SBM Last Q

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Republic of the Philippines


City of Malolos, Bulacan
(044) 919-7800 local 1073-1074
1. As a teacher/Academic head, how would you define School Based Management (SBM) and its
role within a school?

2. How is decentralization practiced in your school?

Idea: Delegating works, shared governance, shared responsibility

3. How does your school empower key stakeholders?

Idea: Include them in transparency, planning, let them decide

4. In implementing the SBM, what do you think is the challenges faced by school?
Idea: Funding, CoVid 19, mode of learning, community extensions

5. How did you overcome these challenges?

Idea: Interventions you did for this, e.g partnerships, training, strategic plan

6. As a teacher, how do you ensure that SBM practices promotes inclusivity and equality for all
of your students?
Ex. Education for All

7. Can you share an example of a successful SBM practice you personally experienced and cite
what factors mainly contributed to its success?

8. In the current situation of SBM practice in your school, what else do you think you can
suggest to improve it and make it more like a student-friendly platform?

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