Science Lesson 1 and 2

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Lesson 1

Classification of Science


Natural Science Social Science

Biological Science Physical Science Earth Science Psychology

(The Science of the (The Science of Matter (The Science of our Planet) Sociology
Living World) and Energy) Economics
Political Science
Botany, Zoology, Physics and Chemistry Geology and Meteorology Geography
Genetics, Cytology, Philosophy
Exobiology, Virology,
Taxonomy, Ecology

6 Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Make an observation
2. Form a hypothesis
3. Test the hypothesis
4. Collect, Organize and Analyze the Data
5. Draw Conclusions
6. Communicate the results

Step 1: Observation
 Observations based on senses as tools.
Primary tools for observation includes:
Sight, Smell Touch, Hear, Taste
 Observations of natural events usually raise a question.
Ex. 1. Why did the water raise when the candle went out?
2. What causes inflammation of wound?

Step 2: Form a Hypothesis

 Based on your observation, a hypothesis is formed that tries to explain your observation
or answer your question.
 A hypothesis/es tries to predict or determine the outcome of your experiment event
before the experiment is done.

Step 3: Test the Hypothesis

 Controlled Experiments are used to test a hypothesis
 A controlled experiment is an experiment that tests only one fact at a time by.
 A control group is compared with an experimental group.
Variables are not changed in the Control Group.
 Control groups allow you to see if a change in a variable created an observed
outcome by comparing the control group with the experiment.
 A variable is a factor that changes in a controlled experiment. Variables are
changed in the experiment group and serve as the FACTOR TESTED.
 The variable being changed in the experiment
 the variable that responds to the changes in independent variable
 The variable being measured

Scientists try to design experiments that clearly show whether a particular VARIABLE caused
an observed outcome.

Step 4: Collect, Organize and Analyze Data

 Data collected from experiments
 Data - recorded observations or measurements (Qualitative - description;
Quantitative - number data)
 Based on observations
 Utilize tools or senses: Sight, smell, temperature change etc.

Step 5: Draw Conclusions

 Scientists decide whether the results of the experiment support a hypothesis.
 When the hypothesis is not supported by tests, the scientist must find another
explanation for what they observed.
 NO EXPERIMENT IS A FAILURE: All experiments are observations of real events.

Step 6: Communicate the Results

 Results must be communicated in the form of a written paper or presentation.
 Communication helps other scientists performing the same experiments are the same
as their results.
 Helps people see if results are repeatable.

Science and Technology

 They work together and depend on one another
 Science: Observing, studying and experimenting to find the nature of things
 ∫using science to make human lives easier.

Interconnections between Science and Technology

 Science explores for the purpose of knowledge while technology explores for the
purpose of making something useful from that knowledge.
 Without science, technology could not proceed.
 The very questions scientists ask are shaped by the available technology.

Science drives Technology <--> Technology drives Science

Scientific Theories and Laws are supported by Observations

Scientific Theory - a possible explanation of a natural event

Ex. Kinetic Theory of energy explains why a saw blade gets hot when used.
A theory must pass the following tests:
1. Explain observations simply and clearly.
2. Be repeatable.
3. You must be able to predict from a theory.

Scientific Law - repeated observation of nature, but does not explain why or how something
Science - a system of knowledge based on facts or principles.
Technology - the application of science to human needs,
Scientific Theory - a tested, possible explanation of a natural event.
Scientific law - a summary of an observed natural event.


Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgement. It studies what is
morally right or wrong, just or unjust.
In a broader sense, ethics reflects on human beings and their interaction with nature and
with other humans, on freedom, on responsibility and on justice.

A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two different things
you could do.

A situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two courses of action,
either of which entails transgressing a moral principle.

On the other hand, ethical dilemmas are extremely complicated challenges that cannot be
easily solved. Therefore, the ability to find optimal solution in such situations is critical to

Ethical Dilemma in:

 Environmental Sustainability
 Technology plays a crucial role in economic growth.
 Technological progress allows for the more efficient production of more and better
goods and services, which is what prosperity depends on.
 Technology can contribute to the efficiency of a business’s output rate, allowing for
larger quantities of products to be moved or of services to be rendered.
 These technologies have damaged our world in 2 main ways:
 Pollution
 Depletion of natural resources
 Air pollution occurs when harmful/excessive quantities of gasses such as carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitric oxide and methane are introduced
into the earth’s atmosphere.

 Data Usage
 Business data can help from the backbone of an organization’s customer service
efforts and help a business learn about customer desires, complaints and business
 Data helps you understand and improve business process so you can reduce
wasted money and time.
 According to the UN, 128 of 194 countries currently have enacted some for of data
protection and privacy legislation.

 Trustworthy AI
 Threats to Truth
 Physical and Mental Health

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