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Celebration of the 145th Anniversary of Po Leung Kuk

Primary Mathematics World Contest 2023 (Live Online)

Individual Contest

(All the figures are not drawn to scale.)

Celebration of the 145th Anniversary of Po Leung Kuk
Primary Mathematics World Contest 2023 (Live Online)
Individual Contest
Question 1

The diagram below shows the friendships of six girls: Ann, Beatrice, Chloe, Diana,
Elisabeth and Fiona. Each number represents one of the girls and each line joining
two numbers represents a friendship between those two girls. Chloe, Diana and
Fiona each has four friends. Beatrice is friends with only Chloe and Diana. Which
number represents Fiona?

Question 2
What is the minimum number of colours needed to fully colour in the pattern below
so that no adjacent hexagons (which share at least one side) or partial hexagons are
of the same colour?
Question 3
Calculate: 100×99–99×98+98×97–97×96+…+4×3–3×2+2×1.

Question 4
Andy and Betty have a total amount of money 2023 dollars. Andy uses of his own
money and Betty uses of her own money. If a 0 is added to the middle of the

two-digit amount of money left by Betty now, it is exactly the value of the amount
of money left by Andy. Then how much money did Andy have originally?

Question 5

How many different ways are there to place 4 coins into a 4×4 grid so that each
column and row contains only one coin?
Question 6

Andrew has an infinite table and writes all positive odd numbers in the table as
1st Row: 1,
2nd Row: 3, 5, 7
3rd Row: 9, 11, 13, 15, 17
and so on.
In Andrew’s table, what is the last number that he writes on the row that contains
number 2023?

Question 7
The diagram below represents a multiplication in which all but two of the digits
have been replaced by *s. Recover the computation.
(The first digit cannot be 0)
Question 8

Numbers are filled in the empty cells with suitable numbers, such that the number
in each cell is equal to the sum of the numbers in the two adjacent cells below.
What is the number at the top of the pyramid?

Question 9

In the figure below, two circles L and M are externally tangent at point P. Circle M
rolls around circle L in a clockwise direction without slip so that they are always
tangent. After circle M makes 20 full revolutions, the two circles are tangent at
point K. What is the measure, in degrees, of ∠PLK?

9 cm 2 cm
Question 10
An 8 × 8 checkerboard is composed of 64 unit squares. If one wants to place a cross
along the grid line on the checkerboard covering 5 unit squares, and not any parts
of cross can be outside the checkerboard, how many ways are there?

Question 11
Observe the sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … . Starting from the third number, each
number is the sum of the two previous numbers. What is the remainder when the
2023rd number in this sequence is divided by 8?

Question 12

If a, b, c and d are 4 different odd positive integers in increasing order, and their
sum is 1004, what is the maximum difference between d and a?
Question 13
In the following diagram, you start at the number (3) in the left corner of the bottom
row and work your way to the top so that you end at the number (2) in the top right
corner. You may only move up and to the right. What is the largest value that you
can get? (You cannot skip the operation)

Question 14
As shown in the diagram below, it is given that ∠G = 40°. What is the measure,

in degrees, of ∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F? D



Question 15
Two circles with different radii lay over a rectangle in the figure as shown below.
What is the value of x in cm?

x cm 24 cm 12 cm

22 cm 26 cm 8cm
Celebration of the 145th Anniversary of Po Leung Kuk
Primary Mathematics World Contest 2023 (Live Online)
Individual Contest
Answer Sheet
Team: Name: _________________________

1. 8.

2. 9. °
3. 10. ways

4. dollars 11.

5. ways 12.

6. 13.

X 2 14. °


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