Table-3 3

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Table 3.

Respondents Respondents excerpts Translation Codes
Girl Interviewee murag dali ra bitaw sija kay It seems easy because you Simplified
kuan man nimo ang (.) e just input the given question Problem Solving
ekuan ra nimo ang unsay and the answer comes out
kuan given na (.) question immediately.
didto tapos molugwa na daun
ang answer"

Boy Interviewee naa juy mga error nga kanang There are really errors even if Comparison with
bisag imo na tarungon naa you do it right. It's not like Other Tools
gyuy error. Dili lahe sa GeoGebra where if you type
geoalgebra, ay geogebra diay it correctly, the result is
nga dapat kung .. kung dapat perfect.
kung dili lang ka risky mo
type perfect jud iyang result
Boy Interviewee I know nga helpful pud sija I know that it will also be Learning Aid
samo helpful to us.
Boy Interviewee for me mka motivate sija kay For me, it motivates you Increased
kanang mas ganahan ka ay because you like it more Motivation
sakto nmn diay mka boost when it's correct, it really
gyud sija ug motivation boosts your motivation.
Boy Interviewee disadvantage like kanang A disadvantage is when a Dependency
exampe mag salig isa ka learner relies on it, their Concerns
learner and iyang learning dili learning won't or won't
or dili ma develop develop.
unlike sa uban na dili niya Unlike others where you can't Superior
makita ang mga vertices see the vertices, with Graphing
kanang mga pag pag, plan GeoGebra you can really plan Features
nimo diba unlike sa geogebra it.
ma plan jud nimo
girl Interviewee helpful pud sija samo It will also be helpful to us Academic Aid

Table 3.4
Initial Codes General Higher-Codes Theme
Simplified Problem Solving Functionality Ease of Use and Efficiency
Comparison with Other Tools Drawbacks Accuracy and Reliability

Learning Aid Motivational Impact Motivation and Engagement

Increased Motivation Motivational Impact Motivation and Engagement
Dependency concerns Drawbacks Challenges and Limitations
Superior graphing features Functionality Ease of Use and Efficiency
Academic aid Motivational Impact Motivation and Engagement

Initial codes General codes

 Simplified Problem Solving Functionality
 Superior Graphing Features
 Comparison with Other Tools Drawbacks
 Dependency Concerns
 Learning Aid Motivational Impact
 Increased Motivation
 Academic Aid

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