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Review Questions
1 Examine some of the common source of mechanical hazards.
2 Define Incident rate.
3 Outline the various classification of Fire.
4 Define toxicology and toxic effects.
5 What causes chemical burn injuries?
6 Identify the two principal types of industrial poisoning.
7 List out the forms of atmospheric contaminants.
8 Classify some personal hearing protection devices.
9 List out some strategies to prevent vibration related injuries.
10 Define threshold of hearing and threshold of pain.

What are the OSHA’s recommendations for accident preventive measures

1 associated with boilers? Also explain the hazards of unfired
pressure vessels.
Identify the safety precautions for electrical hazards as per OSHA’s
3 What do you know about reduction of fire hazards? Explain.
4 Summarize the mechanical hazards and the basic requirements of
mechanical guards.
5 Identify and explain the classes and symbols of chemical hazards with its
characteristics and precautions.
6 Analyze the term industrial hygiene, responsibilities of industrial
hygienists and OSHA requirements related to industrial hygiene.
7 Briefly discuss about Industrial Toxicology.
8 Outline about External, Internal radiation hazard and controlling
radioisotope hazards.
9 Organize the strategies to prevent vibration related injuries in detail.
10 Explain noise control strategies.

11 Identify the types of finger, hand and arm protection equipment and
describe any four briefly.
12 Evaluate the steps involved to identify and assess hazardous noise in
1. Examine some of the common source of mechanical hazards.

Mechanical hazards include:

 Crushing.
 Shearing.
 Cutting or severing.
 Entanglement.
 Drawing-in or trapping.
 Impact.
 Stabbing or puncture.
 Friction or abrasion.

2. What is Incidence Rate?

The incidence rate or incidence measures the frequency of a specific event over a defined period of
time. In business, determining an incidence rate can be done through gathering samples, conducting
surveys, and testing products.

3. Outline the various classification

of Fire.
Class A: solid materials such as wood or paper, fabric, and some plastics. Class B: liquids or gas
such as alcohol, ether, gasoline, or grease. Class C: electrical failure from appliances, electronic
equipment, and wiring. Class D: metallic substances such as sodium, titanium, zirconium, or

4. Define toxicology and toxic effects.

Toxicology is the study of the adverse effects of chemicals or physical agents on living organisms.

Toxic effect is an adverse change in the structure or function of an experimental animal as a result of
exposure to a chemical substance.

5. What causes chemical burn injuries?

Chemical burns are tissue damage caused by strong acids, drain cleaners, and paint thinner,
gasoline and many other substances.
6. Identify the two principal types of industrial poisoning.

1. Carbon Tetrachloride: · 2. Methylene Chloride: · 3. 1-Bromopropane: · 4. Pigment Violet 29.

7. List out the forms of atmospheric contaminants.

These six pollutants are carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen oxides, ground-level ozone, particle
pollution (often referred to as particulate matter), and sulfur oxides.

8. Classify some personal hearing protection devices.

There are many different types of HPDs available for use, including earmuffs, earplugs, electronic
hearing protection devices, and semi-insert devices.
9. List out some strategies to prevent vibration related injuries.

Provide your employees with protective clothing when necessary to keep them warm and dry. This will
encourage good blood circulation which should help protect them from developing vibration white
finger. Gloves can be used to keep hands warm, but should not be relied upon to provide protection from
10. Define threshold of hearing and threshold of pain.

The hearing threshold is the sound level below which a person's ear is unable to detect any sound.
For adults, 0 dB is the reference level. A threshold shift is an increase in the hearing threshold for a
particular sound frequency.

Pain threshold is the minimum intensity at which a person begins to perceive, or sense, a stimulus as
being painful. Pain tolerance, is the maximum amount, or level, of pain a person can tolerate or bear.

1. What are the OSHA’s recommendations for accident preventive measures associated with boilers?
Also explain the hazards of unfired pressure vessels.

Accident preventive measures associated with boilers:

 Never operate boiler above the design pressure and check for the safe operation of Safety valves as
well as fusible plugs.
 Regular cleaning of the perforated line is necessary
 Steiner must be installed before the pump & check for its proper functioning to remove dirt particles
from boiler feed water as this prevents the blockage of a feed line.
 Water must be treated before feeding it to the boiler to prevent the accumulation of dirt in a Boiler
 Regular inspection and maintenance of boiler including its accessories and valves to check for
possible failures and cracks are necessary.
 Make sure that the boiler vents are not restricted by any kind of obstruction such as cloth etc.
 Always check for the leakages of steam, water, air and flue gases from any suspicious place.
 Follow boiler manual for safe and efficient working of your boiler.
 The panel should be cleaned regularly and should be kept in a cool and an isolated place away from
your boiler.
 Check if all the hot parts of the boiler are insulated, do not touch the parts with bare hands where the
insulation is not provided.
 Maintenance of both FD Fan and ID Fan is important and regularly check for greasing in all the
movable parts for the ease of operation.
 Regular cleaning of movable mechanical parts is necessary.
 Do not increase the frequency of a drive above 50 Hz for the safe operation of motors.
 Pressure switch, Mobrey and Pressure Gauge should be checked for their proper

Unfired pressure vessel Hazards

Unfired pressure vessels such as air and water storage tanks are vessels that have not been exposed to burner
fire or combustion. Due to this, there is less risk for overheating and unfired pressure vessels have a proven
track record in preventing corrosion through heat exchange. Unfired pressure vessels can act as heat
exchangers, where they heat, and cool fluids once combined with another fluid. Unfired pressure vessels
most often consist of several chambers and tube bundles. Another type of unfired pressure vessel is a steam
generator which produces steam with a piping system.

Both unfired and fired pressure vessels can present hazards to employee safety and facility operability. Over
time pressure vessels can become cracked or damaged, which can lead to rupture failures and leakage. These
can produce potential health and safety risks including suffocation, poisoning, fires and explosions. Rupture
failures can be even more dangerous than leakages, and can cause significant damage, injuries and fatalities.

Due to this, the safe design, installation, and maintenance of pressure vessels is critical, and compliance with
codes and standards is necessary to ensure employee safety and prevent damage to your facility.
Industrial applications for unfired pressure vessel inspections

Unfired pressure vessels are often seen in industrial environments which use or manufacture:

 Electricity
 Fire protection
 Automation
 Machinery and pressurized equipment

2. Identify the safety precautions for electrical hazards as per OSHA’s standards.


Insulating materials, such as glass, rubber and plastic, provide an effective insulation to metals and
other conductors to reduce the flow of electrical current and to prevent electric shock, fires and short
circuits. OSHA guidelines indicate that the insulation must be appropriate for the voltage and
temperature conditions. Certain environmental factors present in the workplace, such as moisture,
oil, gasoline, chemicals or corrosive fumes, could cause certain insulators to fail. In section S of Title
29 Code of Federal Regulations, OSHA instructs employees who work with electrical equipment to
check insulation before connecting equipment to a power outlet.


OSHA instructs organizations to guard -- inspect and enclose -- electric equipment to ensure that
workers do not come in contact with any exposed electrical parts. High voltage equipment must be
accessible only to employees qualified to work with it. OSHA requires that all high voltage tools and
equipment is placed in an enclosed location, out of reach of other employees. Signs must alert about
the electrical danger and forbid entry to unauthorized personnel. Signs may include words like
"Danger," "Warning," "Caution," "High Voltage" and "Keep Out."


In Title 29 CFR, OSHA instructs that all electrical equipment must be grounded. Grounding creates a
low-resistance path that connects electricity to earth. This prevents voltage buildup, which may
create an explosion. Grounding substantially reduces the risk of injury from an electric current,
especially when grounding is used in combination with other safety measures as instructed by
OSHA. It helps protect the equipment operator if a malfunction causes the equipment's metal frame
to become energized. Grounding will help the current to pass through to the ground without affecting
the operator.

Circuit Protection Devices

Circuit protection devices, such as fuses and circuit breakers, automatically stop the flow of an
electric current if a short circuit occurs. Fuses and circuit breakers protect the equipment by opening
or breaking the circuit when too much current flows through them. OSHA requires construction sites
and high-risk areas to use ground fault circuit interrupters, which interrupt the flow of electricity in
less than a second to prevent electrocution.

Safe Work Practices

Employees can prevent electrical accidents by following OSHA safety instructions applicable to their
workplaces. These may include de-energizing equipment before inspection or repair, keeping
electrical tools in good working condition with timely maintenance, exercising caution when
working near electrical lines, and always using appropriate protective equipment. Employees should
receive appropriate training when working with electrical hazards. OSHA describes electrical safety-
related work practice requirements in subpart S of 29 CFR part 1910.

3. What do you know about reduction of fire hazards? Explain

1. Accessible Equipment

Make sure all of your fire protection equipment (ie fire extinguishers, control panels, etc.) are easily
accessible. Also don't block the fire sprinklers or fire alarms with anything, such as dust, debris or paint.
You don't want to hinder the functionality of your equipment.

2. Proper Disposal

Discard of any hazardous waste in a metal container that has a lid. Hazardous waste can include anything
from oils to chemicals. Even flammable and combustible materials should be properly disposed of in order
to prevent fire hazards.

3. Regular Maintenance

Schedule regular maintenance services for all of your fire protection equipment to make sure everything is
up to code. It's also smart to make sure any machines in your building are properly maintained in order to
prevent overheating or sparks created from friction.

4. Safe Storage

If you have chemicals, flammable materials or other hazardous substances in your building, you will want to
make sure they are stored in a safe place. Make sure they are in a dry, secure closet or room that has
adequate ventilation. It's also a good idea to keep fire protection equipment for flammable substances near
the storage area just in case.

5. Clean Environment

There are many reasons that you should keep your building neat and tidy. One of the main reasons is
because when there's a lot of clutter, especially flammable materials such as paper, boxes, etc., then a fire
can spread faster. The clutter could also block exits and make it harder to escape if there is a fire. So make
sure to keep the inside of your building clean and clutter free.

6. Precautionary Measures

Fire safety demonstrations can go a long way when it comes to the safety of your building. Make sure to
teach building occupants how to react to a fire and how to use a fire extinguisher, along with the other fire
protection devices. This can help to prevent a fire from spreading if one does occur in your building.

7. Building Security

Arson is one of the leading causes of building and structure fires. It is an important to invest in building
security. Building occupants should know to lock up the building behind them and they should know how to
report suspicious behavior or people if they see something a little off.
8. Designated Smoking Area

There should be a designated smoking area that's a safe distance away from the building. Also make sure to
provide ashtrays or other safe options for people to properly extinguish and dispose of their cigarettes. This
will help keep your building safe from accidental fires caused by lit cigarettes.

9. Emergency Plan

Emergency and evacuation plans are important to prevent further damages or issues if there's a fire. Fire
prevention is just as important after a fire has already started because it can reduce the risk of it spreading,
which can lead to more damages.

10. Adhere to OSHA & NFPA Guidelines

Today there are safety standards and regulations put in place to help businesses better prevent fires in the
workplace. Both OSHA and NFPA provide a set of rules and guidelines to ensure fire protection and safety.

4. Summarize the mechanical hazards and the basic requirements of

mechanical guards.

1. Crushing Hazards

On construction sites, crushing hazards are often caused by excavators and other heavy machinery. If an
employee is struck by a piece of machinery, it can result in serious injuries or even death. To prevent
crushing hazards, employees should always be aware of their surroundings and stay clear of areas where
heavy machinery is operating. If necessary, workers should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to
protect themselves from potential hazards.

Crushing hazards can also occur when workers are performing maintenance on machinery. If a worker is not
properly trained in how to safely perform maintenance, they could be seriously injured or killed. To prevent
these hazards, it is important for employers to provide employees with proper training and safety

2. Shear Hazards

Shear hazards are caused by moving parts that can cut or slice through skin and flesh. Shear hazards can
occur when workers are using hand-operated tools, such as knives, or when they are operating machinery
with moving parts, such as saws. To prevent shear hazards, employees should always use the proper safety
equipment and procedures when working with hand-operated tools or machinery.

3. Cutting/Severing Hazards

There are many types of cutting hazards, but the three most common are contact with a moving sharp-edged
part, contact with a rotating part, and contact with a moving part.

The first type of cutting hazard is contact with a moving sharp-edged part. This can happen when you are
using a machine with a blade, such as a band saw. If the blade is not properly guarded, your clothing or skin
can come into contact with the blade and be cut.

The second type of cutting hazard is contact with a rotating part. This can happen when you are using a drill
press or lathe. If the chuck or bit is not properly secured, your clothing or skin can come into contact with
the rotating part and be cut.
The third type of cutting hazard is contact with a moving part. This can happen when you are using a power
saw or drill. If the blade or bit is not properly secured, your clothing or skin can come into contact with the
moving part and be cut.

To avoid these hazards, always make sure that the blades on your machines are properly guarded and that
the chucks and bits on your drill presses and lathes are properly secured. If you are using a power saw or
drill, make sure that the blade or bit is not worn or damaged. Also, always wear proper protective clothing,
such as gloves, when using any type of machinery.

4. Drawing In or Trapping Hazards

This hazard can occur when clothing or body parts become caught in moving parts of a machine. The result
can be severe injuries or even death. To prevent this hazard, always make sure that you are wearing proper
protective clothing, such as gloves and long sleeves when working with machinery. Also, keep your hands
and feet away from moving parts and make sure that hair is tied back so that it cannot become caught in

5. Stabbing or Puncture Hazards

Stabbing or puncture hazards can occur when you are using a machine with a pointy or sharp edge, such as a
drill press. If the bit is not properly secured, your clothing or skin can come into contact with the pointy or
sharp edge and be punctured. To prevent this hazard, always make sure that the bit on your drill press is
properly secured. Also, wear proper protective clothing, such as gloves, when using any type of machinery.

7. Friction or Abrasion Hazards

Friction and abrasion hazards are often found in mechanical machinery. When contact is made with a fast
moving surface that may be smooth (e.g. touching a spin dryer) or rough (e.g. touching a belt sander), there
is a potential for serious injury.

There are several ways to protect yourself from these hazards:

 Wear appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as gloves, safety glasses, and ear
 Be aware of your surroundings and stay clear of moving parts.
 Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the machinery safely.

8. Entanglement Hazards

Entanglement hazards can occur when clothing or body parts become caught in moving parts of a machine.
The result can be severe injuries or even death.

Basic requirements of mechanical guards.

 Prevent contact: The machine guard must prevent hands, arms, and any other part of a worker’s
body from making contact with dangerous moving parts. A good machine safeguarding system
eliminates the possibility of the operator or another worker placing parts of their bodies near
hazardous moving parts.

 Secure: Workers should not be able to easily remove or tamper with the machine guard, because a
machine guard that can easily be made ineffective is no machine guard at all. Guards and safety
devices should be made of durable material that will withstand the conditions of normal use. They
must be firmly secured to the machine.
 Protect from falling objects: The machine guard should ensure that no objects can fall into moving
parts. A small tool which is dropped into a cycling machine could easily become a projectile that
could strike and injure someone.

 Create no new hazards: A machine guard defeats its own purpose if it creates a hazard of its own
such as a shear point, a jagged edge, or an unfinished surface which can cause a laceration. The
edges of guards, for instance, should be rolled or bolted in such a way that they eliminate sharp
 Create no interference: Any machine guard which impedes a worker from performing the job
quickly and comfortably might soon be overridden or disregarded. Proper machine safeguarding can
actually enhance efficiency since it can relieve the worker’s apprehensions about injury.

 Allow safe lubrication: If possible, one should be able to lubricate the machine without removing
the machine guards. Locating oil reservoirs outside the guard, with a line leading to the lubrication
point, will reduce the need for the operator or maintenance worker to enter the hazardous area.

5. Identify and explain the classes and symbols of chemical hazards with its
characteristics and precautions.

Chemicals pose health and safety hazards to personnel due to innate chemical, physical, and toxicological

properties. Chemicals can be grouped into several different hazard classes. The hazard class will determine

how similar materials should be stored and handled and what special equipment and procedures are needed

to use them safely. Each chemical container, whether supplied by a vendor or produced in the laboratory,

must include labels that clearly identify the hazards associated with that chemical. More detailed hazard

information for specific chemicals can be found by referencing the SDS for that chemical.
There are numerous posting and labeling methodologies including the National Fire Prevention Association

(NFPA) building and/or door placarding that provides an overview of the key chemical hazards contained

within that building or room. NFPA postings have the familiar four color 1-4 number rating, which quickly

supplies the hazard information broken down into four hazard classes, with 1 indicating a low level of

hazard and 4 indicating a high hazard level. The four chemical hazard types correspond to the four color

areas: red indicates a flammability hazard, yellow indicates a reactive hazard, blue indicates a health hazard

and the white area is reserved for special hazards that are identified by hazard symbols or labels to indicate

hazards such as radioactivity, biohazard, water reactive chemicals, etc. Each of these hazards has a different

set of safety precautions associated with them.

1. Flammability and Combustibility Hazards

A number of highly flammable substances are in frequent use in campus laboratories.

Flammable liquids include those chemicals that have a flashpoint of less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit (°F),

and combustible liquids have a flashpoint between 100-200 °F. These materials must be stored in flammable

storage cabinets if aggregate quantities of 10 gallons/room or more are stored in the lab. Guidance on proper

flammable liquid storage is provided in a FireNet from UC Davis Fire Prevention. Flame-

resistant laboratory coats must be worn when working with large volumes of flammable materials (>1L)

and/or with procedures where a significant fire

risk is present (e.g., when working with open flame, etc.). These materials pose a significant risk and should

be treated with care, even though use of these materials is fairly common in the laboratory setting. Particular

attention should be given to preventing static electricity and sparks when handling flammable liquids.

It is the vapors from flammable liquids that burn, rather than the liquids themselves. For a fire to occur, there

must be: 1) vapor concentration between the lower and upper flammability limits; 2) source of oxygen (often
air); and 3) an ignition source. Careful handling and use of chemical fume hoods are typically sufficient to

prevent high vapor concentrations. Do not use open flames where flammable vapors may be present. Ensure

that containers are properly bonded and grounded before transferring flammable liquids between metal

containers or equipment.

2. Reactivity and Stability Hazards

Reactive and unstable substances are materials which may decompose, condense,

vigorously polymerize, or become self-reactive under conditions of shock, temperature, pressure, light, or

contact with other materials, with the release of large volumes of gas or heat. Examples of such chemicals

include explosives, pyrophorics, peroxides, and water-reactive chemicals. These substances pose an

immediate hazard and procedures for their use and storage must be carefully reviewed and followed. Such

materials must also be stored in a manner to protect from light, heat, shock, friction, static discharge, contact

with a catalyst, or other conditions to which they are sensitive. Some materials, such as peroxide formers,

may not be explosive, but may form explosive substances over time.

Pyrophoric chemicals are a special classification of reactive materials that spontaneously ignite when in

contact with air and require laboratory-specific training. Flame-resistant (FR) laboratory coats must always

be worn when working with pyrophoric chemicals. Individuals working with pyrophoric

materials must know the appropriate method(s) to quench the chemicals being used. Additional information

related to pyrophoric and water-reactive materials is provided in SafetyNet #135 – Procedures for Safe Use

of Pyrophoric/Water Reactive Reagents. Helpful safety videos on reactive and pyrophoric chemicals are

available from the Dow Chemical Company, and for organolithium chemicals from Yale University.
3. Oxidizers

Oxidizers present a fire and explosion hazard when they come in contact with

flammable or combustible materials. They can: 1) speed the development of a fire and increase intensity, 2)

cause substances which are normally stable in air to rapidly burn, and 3) lead to spontaneous combustion of

materials without an obvious ignition source. Oxidizers are classified on a scale of 1-4 by the NFPA based

on their potential to initiate spontaneous combustion. In addition to the flammability hazards posed by

oxidizers, they can also be corrosive or toxic.

4. Health Hazards

Cal/OSHA uses the following definition for health hazard in 8 CCR §5191:

“A chemical that is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects:

Acute toxicity (any route of exposure); skin corrosion or irritation; serious eye damage or eye irritation;

respiratory or skin sensitization; germ cell mutagenicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive toxicity, specific

target organ toxicity (single or repeated exposure); aspiration hazard.”

Criteria by which a specific chemical is classified as a health hazard can be found in 8 CCR §5194,

including the definition of a “simple asphyxiant.” An overview of the major classes of “hazardous” and

“particularly hazardous substances” and their related health and safety risks are detailed below.
a. Corrosive Substances

As a health hazard, corrosive substances cause destruction of, or alterations in, living

tissue by chemical action at the site of contact.

Major classes of corrosive substances include:

 Strong acids – e.g., sulfuric, nitric, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids;

 Strong bases – e.g., sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and ammonium hydroxide;

 Dehydrating agents – e.g., sulfuric acid, sodium hydroxide, phosphorus pentoxide and calcium

oxide; and

 Oxidizing agents – e.g., hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, bromine, perchloric acid, and nitric acid.

Symptoms of exposure for inhalation include a burning sensation, coughing, wheezing, laryngitis, shortness

of breath, nausea, and vomiting. For eyes, symptoms include pain, blood shot eyes, tearing, and blurring of

vision. For skin, symptoms may include reddening, pain, inflammation, bleeding, blistering and burns. As a

physical hazard, corrosive substances may corrode materials they come in contact with and may be highly

reactive with other substances.

It is important to review information: 1). regarding the materials they may corrode, 2) their reactivity with

other substances, and 3) on health effects. In most cases, these materials should be segregated from other

chemicals and require secondary containment during storage.

b. Irritants

Irritants are non-corrosive chemicals that cause reversible inflammatory effects on

living tissue by chemical action at the site of contact. A wide variety of organic and inorganic compounds,

including many chemicals that are in a powder or crystalline form, are irritants. Consequently, eye and skin

contact with all laboratory chemicals should always be avoided. Smoke is a common example of an irritant

which can irritate the nasal passages and respiratory system. Symptoms of exposure can include reddening

or discomfort of the skin and irritation to respiratory systems.

c. Sensitizers

A sensitizer (allergen) is a substance that causes exposed people to develop an

allergic reaction in normal tissue after repeated exposure to the substance. Examples of sensitizers include

diazomethane, chromium, nickel, formaldehyde, isocyanates, arylhydrazines, benzylic and allylic halides,

many phenol derivatives, and latex proteins. Sensitizer exposure can lead to all of the symptoms associated

with allergic reactions, or can exacerbate an individual’s existing allergies.

d. Hazardous Substances with Toxic Effects on Specific Organs

Substances included in this category include:

 Hepatotoxins –substances that produce liver damage, such as nitrosamines and carbon tetrachloride;

 Nephrotoxins –agents causing damage to the kidneys, such as certain halogenated hydrocarbons;
 Neurotoxins – substances which produce their primary toxic effects on the nervous system, such as

mercury, acrylamide and carbon disulfide;

 Agents which act on the hematopoietic system – e.g., carbon monoxide and cyanides which decrease

hemoglobin function and deprive the body tissues of oxygen; and

 Agents which damage lung tissue – e.g., asbestos and silica.

Personnel working with these materials should review the SDS for the specific chemical being used,

and take special note of the symptoms of exposure.

e. Particularly Hazardous Substances

OSHA recognizes that some classes of chemical substances pose a greater health and

safety risk than others. To differentiate this risk characteristic, OSHA identifies two categories of hazardous


1. Hazardous chemicals; and

2. Particularly hazardous substances.

Substances that pose such significant threats to human health are classified as "particularly hazardous

substances". The Cal/OSHA “Laboratory Standard” (8 CCR §5191) requires that special provisions be

documented in laboratory SOPs to prevent the exposure of laboratory personnel to PHSs, including:

1. Establishment of designated areas;

2. Use of containment devices (e.g., fume hoods, glove boxes);

3. Procedures for contaminated waste disposal; and

4. Decontamination procedures.
6. Analyze the term industrial hygiene, responsibilities of industrial
hygienists and OSHA requirements related to industrial hygiene.

Importance of industrial hygiene

Industrial hygiene is essential because it helps protect employees from several types of injuries and illnesses,

 Nonfatal illnesses: Skin, lung and gastrointestinal diseases like anthrax are common occupational
hazards in agricultural operations, and blood-borne illnesses like hepatitis B and C are common
occupational hazards in medical settings and laboratories. Industrial hygiene can help prevent the
transmission of these diseases and many others.
 Respiratory conditions: Respiratory conditions like chronic bronchitis, asbestosis and pneumonitis
are common occupational hazards, especially in industries like mining where inhaling dust is common.
Industrial hygiene can help by mandating the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) which
provides respiratory protection and improves working conditions.
 Skin diseases: Skin diseases like dermatitis, eczema, rashes and blisters are common in industries
where workers' skin comes into contact with hazardous chemicals. Industrial hygiene can help by
mandating PPE and offering guidelines about how chemicals are used, labeled and stored in the
 Poisoning: Poisoning can occur if workers accidentally ingest toxic chemicals like pesticides,
herbicides, formaldehyde or cleaning agents. Workers might also absorb those chemicals through their
skin. Industrial hygiene can help by mandating how poisons are used, labeled and stored.
 Hearing loss: Hearing loss can occur when employees are exposed to high-decibel sounds in
environments like airports or at construction and mining sites where detonations occur. Industrial
hygiene can help by mandating personal PPE, measuring hazards with sound level meters and offering
guidelines about noise exposure in the workplace.
 Repetitive stress injuries: Repetitive stress injuries occur when employees perform the same
motions many times throughout the workday. Industrial hygiene can help by offering guidelines about
correct posture and lifting techniques and mandating breaks for employees engaged in repetitive tasks.

Controls for Industrial Hygiene Hazards

When it comes to industrial hygiene controls, the "hierarchy of controls" that NIOSH outlines is a useful
tool in risk assessment. The hierarchy of controls offers guidelines for how to control a hazard, beginning
with the most conservative controls that reduce hazards and working toward controls that protect against the
hazard if it cannot be minimized:
1. Elimination
This step involves eliminating the hazard, if possible. For example, a workplace might stop using a chemical
or eliminate the use of radiation in its operations.
2. Substitution
This step involves replacing the hazard with a safer alternative. For example, a workplace might switch from
toxic chemicals to non-toxic ones to protect its employees. Or they might upgrade an outdated piece of
equipment with one offering more guards and safety features.
3. Engineering Controls
This step involves isolating employees from the hazard through structural changes. A workplace might
install a protective shield around a loud piece of machinery or radioactive equipment. Creating confined
workspaces and installing robust ventilation systems are also examples of effective engineering controls.
4. Administrative Controls
This step involves using administrative policies to change how employees work. Management staff can
rotate employee assignments or adjust the techniques employees use. Administrators can also implement
training procedures to give employees the tools and knowledge they need to protect themselves.
5. Personal Protective Equipment
This step involves having workers wear PPE to protect themselves during exposure to workplace hazards.
PPE like gloves, masks, face shields, coveralls, steel-toed boots, flame-resistant clothing, harnesses and
respirators can all be useful, depending on the specific work environment.
8. Outline about External, Internal radiation hazard and controlling radioisotope hazards.

External radiation exposure:

External radiation exposure occurs when part or all the body is exposed to a penetrating radiation field from
an external source. In some cases this radiation will be absorbed by the body, while in others it may pass
straight through.

Any source outside of the body that emits ionising radiation can pose an external radiation exposure hazard -
be it in the form of a beta source, neutron source or gamma source.

How extensive this hazard is depends on the amount of exposure received, the duration of the exposure, the
energy of the emitted radiation and the total amount of radioactive material that is present.

All ionising radiation sources produce an external radiation field, however some radiation fields are so so
small that they pose no radiation risk at all - for example in the case of low and moderate energy beta
radiation emitters such as Tritium (H-3), Nickel-63 (Ni-63) or Phosphorus

Other sources of ionising radiation - such as the gamma sources Caesium-137 (Cs-137) and Cobalt-60 (Co-
60) - are able to produce much more powerful external radiation fields, so care must be taken to shield the
source and monitor exposure.

Internal radiation exposure:

Internal radiation exposure occurs when a radioactive material is released into the environment in the form
of a solid, liquid or gas.

It is then able to enter the body through the route of ingestion through the digestive tract, inhalation into the
respiratory airways, percutaneous absorption through the skin or penetration via contamination from a

Radioactive materials that are incorporated into the body will emit radiation as they decay. In addition, that
individual will continue to be exposed to radiation until such time as those radioactive materials have been
excreted in the form of either urine or faeces.

Specific radioactive materials have a tendency to target specific organs depending on their unique chemical

The radioactive isotope strontium, for example, shares similar properties with calcium, which means it tends
to accumulate in calcium-rich areas of the body such as bones.

Radioactive caesium shares properties that are similar to potassium, which means it tends to distribute
throughout the body.
Radio-iodine, meanwhile, tends to concentrate in the thyroid gland in the same manner as non-radioactive
iodine (and the effects of which were evidenced after the Chernobyl nuclear accident where there was a
marked increase in the number of thyroid cancer cases among children.)

Any exposure to ionising radiation in the context of a radiological emergency - and even if it is only for
short periods of time - can increase the chance of both short-term and long-term health impacts for first

Internal and external radiation differ in terms of locations of effect, however, they are both life-threatening
in high doses. Since both internal and external radiation exposure can be a serious hazard, it is crucial that
emergency personal are appropriately protected, adequately equipped, and know how to measure risks.
Make sure your team is properly prepared with our guide on Best Practices in Radiation Safety Training.

10. Explain noise control strategies.

Methods for Industrial Noise Control

Noise attenuation is achieved by decreasing the intensity or volume of sound in a controlled environment.
There are many noise reduction strategies that can be employed in industrial settings. One of the most
effective and logical approaches to noise attenuation is to install systems that minimize noise from the start,
using control techniques such as:

 Damping – A method of reducing noise levels from chutes, hoppers, machine guards, conveyors,
panels and more
 Selecting efficient equipment – Selecting fans, compressors, PD blowers and engines that operate
efficiently contribute significantly to noise attenuation
 Adjusting Fan Speed – Fan noise is in direct correlation with fan speed, so simple adjustments can
produce significant results
 Controlling high-pressure steam, natural gas, and other vent noises
 Attenuating noise from process exhausts with stack silencers
 Acoustically treating fans, blowers, and ventilating equipment
 Closing openings in enclosures and barrier walls required for utilities

Industrial Noise Control Products and Systems

The environmental impact caused by industrial processes such as vent blow-offs, rooftop fans and HVAC
equipment, chillers, cooling towers, oil and gas building ventilation systems, power gen engines, and other
noise generating processes can be addressed by installing various types of noise abatement equipment. We
partner with the leading manufacturers of industrial noise control products and systems to offer a broad
range of reliable industrial noise control solutions.

Industrial Fan Silencers – Fans are found in almost all industrial applications and can be large contributors
to the problem of industrial noise. Exhaust and supply fan silencers can significantly reduce noise in both
indoor and outdoor environments.

Skid mounted packaged axial fan attenuators

Acoustic Louvers – Where ventilation air is required, addressing noise concerns from a processing area
within a building or machinery noise mitigation from a facility, acoustic louvers are a proven means of
Industrial Exhaust Silencers – In addition to selecting the right noise control equipment, SysTech will access
the entire noise attenuation application and reduce the overall sound level. Process silencers are applied to
PD blower and compressor exhausts, stack discharges, and the venting or blow-off of high-pressure gases.

Noise Control Enclosures – Engineered acoustically for superior noise control, sound enclosures are an
extremely effective means for containing industrial equipment noise.

Duct Silencer – Where noise radiates from a ducted system or enclosure, duct silencers are typically applied
with success.

Acoustic Building Ventilation Systems – When very high equipment noise levels are present in a building
caused by large compressors, engines, generators, and motors, and heat removal ventilation systems are
required, SysTech offers customized acoustic ventilation systems to meet both ventilation and noise
reduction requirements.

Duct Lining – Ventilation systems using acoustic absorbent material such as foam or fiberglass will
effectively decrease airborne noise.

Vibration Isolation Pads – Vibration control, employing anti-vibration machine mounts such as springs or
neoprene will reduce transmission of noise created by vibration.

Acoustic Flexible Connectors – They serve a dual purpose in containing noise generated by the fan blade
rotation and that induced by vibration.

Acoustic Blankets/Wraps – Attenuate noise from the equipment casing with high-density sound blankets.

Explain noise control strategies.

11. Identify the types of finger, hand and arm protection equipment and describe any four briefly.

Hand and Arm Hazards

 Abrasion
 Amputations
 Cuts
 Blood borne Pathogens
 Biological
 Chemicals (Dry or Liquid)
 Chemical Burns (Acid or Base)
 Electrical Shock
 Extreme Temperatures
 Fractures
 Laceration
 Heat and Cold
 Thermal Burns
 Radiation
 Vibration and Grip

General Requirements

Hand and arm protection must be selected and used when personnel may be exposed to certain hazards, such
 Working with harmful substances, dry or liquid, that can be absorbed through the skin, or that can
cause skin irritation, chemical burns, or similar conditions. Examples would include strong
acids/bases, toxic or corrosive materials, organic solvents, and radioactive materials.
 Working with tools, equipment, or materials that can cause cuts, lacerations, punctures, fractures,
amputations, or abrasions.
 Work where the employee is exposed to materials or agents that can cause thermal burns or that
expose the employee to harmful temperatures.
 Work that may expose employees to blood or other potentially infectious agents.
 Work on live electrical systems or components. Additional training is required for the use of
electrical protective equipment

Types of Hand & Arm Protection

 Disposable gloves – Best for one-time use situations. Provides wearer minimal protection against
materials, or protects the material from the handler. Available in a variety of materials and for a
variety of tasks. Disposable gloves are typically very thin and provide improved sensitivity and
dexterity. However, they may tear or puncture easily and are less chemical resistant than standard
chemical resistant gloves. Avoid using disposable gloves for processes involving intentional direct
chemical contact.
 Critical-environment gloves – Used in applications that require extreme cleanliness, such as in the
electronic, nuclear, and pharmaceutical industries
 Chemical-resistant gloves – Protects against specific chemicals and liquids. Also usually thick
enough to minimally protect against abrasion, cuts, punctures, and snags. Generally, any “chemical-
resistant” glove can be used for dry powders.
 General-purpose gloves – Intended to help reduce hand injuries from snags, punctures, abrasions,
and cuts.
 Coated gloves – Nitrile and natural rubber coated gloves are often used as substitutes for leather
gloves. Coated gloves offer superior hand protection from wet environments where dexterity is
important. However, coated gloves provide minimal protection from physical hazards such as cuts,
abrasions or punctures
 Cut-resistant gloves – Available in a wide variety of materials, including metal-mesh, Kevlar®, and
aluminized and other cut-resistant materials
o Protects against cuts and scrapes caused by knives and other sharp tools and equipment.
o Cut-resistant gloves are rated according to the level of force required to cut the material.
o Cut and Puncture resistant gloves
 Puncture-resistant gloves – Available in a wide variety of materials. Puncture-resistant gloves
protect against most sharp objects, including glass, metal, and needle sticks.
o No glove is completely puncture-proof. Puncture-resistant gloves are rated according to the
level of force required to puncture the material.
o Cut and Puncture resistant gloves
 Anti-vibration/impact gloves – Protection from vibration or impact from tools and equipment.
Helps prevent hand, finger, and arm fatigue.
 Leather gloves – Qualities of leather include comfort, durability, dexterity, mild heat resistance, and
abrasion resistance. Good all-purpose glove.
 Temperature-resistant gloves – Provides protection from high or from low temperatures. Leather,
Kevlar®, cotton, terrycloth, cryogenic gloves, rubber, Nomex®, Zetex®, and Flextra® are some
common materials used in this type of glove. Welding gloves are considered temperature resistant.
o Select gloves based on the type of heat or cold source fire, radiant heat, hot or cold object, hot
or cold liquids, etc.
o Some temperature resistant gloves may protect against hot or cold objects but not against hot
or cold gases or liquids.
 Electrical – Voltage-rated gloves provided protection against shock hazards.
12. Evaluate the steps involved to identify and assess hazardous noise in

Identifying Noise Hazards

1. Look for the Signs: Look for existing safety signage indicating known noise hazards and the necessity of
PPE. Even if a work site is labeled, it still may not be safe. If machinery has been replaced or moved since
the signage was put up the noise hazard may be more severe.

2. Shout at an Arm’s Length: The fastest and easiest way to test if there is a potential noise hazard in a
specific area of a job site is to have workers stand at an arm’s length from each other and have a
conversation. If one worker must raise their voice or the other has a difficult time hearing, there is most
mostly a noise hazard present. This is the most practical way to keep employees safe: if in that environment
they can’t hear a conversation at arm’s length what are the odds they can hear a cry for help or be heard,

3. Ringing or Humming: If you leave work with any sort of ringing in your ear, have difficulty hearing
others or you believe you can still hear machines running, there is likelihood you have suffered temporary
hearing damage. You should report this to your supervisor immediately and seek medical attention, if

4. Related Health Issues: There are a number of other serious health issues that can be directly linked to
over exposure of occupational noise hazards. Some related health effects include: A decrease over time in
coordination and concentration, sleeping issues and fatigue, and an increase in nervousness and stress which
can be the beginning of another set of health problems. If you’ve experienced any of these due to noisy
working conditions, immediately report these health conditions to your supervisor.

There are two methods called ‘controls,’ used to eliminate noise hazards; administrative and engineering.
Administrative controls are changes that can reduce or eliminate worker exposure, while engineering
controls are changes that reduce the sound levels in the facility. When working to eliminate noise hazards,
costs add up. Here are a range of four cost-effective ways to reduce or eliminate occupational noise at any

Eliminating Noise Hazards

1. Machine Maintenance: The number one cost effective engineering control used to reduce industrial
noise hazards is to make sure that all machinery being used is properly maintained. Machinery where metal
on metal contact is present should be lubricated regularly. This type of ‘preventative maintenance’ can
extend the life of machinery and save production time from unexpected failures. In many cases, low level
noise hazards can be solved all together with proper machine maintenance, as in this story of one of North
America’s top bottling companies.

2. Limits shifts: Limiting exactly how long workers are exposed to noise hazards is an administrative
control that can greatly reduce negative health effects. This can be an alternative to running a costly hearing
conservation program for employees, but as this case study from the American Industrial Hygiene
Association (AIHA) will tell you, the costs associated with the time spent managing noise hazards will
always outweigh the costs of attempting to fix worker’s hearing.

3. Enclose or Isolate the Noise: This is one way that a little engineering combined with a little capital can
result in the reduction or elimination of a noise hazard. If there are large non-human operated machines in a
work area, when possible, move these machines away from workers or into less populated rooms. If moving
the machinery isn’t an option, an enclosure can be built and appropriately labeled to reduce noise levels. If
humans are required as operators, an enclosure with an entrance can be constructed and proper PPE
provided. Working in these enclosures may require a shorter shift, if the sound produced inside the enclosure
requires it.

4. Properly Used PPE: This is the last resort method to deal with a noise hazards. It does not address the
problem at the source but acts as a last line of defense for your ears. Proper PPE to protect hearing includes
earplugs and ear muffs, often worn together. PPE should be used either in response to low level noise
hazards or as a temporary solution until the source of the noise can be controlled or modified.

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