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Name: ________________________ Collisions of electrons with

atoms Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 112 minutes

Marks: 96 marks


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The diagram shows some of the energy levels for a hydrogen atom.

An excited hydrogen atom can emit photons of certain discrete frequencies. Three possible
transitions are shown in the diagram.

(a) The transitions shown in the diagram result in photons being emitted in the ultraviolet,
visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

To which region of the spectrum do the emitted photons belong?

Tick (✔) the correct box for each transition, A, B and C.

Transition Ultraviolet Visible Infrared


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(b) Two ways to excite a hydrogen atom are by collision with a free electron or by the
absorption of a photon.

Explain why, for a particular transition, the photon must have an exact amount of energy
whereas the free electron only needs a minimum amount of kinetic energy.









(c) The surface of a sample of caesium is exposed to photons emitted in each of the three
transitions shown in the diagram.

The threshold frequency of caesium is 5.1 × 1014 Hz

Determine whether any of these transitions would produce photons that would cause
electrons to be emitted from the surface of caesium.





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(d) Photons each with energy 12.1 eV are incident on the surface of the caesium sample.

Calculate the maximum speed of electrons emitted from the caesium.

maximum speed = ____________________ m s–1

(Total 10 marks)

A radioactive source emits alpha particles each with 8.1 × 10–13 J of kinetic energy.
(a) Show that the velocity of an alpha particle with kinetic energy 8.1 × 10–13 J is approximately
2 × 107 m s–1

specific charge of an alpha particle = 4.81 × 107 C kg–1





(b) The alpha particles travel through air in straight lines with a range of 3.5 cm

Calculate the average force exerted on an alpha particle as it is stopped by the air.

average force = ____________________ N


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(c) An alpha particle transfers all its kinetic energy to air molecules and produces 5.1 × 104
ions per centimetre over its range of 3.5 cm

Calculate the average ionisation energy, in eV, of a molecule of air.

ionisation energy = ____________________ eV


(d) A spark counter consists of a wire gauze separated from a metal wire by a small air gap. A
power supply with an output of 4500 V is connected in series with a 5.0 MΩ resistor and the
spark counter as shown in the diagram. When the radioactive source is moved close to the
wire gauze, sparking is seen in the air gap.

Sparks are produced when alpha particles produce ionisation in the air gap.

One ionisation event produces a current of 0.85 mA for a time of 1.2 ns

Calculate the number of charge carriers that pass a point in the connecting cable during
this ionisation event.

number of charge carriers = ____________________


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(e) The radioactive source was positioned 10 cm above the wire gauze before being moved
slowly towards the wire gauze leading to the ionisation event in part (d).

Discuss how the potential difference across the air gap varied as the radioactive source
was moved over this distance.

Assume the power supply has negligible internal resistance.












(Total 12 marks)

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An atom in the inner coating of a fluorescent tube absorbs a photon of ultraviolet radiation. This
3. causes excitation of the atom from its ground state. A photon of visible light is then emitted.

Which energy level diagram represents this process?

(Total 1 mark)

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The diagram shows an energy-level diagram for a hydrogen atom.

Electrons, each having a kinetic energy of 2.0 × 10–18 J, collide with atoms of hydrogen in their
ground state. Photons are emitted when the atoms de-excite.

How many different wavelengths can be observed with incident electrons of this energy?

A 1

B 3

C 6

D 7

(Total 1 mark)

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In a discharge tube a high potential difference is applied across hydrogen gas contained in the
5. tube. This causes the hydrogen gas to emit light that can be used to produce the visible line
spectrum shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

The visible line spectrum in Figure 1 has been used to predict some of the electron energy levels
in a hydrogen atom.

The energy levels predicted from the visible line spectrum are those between 0 and −3.40 eV in
the energy level diagram.

Some of the predicted energy levels are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

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(a) Calculate the energy, in eV, of a photon of light that has the lowest frequency in the visible
hydrogen spectrum shown in Figure 1.

energy of photon = ____________________________ eV


(b) Identify the state of an electron in the energy level labelled 0.



(c) Identify the state of an electron that is in the energy level labelled –13.6 eV.




(d) Explain why the energy levels are negative.




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(e) Discuss how the discharge tube is made to emit electromagnetic radiation of specific

In your answer you should:

• explain why there must be a high potential difference across the tube
• discuss how the energy level diagram in Figure 2 predicts the spectrum shown in
Figure 1
• show how one of the wavelengths of light is related to two of the energy levels in the
energy level diagram.












(Total 12 marks)

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Figure 1 represents an ion propulsion unit used on a spacecraft launched in 1998.
Atoms of xenon-131 ( ) were injected from a storage tank into a chamber where they
became ionised due to collisions with electrons.

A negatively charged grid attracted the xenon ions, accelerating them out of the back of the ion
propulsion unit and causing the spacecraft to be propelled forward.

Figure 1

(a) The mass of a Xe+ ion is 2.18 × 10–25 kg.

Calculate the specific charge of a Xe+ ion.

Give an appropriate unit for your answer.

specific charge = ____________________________ unit _____________


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(b) The storage tank contained 79 kg of xenon. When the ion propulsion unit was switched on
it had an average power output of 2.1 kW.

Each xenon ion gained 1300 eV of energy as it was accelerated and ejected out of the
propulsion unit.

Calculate the energy, in J, gained by each xenon ion.

energy = ____________________________ J

(c) Determine the length of time the ion propulsion unit operated before all of the 79 kg of
xenon was used up.

mass of xenon atom = 2.18 × 10–25 kg

time = ____________________________ s

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(d) Ion propulsion units could use helium ions instead of xenon ions.

An ion of helium-4 (He+) has a much higher specific charge than an ion of xenon-131 (Xe+).
Both ions would gain 1300 eV of kinetic energy in being accelerated and ejected from an
ion propulsion unit.

Suggest whether helium ions or xenon ions are better to use as a propellant in future space
programmes. In your answer you should compare the relative speeds and momentum
changes of the ions.










(Total 9 marks)

The diagram below shows the line spectrum of a gas.


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Explain how line spectra are produced. In your answer you should describe:

• how the collisions of charged particles with gas atoms can cause the atoms to emit

• how spectral lines are explained by the concept of discrete energy levels.












(Total 6 marks)

(a) The mercury atoms in a fluorescent tube are excited and then emit photons in the
8. ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

(i) Explain how the mercury atoms become excited.







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(ii) Explain how the excited mercury atoms emit photons.







(b) Explain how the ultraviolet photons in the tube are converted into photons in the visible part
of the electromagnetic spectrum.




(Total 7 marks)

(a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. After mercury atoms have
9. been excited they emit photons.

(i) In which part of the electromagnetic spectrum are these photons?


(ii) What is meant by an excited mercury atom?





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(iii) How do the mercury atoms in the fluorescent tube become excited?





(iv) Why do the excited mercury atoms emit photons of characteristic frequencies?







(b) The wavelength of some of the photons emitted by excited mercury atoms is 254 nm.

(i) Calculate the frequency of the photons.

frequency ____________________ Hz

(ii) Calculate the energy of the photons in electron volts (eV).

energy ____________________ eV

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(c) Explain how the coating on the inside of a fluorescent tube emits visible light.




(Total 13 marks)

(a) When free electrons collide with atoms in their ground state, the atoms can be excited or
10. ionised.

(i) State what is meant by ground state.




(ii) Explain the difference between excitation and ionisation.







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(b) An atom can also become excited by the absorption of photons. Explain why only photons
of certain frequencies cause excitation in a particular atom.









(c) The ionisation energy of hydrogen is 13.6 eV. Calculate the minimum frequency necessary
for a photon to cause the ionisation of a hydrogen atom. Give your answer to an
appropriate number of significant figures.

answer ____________________Hz
(Total 12 marks)

(a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit
11. electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited.

(i) What is meant by an excited atom?



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(ii) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube.







(iii) What is the purpose of the coating on the inside surface of the glass in a fluorescent







(b) The lowest energy levels of a mercury atom are shown in the diagram below. The diagram
is not to scale.

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(i) Calculate the frequency of an emitted photon due to the transition level n = 4 to level
n = 3.

answer = ____________________ Hz

(ii) Draw an arrow on the diagram above to show a transition which emits a photon of a
longer wavelength than that emitted in the transition from level n = 4 to level n = 3.
(Total 12 marks)

An electron initially at rest is accelerated through a potential difference. It is then brought to rest
12. in a collision, and all of its kinetic energy is converted into a single photon of electromagnetic
radiation. Which one of the following quantities is not required to find a value for the wavelength
of the photon?

A The mass of the electron

B The charge on the electron

C The velocity of electromagnetic waves

D The value of the potential difference

(Total 1 mark)

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Mark schemes
Transition Ultraviolet Visible Infrared
A ✔
B ✔
C ✔
all correct 1 mark

energy needed for electron to move to higher level/orbital ✔
for a transition/excitation/change of levels an exact amount of energy is needed ✔
all the photon’s energy absorbed( in 1 to 1 interaction) ✔
electron can transfer part of its energy (to cause a transition/excitation)/ continues moving/
lower kinetic energy/ lower speed ✔
Any implication of photoelectric effect max 1
Accept one energy level to another

(c) (use of φ = hf0)

φ = 6.63 × 10–34 × 5.1 × 1014 ✔ (= 3.38 × 10–19)
φ = 3.38 × 10–19/1.6 × 10–19 = 2.1(1) (eV) ✔
φ = 6.63 × 10–34 × 5.1 × 1014 ✔(= 3.38 × 10–19 )
energy in J 10.2 ×1.6 × 10–19 = 1.63 × 10−18 ✔
energy levels in J = 10.2 ×1.6 × 10–19= 1.63 × 10–18 ✔
photons frequencies giving this energy= 2.46 × 1015 ✔
If see 2.1 get these first two marks
2 → 1 / C possible ✔
Last mark dependent on previous 2

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(d) (use of hf = φ + Ek)
12.1 × 1.6 × 10–19 = 2.1 × 1.6 × 10–19 + Ek ✔
Ek = 1.6 × 10–18(J) ✔
v = √(2 × 1.6 × 10–18/9.11 × 10–31) ✔(= 1.9 × 106 m s–1)
Photoelectric equation must be used
Ecf for third mark their calculated kinetic energy having used
photoelectric equation even if not converted eV to J or frequency to
Correct answer gets (1.9 × 106 m s–1) full marks

2. (a) Mass of alpha particle = =6.6(53) × 10–27 (kg)

Allow mass = 2 × mp + 2 × mn = 6.696 × 10–27 kg

Allow mass = 4 × 1.66 × 10–27 kg = 6.64 × 10–27 kg
Allow mass = 4 × 1.67 × 10–27 kg = 6.68 × 10–27 kg
Allow slight rounding on mass (must be correct to 2 sf)


Correctly re-arranged k.e. equation (with v2 or v as subject) with 8.1 × 10–13 (J) substituted

1.56 × 107 seen 2✔

Condone incorrect mass in otherwise correct substitution with v
or v2 recognisable as subject .
Alternative approaches are:

Must see answer to at least 2 sf

Must see attempt to use one of the alternative approaches to
support correct answer

(b) Use of W = Fs, F = 8.1 × 10–13 ÷ 3.5 × 10–2 1✔

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

Condone POT error
Correct answers gets 2 marks

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Use of an appropriate equation of motion to find a and F = ma

(allow their mass and their velocity in this sub) 1✔

Condone POT error

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

Condone POT


Use of an appropriate equation of motion to find t and F = ∆mv/t

(allow their mass and their velocity in this sub) 1✔

(F=) 2.3 × 10–11 (N) 2✔

[answer is

Using 2 × 107 m s–1 yields( 5.71 × 1015 × their m∞) – allow 1 sf

answer in this case
Expect to see 3.8 × 10–11 (N) or 4 × 10–11 (N)]

(c) (Number of ions formed over range = )

5.1 × 104 × 3.5 seen or 1.785 × 105 (ions) seen


8.1 × 10–13 converted to eV seen 1✔

8.1 × 10–13 ÷ 1.785 × 105


5.06 × 106 ÷ 1.785 × 105 seen 2✔

Condone POT error in first mark
Ignore units
8.1 × 10–13 ÷ (5.1 × 104 × 3.5) is worth 1st and 2nd marks
Condone POT errors in second mark
Correct answer obtains 3 marks

28 (.4) (eV) 3✔
99(.3) (eV) scores 1 mark

(d) (Q =) 0.85 × 10–3 × 1.2 × 10–9 = 1.02 × 10–12

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n = (their Q) ÷ 1.6 × 10–19 1✔

n = 6.4 × 106 (c.a.o.) 2✔

Condone one POT error for one mark

(e) At 3.5 cm the pd drops / the current begins


When the source is 10 cm away no ionisation occurs in the air gap (because the alpha
particles have insufficient range to reach the air gap)


When the radioactive source is close enough (approx. 5 cm) ionisation occurs ✔


When beyond 3.5 cm no change in pd / current equals zero

Must be sense of abrupt change

When ionisation occurs / charge carriers are liberated in the air gap:
Allow more ionisation for second mark

resistance has decreased


current increases (from zero)


the potential difference decreases (with a maximum current) (to its minimum value) (across
the air gap)✔

From 10 cm separation until 5 cm (approx) separation nothing changes / appreciates that

pd is 4500 V / pd across gap = 4500 V until ionisation occurs ✔

Current is produced: the pd across 5 MΩ resistor is 4250 V / most pd is across the 5 MΩ

resistor / small pd across air gap ✔

Current is produced and the pd across the air gap is 250 V✔

Current is produced and the pd across the air gap is 250 V✔



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5. (a) λ = 656 nm ✔
Power of 10 error allow 2

Use of E=hc/λ ✔ = 3.0 × 10–19 (J)

Allow ecf for wrong choice of wavelength

E/ 1.6 × 10–19

= 1.9 (1.88) (allow 1sf if correct)

Treat as skill mark – allow conversion for any value of E

(b) They are (just) free ✔

Allow released from atom

(c) This is the ground state ✔


This is the lowest level an electron can occupy

Allow lowest energy state
Condone level for state
Allow description of ground state

(d) To become free / to remove an electron (reach zero energy) energy

has to be supplied ✔


Energy decreases from 0 as electrons move to lower energy

levels/relate to energy needed to move from that state to 0
Electrons release energy as they move lower
Zero is the maximum energy

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(e) The mark scheme gives some guidance as to what statements
are expected to be seen in a 1 or 2 mark (L1), 3 or 4 mark (L2)
and 5 or 6 mark (L3) answer. Guidance provided in section 3.10
of the ‘Mark Scheme Instructions’ document should be used to
assist in marking this question

Mark Criteria
6 All three aspects analysed. 6 marks can be
awarded even if there is an error and/or parts of
one aspect missing.
5 A fair attempt to analyse all 3 aspects. If there are
a couple of errors or missing parts then 5 marks
should be awarded.
4 Two aspects successfully discussed, or one
discussed and two others covered partially. Whilst
there will be gaps, there should only be an
occasional error.
3 Two aspects discussed, or one discussed and
two others covered partially. There are likely to be
several errors and omissions in the discussion.
2 Only one aspect discussed successfully, or
makes a partial attempt at 2 or all 3.
1 None of the three aspects covered without
significant error.
0 No relevant analysis.
The following statements are likely to be present.
A Reason for high potential difference
pd accelerates electrons/produces high speed / high energy
electrons in the tube L1
electrons have to have sufficient energy to excite the atoms/raise
electrons into higher levels L3
B Relation between spectrum and energy level diagram
Visible spectrum results from excited electrons moving into the
lower level at -3.4 eV L3
Each transition results in a photon of light L2
Energy of photon is the difference in the energies of the two levels
Frequency of light in the spectrum given by ∆E = hf L1
C Relevant calculation clearly communicated
Gives an example: eg the lowest frequency is due to a transition
from the -1.5 eV level to the -3.4 level L1
Uses an energy difference to deduce one of the wavelengths: eg
energy difference in J = 3 × 10–19 L2
λ = hc/E = 660 nm L2

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(a) 7.3(4) × 105 ✔
Numerical answer (in terms of powers of 10) must match unit
prefixes where used
Penalise rounding errors (733944.9541)

C kg–1 ✔
Do not allow use of solidus in unit:
C / kg
Condone a capital k or lower case c but not a capital g

(b) (1300 (eV) =) 2.08 × 10–16(J)


2.1 × 10–16(J) ✔

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(c) Correct answer of 3.59 × 107 gains 3 marks (without working)

(Number of Xe ions per second) =

OR 1(.01) × 1019 seen ✔

Ecf from part (b)

(Mass of Xe ions per second)

= 2(.2) × 10–6 ✔
Ecf from part (b)


(Total number of Xe ions) =

OR 3.6 × 1026 seen ✔

Ecf from part (b)

(total energy available)

3.6 × 1026 × (ans to (b)) OR 7.5(4) × 1010 ✔

Ecf from part (b)

If both ‘methods’ attempted, restrict marks awarded to optimum


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(d) Speed of He ions will be greater ✔

(Momentum depends on mass and speed, although) He (has higher

speed) has (considerably) less mass, therefore less momentum
(gained by He ion during the acceleration) ✔

He ion exerts less thrust (on spacecraft therefore xenon is better)


Xenon ion exerts more thrust (on spacecraft therefore xenon is

better) ✔
Must address these points
Other points (e.g. He smaller so more can be stored) are neutral: no
credit awarded
Must be clear about which ion candidate is discussing
Condone use of terms such as ‘heavier’ / ‘lighter’

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The mark scheme gives some guidance as to what statements are expected to be seen in
7. a 1 or 2 mark (L1), 3 or 4 mark (L2) and 5 or 6 mark (L3) answer. Guidance provided in
section 3.10 of the ‘ Mark Scheme Instructions’ document should be used to assist in
marking this question.

Level Criteria QoWC

L3 Good discussion of both elements in The student presents relevant

5−6 marks question with at least 4 points information coherently, employing
mentioned in each element structure, style and sp&g to render
meaning clear. The text is legible.

L2 Good discussion with at least 3 The student presents relevant

3−4 marks points in one element and 2 points in information and in a way which
the other element assists the communication of
meaning. The text is legible. Sp&g
are sufficiently accurate not to
obscure meaning.

L1 Discussion of one element only The student presents some relevant

1−2 marks incorporating at least two points. information in a simple form. The text
is usually legible. Sp&g allow
meaning to be derived although
errors are sometimes obstructive.

0 Unsupported combination or no The student’s presentation, spelling,

relevant analysis punctuation and grammar seriously
obstruct understanding.

• Energy from collision of charged particles transfers to
electrons in gas molecules.
• Electrons excited to higher energy levels.
• The more energy the electrons absorb the higher the energy
levels reached.
• Electrons are unstable at higher energy levels so will fall back
• When it falls down it will emit a photon.
Formation of spectral lines
• Photon energy = hf/ or photon energy proportional to
• Spectral lines are at specific wavelengths.
• Each spectral line corresponds to an electron falling down to a
lower energy state.
• Energy gap, ΔE = hc/λ
• Larger energy gap means higher energy photon is emitted so
shorter wavelength or vice versa.
Responses with no mention of photons are likely to receive zero

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(a) (i) electrons passing through tube collide with electrons in mercury atom ✔
Allow mercury atoms collide with each other
transferring energy / atom gains energy from a collision ✔
causing orbital electrons / electrons in mercury atom to move to higher
energy level ✔
Atomic electrons move from ground state

(ii) (each) excited electron / atom relaxes to a lower (energy) level ✔

allow excited electron / atom de-excites / relaxes
Allow excited electron / atom relaxes to ground state
Condone moves for relaxes
emitting a photon of energy equal to the energy difference between the levels ✔

(b) coating absorb (uv) photons (causing excitation) / (uv)photons collide with electrons in the
coating (causing excitation) / electrons in coating are excited
allow atoms in coating absorb (uv) photons (causing excitation)
Atomic electrons de-excite indirectly to previous lower level (and in doing so emit lower
energy photons) ✔
Owtte (must convey smaller difference between energy levels in a
transition) cascade

(a) (i) ultraviolet / UV / UV light / ultra(-)violet ✓

9. 1

(ii) electron( in ground state ) has moved / in to higher (energy) level / shell / orbital
/ state OR up level / shell / orbital / state ✓
Ignore reference to photons

(iii) (free) electrons collide with orbital electrons / mercury electrons / electrons in
atom ✓
transferring energy ✓
Ignore any reference to photons

(iv) (mercury) atoms have discrete / fixed / specific energy levels ✓

when electrons change levels they lose an exact / fixed / specific / discrete / set
amount of energy OR photons emitted with exact / fixed / specific / discrete /
set amount of energy ✓
(leading to photons of) fixed / particular / certain / discrete / specific / unique
frequencies ✓
Each mark independent
Don't accept characteristic for 3rd mark
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(b) (i) (use of λ = c / f)
f = 3 × 108 / (254 × 10−9) ✓
f = 1.18 × 1015 (Hz) ✓
AE penalty if give answer to 1 sig fig

(ii) (use of E = hf)

E = 6.63 × 10-34 × 1.18 × 1015 = 7.82 × 10−19J ✓
E = 7.82 × 10-19 / 1.6 × 10−19 ✓ = 4.9 (4.875) eV
CE part (i)
Range 4.8 − 5.0 acceptable

(c) coating absorbs photons / uv light ✓

and re-emits (photons) of low(er) energy / long(er) wavelength / low(er) frequency ✓
Ignore any description of mechanism

(a) (i) when electrons/atoms are in their lowest/minimum energy (state) or

10. most stable (state) they (are in their ground state)

(ii) in either case an electron receives (exactly the right amount of) energy

excitation promotes an (orbital) electron to a higher energy/up a level

ionisation occurs (when an electron receives enough energy) to leave

the atom

(b) electrons occupy discrete energy levels

and need to absorb an exact amount of/enough energy to move to a higher level

photons need to have certain frequency to provide this energy or e = hf

energy required is the same for a particular atom or have different energy levels

all energy of photon absorbed

in 1 to 1 interaction or clear a/the photon and an/the electrons


(c) energy = 13.6 × 1.60 × 10−19 = 2.176 × 10−18 (J)

hf = 2.176 × 10−18

f = 2.176 × 10−18 ÷ 6.63 × 10−34 = 3.28 × 1015 Hz 3 sfs


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(a) (i) an electron/atom is at a higher level than the ground state (1)
or electron jumped/moved up to another/higher level

(ii) electrons (or electric current) flow through the tube (1)

and collide with orbiting/atomic electrons or mercury atoms (1)

raising the electrons to a higher level (in the mercury atoms) (1)

(iii) photons emitted from mercury atoms are in the ultra

violet (spectrum) or high energy photons (1)

these photons are absorbed by the powder or powder changes

frequency/wavelength (1)

and the powder emits photons in the visible spectrum (1)

incident photons have a variety of different wavelengths (1)

max 3

(b) (i) (use of E = hf)

–0.26 × 10–18 – 0.59 × 10–18 (1) = 6.63 × 10–34 × f (1)

f = 0.33 × 10–18/(6.63 × 10–34) = 5.0 × 1014 (Hz) (1)


(ii) one arrow between n = 3 and n = 2 (1) in correct direction (1)



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Examiner reports
This question assessed the understanding of excitation and ionisation and also the photoelectric
1. effect.

(a) This objective question was correctly answered by the majority of students (66%).

(b) This question produced very good discrimination. Many students were able to explain
satisfactorily that an exact amount of energy was needed to excite an electron to a higher
energy level. Linking this to why the photon needed an exact amount of energy, whereas
the free electron only needed a minimum, was more challenging. The idea that all the
photon’s energy was absorbed was better understood than the reason why the incident
electron only needed a minimum energy. It was common to see answers that made correct
statements but then went on to include a discussion of the photoelectric effect. Nearly 40%
of students gained no credit.

(c) This question was well done with nearly half the students scoring full marks.

(d) Performance in this multi-step calculation was disappointing, with over half the students
failing to score any marks. The photoelectric equation did seem well known but substitution
was a real issue for many. Students had to extract data from different sources and this
clearly caused them problems. A common error was a failure to convert the photon energy
to joule.

(a) There were a number of stages to this “show that” question. Because of its level of demand
2. the mark scheme was less stringent than usual about how “show that” calculations should
be presented. However, students should be encouraged to ensure they have fully
demonstrated how the answer is obtained. These pieces of advice should be considered:

• any equations used should be written with subjects seen at each stage of the
• mid-calculation rounding should be avoided;
• the answer should be quoted to more significant figures than the value they have
been asked to find.

(b) The main error seen, when using F = ma and equations of motion, was not taking into
account speed changing when calculating the time to stop. Students who identified the
questions as being set up for a “work done = change in kinetic energy” generally obtained
all marks (27.3%).

(c) Good students were able successfully to complete this calculation (23.1%) whereas lower
performing students appeared to have little appreciation of the problem and were able to
make only limited progress, by perhaps finding the number of ions or converting the energy
into electron volts.

(d) Students failed to gain marks here for a number of the following common reasons: dividing
the current by the time, using 2 × 1.6 × 10–19 for each charge carrier rather than 1.6 ×
10–19, and misremembering the prefix nano- as 10–12.

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(e) This question proved to be inaccessible to all but the very best students. Only 10.7% of
students managed to score anything on this item. The number of factors they had to
consider proved too challenging for most. Where students realised that ionisation occurred
when the alpha source was close enough, they often got confused about the effect this had
on the current in the circuit and the resistance and potential difference across the air gap.
Many students thought that an increase in current could only occur when the potential
difference across the air gap increased.

Most students (64.8%) were able to select the correct answer, with distractor A being the most
3. common wrong answer. These students did not take into account that the visible photon has a
smaller energy than the ultraviolet photon.

68.6% correct
This question gave students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding
5. of photons and energy in the context of a discharge tube. There was much evidence of confusion
with the more commonly tested fluorescent tube.

(a) Difficulties choosing the correct wavelength proved to be an obstacle for many students.
The award of the final mark was made without reference to the method. Some credit was
also awarded for students who made an error calculating the energy. The conversion to eV
proved difficult for some who decided to multiply rather than divide by the charge on the

(b) Many students found it difficult to describe the ‘free’ energy state and it is clear that this is
not an idea that is commonly discussed. Furthermore, many students had difficulties
interpreting an energy diagram with the zero at the top. It was common to see this energy
level referred to as the ground state because of this.

(c) Problems with the ‘upside-down’ scale persisted into this question, although a greater
percentage of students was able to identify the ground state.

(d) It was common to see the negative charge on the electron being given as the reason for
negative energy values. Other answers failed to get the mark if they were poorly expressed
so that it was unclear what was happening in terms of energy.

(e) Despite the extended writing question being the last on the paper, there was no indication
that students ran out of time or space. Generally, attempts to explain the reason for high
potential difference were often vague so that electrons being accelerated and those within
the atoms became confused. On the whole, better attempts were made to link the spectrum
and energy level diagrams. Several students used previously analysed data to help answer
the final part of this question. Common errors were seen with the introduction of the
photoelectric effect or fluorescent tube into the answer.

(a) A significant number of students had difficulty with this question. Common wrong answers
6. included:
• Mass divided by charge
• The charge = 53 × 1.6 × 10 -19 arriving at an answer = 3.9 × 107
Other students could not recall the units for specific charge; the coulomb and the joule
were common wrong answers. Students who did not express the unit using index notation
did not receive the mark.

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(b) Many students could not convert 1300 eV into its equivalent 2.1 × 10-16 J.
A common error seen was 1300 ÷ 1.6 × 10-19 = 8.125 × 1021

(c) A wide range in the quality of response seen here. Those who obtained 3 marks typically
presented their working in a way that demonstrated a good understanding of the calculation
required. Students who made some progress typically by determining the number of xenon
ions in 79 kg obtained some credit. There was a significant number of non-attempts seen.

(d) Some students thought that the helium ion had more charge than the xenon ion because
helium had a higher specific charge. On this basis, they stated that the helium ion had a
greater speed. Getting the correct relationship between specific charge and mass was a
sign of quality. Others thought that helium’s greater specific charge meant it had a greater
mass than xenon. Despite this error, students were still awarded the higher speed mark for
helium. Other students confused specific charge with activation energy and gave answers
in terms of combustion rates.
Students often confused the terms speed and acceleration. A common error was to state
that the acceleration of the helium ion was greater, without linking this to a greater speed.
Better students made reasoned arguments regarding the relationship between energy,
speed and momentum. Frequently, they stopped short of linking this to the thrust exerted
on the space craft. In these cases, the students would limit their answer to momentum
change of the propellant rather than relating this to the effect on the spacecraft.

Part (a)(i) was done well with almost 60 % of students achieving full marks. Many answers seen
8. were of a good standard with students choosing their words carefully to effectively communicate
the positions of the relevant electrons and each stage in the process. Students who fared less
well simply stated the mercury atom became excited without detailing how this affected electrons
within the atom. Other students were unaware of the process that led to the energy transfer with
lots of students stating that it was due to absorption of a photon rather than an electron-electron
collision. Part (a)(iii) was only completed to the desired standard by the most able of the
students. Weaker responses stated that the energy emitted was lower in relaxation even though
quite often the same energy level transition was quoted (ground to excited to ground). Higher
achieving students communicated the idea that the transitions in relaxation were between closer
lying energy levels resulting in a lower frequency photon being emitted.

Candidates often have problems when they are required to give extended written answers
9. explaining aspects of quantum phenomena. This question on the fluorescent tube certainly
provides evidence to support this.

While the calculations in part (b) were well done with full marks being obtained by a high
proportion of candidates, this was not the case with the qualitative questions that made up parts
(a) and (c). Candidates were generally able to explain the process of excitation and to apply this
to the fluorescent tube. They were less confident however, when explaining why the mercury
atom releases photons of characteristic frequencies. This question was often answered in
general terms which explained why atoms release photons but did not explain why the
frequencies of these photons where characteristic to atoms of particular elements such as

In part (c) about half the candidates realised that the coating absorbs the ultra violet photons but
very few stated that the photons emitted by the coating were of lower frequency and just
repeated the stem by stating that the coating emitted visible light.

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Many students were able to distinguish between excitation and ionisation successfully and also
10. to define the ground state. They clearly found the structured format of this question helpful.
However, students were not so good at explaining the process of excitation of atoms by the
absorption of photons. It was common to see muddled answers that confused the photoelectric
effect with excitation. The term work function was often used incorrectly in candidate responses
as was threshold frequency. A significant minority focused on the photon released after excitation
rather than the incident photon.

The calculation in part (c) was generally done well and most students gave answers to the
correct number of significant figures. A common error by some students was to fail to convert
electron volts to joules, this mistake limited them to a maximum of two marks.

Part (a) proved to be quite discriminating and less able candidates found it hard to explain the
11. process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube. There was also evidence
to suggest that some candidates think that excitation only occurs due to the absorption of
photons and seemed unaware that it can also happen by electron collision. Most candidates
seemed to appreciate that the mercury atoms emitted photons that were in the ultraviolet part of
the spectrum and that the coating changed the frequency of these although there was a
tendency to describe these photons as photons of light or coloured light rather than visible light.

Part (b) was answered well and the only common error was a failure to appreciate that the
energy levels were in Joules and that the value adjacent to each level needed to be multiplied by
10–18. A minority of candidates either emitted this factor or assumed that the energies were in
electron volts and multiplied them by 1.6 × 10–19.

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