Des Prob Baguio Solution

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A unique case because:

1) The lot area is not given; assumed as “infinite”

2) The new building is an “extension” although the details of the main building is not given.
3) To produce the building layout, the examinee must analyze and then form the spaces listed in
the problem into a rectangular shape.
4) RROW widths are not given
5) This problem (or similar) has appeared in all LEA’s since Ar. Robert Sac assumed the
chairmanship of BOA.




The Department of Education (Dep Ed) has decided to erect an extension facility on an available open
area inside the Baguio Teacher’s Camp. The project is a two-storey building extension that will mainly
serve as storage facility for the main administration office. The available open area is sloping down at
10% to the east, with a good view found at the southeast portion of the property.

Aside from storage, the other areas required to complement the main activity would include offices,
business centers and support services like toilets and locker areas, hallways, stairs and lobbies, etc. A
view deck shall also be provided to take advantage of the good view from this point.


Since the available open area is sloping down, cut-and-fill methods shall be done to establish the grade
level for both building footprint and parking area. Elevation point at southwest access entry is
established at +469.0m above sea level. Driveway shall be 6.0m wide and slopes down northward at
12%, whereby the level grade shall then be established 60.0m from the said access gate entry. Upon
reaching the grade level, the driveway turns right towards an open ground that will serve as
multipurpose area; this is also to accommodate parking and maneuvering of vehicles. The width of open
area is 20.0m

The building lies adjacent to the driveway after a 3.0m buffer (includes retaining wall). Its footprint
corner starts at 36.0m from the gate and extends to the other corner where the driveway leads to the
open area. A 4.0m hallway patio lies adjacent to this open area, from corner up to the lobby entry. This
patio actually serves as staging area (receiving/dispatching) for loading/unloading to/from the storage
areas. The first storage area is 40.0m wide and 20.0m deep. The second storage area is 20.0m x 20.0m.
Both storage areas have an 8.0m clear height for racking crates and sliding gate/door for convenient

The 3rd storage area shall be made part of the two-storey structure that includes the lobby (6.0m x
10.0m including staircase) and business center (12.0 x 14.0m). An additional 2.0m x 14.0m pantry area is
connected to the business center. The second floor above is 32.0m wide by 14.0m deep. At the back of
this two-storey structure is a view deck at grade level.
1. What is the footprint of the two-storey structure?
2. What is the footprint of the whole building?
3. What is the size of the smallest storage area?
4. What is the size of the view deck?
5. What is the length of open area if 6.0m setback is added at east end corner of the building?
6. If originally at level, what is the earth volume to be cut for the driveway to achieve the desired
7. How much earth shall be cut to achieve the desired grade for the whole multipurpose open
area? How much fill needed?
8. If the lot for this compound is defined as rectangle, what will be the TLA?
9. What is the zoning classification?
10. View deck excluded, how much earth shall be cut to achieve the desired grade of the building?
How much fill needed?


NBC Sec. 704.3 “Location on Property” – Buildings on Same Property and Buildings Containing Courts

“For the purpose of determining the required wall and opening protection, buildings on the same
property and court walls shall be assumed to have a property line between them. When a new building
is to be erected on the same property with an existing building, the assumed property line from the
existing building shall be the distance to the property line for each occupancy as set forth by the


1. List all given spaces and try to assemble them to form a rectangular building.
2. Develop the site features.
3. Determine the orientation.
4. Determine the elevation and slopes, then calculate for cut and fill requirements.
5. Review again! If possible, start from the beginning, highlight all important points on the problem
and recalculate.


1. List all given spaces and try to assemble them to form a rectangular building.
a. 4.0m Hallway Patio – serves as staging area, adjacent to the open area, from corner to
lobby entry
b. Storage Area 1 = 40 x 20 x 8 (height)
c. Storage Area 2 = 20 x 20 x 8 (height)
d. 2 Storey Structure
i. Lobby = 6 x 10
ii. Business Center = 12 x 14
iii. Pantry = 2 x 14 – connected to business center
iv. 3rd Storage Area = ?
v. Second Floor = 32 x 14
vi. View Deck = area ? – located @ back of the 2-storey structure, at grade level
2. Develop the Site Features

Since the available open area is sloping down, cut-and-fill methods shall be done to establish the grade
level for both building footprint and parking area. Elevation point at southwest access entry is
established at +469.0m above sea level (say this is the zero level). Driveway shall be 6.0m wide and
slopes down northward at 12%, whereby the level grade shall then be established 60.0m from the said
access gate entry. Upon reaching the grade level, the driveway turns right towards an open ground that
will serve as multipurpose area; this is also to accommodate parking and maneuvering of vehicles. The
width of open area is 20.0m

The building lies adjacent to the driveway after a 3.0m buffer (includes retaining wall). Its footprint
corner starts at 36.0m from the gate and extends to the other corner where the driveway leads to the
open area.


- The orientation of lot in respect to the building is not straight forward, therefore need careful
- RROW location/orientation is not given. It seems that the good starting point is the driveway
and the gate itself…
- Note: “gate” and “access entry” is used interchangeably in the problem. The same can happen in
the exam!
o Elevation point of gate/access entry is at +469.0m above sea level. The info is not
essential on answering the questions given, though in actual exam, you may be asked
other questions derived from this elevation. For time being, assume that this is the zero
o This access is located in the Southwest.
o This gate is connected to driveway and sloping downward at 12%, ends in a level grade
after 60.0m. This level grade is an open ground used as multipurpose area.
- Note: for purposes of plotting the site/building layout, do not consider the slope yet!

- You know the first corner, but we don’t know which of the 4 corners of the building should
coincide with it. And the problem does not say it directly!
o Look for “clues”
o The available open area is sloping down at 10% to the east, with a good view found at
the southeast portion of the property….
o ….A view deck shall also be provided to take advantage of the good view from this point.
o This only means that the View Deck, which was determined earlier, is in the SE portion
of the building.

- Note: in our experience, the area is a CORNER LOT. In this case, check out the location of the
RROW and apply FRONT setbacks on 2 sides adjacent to RROW.
- However, since there is no RROW, this could be a case of an END LOT.
- There is no need to apply additional setback adjacent to the driveway:

NBC Sec. 804.7

“Uncovered driveways, access rods and parking spaces may be considered part of the open space
provided that they are open and unobstructed from the ground upward as in courts and yards.

- Setbacks along the longitudinal part of the building easily exceeds the requirements (36m @
South, 20m @ North), no need to apply additional setbacks.
- Note: The question itself could provide additional clue. Item #5 says that the east setback is

Site Elevations
- Givens:
o The available open area is sloping down at 10% to the east – this is the initial situation
o Since the available open area is sloping down, cut-and-fill methods shall be done to
establish the grade level for both building footprint and parking area.
o Elevation point at southwest access entry is established at +469.0m above sea level (say
this is the zero level).
o Driveway shall be 6.0m wide and slopes down northward at 12%, whereby the level
grade shall then be established 60.0m from the said access gate entry.
- Strategy
o Cut and fill method is used; therefore, you need to determine the elevation of
multipurpose area from “0” level.
o Cut and fill so that ALL the lot area is in level with multipurpose area.
o Since driveway is sloping, determine the filled earth.

Final Condition

Initial Condition

Superimposing the 2 sites:

Understanding the initial and Final Sites

Volumes to be cut and filled

Cut volume removed


1. What is the footprint of the two-storey structure? 32 X 14 = 448 m2

2. What is the footprint of the whole building? 92 x 24 = 2,208 m2
3. What is the size of the smallest storage area? 12 x 10 = 120 m2
4. What is the size of the view deck? 32 x 10 = 320 m2
5. What is the length of open area if 6.0m setback is added at east end corner of the building?
(6 + 3 + 40 + 20 + 32 + 6) = 107 m
6. If originally at level, what is the earth volume to be cut for the driveway to achieve the desired
12% = H/60m; H = 7.2m
((7.2m x 60m)/2)x6) = 1,296 m3
7. How much earth shall be cut to achieve the desired grade for the whole multipurpose open
area? How much fill needed?
Note: this refers only to the multipurpose open area, not the whole TLA
Note: the 10% slope of the site extends to the end of the lot.
Total Height = 7.2 + (0.1 x 6) = 7.8m
Cut = ((78 x 7.8)/2) x 20m = 6,084 m3
Fill = ((29 x 2.9)/2) x 20m = 841 m3
8. If the lot for this compound is defined as rectangle, what will be the TLA? 107 x 80 = 8,560 m2
9. What is the zoning classification? “SPE”
10. View deck excluded, how much earth shall be cut to achieve the desired grade of the building?
How much fill needed?

H1 = (0.1 x 69) = 6.9m
H2 = (0.1 x 9) = 0.9m
Volume = ((6.9 x 69)/2) x 24) – ((0.9 x 9)/2 x 14) = 5,713.2 – 40.5 = 5,672.7 m3
H3 = (0.1 x 23) = 2.3m
Volume = ((23 x 2.3)/2 x 14) = 370.3 m3

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