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CS223 Computational Linear Algebra

2nd Semester 2023–2024 (Term 232)

Sample Major Exam 2

CLOs Score Student Score

Question 1 1, 4 10
Question 2 1, 3 10
Total 20
Question1: [Determinants]

a. Find the values of  that makes the determinant of matrix A non-zero.

b. Find the values of  that makes the determinant of matrix B non-zero.

b. Given the following 4x4 matrix C and its determinant:

Using the above results, find the determinant of the following matrices:
c. Solve the following systems using the determinants of the augmented matrix (Cramer’s
d. Can you solve the following system using the determinants of the augmented matrix
(Cramer’s rule)?
Question 2: [Vector Spaces]

Given the following 5x4 matrix:

a. Find a basis for the null space of A: Null(A)

b. Find a basis for the row space of A: Row(A)

c. Find a basis for the column space of A: Col(A)

d. Find the rank of A: rank(A) and the nullity of the nullspace (i.e., dim(Null(A)))

e. Find a basis for the row space of AT: Row(AT)

f. Are the following vectors linearly independent in 3? [Yes/No]: Justify your answer?

g. Propose a solution to get 3 linearly independent vectors in 3 using the vectors above (v1,
v2, and v3).
Hint: Which vector you would drop and which one you would add to make sure that you
have 3 linearly independent vectors in 3.

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