Kashmir, Polygraph Test
with more reserves anticipated. ⇨ Physiological test measuring vital signs
⇨ Minerals like titanium, beryl, niobium, and without substance injection.
zirconium now open for mining; previously ⇨ Monitors blood pressure, pulse, respiration,
limited to state-run companies. sweat gland activity, and blood flow during
Fast Track Special Court (FTSC)
⇨ Centrally sponsored scheme to establish Brain Mapping Test
FTSCs for timely case disposal related to rape ⇨ P-300 test maps brain activity, similar to a
and the Protection of Children from Sexual polygraph.
Offences Act (POCSO Act). ⇨ Involves neuroimaging to produce enhanced
brain images. 32
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
National Accreditation Council per the National
Ranganath Mishra Commission Education Policy, 2020.
⇨ Officially named National Commission for
Religious and Linguistic Minorities. Gita Mittal Committee
⇨ Constituted to examine issues of linguistic and ⇨ Established by the Supreme Court to oversee
religious minorities. relief and rehabilitation in the Manipur ethnic
⇨ 2007 report proposed delinking Scheduled violence case.
Caste status from religion, making it
religion-neutral like Scheduled Tribes. Kirit Parikh Committee
⇨ Recommended allowing Dalits who convert to ⇨ Formed by the Ministry of Petroleum and
Islam and Christianity to avail Scheduled Caste Natural Gas to review the domestic gas pricing
status. formula.
⇨ Recommendations led to revised guidelines
Baijayant Panda Committee approved by the Cabinet Committee on
⇨ Constituted by the Ministry of Defence as a Economic Affairs.
High-Level Expert Committee. ⇨ Revised guidelines apply to nomination fields
⇨ Aimed to review the National Cadet Corps of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation and Oil India
(NCC). Limited, among others.
⇨ Tasked with suggesting measures to enhance
the contribution of NCC cadets to Administered Price Mechanism Price
nation-building. ⇨ Indian government sets natural gas prices
under the Administered Price Mechanism.
Justice Balakrishnan Commission Report ⇨ APM gas price follows the modified
⇨ Led by Former Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan. Rangarajan formula since November 1, 2014.
⇨ Investigated whether Dalit converts to ⇨ Affects gas from nomination fields awarded
religions other than Sikhism or Buddhism before 1999.
should receive Scheduled Caste status.
⇨ Noted full compliance from only two Union Domestic Gas Pricing Guidelines, 2014
Territories and the states of Mizoram and Goa in ⇨ Establishes pricing for domestic gas based on
implementing CCTV directives. 2014 guidelines.
⇨ Prices set every six months from averages at
Justice G. Rohini Commission four international hubs.
⇨ Established to sub-categorise Other ⇨ Formula considers the preceding 12 months
Backward Classes (OBC) caste groups. with a quarter lag.
⇨ Submitted its report after nearly six years;
initially tasked for 12 weeks. Anuradha Bhasin’s Case 2020
⇨ Examined the concentration of OBC benefits ⇨ Challenged the suspension of telecom services
among dominant castes. in Jammu and Kashmir during the revocation of
⇨ Recommended redistributing benefits across Article 370.
over 2,600 caste groups on the Central OBC list. ⇨ Court ruled indefinite internet suspension
⇨ Report details remain undisclosed. impermissible, highlighting the need for
proportionality and temporary measures.
Radhakrishnan Committee ⇨ Emphasised judicial review of suspension
⇨ Set up in 2022 by the Ministry of Education. orders.
⇨ Mandated to reform accreditation systems for
Higher Education Institutions. Internet shutdowns related provisions in India
⇨ Tasked with strengthening assessment ⇨ Governed by Temporary Suspension of
processes and drafting a road map for the Telecom Services (Public Emergency & Public
Safety) Rules, 2017. 33
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Allows temporary regional telecom
shutdowns for public emergency up to 15 days. Krishna Water Dispute
⇨ Dispute over equitable distribution of Krishna
Ritu Chhabaria Judgement River waters among Maharashtra, Karnataka,
⇨ Addresses the time limits for investigations Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.
under Section 167(2) of the Code of Criminal ⇨ Original disputes from Andhra Pradesh's
Procedure. formation in 1956, addressed by Krishna Water
⇨ Establishes the accused's right to default bail Disputes Tribunal (KWDT) in 1973.
if investigation exceeds allotted time without ⇨ A second KWDT established in 2004 for water
reference to case merits. reallocation; terms recently approved by the
⇨ Recognised as an indefeasible right under Union Cabinet under the Inter-State River
Article 21 of the Constitution. Water Disputes Act, 1956.
⇨ Krishna River originates in Mahabaleshwar,
Nabam Rebia case (2016) Maharashtra, second largest in peninsular India,
⇨ Supreme Court ruled that the Governor must traversing four states.
convene Assembly for a floor test upon Cabinet oslo
⇨ Features left and right bank tributaries
recommendation. including Bhima, Musi, and Tungabhadra, with

major hydro power stations like Koyna and

Supriyo @Supriya Chakraborty and Anr v. Nagarjuna Sagar.
Union of India Case
⇨ Supreme Court's 5-judge bench unanimously Article 262 and Water Legislation
refused legal recognition of same-sex marriages. ⇨ Article 262 allows Parliament to legislate on
⇨ Judicial restraint exercised, leaving the inter-state river water disputes.
decision to legislature and executive. ⇨ Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956, allows
⇨ All five judges recognized the need to states to request Central Government to refer
eliminate discrimination against same-sex disputes to a tribunal.
couples. ⇨ River Boards Act, 1956, facilitates the
⇨ Majority of three judges insisted legal creation of river boards for river and valley
recognition should come via legislation. regulation and development.
⇨ Civil Union is a legal status for same-sex
couples where marriage is not allowed, OTT Regulation in India
providing partial recognition; first legalized in ⇨ OTT Platforms regulated under Information
1999 in Vermont, USA. Technology Act, 2000, Indian Penal Code, 1861,
and Indecent Representation of Women
New Parliament House (Prohibition) Act, 1986.
⇨ Recently inaugurated as part of the Central ⇨ Government introduced Information
Vista development/redevelopment plan. Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and
⇨ Central Vista, inaugurated in 1931, includes Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules 2021.
Rashtrapati Bhavan, North and South Blocks, ⇨ OTT Platforms provide direct internet access
old Parliament House, National Archives, India to films and shows, termed as ‘publishers of
Gate, and adjacent civic gardens. online curated content’ in India.
⇨ New Parliament House offers over 150% ⇨ OTT viewership in India is significant and
more seating capacity than its predecessor. growing, projected to reach 50 million by end of
⇨ Original Parliament Building, a colonial-era 2023, with mobile broadcasting driving new
structure by Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert content creation.
Baker, completed 1921-1927, inspired by the
Chausath Yogini temple, added two floors in Crypto Regulation in India
1956, housed the first elected Parliament in
1952. 34
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Cryptocurrency activities like exchange and ⇨ Permitted under Narcotic Drugs and
safekeeping fall under the Prevention of Money Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985, Section 10
Laundering Act, 2002. (a) (iii) for fibre, seeds, and horticultural
⇨ Ministry of Finance's 2022 report proposes purposes.
creating a digital rupee and a framework for
private cryptocurrencies. Draft National Deep Tech Startup Policy 9654469135
⇨ Recommended establishing a Digital Currency (NDTCP), 2023
Regulatory Authority to oversee ⇨ Released for public consultation by the
cryptocurrency usage. National Consortium.
⇨ 2022 Union Budget classified ⇨ Aims to strengthen the Indian deep tech
cryptocurrencies as "virtual digital assets" with startup ecosystem.
a 30% tax on transfers and 1% tax deducted at ⇨ Deep Tech involves technologies based on
source. scientific and engineering breakthroughs,
including Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Global Regulation Initiatives Learning.
⇨ IMF-FSB Synthesis Paper endorsed at G20,
led by India, outlines risks and regulatory National Consortium and PM-STIAC
framework for crypto assets, avoiding bans and ⇨ National Consortium, recommended by the
setting reporting, licensing for 2025. Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and
⇨ Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation by the Innovation Advisory Council, proposes policies
European Union is the first cross-jurisdictional for the deep tech startup ecosystem.
framework for crypto regulation. ⇨ Chaired by the Principal Scientific Adviser to
the Government of India, includes diverse
Drug Price Control in India stakeholders.
⇨ Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ⇨ PM-STIAC oversees science and technology
includes medicines in the National List of domains, identifies challenges, and formulates
Essential Medicines 2022 for price control. interventions with a roadmap focused on
⇨ Drugs from the list fall under the Drug (Prices sustainable development, including nine
Control) Order, 2013. national science missions.
⇨ National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority
fixed retail prices for 23 formulations, revised Startup Guidelines for Research and
ceiling prices for 15 scheduled formulations. Entrepreneurship across Aspiring Innovators
in Technical Textiles (GREAT)
Rat Hole Mining ⇨ Launched by the Ministry of Textiles to
⇨ Involves narrow pits in Meghalaya for coal develop the Technical Textiles startup
extraction using basic tools. ecosystem.
⇨ Banned by the National Green Tribunal in ⇨ Focuses on sub-segments like Bio-degradable
2014 as unscientific and unsafe, but 2019 and Sustainable textiles, High-performance &
Supreme Court ruling allows it under specific Specialty fibres, Smart textiles.
legal provisions. ⇨ Provides grants to help individuals and
⇨ Recently used for rescue operations in companies translate prototypes into
Uttarkashi Tunnel Collapse. commercial technologies and products.

Cannabis or Hemp Cultivation Robotics Policy Framework

Uttarakhand first Indian state to legalize
⇨oslo ⇨ Telangana is the first Indian state to launch a
cannabis cultivation in 2017. state robotics framework.
⇨ Himachal Pradesh government legalized it for ⇨ Developed by the Emerging Technologies
non-narcotic uses like medicinal and industrial. Wing with the All-India Robotics Association,
academia, industry experts, and stakeholders. 35
June 2023 to January 2024 (Prelims 2024)
⇨ Aims to create a sustainable robotics National Higher Education Qualifications
ecosystem. Framework (NHEQF)
⇨ Introduced recently as part of regulatory
Harit Sagar Guidelines reforms from National Education Policy 2020.
⇨ Released by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping & ⇨ Finalized by the University Grants
Waterways as the Green Port Guidelines 2023. Commission.
⇨ Focuses on ecosystem dynamics in port
development, aligning with the 'Working with Foreign Educational Institutions (FHEIs)
Nature' concept. Recognition
⇨ Aims to minimize impacts on biotic ⇨ University Grants Commission released draft
components of harbor ecosystems. regulations for 2023.
⇨ Defines FHEIs as institutions recognized in
Use of Newspaper in Packaging their home countries offering undergraduate or
⇨ Prohibited under Food Safety and Standards higher programs.
(Packaging) Regulations, 2018. ⇨ Equivalence and recognition of degrees
⇨ Newspapers are susceptible to contamination contingent on physical attendance at
due to environmental exposure. recognized FHEIs.
⇨ Inks may contain harmful components like
Lead, Naphthylamines, aromatic hydrocarbon, Framework for Health, Social, and Economic
and Agonists for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor, Vulnerabilities (FEVR)
posing health risks. ⇨ Developed by the World Health Organization,
World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and
Framework for Submarine Cable Landing in European Investment Bank at the request of the
India G20 task force. 9654469135
⇨ Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ⇨ Aims to understand and mitigate health and
released recommendations for a licensing economic vulnerabilities from pandemics.
framework. ⇨ Guides policy decisions by identifying
⇨ Simplifies the establishment of submarine systemic weaknesses.
cable landing stations in India.
⇨ Submarine cables connect terrestrial telecom Institutional Development Plan (IDP) for
networks globally. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
⇨ Framework may grant 'Essential Services' ⇨ Guidelines passed by the University Grants
status to operations, with Environmental Impact Commission under National Education Policy
Assessment and Coastal Region Zone 2020.
clearances streamlined online via Saral Sanchar ⇨ Emphasizes strategic development planning
portal. tailored to the specific needs of each institution.

National Curriculum Framework for School

Education (NCF-SE)
⇨ Released by the Ministry of Education,
prepared by National Council of Educational
Research and Training.
⇨ Aims to transform school education with
updated curriculum and pedagogy.
⇨ Implements the 5+3+3+4 schooling structure
from National Education Policy 2020.
⇨ Led by a National Steering Committee chaired
by Prof. K Kasturirangan. 36

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