The Photoelectric Effect 4 4576

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Name: ________________________ The photoelectric effect Class: ________________________

Date: ________________________

Time: 304 minutes

Marks: 254 marks


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The diagram shows some of the energy levels for a hydrogen atom.

An excited hydrogen atom can emit photons of certain discrete frequencies. Three possible
transitions are shown in the diagram.

(a) The transitions shown in the diagram result in photons being emitted in the ultraviolet,
visible and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

To which region of the spectrum do the emitted photons belong?

Tick (✔) the correct box for each transition, A, B and C.

Transition Ultraviolet Visible Infrared


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(b) Two ways to excite a hydrogen atom are by collision with a free electron or by the
absorption of a photon.

Explain why, for a particular transition, the photon must have an exact amount of energy
whereas the free electron only needs a minimum amount of kinetic energy.









(c) The surface of a sample of caesium is exposed to photons emitted in each of the three
transitions shown in the diagram.

The threshold frequency of caesium is 5.1 × 1014 Hz

Determine whether any of these transitions would produce photons that would cause
electrons to be emitted from the surface of caesium.





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(d) Photons each with energy 12.1 eV are incident on the surface of the caesium sample.

Calculate the maximum speed of electrons emitted from the caesium.

maximum speed = ____________________ m s–1

(Total 10 marks)

The graph shows how the maximum kinetic energy Ek of photoelectrons emitted from a metal
surface varies with the reciprocal of the wavelength λ of the incident radiation.

What is the gradient of this graph?

A c

B h

C hc

(Total 1 mark)

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Which statement suggests that electrons have wave properties?
Tick (✔) the correct answer.

Electrons are emitted in photoelectric effect experiments.

Electrons are released when atoms are ionised.

Electrons produce dark rings in diffraction experiments.

Electron transitions in atoms produce line spectra.

(Total 1 mark)

When light of a certain frequency greater than the threshold frequency of a metal is directed at
4. the metal, photoelectrons are emitted from the surface.
The power of the light incident on the metal surface is doubled.

Which row shows the effect on the maximum kinetic energy and the number of photoelectrons
emitted per second?

Number of photoelectrons emitted

Maximum kinetic energy
per second

A remains unchanged remains unchanged

B doubles remains unchanged

C remains unchanged doubles

D doubles doubles

(Total 1 mark)

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Line X on the graphs below shows how the maximum kinetic energy of emitted photoelectrons
5. varies with the frequency of incident radiation for a particular metal.

Which graph shows the results for a metal Y that has a higher work function than X?

(Total 1 mark)

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A beam of light of wavelength λ is incident on a clean metal surface and photoelectrons are
emitted. The wavelength of the light is halved but energy incident per second is kept the same.

Which row in the table is correct?

Maximum kinetic Number of

energy of the emitted photoelectrons emitted
photoelectrons per second

A Increases Unchanged

B Decreases Increases

C Increases Decreases

D Decreases Unchanged

(Total 1 mark)

(a) Describe what occurs in the photoelectric effect.





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(b) Violet light of wavelength 380 nm is incident on a potassium surface.

Deduce whether light of this wavelength can cause the photoelectric effect when incident
on the potassium surface.

work function of potassium = 2.3 eV


(c) The photoelectric effect provides evidence for light possessing particle properties.

State and explain one piece of evidence that suggests that light also possesses wave





(Total 8 marks)

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Electrons may be emitted when electromagnetic radiation is incident on a metallic surface
(a) The photoelectric equation is

hf = ϕ + Ek,

where h is the Planck constant and f is the frequency of the incident radiation.

Explain the meanings of

work function, ϕ ______________________________________________________


Ek _________________________________________________________________


(b) In a typical experiment to investigate the photoelectric effect, Ek was measured for photons
of different wavelengths, λ ,and the values in the table were obtained.

λ/nm 200 300 400 500 600

Ek × 10–19/J 6.72 3.30 1.68 0.66 0.05

(i) By rearranging the photoelectric equation, show that a graph of Ek (y-axis) plotted

against (x-axis) will give a straight line.




(ii) Use the above data to plot this graph on the grid provided and use your graph to
determine values for ϕ, in eV, and the Planck constant, h.






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(c) Using the same axes, sketch the graph which you would expect to obtain if the experiment
were repeated with a metal having a larger value of ϕ.

(d) In a simple demonstration of the photoelectric effect, a metal plate is given a negative
charge and illuminated with, in turn,

(i) red light from a laser,

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(ii) an ultraviolet lamp.

The ultraviolet lamp causes the plate to lose charge but the laser has no effect. Explain
why this is so.



(Total 15 marks)

In an experiment to demonstrate the photoelectric effect, a charged metal plate is illuminated with
9. light from different sources. The plate loses its charge when an ultraviolet light source is used but
not when a red light source is used.

What is the reason for this?

A The intensity of the red light is too low.

B The wavelength of the red light is too short.

C The frequency of the red light is too high.

D The energy of red light photons is too small.

(Total 1 mark)

Electromagnetic radiation incident on a metal surface can cause electrons to be emitted.

Which of the following statements is correct?

Every photon incident on the surface causes an electron

to be emitted.

B All the emitted electrons have the same energy.

The range of energy of the emitted electrons depends

on the intensity of the radiation.

If the incident radiation is of a single frequency, the

D number of electrons emitted per second increases if the
intensity of the radiation increases.

(Total 1 mark)

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The photoelectric effect can be demonstrated by illuminating a negatively charged plate, made
11. from certain metals, with ultraviolet (UV) light and showing that the plate loses its charge.

(a) Explain why, when ultraviolet light is shone on a positively charged plate, no charge is lost
by the plate.








(b) Threshold frequency and work function are important ideas in the study of the photoelectric

Tables 1 and 2 summarise the work functions of three metals and photon energies of three
UV light sources.

Table 1

Metal Work function /


Zinc 4.3

Iron 4.5

Copper 4.7

Table 2

Light source Photon energy /


1 4.0

2 4.4

3 5.0

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Discuss the combinations of metal and UV light source that could best be used to
demonstrate the idea of threshold frequency and the idea of work function.







(c) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy, in J, of the electrons emitted from a zinc plate when
illuminated with ultraviolet light.

work function of zinc = 4.3 eV

frequency of ultraviolet light = 1.2 × 1015 Hz

maximum kinetic energy ____________________ J


(d) Explain why your answer is a maximum.



(Total 12 marks)

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When comparing X-rays with UV radiation, which statement is correct?

A X-rays have a lower frequency.

B X-rays travel faster in a vacuum.

C X-rays do not show diffraction and interference effects.

Using the same element, photoelectrons emitted using

X-rays have the greater maximum kinetic energy.

(Total 1 mark)

Monochromatic radiation from a source of light (source A) is shone on to a metallic surface and
13. electrons are emitted from the surface. When a second source (source B) is used no electrons
are emitted from the metallic surface. Which property of the radiation from source A must be
greater than that from source B?

A amplitude

B frequency

C intensity

D wavelength
(Total 1 mark)

In a photoelectric experiment, light is incident on the metal surface of a photocell. Increasing the
14. intensity of the illumination at the surface leads to an increase in the

A work function

B minimum frequency at which electrons are emitted

C current through the photocell

D speed of the electrons

(Total 1 mark)

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Figure 1 shows a photocell which uses the photoelectric effect to provide a current in an external
15. circuit.

Figure 1

(a) Electromagnetic radiation is incident on the photoemissive surface.

Explain why there is a current only if the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation is
above a certain value.







(b) State and explain the effect on the current when the intensity of the electromagnetic
radiation is increased.





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(c) A student investigates the properties of the photocell. The student uses a source of
electromagnetic radiation of fixed frequency and observes that there is a current in the
external circuit.
The student then connects a variable voltage supply so the positive terminal is connected
to the electrode with a photoemissive surface and the negative terminal is connected to the
wire electrode. As the student increases the supply voltage, the current decreases and
eventually becomes zero. The minimum voltage at which this happens is called the
stopping potential. The student’s new circuit is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

The photoemissive surface has a work function of 2.1 eV. The frequency of the
electromagnetic radiation the student uses is 7.23 × 1014 Hz.

Calculate the maximum kinetic energy, in J, of the electrons emitted from the
photoemissive surface.

maximum kinetic energy = ____________________ J


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(d) Use your answer from part (c) to calculate the stopping potential for the photoemissive

stopping potential = ____________________ V


(e) The student increases the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation.

Explain the effect this has on the stopping potential.






(Total 12 marks)

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The maximum kinetic energy, Ek(max), of photoelectrons varies with the wavelength of
16. electromagnetic radiation incident on a metal surface.
This variation is shown in the graph.

(a) (i) Define the term work function.




(ii) Show that the work function of the metal is approximately 4 × 10−19 J.

Use data from the graph in your calculation.


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(b) Monochromatic radiation is incident on the metal surface.
Photoelectrons are ejected with a maximum speed of 4.6 × 105 m s−1.

Determine the wavelength of the incident radiation.

wavelength ____________________ m
(Total 8 marks)

Sodium metal has a work function of 2.28 eV. An atom of sodium has an ionisation energy of
17. 5.15 eV.

(a) (i) State what is meant by work function.



(ii) State what is meant by ionisation energy.



(b) Show that the minimum frequency of electromagnetic radiation needed for a photon to
ionise an atom of sodium is about 1.2 × 1015 Hz.


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(c) Electromagnetic radiation with the frequency calculated in part (b) is incident on the surface
of a piece of sodium.

Calculate the maximum possible kinetic energy of an electron that is emitted when a
photon of this radiation is incident on the surface.
Give your answer to an appropriate number of significant figures.

maximum kinetic energy = ____________________ J


(d) Calculate the speed of an electron that has the same de Broglie wavelength as the
electromagnetic radiation in part (b).

speed = ____________________ m s–1

(Total 12 marks)

When ultraviolet light of frequency 3.0 × 1015 Hz is incident on the surface of a metal,electrons of
maximum kinetic energy 1.7 × 10–18 J are emitted.

(a) Explain why the emitted electrons have a range of kinetic energies up to a maximum value.







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(b) (i) Show that the work function of the metal is 1.8 eV.


(ii) Calculate the threshold frequency of the metal. Give your answer to an appropriate
number of significant figures.

threshold frequency____________________Hz

(c) (i) State and explain the effect on the emitted electrons of decreasing the frequency of
the incident radiation whilst keeping the intensity constant.





(ii) State and explain the effect on the emitted electrons of doubling the intensity of the
incident radiation whilst keeping the frequency constant.




(Total 13 marks)

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The work function of sodium is 2.28 e V.
(a) State what is meant by the term work function.




(b) Calculate the threshold frequency for sodium.

threshold frequency ____________________ Hz

(Total 5 marks)

(a) When monochromatic light is shone on a clean cadmium surface, electrons with a range of
kinetic energies up to a maximum of 3.51 × 10–20 J are released. The work function of
cadmium is 4.07 eV.

(i) State what is meant by work function.





(ii) Explain why the emitted electrons have a range of kinetic energies up to a maximum






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(iii) Calculate the frequency of the light. Give your answer to an appropriate number of
significant figures.

answer = ____________________ Hz

(b) In order to explain the photoelectric effect the wave model of electromagnetic radiation was
replaced by the photon model. Explain what must happen in order for an existing scientific
theory to be modified or replaced with a new theory.



(Total 12 marks)

(a) State what is meant by the photoelectric effect.





(b) Violet light of wavelength 380 nm is incident on a potassium surface.

(i) Calculate the energy of a photon of this light.



photon energy ______________________ J


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(ii) Show that this photon can cause the photoelectric effect when incident on the
potassium surface.

work function of potassium = 2.3 eV





(c) The potassium surface is now given a positive charge.

Explain why no photoelectric effect is observed.





(Total 8 marks)

When a clean metal surface in a vacuum is irradiated with ultraviolet radiation of a certain
22. frequency, electrons are emitted from the metal.

(a) (i) Explain why the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons has a maximum value.





(ii) Explain with reference to the work function why, if the frequency of the radiation is
below a certain value, electrons are not emitted.





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(iii) State a unit for work function.


(b) Light energy is incident on each square millimetre of the surface at a rate of
3.0 × 10–10 J s–1. The frequency of the light is 1.5 × 1015 Hz.

(i) Calculate the energy of an incident photon.

answer = ______________________ J

(ii) Calculate the number of photons incident per second on each square millimetre of the
metal surface.

answer = ______________________

(c) In the wave theory model of light, electrons on the surface of a metal absorb energy from a
small area of the surface.

(i) The light striking the surface delivers energy to this small area at a rate of
3.0 × 10–22 J s–1.
The minimum energy required to liberate the electron is 6.8 × 10–19 J.
Calculate the minimum time it would take an electron to absorb this amount of

answer = ______________________ s

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(ii) In practice the time delay calculated in part c (i) does not occur. Explain how this
experimental evidence was used to develop the particle model for the behaviour of




(Total 12 marks)

(a) When illuminated with electromagnetic waves, a metal surface can exhibit the photoelectric
23. effect. The maximum wavelength that causes the emission of photoelectrons with zero
kinetic energy is 6.8 × 10–7 m.

(i) Show that the threshold frequency for the surface is approximately 4.4 × 1014 Hz.






(ii) Show that the work function for the surface is approximately 2.9 × 10–19 J.







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(iii) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted from the surface when it
is illuminated with ultraviolet radiation of frequency 7.8 × 1014 Hz.






maximum kinetic energy ____________________ J


(b) Explain why the photoelectric effect cannot be explained by the wave theory of light.






(Total 8 marks)

When monochromatic light is shone on a clean metal surface, electrons are emitted from the
24. surface due to the photoelectric effect.

(a) State and explain the effect on the emitted electrons of

(i) increasing the frequency of the light,





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(ii) increasing the intensity of the light.





(b) The wave model was once an accepted explanation for the nature of light. It was rejected
when validated evidence was used to support a particle model of the nature of light.
Explain what is meant by validated evidence.





(c) The threshold frequency of lithium is 5.5 × 1014 Hz.

(i) Calculate the work function of lithium, stating an appropriate unit,





answer ____________________

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(ii) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons when light of
frequency 6.2 × 1014 HZ is incident on the surface of a sample of lithium.







answer ____________________ J
(Total 12 marks)

When light of a certain frequency is shone on a particular metal surface, electrons are emitted
25. with a range of kinetic energies.

(a) Explain
• in terms of photons why electrons are released from the metal surface, and
• why the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons varies upto a maximum value.

The quality of your written communication will be assessed in this question.













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(b) The graph below shows how the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons varies with the
frequency of the light shining on the metal surface.

(i) On the graph mark the threshold frequency and label it f0.

(ii) On the graph draw a line for a metal which has a higher threshold frequency.

(iii) State what is represented by the gradient of the graph.


(c) The threshold frequency of a particular metal surface is 5.6 × 1014 Hz. Calculate the
maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons if the frequency of the light striking the metal
surface is double the threshold frequency.

answer = ____________________ J
(Total 13 marks)

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The diagram below shows the apparatus used to demonstrate the photoelectric effect. A clean
26. zinc plate is placed on the cap of a gold leaf electroscope. The plate is then charged negatively
and both visible and ultraviolet radiation are shone onto the plate. The gold leaf is seen to fall.

(a) Explain why the gold leaf falls.






(b) A clear sheet of glass, placed between the radiation sources and the zinc plate, absorbs
some of the radiation.

(i) Which type of radiation is absorbed?


(ii) Explain why this effect stops the gold leaf from falling further.




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(c) The glass sheet is removed and the zinc plate is now charged positively. Again visible and
ultraviolet radiation are shone onto the surface. Suggest why the gold leaf does not fall.





(d) Calculate the maximum speed of electrons emitted when radiation of wavelength 320 nm is
shone onto a caesium plate.

work function of caesium = 3.04 × 10–19 J

maximum speed ____________________ m s–1

(Total 9 marks)

(i) Calculate the longest wavelength of electromagnetic radiation that will cause photoelectric
27. emission at a clean lithium surface.
work function for lithium φ = 4.6 × 10–19 J

Longest wavelength = ____________________ m


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(ii) Calculate maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted when electromagnetic radiation
of frequency 8.5 × 1014 Hz is incident on the surface.

Maximum energy = ____________________ J

(Total 6 marks)

The apparatus shown in the figure below can be used to demonstrate the photoelectric effect.
28. Photoelectrons are emitted from the metal cathode when it is illuminated with white light which
has passed through a blue filter.

You may be awarded additional marks to those shown in brackets for the quality of written
communication in your answers to parts (a) and (b).

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(a) The intensity of the light source is reduced. State and explain the effect of this on the
emitted photoelectrons.





(b) Explain why no photoelectrons are emitted when the blue filter is replaced by a red filter.





(c) When a metal of work function 2.30 × 10–19 J is illuminated with ultraviolet radiation of
wavelength 200 nm, photoelectrons are emitted.


(i) the frequency of the ultraviolet radiation,



(ii) the threshold frequency of the metal,




(iii) the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons, in J.




(Total 11 marks)

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(a) Explain what is meant by the term work function of a metal.


(b) In an experiment on the photoelectric effect, the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted
photoelectrons is measured over a range of incident light frequencies. The results obtained
are shown in the figure below.

(i) A metal of work function Φ is illuminated with light of frequency f. Write down the
equation giving the maximum kinetic energy, EK, of the photoelectrons emitted in
terms of Φ and f.

EK =

(ii) Use the data in the figure to determine the work function of the metal.





(iii) Determine the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons when the frequency of
the incident radiation is 2.5 × 1015 Hz.





(c) The experiment is repeated but with the light incident on a metal of lower work function.
Draw a new line on the figure that results from this change.
(Total 10 marks)

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(a) The photoelectric effect is represented by the equation
hf = + E k.
What does Ek represent?



(b) A metal plate is illuminated with electromagnetic radiation of wavelength 190 nm.
The metal has a work function of 7.9 × 10–19 J.

(i) Calculate the frequency of the incident electromagnetic radiation.




(ii) Show that the metal plate will emit photoelectrons when illuminated with radiation of
this wavelength.





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(iii) The radiation incident on the metal plate remains at a constant wavelength of 190 nm
but its intensity is now doubled.
State and explain the effect this has on the emitted photoelectrons.

You may be awarded marks for the quality of written communication in your answer.








(Total 8 marks)

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In the apparatus shown, monochromatic ultraviolet radiation is incident on the surface of metal X.
31. Photoelectrons are emitted from X and are collected at electrode Y.

(a) Calculate the work function of X, given that each photon in the incident radiation has
3.2 × 10–19 J of energy.
The maximum kinetic energy possessed by a single photoelectron is 2.1 × 10–19 J.




(b) The source of the incident radiation is replaced with a new source. The wavelength of the
radiation from the new source is half the wavelength of the original radiation.

Calculate the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons.



(Total 6 marks)

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(a) When monochromatic light is incident on a particular metal plate, electrons are emitted.
32. The intensity of the light is then increased.


(i) why the maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electrons does not change,





(ii) why the number of electrons emitted per second increases.





(b) A potassium metal plate is illuminated with incident light of wavelength 5.10 × 10–7 m. The
work function of potassium is 3.58 × 10–19 J.

(i) Show that the frequency of the incident light is approximately 6 × 1014 Hz.




(ii) Calculate the energy, in J, of an incident photon.




(iii) Calculate the maximum kinetic energy, in J, of an emitted electron.





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(iv) The table gives the work function of four metals.

metal work function/J × 10–19

caesium 3.04

silver 7.57

sodium 3.94

tungsten 7.33

Which of these metals would emit electrons when illuminated with light of wavelength
5.10 × 10–7 m?

(Total 10 marks)

(a) When monochromatic light is incident on a metal plate, electrons are emitted only when the
33. frequency of the light exceeds a certain threshold frequency. Explain, in terms of energy,
why this threshold frequency exists.






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(b) A sodium metal surface is illuminated with incident light of frequency 9.70 × 1014 Hz.
The maximum kinetic energy of an emitted electron is 2.49 × 10–19 J.


(i) the wavelength of the incident light,



(ii) the energy, in J, of each incident photon,



(iii) the work function, in J, of sodium,



(iv) the work function, in eV, of sodium.


(Total 10 marks)

(a) (i) State what is meant by the wave-particle duality of electromagnetic radiation.


(ii) Which aspect of the dual nature of electromagnetic radiation is demonstrated by the
photoelectric effect?




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(b) A metal plate is illuminated with ultra violet radiation of frequency 1.67 × 1015 Hz. The
maximum kinetic energy of the liberated electrons is 3.0 × 10–19 J.

(i) Calculate the work function of the metal.






(ii) The radiation is maintained at the same frequency but the intensity is doubled. State
what changes, if any, occur to the number of electrons released per second and to
the maximum kinetic energy of these electrons.

number per second ______________________________________________

maximum kinetic energy __________________________________________

(iii) The metal plate is replaced by another metal plate of different material. When
illuminated by radiation of the same frequency no electrons are liberated. Explain
why this happens and what can be deduced about the work function of the new





(Total 10 marks)

(a) The photoelectric effect is represented by the equation

hf = Φ + Ek.

Name the following terms and explain their significance in this equation.

Φ _________________________________________________________________



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Ek ________________________________________________________________



(b) In the photoelectric apparatus shown, the incident ultraviolet radiation has a wavelength of
220 nm and the current is 2.0 μA.

(i) Give the value of the current when the intensity of the incident radiation is doubled
whilst keeping the wavelength constant.


Explain your answer, stating any assumptions you make.





(ii) The wave length of the incident radiation is now increased and at 350 nm the current
falls to zero. Calculate the threshold frequency and Φ.

threshold frequency ______________________________________________


Φ ____________________________________________________________
(Total 10 marks)

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Mark schemes
Transition Ultraviolet Visible Infrared
A ✔
B ✔
C ✔
all correct 1 mark

energy needed for electron to move to higher level/orbital ✔
for a transition/excitation/change of levels an exact amount of energy is needed ✔
all the photon’s energy absorbed( in 1 to 1 interaction) ✔
electron can transfer part of its energy (to cause a transition/excitation)/ continues moving/
lower kinetic energy/ lower speed ✔
Any implication of photoelectric effect max 1
Accept one energy level to another

(c) (use of φ = hf0)

φ = 6.63 × 10–34 × 5.1 × 1014 ✔ (= 3.38 × 10–19)
φ = 3.38 × 10–19/1.6 × 10–19 = 2.1(1) (eV) ✔
φ = 6.63 × 10–34 × 5.1 × 1014 ✔(= 3.38 × 10–19 )
energy in J 10.2 ×1.6 × 10–19 = 1.63 × 10−18 ✔
energy levels in J = 10.2 ×1.6 × 10–19= 1.63 × 10–18 ✔
photons frequencies giving this energy= 2.46 × 1015 ✔
If see 2.1 get these first two marks
2 → 1 / C possible ✔
Last mark dependent on previous 2

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(d) (use of hf = φ + Ek)
12.1 × 1.6 × 10–19 = 2.1 × 1.6 × 10–19 + Ek ✔
Ek = 1.6 × 10–18(J) ✔
v = √(2 × 1.6 × 10–18/9.11 × 10–31) ✔(= 1.9 × 106 m s–1)
Photoelectric equation must be used
Ecf for third mark their calculated kinetic energy having used
photoelectric equation even if not converted eV to J or frequency to
Correct answer gets (1.9 × 106 m s–1) full marks


3rd box
(Electrons produe dark rings in diffraction experiments) ✔




(a) Photons of light incident on the metal surface cause the emission of electrons ✔
The electrons emitted are those near the surface of the metal✔

(b) Use of = hc / λ condone errors in powers of 10✔

5.2 × 10−19J✔

Converts their energy in J to eV or work function to J

photon energy = 3.3 eV or work function = 3.7 × 10−19J✔

Compares the two values and draws conclusion✔


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(c) Diffraction effects (spreading of light) when light passes through a single slit


interference patterns (light and dark fringes) using two slits or diffraction grating✔

Only waves diffract and interfere✔


8. (a) ϕ is minimum energy needed to remove electron (1)

Ek is maximum energy of emitted electron (1)

(b) (i) Ek = hf – ϕ

f= ∴ Ek = hc – ϕ (1)

cf y = mx + c (1)


λ / nm 200 300 400 500 600

Ek × 10–19 J 6.72 3.30 1.68 0.66 0.05

0.0050 0.0033 0.0025 0.0020 0.0017

values correct (1)

both axes correctly labelled (1)

five points correctly plotted (1)
sensible scale and straight line (1)

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graph for this question

from intercept, ϕ = 3.3 × 10–19 J (1) = 2.1 eV (1)

h= = 6.7 × 10–34 J s (1)

(max 9)

(c) straight line to right of present curve (1)

parallel to it (1)

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(d) ultraviolet high frequency (1)
above f0 for emission (1)
[or red light low frequency (1)
below f0 for emission (1)]

[alternative (d)
ultraviolet [red light] photon energy is high [low] (1)
above [below] work function (1)]


10. D

(a) The process involves the ejection of electrons which are negatively charged. ✓
11. 1

Any electrons ejected will only make the positive charge greater. ✓

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(b) The mark scheme gives some guidance as to what statements are expected to
be seen in a 1 or 2 mark (L1), 3 or 4 mark (L2) and 5 or 6 mark (L3) answer.
Guidance provided in section 3.10 of the ‘ Mark Scheme Instructions’ document
should be used to assist in marking this question.

Mark Criteria QoWC

6 Both ideas fully The student presents

analysed, with full relevant information
discussion of coherently, employing
alternatives. structure, style and
sp&g to render meaning
5 Both ideas analysed clear. The text is legible.
with supporting
discussion but without

4 Both ideas analysed, The student presents

with one dealt with relevant information and
satisfactorily and the in a way which assists
other with some the communication of
supporting discussion meaning. The text is
legible. Sp&g are
3 Both ideas analysed, sufficiently accurate not
with only one dealt with to obscure meaning.

2 One idea analysed with The student presents

some supporting some relevant
discussion information in a simple
form. The text is usually
legible. Sp&g allow
1 One idea analysed, with
meaning to be derived
little supporting
although errors are
sometimes obstructive.

0 Unsupported The student’s

combination or no presentation, spelling,
relevant analysis punctuation and
grammar seriously
obstruct understanding.

The following statements are likely to be present.

To demonstrate threshold frequency:
The metal should be kept the same, and the light source varied.
Using any metal, and light sources 1 and 3,
no charge will be lost with light source 1
but charge will be lost with light source 3
because light source three has a greater photon energy
and therefore frequency (from E=hf)
and is above the threshold frequency
as the photon energy is greater than the work function of the metal

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but light source 1 has a photon energy less than the work function
of the metal
so its frequency is below the threshold frequency.
To demonstrate work function
The light source should be kept the same, and the metal varied
Use light source 2 as the other two will either cause all three metals
to lose their charge, or none of the metals to lose their charge.
Use each metal in turn, so that zinc loses its charge, due to its low
work function, but copper and iron do not lose their charge.

(c) Work function in joules = 1.6 x 10-19 x 4.3 = 6.9 x 10-19 J ✓

The first mark is for converting the work function into J

Use of hf = work function + KEmax

The second mark is for substituting into the photoelectric equation

KEmax = hf – work function

= (6.63 x 10-34) x (1.2 x 1015) + 6.9 x 10-19 ✓
= 7.9 x 10-19 – 6.9 x 10-19
= 1.0 x 10-19 J ✓
The third mark is for the final answer
Allow 1.1

(d) The work function is the minimum amount of energy needed to remove the electron
from the zinc surface ✓
Reference to max ke corresponding to emission of surface
electrons whilst electrons from deeper in the metal will be emitted
with smaller ke




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(a) energy of photon ✔
15. 1
is greater than the work function ✔
so electrons are emitted ✔
if correct reference to threshold frequency and no mention of work
function then only score one of first two marks and can be awarded
third mark

(b) increased intensity means more photons incident per second ✔

only need to see per second once
current greater OR more electrons emitted per second ✔
rate of photons incident OK (or rate of electrons emitted)

(c) (use of hf = ∅ + Ek)

∅ = 2.1 × 1.6 × 10−19 = 3.36 × 10−19 ✔(J)
if incorrect or no conversion to J then CE for next two marks
Ek = 6.63 × 10−34 × 7.23 × 1014 − 3.36 × 10−19
Ek = 1.4(3) × 10–19 ✔(J)

(d) (use of eV = Ek)

Vs = 1.43 × 10−19 /1.6 × 10−19 = 0.89 (V) ✔
CE from 05.3
RANGE 0.70 – 0.90

(e) stopping potential would be greater ✔

because the energy of the photons (of the electromagnetic
radiation) would be greater ✔
(hence) maximum kinetic energy of (photo)electrons would be greater ✔

(a) (i) Energy required to remove an electron

16. Minimum energy required to remove an electron from a (metal) surface

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(ii) Read off λ = 550 (nm)
Use of E = hc / λ or E = hf and c = f λ
3.6 × 10-19
Reads st of coordinates correctly
Use of hc/λ=Φ + Ek(max)
3.6 × 10-19(J)

(b) Ek = 9.6 × 10-20

J converted to eV / 0.6 eV
4.35 to 4.40 × 10-7 (m), using graph

Ek = 9.6 × 10-20 or Φ = 6.4 × 10-19(J)

hc/λ = 4.96 × 10-19 (using given value in (aii))

or 4.6 × 10-19 using calculated value
or f = 7.5 × 1014(Hz)

4 × 10-7 to 4.4 × 10-7 (m)

Allow ecf for second mark only (i.e. for adding incorrect KE to work

(a) (i) the minimum energy required by an electron✓

to escape from a (metal)surface✓
if refer to atom / ionisation zero marks

(ii) the (minimum) energy to remove an electron(from an atom)✓

from the ground state✓

(b) (use of hf = eV)

6.63 × 10-34 × f = 5.15 × 1.60 × 10-19✓

f= ✓= 1.24 × 1015(Hz)

if no working and 1.24 × 1015(Hz) 1 mark


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(c) (use of hf = Ek + Φ)
Φ = 2.28 × 1.60 × 10-19 = 3.648 × 10-19 (J) ✓
Ek = 5.15 × 1.60 × 10-19 - 3.648 × 10-19= 4.59 × 10-19 J ✓✓
3 sig figs
if clearly used 1.2 × 1015 then final answer must be to 2 sig. figs. for
last mark to be awarded
accept 4.57 in place of 4.59

(d) (use ofc = fλ )

λ= = 2.42 × 10-7✓

v = h / mλ = 6.63 × 10-34 / (9.11 × 10-31× 2.42 × 10-7

v = 3010 m s-1✓✓
first mark minimum working ‒ determination of wavelength
bald answer gets 2 marks
range to 3 sig figs 2900 ‒ 3030

(a) energy of photon is constant / fixed OR energy given to electron is fixed

18. energy required for electron to leave / escape / emit from the surface / metal
OR electron has to overcome work function
maximum kinetic energy is the energy of photon minus the work function
deeper electrons require energy to get to the surface OR have less Ek than surface
mention of energy levels means can only score first mark
photoelectric equation alternative for third mark if φ and hf defined
3 max

(b) (i) (use of E = hf)

energy of photon = 6.63 × 10−34 × 3.0 × 1015 = 1.989 × 10−18 (J)
work function = hf− Ek = 1.989 × 10−18 − 1.7 × 10−18 = 2.89 × 10−19
work function = 2.89 × 10−19 / 1.6 × 10−19 = (1.8 eV)
hf gets first mark even if in wrong equation

(ii) work function = hf0

f0 = 1.8 × 1.6 × 10−19 / 6.63 × 10−34 = 4.3 × 1014 (Hz) (2 sig figs)
2 sig . fig stand alone mark
Accept 4.4 × 1014

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(c) (i) decrease the energy of( incident) photons
decrease the maximum kinetic energy of electrons
decrease the energy of( incident) photons
hence fewer deeper electrons escape
below threshold frequency
no electrons emitted
as energy of each photon decreases but intensity is constant ( there are more
photons / sec)
number of emitted electrons(/sec) must increase
for last two alternatives must get first mark before can qualify for
second mark

(ii) increase in photons cause increase in (emitted) electrons

double number of electrons / photons OR reference to rate /per second
if refer to energy levels / atoms can only award first mark

(a) Minimum energy to remove an electron


from a (metal) surface


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(b) Converts 2.28 (e V) to 3.6 × 10−19 (J) / 2.28 × 1.6 × 10−19

Condone minus sign here on energy or

Use of hf = ȹ0

e.g. f = 2.28 / h (will need to see subject)

or 2.28 = 6.6(3) × 10−34 × f or f =

2.28 / 6.6(3) × 10−34 (will need to see subject )

Makes f subject or substitutes correctly for h and ȹ0


allow equivalent substitution into hf = ȹ0 + KEmax where KE = 0

Penalise minus sign on answer

(f =) 5.5(0) × 1014 (Hz) cao


(a) (i) minimum energy required

to remove electron from metal (surface) OR cadmium OR the material

(ii) photons have energy dependent on frequency OR energy of photons constant

one to one interaction between photon and electron

Max KE = photon energy – work function in words or symbols

more energy required to remove deeper electrons


(iii) (use of hf = Ø + Ek(max))

6.63 × 10–34 × f = 4.07 × 1.60 × 10–19 + 3.51 × 10–20

f = 1.04 × 1015 (Hz) OR 1.03 × 1015 (Hz) (3 sig figs)


(b) theory makes predictions tested by repeatable/checked by other

scientists/peer reviewed (experiments) OR new evidence that is repeatable/
checked by other scientists/peer reviewed

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(a) release of electrons from (metal) surface when electromagnetic
21. radiation is incident on the surface


(b) (i) use of c = f λ/ or f = 7.9 × 1014 seen (condone

power of ten)


correct sub into E = hf (condone power of ten error)


5.2(3) × 10–19 (J)


(ii) work function = 2.3 × 1.6 × 10–19 (3.7 × 10–19)

or converts 5.2 × 10–19 to 3.27 eV


allow conversion to frequency if comparison made

less than answer to (b) (i) so yes (based on

comparison of cna) (allow ecf from (b) (i))


(c) surface attracts negative electron back to positive surface


photons have insufficient energy/energy required increased


(a) (i) hf is energy available/received or same energy from photons (1)

energy required to remove the electron varies (hence kinetic
energy of electrons will vary) (1)

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(ii) (work function is the) minimum energy needed to release
an electron (1)
(or not enough energy to release electron)

below a certain frequency energy of photon is less than

work function or energy of photon correctly related to f (1)

(iii) joule (1) (accept eV)


(b) (i) (use of E = hf)

energy = 6.63 × 10–34 × 1.5 × 1015 (1)
energy = 9.9 × 10–19 (J) (1)

(ii) number of photons per second = 3.0 × 10–10/9.9 × 10–19 (1)

number of photons per second = 3.0 × 108 (1)


(c) (i) (time taken = 6.8 × 10–19/3 × 10–22)

time taken = 2.3 × 103 s (1)


(ii) light travels as particles/ photons (1)

(or has a particle(like) nature)

(which transfer) energy in discrete packets (1)

or 1 to 1 interaction
or theory rejected/modified (in light of validated evidence)

(a) (i) f = c/λ seen in this form


4.41 × 1014 seen


(ii) Φ = hf


2.917 × 10–19 to 2.93 × 10–19 seen


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(iii) h(7.8 × 1014) – their (ii)


2.2 × 10–19 (J) to 2.3 × 10–19 (J)


(b) no photoemission below threshold frequency (even with

bright light)


wave theory would allow gradual accumulation of energy

to cause emission


(a) (i) the (maximum) kinetic energy/speed/velocity/momentum

24. of released electrons increases (1)

this is because increasing the frequency of the photons increases

their energy or correct application of photoelectric equation (1)

(ii) the number of electrons emitted (per second) increases (1)

because there are now more photons striking the metal surface
(per second) (1)

(b) experiment/observation needs to be performed (to test a theory) (1)

the results of (the experiment) need to be proved/repeatable/replicated/

confirmed (1)

[or threshold frequency (1) could not be explained by the wave

model (1)]

(c) (i) (use of = hf0)

–34 × 5.5 × 1014 (1)
= 6.63 × 10
= 3.65 × 10 (1) J (1)

(ii) Ek = 6.63 × 10–34 × 6.2 × 1014 (1) – 3.65 × 10–19 (1)

Ek = 4.6 × 10–20 J (accept 5.1 × 10–20 J) (1)


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QWC descriptor mark

good- The candidate provides a comprehensive and logical 5-6

excellent explanation which recognises that light consists of photons of
energy hf and that an electron at or near the metal surface
can only gain the energy of a single photon when it interacts
with a photon. In addition, the candidate should recognise the
significance of the work function (of the metal) in this context
in relation to the maximum kinetic energy that an emitted
electron can have. The candidate should also provide some
indication of why the kinetic energy of an emitted electron
may be less than the maximum kinetic energy. Although the
term ‘work function’ might not be defined or used, the
candidate’s explanation should clearly state that each
electron needs a minimum amount of energy to escape from
the metal.

modest- The candidate provides a logical and coherent explanation 3-4

adequate which includes the key ideas including recognition that light
consists of photons of energy hf and that an electron at or
near the metal surface can only gain the energy of a single
photon when it interacts with a photon. In addition, the
candidate should be aware that each electron needs a
minimum amount of energy to escape from the metal. They
should appreciate that the kinetic energy of an emitted
electron is equal to the difference between the energy it gains
from a photon and the energy it needs (or uses) to escape
from the metal. However, the explanation may lack a key
element such as why the kinetic energy of the emitted
electrons varies.

poor- The candidate provides some correct ideas including 1-2

limited recognition that light consists of photons of energy hf and that
electrons in the metal (or at its surface) absorb photons and
thereby gain energy. Their ideas lack coherence and they fail
to recognise or use in their explanation the key idea that one
photon is absorbed by one electron.

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The explanations expected in a good answer should include most of the following
physics ideas

energy is needed to remove an electron from the surface

work function φ (of the metal) is the minimum energy needed by

an electron to escape from the surface

light consists of photons , each of energy E = hf

one photon is absorbed by one electron

an electron can escape (from the surface) if hf > φ

kinetic energy of an emitted electron cannot be greater than hf – φ

an electron below the surface needs to do work/uses energy to reach

the surface

kinetic energy of such an electron will be less than hf – φ

(b) (i)

(ii) parallel line, higher threshold frequency (1)(1)

(iii) Planck’s constant (1)


(c) (use of hf0 = )

hf = 6.63 × 10–34 × 2 × 5.6 × 1014 (1)

= 3.7(1) × 10–19 J (1)

Ek = 2 × 3.7 × 10–19 – 3.7 × 10–19 = 3.7 × 10–19 J (1)


(a) energy in uv is greater than work function of zinc (1)


photoelectrons emitted so electroscope discharges (1)


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(b) (i) uv (1)


(ii) (visible has) lower frequencies or (visible energy)

less than work function (1)


(c) higher voltage means harder for electrons to leave

zinc (owtte) (1)


(d) use of photoelectric equation (1)


correct selection of h, c and me (1)


correct ½ mv2 (3.1 × 10–19) (1)


8.3 × 105 (1)


(i) recognition that work function = hf0 or hc/λ0 (1)

rearrangement or correct substitution of values (1)

4.3 × 10-7 m (1)

(ii) Einstein’s equation seen or used (1)

work function subtracted from energy of incident photon (1)

1.0(1) × 10-19 J (1)


(a) intensity determines the number of photons per second (1)

28. fewer photoelectrons per second (1)
(individual) photon energies are not changed (1)
with no change in the (kinetic) energy/speed (1)
one photon interacts with one electron (1)

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(b) energy of a photon is proportional to frequency (or E = hf) (1)
photon of red light has less energy than a photon of blue light
[orfred <fblue or λred > λblue] (1)
the energy is insufficient to overcome the work function of the metal
[or the frequency is below the threshold frequency] (1)

(c) (i) Hz (1)

(ii) (1)

=3.5 × 1014Hz (1)

(3.47 × 1014Hz)

(iii) (use of gives)

Ex = (6.63 x 10-34 x 1.5 x 1015) - 2.3 x 10-19 (1)

7.6 × 10–19 (J) (1)

(7.645 × 10–19(J))
(allow C.E for value of f from (i))

(a) minimum (energy/work done) (1)

29. energy required to remove an electron from
the surface (of the metal) (1)

(b) (i) Ek = hf – (1)

f0 = 0.50 × 1015 (Hz) (1)

(= hf0) = 6.6 × 10–34 × 0.50 × 1015 (1)

= 3.3 × 10–19 J (1)

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(ii) (use of Ek = hf – gives)
Ek = (6.6 × 10–34 × 2.5 × 1015) – 3.3 × 10–19 (1)

= 1.3(2) × 10–18 J (1)

(allow C.E. for incorrect value of from (ii))

[or (using gradient = h = ∆Ek/∆f)

∆Ek = 6.6 × 10–34 × 2 × 1015 (1)

= 1.3(2) × 10–18 J (1)]


(c) same gradient (1)

drawn above existing line with smaller x intercept (1)

(a) (Ek =) maximum (1)

30. kinetic energy of the (emitted) (photo) electrons (1)

(b) (i) (use of f = gives) f =

= 1.6 × 1015 Hz (1) (1.58 × 1015 Hz)

(ii) energy of incident photon (= hf) = 6.6 × 10–34 × 1.6 × 1015

or 1.1 × 10–18 (J) (1)

(allow C.E. for value of f from (i))

(use of f = 1.58 × 1015 gives energy = 1.04 × 10–18 (J))

incident energy is greater than the work function (1)

[or threshold frequency (= )=

= 1.2 × 1015 (Hz) (1)

(incident) frequency is greater than the threshold frequency (1)]

(iii) number of photons per sec is doubled

(maximum) photon/electron (kinetic) energy is constant
number (of photoelectrons) emitted (per second) is increased
(or doubled)
one photon collision with one electron (any three) (1) (1) (1)

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(a) (use of hf = + Ek gives) 3.2 × 10–19 = + 2.1 × 10–19
= 1.1 × 10–19 (1) J (1)

(b) incident energy of each photon is doubled

6.4 × 10–19 = 1.1 × 10–19 + Ek
Ek = 5.3 × 10–19 J (1)

(a) (i) the energy of a photon does not depend on the intensity (1)
32. so electron gains no extra energy
[or the energy is dependent on the wavelength / frequency] (1)

(ii) the intensity of the light determines the number of photons per second (1)
one photon interacts with one electron
[or hence more interactions with electrons] (1)

(b) (i) (use of c = fλ gives) f = (1)

= 5.88 × 1014 (Hz) (1)

(ii) (use of E = hf gives) E = 6.63 × 10-34 × 5.88 × 1014 (1)

(allow C.E. for value of f from (i))
= 3.9(0) × 10-19(J) (1)

(iii) (use of hf = ϕ + Ek gives) 3.9 × 10-19 = 3.58 × 10-19 + Ek (1)

(allow C.E. for value of E from (ii))
Ek = 3.2 × 10-20(J) (1)

(iv) caesium (1) (allow C.E. for value of E from (ii))


(a) the energy of each photon/the light increases with frequency (1)
33. electrons need a minimum amount of energy to leave the metal (1)
this amount of energy is equal to the work function (1)

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The Quality of Written Communication marks are awarded for the quality of answers
to this question.

(b) (i) (use of ν = fλ gives) λ =

= 3.09 × 10–7m (1)

(ii) (use of E = hf gives) E = 6.63 × 10–34 × 9.70 ×1014 (1)

= 6.43 × 10–19(J) (1)

(iii) (use of hf = ϕ + Ek gives) 6.43 × 10-19 = ϕ + 2.49 × 10-19 (1)

(allow C.E. from (b)(ii))

ϕ = 3.94 × 10-19(J) (1)

(iv) ϕ= = 2.46 (eV) (1) (allow C.E. from (b)(iii)


(a) (i) electromagnetic radiation behaves either as a particle or as a wave (1)

(ii) (electromagnetic radiation) behaves as a particle (1)

(b) (i) hf = φ + Ek (1)

φ = (6.63 × 10–34 × 1.67 × 1015) – (3.0 × 10–19) (1)
= 8.1 × 10–19 (1) J (1) (8.07 × 10–19)

(ii) (number per second) doubled (1)

(maximum kinetic energy) remains constant (1)

(iii) (all) electrons have insufficient energy to leave the (new) metal (1)
the work function of the (new) metal is greater than hf
[or the work function of the (new) metal is greater than
that of the original metal] (1)

The Quality of Written Communication marks were awarded primarily for the
quality of answers to this part.

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35. (a) Φ : work function (1)
minimum energy (1)
required to remove an electron (from the photocathode) (1)
(or energy required to remove electron from surface)

maximum kinetic energy (1)

Ek of emitted (photo)electron (leaving the metal) (1)


(b) (i) 4.(0) μA (1)

doubling the intensity doubles the number of photons (per se) (1)
(which) doubles the number of electrons released (per se) (1)
current = rate of flow of charge (1)
assume one photon liberates one electron (1)
(or assume all the photoelectrons are collected) (1)

(ii) (f0 = c/λ0 gives) f0 = 3.0 × 10–8/350 × 10–9 (1)

= 8.6 × 1014 Hz (1) (8.57 × 1014 Hz) (1)

(Φ = hf0 gives) Φ = 6.6(3) × 10–34 × 8.57 × 1014 (allow e.c.f. for f0)

= 5.7 × 10–19 J (1) (5.68 × 10–19 J) (1)

(max 5)

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Examiner reports
This question assessed the understanding of excitation and ionisation and also the photoelectric
1. effect.

(a) This objective question was correctly answered by the majority of students (66%).

(b) This question produced very good discrimination. Many students were able to explain
satisfactorily that an exact amount of energy was needed to excite an electron to a higher
energy level. Linking this to why the photon needed an exact amount of energy, whereas
the free electron only needed a minimum, was more challenging. The idea that all the
photon’s energy was absorbed was better understood than the reason why the incident
electron only needed a minimum energy. It was common to see answers that made correct
statements but then went on to include a discussion of the photoelectric effect. Nearly 40%
of students gained no credit.

(c) This question was well done with nearly half the students scoring full marks.

(d) Performance in this multi-step calculation was disappointing, with over half the students
failing to score any marks. The photoelectric equation did seem well known but substitution
was a real issue for many. Students had to extract data from different sources and this
clearly caused them problems. A common error was a failure to convert the photon energy
to joule.

Most students (67.8%) were able to relate this gradient to the hc.
Students should be reminded to make it clear which answer they have chosen, and to avoid
3. putting marks in more than one box. It was very accessible, with over 70% obtaining the mark.

The most frequently selected distractor was B, accounting for 30% of the responses. It would
4. benefit students to emphasise that the maximum kinetic energy depends only on the frequency
of the incident radiation and the work function of the metal surface. Increasing the power, without
changing the frequency, will only increase the number of photons incident on the surface every
second, and will not increase the energy each photon carries. It would have had to have been
clearly stated that the frequency had been doubled as a means of doubling the power for
distractor B to have been the answer.

This question was little more than recall of the features of the graph of maximum kinetic energy
5. against frequency of incident radiation. Over 60% of students correctly selected the correct

Many candidates found part (a) to be straightforward and did it well. Those candidates who failed
usually omitted the words ‘minimum’ and ‘maximum’. A few candidates thought that Ek was the
maximum energy of a photon.

In general, part (b)(i) was answered well, but several candidates failed because they omitted the
speed of light from the relationship between frequency and wavelength. Most candidates
calculated the 1 / λ values correctly in part (b)(ii), but some (including those who used dot
notation to indicate recurring figures) lost a mark for incorrect use of significant figures. Other

incorrect notations included × 10–3 and × 10–3. Graphs were usually plotted reasonably

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with axes correctly labelled, points correctly plotted and a straight line drawn. Many candidates
knew how to calculate φ and h, but few could deal with powers of ten correctly, particularly when
given nm–1 as a starting point. Notable omissions in part (b)(ii) were the units of h and the 10–19
factor when reading the intercept for φ.

Answers given to this question on the photoelectric effect provided evidence of the tendency of
15. some students to not present full arguments when applying physics principles. In part (a) most
students identified that electrons needed to leave the surface but the linking of this to the
frequency of the radiation was quite vague. Responses that failed to mention photons were
common and many did not emphasise the importance of the work function. It was not unusual to
see discussions that confused the photoelectric effect with the excitation and ionisation of
electrons in individual atoms. It was a similar story in (b) where the majority of students realised
that the current would increase but then failed to explain why in terms of the increased number of
photons striking the metal surface per second. The calculation in part (c) was generally well done
with nearly three-quarters of students scoring full marks. Surprisingly, far fewer were then able to
use their correct answer from (c) to calculate the stopping potential in (d). Part (e) was another
example of incomplete arguments. The majority did appreciate that the stopping potential would
increase but were unable to give complete explanations for this effect. Better responses did link
this increase to maximum kinetic energy but it was very rare to see answers explaining that this
was due to greater energy transfer by photons.

(a) (i) Most appreciated that the work function was the energy to remove an electron. Fewer
16. went on to explain that work function was the minimum energy required and that it
refers to electrons at the surface.

(ii) This was generally well done with a high proportion of correct answers. Incorrect read
offs from the graph and incorrect powers of 10 were the main causes of failure to
complete this part successfully.

(b) Fewer students used the approach of calculating the energy in J, converting to eV and then
reading from the graph than the second approach in the marking scheme. Those who used
either approach often lost marks due to mixing up energies in J and eV and/or having
problems handling powers of 10.

This question on quantum phenomena linked the photoelectric effect with ionisation, two topics
17. which often cause confusion to students. The first parts of the question required students to
explain work function and ionization energy. Good explanations were commonly seen but there is
still the tendency for students to link work function to electrons escaping from individual atoms.

The remainder of the questions were quantitative and the majority of the calculations involved
proved to be accessible. The conversion of electron volts to joules was widely understood and a
high proportion of students were able to show that the frequency of radiation required for
ionisation was about 1.2 × 1015 Hz. The calculation of the maximum kinetic energy of the
electrons emitted had a similar high facility. In this calculation however, students were required to
quote their answer to an appropriate number of significant figure. This did present a problem to
some as although three significant figures are warranted from the data, if they used 1.2 × 1015 Hz
rather than their calculated value, only two should be quoted.

The final calculation of the de Broglie wavelength presented much more of a challenge and only
the more able students were able to do this correctly. Weaker students attempted to use the
equation for kinetic energy or to use the frequency of the photon instead of calculating the

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This question was concerned with aspects of the photoelectric effect and this is a topic which has
18. caused candidates real problems in previous series. This also proved to be the case in this

Part (a) was not well answered and only about 5% of candidates scored full marks. In a
significant proportion of scripts confusion with excitation was apparent and this restricted
candidates to the first mark. Another common error was to assume that the photons had a range
of energies and this led to a range of kinetic energies.

Part (b) was more quantitative in nature and as has been the case in the past, candidates
performed better with a much higher proportion of candidates scoring full marks.

Part (c) was less well done and only the more able candidates were able to explain convincingly
the effects of decreasing frequency and increasing intensity on electron emission. It was
common to see answers which discussed threshold frequency rather than giving more general
answers which covered the reduction in frequency above this limit.

(a) Performance of candidates in this question exemplifies performance across the paper as a
19. whole.

The better candidates were able to produce a well-structured definition of the meaning of
the work function. Others had a limited recall of the definition often omitting that it was the
minimum energy or that it was a surface phenomenon.

(b) Over 10% of candidates did not attempt this question.

Of those who did make a start most achieved at least one mark. The most common error
here was a failure to realise that 2.8eV had to be converted into joules. Correct answers
were well-laid out with little to no spurious calculations seen.

Students have found questions on the photoelectric effect quite challenging in previous series. In
20. view of this it was pleasing to see more confident answers this time around. The explanation of
work function and the calculation were well answered by a significant proportion of students.
Explanations of the range of kinetic energies were less sound and as has been the case in the
past there was frequent confusion between the photoelectric effect and excitation of electrons
from discrete energy levels. The idea of validated evidence which was required in part (b), seems
now to be well understood.

Many candidates were unable to answer part (a) with sufficient detail. Often these candidates did
21. not include that this is a surface phenomenon and were penalised.

The calculation in part (b) (i) was performed well with most candidates achieving full credit. The
most common error made by those who attempted the calculation was an incorrect conversion of
the wavelength for nm to m.

In part (b) (ii), many candidates were unable to correctly convert 2.3 eV into joules or made no
attempt to convert the work function but then compared 5.2(3) × 10–19 J with 2.3 eV.

Part (c) was answered poorly, with many candidates stating that there were no electrons left or
that the photoelectric effect can only occur when the emitting surface is negative. Very few
candidates were able to explain the lack of photoelectrons from an energy perspective.

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The initial parts of this question caused considerable problems to candidates. They found it very
22. difficult to explain why the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons had a maximum value and also
fully explain the link between photon energy, work function and maximum kinetic energy. The
idea that some electrons require more energy to be emitted than others did appear to be well
understood. Candidates also had a tendency to confuse the photoelectric effect with excitation
and ionisation. Evidence from this and previous papers suggests that this is a topic candidates
find very difficult and this is particularly true when they are required to explain aspects of the

Parts (b) and (c) proved much more accessible and candidates used the various relevant
equations confidently. Full marks for calculations were quite common. Part (c) (ii), which
assessed How Science Works, did confuse some candidates. When this happened, candidates
tended to explain the significance of validated evidence in general terms, rather than how it was
used to develop the particle model of light.

Many candidates found the calculations in part (a) to be accessible. However, candidates should
23. be aware that simply getting the correct answer in not sufficient when they have been asked to
‘show that’. In these cases they must be clear with their selection of equations, manipulation,
substitution and in dealing with powers of ten. They should also quote their answer to a greater
degree of provision than number mentioned in the question in order to demonstrate that they
have performed the calculation completely. There were a surprising number of candidates that
did not attempt this part of the question.

Answers to part (b) were poor. It seems that candidates were familiar with the effect but they
were not able to articulate the logic of why it demonstrates that light, in this case, is not acting as
a wave.

Part (a) was answered reasonably well and candidates seemed to appreciate the effects of
24. changing the frequency and changing the intensity of the incident light. In the legacy
specification, this topic has often confused candidates and it was pleasing to see many confident
responses. A minority of less able candidates did confuse the meaning of frequency, taking it to
mean the rate of photon arrival rather than the frequency of individual photons.

Part (b) (iv) assessed How Science Works and candidates answered this question well,
demonstrating that the idea of validated evidence is well understood.

The calculation in part (c) was, for the most part, done well and identifying the unit for the work
function did not really cause many problems. The only common error occurred in part (c) (ii)
when the maximum kinetic energy was calculated by equating it to the photon energy and
ignoring the work function in spite of the fact that this had been successfully calculated in part (c)

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Part (a) was not answered well and there was much confusion as to the processes involved in
25. the photoelectric effect. However, a significant number of candidates confused the effect with
excitation and line spectra. Only a minority of candidates were able to explain why the kinetic
energy of the emitted electrons varied. A common response referred to the photons having a
variety of energies even though the question stated that the light had a certain frequency. Most
answers lacked significant detail such as the idea that a photon interacts with one electron and
how threshold frequency and work function are related.

This question assessed quality of written communication and it was clear that most candidates
appreciated that their answers needed a logical structure. However, few candidates were able to
give a coherent and comprehensive answer.

Part (b) generated better answers although a significant minority of candidates did not appreciate
the fact that the gradient of the maximum kinetic energy against frequency graph is the Planck

Part (c) proved more difficult than expected and a number of candidates calculated the energy of
the photon using the threshold frequency and failed to calculate the work function.

The question was well answered by a good number of candidates. Few however, explained
26. clearly that the energy of the uv photons exceeded the work function of the zinc plate ejecting
one electron per photon. Several candidates suggested that the leaf and stem would end up
being positively charged which would mean that the leaf fell. A number of candidates appeared
to believe that photons carry charge.

In part (b) (i), most candidates realised that it was the ultraviolet radiation being absorbed. Along
with more common incorrect responses of ‘visible’, ‘photons’ or ‘electromagnetic’, a small
minority of candidates suggested that it was alpha, beta or gamma radiation that was absorbed
by the glass.

There were many good answers to part (b) (ii) which explained that the visible light photons had
insufficient energy to overcome the metal’s work function. Other answers indicated that the
candidates may have understood the mechanism but did not explain it in sufficient detail to
convince the examiners of their understanding: typically candidates giving this type of answer
said little more than that it was ultraviolet which was causing the photoelectric effect.

Few candidates gave answers which demonstrated that they fully understood the concepts in
part (c). Many felt that although the plate was positively charged the leaf was negatively charged,
others that the positive charge meant that there was an excess of protons rather than a deficit of
electrons. A common belief was that all the electrons had been emitted in causing the plate to
become positively charged thus there were no electrons available for emission.

Part (d) was either well answered very, with candidates getting all the way through to the final
answer, or else very poorly answered, with hardly any attempt made to use the photoelectric
equation. Too often final answers were quoted to an unrealistic number of significant figures but,
in this instance, there were no mark penalties applied for this.

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Part (a) was answered very poorly. Most candidates realised that there were fewer
28. photoelectrons but this was rarely quoted as a rate and the reasons given were often suspect. It
was a commonly held view that the change in intensity changed the energy.

Part (b) produced better marks. The change in the frequency or wavelength was known to most
candidates and about 50% of them referred to the work function or threshold frequency. Less
able candidates just wrote about the wavelength being different, which was not acceptable.
Overall, candidates did not seem to be as knowledgeable in distinguishing between the effects of
intensity and frequency of the source as in previous examinations. Part (c) caused a few
problems for less able candidates because they were often confused between f0 and/

In defining work function in part (a), most candidates wrote about the energy required to eject an
29. electron from a metal, rather than referring to a minimum energy requirement.

More than 50% of the candidates tackled part (b) in a sensible way and chose the correct
frequency to use in each part. There was, however, plenty of scope for errors in powers of 10,
significant figures and units. Many candidates failed to realise that the threshold frequency was
0.5 × 1015 Hz from the graph. There were also a significant number of candidates who could not
attempt these calculations. In part (c), about 50% of the candidates drew the graph with
confidence, while the remainder simply made a guess.

Less able candidates gave the answer to part (a) as simply as ‘kinetic energy’. They obviously
30. had not responded to the two available marks. Apart from this it was quite common to see only
one mark being awarded because candidates would omit referring to it as the maximum kinetic
energy or as the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons. Some candidates even referred to
‘energy needed’, which showed a misunderstanding of the given equation.

Parts (b) (i) and (ii) proved difficult for the weaker candidates. Several tried to use the
photoelectric equation to determine the frequency and consequently became very confused. The
majority of candidates, however, knew how to tackle this question and showed that the kinetic
energy of the electron was positive. A minority of candidates took the alternative approach and
showed the incident frequency was greater than the threshold frequency. The explanation
required in part (b) (iii) used to be the type of question that produced wrong answers from the
majority of candidates, because very often they could not distinguish between the role of the
incident electromagnetic frequency and the role of the incident intensity. It is pleasing to report
that in this examination it was only the weaker candidates who showed this uncertainty. This was
one of the reasons for assuming that the present cohort of candidates were slightly better than

Part (a) caused problems for a significant number of candidates. It was common to find the
31. frequency of the incident radiation being calculated and then the value substituted back into the
photoelectric equation in order to calculate the energy. The unit of work function was often
incorrect, resulting in a lost mark.

Part (b) discriminated very well, even in the top ability range. For those candidates who failed on
this part, some of the more common errors were: taking the energy to be proportional to the
wavelength, doubling the value of the work function instead of doubling the incident energy of
each photon and basing the energy of the photon on the photoelectron energy.

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In part (a)(i) it was quite common to find candidates simply reiterating the question without
32. presenting any further information. This meant that the usual error in this type of question of not
distinguishing between intensity and frequency was seen less often than in previous
examinations, but unfortunately this was not due to an improvement in the understanding of the
topic. In part (a)(ii) only the better candidates considered more photons per second rather than
just more photons, and of these candidates only a fraction discussed the nature of the interaction
being that of one photon interacting with one electron.

The calculations in part (b) were generally well done and caused problems only for the weaker
candidates. Many candidates however, in parts (b)(ii) and (b)(iii), used the approximate value for
the frequency, given in part (b)(i), rather than the more accurate calculated value. This incurred a
penalty. There was also considerable incorrect use of significant figures at this point. Although
the calculations were generally correct the interpretation of the data obtained, which was
necessary for (b)(iv), was not of the same standard.

Traditionally, calculations connected with the photoelectric effect perform better than written
33. descriptions of the effect. Describing the event proved to be a skill not acquired by many of the
present candidates. There appeared to be a general lack of basic understanding of the
photoelectric effect which could not be attributed simply to a lack of communication skills. In part
(a) most candidates elected to repeat the information given in the question by continually
referring to the frequency of the photon rather than discussing the energy of the photon. It was
also clear that at least half the candidates could not distinguish between the process of emission
of an electron from a metal surface and ionisation of an atom.

The calculations in part (b) were, on the whole, performed well but some of the problems which
appeared were omitting the units in part (i) and weaker candidates wrongly converting J to eV in
part (iv) through multiplying rather than dividing by the charge e. There were a number of
significant figure errors in this part of the question.

Overall, the candidates had a sound understanding of the photoelectric effect and there was a
34. good response to part (a). The most common error was for candidates to refer to the
wave-particle duality of electrons rather than of electromagnetic radiation.

The calculation in part (b)(i) was carried out correctly by most candidates but a large number of
answers were presented without units. Good candidates had no difficulty with part (ii) but many
simply stated that “the number of electrons released per second increases”, rather than “the
number doubles”. Answers to part (iii) indicated that candidates seemed to have a much better
understanding of the photoelectric effect than those who sat the examination in January.
Pleasingly few candidates referred to electrons in shells, ionisation or the electronic bond with a
single atom. The weaker candidates often lost marks because they expressed ideas in an
unclear fashion, for example, “the work function needs to be higher in the new metal” was a
statement commonly seen.

Many candidates produced good, precise answers to part (a). However, a basic error was in
35. thinking that the photoelectron was removed from the atom rather than it being a free electron
near the surface of the metal. Part (b)(1) was the only section that was not answered well by the
majority of candidates. An answer of 2.0 μA for the current appeared as frequently as the correct
answer of 4.0 μA. The explanations offered were either vague and of the form ‘it is obvious they
are proportional’ or else were very confused in mixing up the properties of intensity and
frequency. Units were sometimes omitted in the answers to part (b)(ii).

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