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• Soil and Water in the Environment

- Different Types of Soil
- Uses of Water from Different Sources
• Weather - Components of Weather Conditions
- Weather Instruments Used to Measure Different Weather Components
- Weather Charts and Identifying Safety Precautions during Different Weather Conditions
• The Earth and The Sun
- The Sun as the Main Source of Heat and Light on Earth
I. Identify what type of soil the following plants will grow well on.

Sandy Clay Silty Loamy Peaty

________ 1. legumes

II. Choose the correct word inside the box.

Clay Soil Subsoil Bed Rock Peaty Soil Parent Material

Loamy Soil Top Soil Chalky Soil Geologists Organic Layer

________ 1. A kind of soil that is made up of sticky particles.

III. Check ( ) the statement that shows a way to conserve soil or water and cross
( ) if it does not.

_____ 1. Water the plants every hour.

IV. Tell what source of water in the community described in each number.
RW – Rainwater SA – Salt Water SW – Surface Water FW – Fresh Water
_____ 1. Major component of the water cycle.

V. Match the description provided in column A with the proper term in column B. Write the
letter of your answer for each number.
_____ 1. measures wind speed a. Weather Forecast
_____ 2. Persons who prepare weather reports b. anemometer

VI. Read the statements carefully. Underline your answer inside the parenthesis.
1. The temperature at which water vapor begins to turn to liquid is (dew point, vapor)

VI. Write TRUE if the statement is correct or FALSE if it is incorrect.

_______ 1. Too much exposure to sunlight is good for it gives us vitamin D.

VII. Identify the types of clouds in each statement. Write only the letter of your answer.
A – Stratus Clouds B – Cumulus Clouds C – Cirrus Clouds D – Nimbus Clouds
_____ 1. Horizontal and layered clouds stretching across the sky like blanket.

VIII. Enumeration
* Study about soil formation, layer of earth, weathers conditions, and cardinal directions.

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