ADOPT A Cooperative Project Proposal

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ADOPT A Cooperative

Advancing Development through Operational Partnerships and Training

Community Extension Project Proposal

NU Lipa - School of Accountancy, Business and Management

and Cooperative Union of Batangas


The "ADOPT A Cooperative" project, standing for Advancing Development through Operational
Partnerships and Training, is an innovative community extension initiative spearheaded by the
NU Lipa School of Business Accountancy and Management. Recognizing the vital role that
cooperatives play in fostering local economic development and community resilience, this project
aims to provide targeted support to cooperatives within Batangas. Through a collaborative
approach, involving both students and faculty from various student organizations such as JPIA,
TAG, JFINEX, and JMA, this project seeks to address the operational challenges faced by
cooperatives and enhance their overall effectiveness.

In cooperation with the Cooperative Union of Batangas (CUB), the project spans a period of two
to three years. It includes a series of webinar trainings, hands-on workshops, and practical
projects designed to improve the operational capabilities of the cooperatives. These activities will
cover essential areas such as financial management, leadership, accounting, communication,
and strategic planning. By integrating the academic projects of students into the cooperative
operations, the project not only provides real-world experience for the students but also delivers
innovative solutions and fresh perspectives to the cooperatives.

This initiative encourages active participation from all student organizations and faculty members,
promoting a culture of collaboration and shared learning. The involvement of student
organizations like JPIA, TAG, JFINEX, and JMA ensures that the project benefits from a diverse
range of skills and expertise, while also fostering a strong sense of community engagement
among the participants. Faculty members will provide guidance and support, ensuring that the
project activities are aligned with the academic goals and community needs.

The "ADOPT A Cooperative" project is designed to be a transformative journey for both the
cooperatives and the participating students and faculty members. By leveraging the resources
and knowledge within the NU Lipa School of Business Accountancy and Management, and
through sustained collaboration with the Cooperative Union of Batangas, this project aims to build
stronger, more resilient cooperatives that can better serve their communities. The long-term goal
is to create a sustainable model of cooperative support that can be replicated in other
cooperatives, contributing to the broader development of cooperative movements across the


The "ADOPT A Cooperative" project is driven by a set of overarching goals aimed at advancing
the development of cooperatives through operational partnerships and training. These goals are
aligned with the mission of the NU Lipa School of Business Accountancy and Management and
are designed to address the specific needs of cooperatives in Batangas. The project goals are as

1. Enhance Operational Effectiveness: The project aims to equip cooperative members

with essential skills and knowledge to improve their operational capabilities.
2. Promote Sustainable Growth: By providing guidance in strategic planning, the project
seeks to help cooperatives develop long-term strategies for growth and sustainability.
3. Foster Collaborative Partnerships: Through cooperation between stakeholders, the
project endeavors to leverage collective expertise and resources to support cooperatives
4. Empower Students through Experiential Learning: Integrating student projects into
cooperative operations offers valuable hands-on experience to enhance students'
academic learning and practical skills.
5. Drive Positive Social Impact: Ultimately, the project seeks to improve livelihoods,
stimulate economic growth, and promote community resilience through the strengthened
cooperatives and their services


The "ADOPT A Cooperative" project is organized by the NU Lipa School of Business Accountancy
and Management in collaboration with various student organizations and faculty members. This
community extension project encourages the active participation of all stakeholders to achieve its
objectives effectively. The project organizers include:

1. NU Lipa - School of Accountancy, Business and Management - As the primary

organizer, the school provides leadership, coordination, and logistical support for the
project. Faculty members from various departments contribute their expertise to design
and implement project activities
2. JFINEX (Junior Financial Executives) - JFINEX members provide expertise in financial
analysis, investment planning, and risk management. They assist cooperatives in
developing financial strategies and optimizing their financial performance.
3. JPIA (Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants) - JPIA members actively participate
in project planning, execution, and evaluation. They also assist in conducting webinars,
trainings, and workshops, leveraging their knowledge in accounting and finance
4. JMA (Junior Marketing Association) - JMA members offer insights into marketing
strategies, consumer behavior, and market research. They help cooperatives identify
growth opportunities and enhance their market presence.
5. TAG (Tourism Ambassadors Guild) - TAG members, consisting of BS Tourism
Management students, contribute their skills in project management, communication, and
leadership to support cooperative initiatives. They play a vital role in coordinating student
projects and fostering collaboration with cooperatives.
6. Cooperative Union of Batangas - The project collaborates closely with CUB, a leading
cooperative organization in Batangas. CUB facilitates access to cooperatives, provides
valuable insights into their needs, and supports the implementation of project activities..

Through the combined efforts of these organizers, the "ADOPT A Cooperative" project aims to
create a synergistic partnership that fosters community development, empowers students, and
strengthens cooperatives in Batangas..

The project activities of "ADOPT A Cooperative" encompass a series of strategic interventions

aimed at enhancing the operational capacity and sustainability of cooperatives in Batangas.
These activities include conducting a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the specific
challenges and priorities of the cooperatives, followed by the selection of a cohort of cooperatives
to participate in the project. The project will be launched with orientation sessions for student
volunteers, faculty advisors, and cooperative members to familiarize them with the project
objectives and expectations. Webinar trainings covering essential topics such as financial
management, leadership development, and communication skills will be organized, along with
workshops and seminars focusing on specific areas of interest identified during the needs
assessment. Additionally, student projects from relevant courses and disciplines will be integrated
into cooperative operations, providing practical solutions to address identified challenges and
opportunities. Regular monitoring and evaluation will ensure the effectiveness and impact of the
project activities, guiding continuous improvement and adaptation as needed. Through these
targeted activities, "ADOPT A Cooperative" aims to drive positive change and foster sustainable
development within the cooperative sector in Batangas.

Year 1: Foundation and Initial Engagement

In the inaugural year of "ADOPT A Cooperative," the project will embark on a foundational journey
to lay the groundwork for meaningful collaboration and impactful interventions within the
cooperative sector in Batangas. Through a series of strategic activities including needs
assessments, cooperative selection processes, and project launch events, the first year will set
the stage for targeted training sessions, workshops, and integrated projects aimed at addressing
the diverse needs and challenges of participating cooperatives

Proposed Activities:
 Kickoff Webinar: Introduction to the cooperative’s current operations and challenges.
 Needs Assessment: Detailed assessment to identify specific areas where support is
 Initial Training Sessions: Webinars on basic cooperative management, financial literacy,
and leadership.
 Student Integration: Incorporate student projects into cooperative operations, focusing
on immediate needs identified during the assessment.

Year 2: Implementation and Development

As "ADOPT A Cooperative" enters its second year, the focus shifts to implementation and
development, with a lineup of advanced training workshops covering strategic planning,
marketing, data privacy, and communication skills. Throughout Year 2, the project will provide
ongoing operational support through the integration of student projects, addressing persistent
challenges and introducing innovative solutions, while a midterm evaluation will assess
cooperative progress and inform necessary adjustments to the project plan to meet evolving

Proposed Activities:
 Advanced Training Workshops: In-depth workshops on strategic planning, marketing,
data privacy, and communication skills.
 Ongoing Operational Support: Continuous integration of student projects, addressing
ongoing operational challenges and introducing innovative solutions.
 Midterm Evaluation: Assess the progress of the cooperative and adjust the project plan
as necessary to meet evolving needs.

Year 3: Consolidation and Sustainability

As "ADOPT A Cooperative" enters its third year, the focus shifts to consolidation and
sustainability, with specialized training programs delving into advanced topics like investment
planning, digital transformation, and community engagement. Year 3 will also see the
development and implementation of sustainability projects aimed at ensuring long-term viability,
including initiatives to create additional revenue streams and enhance member engagement,
culminating in a final evaluation and reporting phase to document the project's impact and provide
recommendations for future support.

Proposed Activities:
 Specialized Training Programs: Focused training on advanced topics such as
investment planning, digital transformation, and community engagement.
 Sustainability Projects: Develop and implement projects aimed at ensuring long-term
sustainability, such as creating additional revenue streams or improving member
 Final Evaluation and Reporting: Comprehensive evaluation of the project’s impact,
documenting lessons learned, and providing recommendations for future support.


To ensure the smooth implementation and effective coordination of the "ADOPT A Cooperative"
project, several committees will be established to oversee specific aspects of the initiative. These
committees will comprise dedicated individuals from various student organizations, faculty
members, and representatives from the Cooperative Union of Batangas. The following
committees will be formed:

Committee Role
Steering 1. Responsible for providing overall guidance and direction to the
2. Comprises faculty advisors, representatives from cooperating
student organizations, and key stakeholders from the Cooperative
Union of Batangas.
Training and 1. Tasked with planning, organizing, and coordinating webinar
Workshop trainings, workshops, and seminars for cooperative members.
2. Works closely with subject matter experts, faculty members, and
student volunteers to develop relevant and engaging training
Project Integration 1. Charged with identifying student projects from relevant courses and
disciplines that can be integrated into cooperative operations.
2. Facilitates collaboration between student volunteers, faculty
members, and cooperative members to ensure seamless
integration and implementation of project initiatives.
Monitoring and 1. Responsible for monitoring the progress of the project activities
Evaluation and evaluating their impact on the participating cooperatives.
2. Conducts regular evaluations, gathers feedback from
stakeholders, and makes recommendations for improvements
and adjustments as needed.

By establishing these committees, "ADOPT A Cooperative" aims to foster collaboration, promote

accountability, and ensure the successful execution of project activities. Each committee will play
a vital role in advancing the development of cooperatives in Batangas and achieving the
overarching goals of the project.


In conclusion, the "ADOPT A Cooperative" project represents a transformative endeavor aimed

at advancing the development and sustainability of cooperatives in Batangas. Over the course of
two to three years, this community extension project, spearheaded by the NU Lipa School of
Business Accountancy and Management in collaboration with student organizations, faculty
members, and the Cooperative Union of Batangas, has facilitated operational partnerships,
provided essential training, and integrated student projects to support cooperative operations.
Through a series of webinars, workshops, and hands-on projects, the project has empowered
cooperatives to enhance their governance practices, financial management, and operational
efficiency. As we reflect on the journey thus far, we recognize the invaluable contributions of all
stakeholders involved and remain committed to fostering long-term resilience and success within
the cooperative sector in Batangas.

Prepared by: Approved by:

(SGD.) Rosa Maria C. Cayabyab (SGD.) Dr. Jayar Dimaculangan

KASANAYAN Project Leader OIC Dean, SABM
BSA Program Chair

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