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UG/CBCS/B.Sc./Hons./6th Sem.



B.Sc. Honours 6th Semester Examination, 2021

Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 60


The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

All symbols are of usual significance.

Answer all questions from the following 2×5 = 10

1. Let = {D1, D 2 , D 3} be the basis of C3 defined by D1 (1, 0,  1), D 2 (1, 1, 1),

D3 (2, 2, 0). Find the dual basis of .

2. Show that  3 is a prime element in the integral domain ℤ [  3] .

3. Find the orthogonal complement of W span {(1, 1, 1)} in the Euclidean space
ℝ3 with standard inner product.

4. Let (|) denotes the standard inner product on ℝ2. Let D (2, 1), E (1,  1). If P
is a vector such that (D | P ) 3 , ( E | P ) 2, then find P.

5. Show that 1– i is irreducible in ℤ [i ] .

Answer all questions from the following 10×3 = 30
6. (a) Use Gram-Schmidt process to obtain an orthogonal basis from the basis 4+3+3
{(1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (1, 3, 4)} of Euclidean space ℝ3 with standard inner product.
(b) Let ℝ3 be a Euclidean space with standard inner product and T : V ‘ V be
defined by T ( x, y, z) ( x  2 y, x  z, x  3 y  2 z ). Find T*, adjoint of T.

⎛1 1 1 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
(c) Find an orthonormal basis of the row space of the matrix ⎜ 2 3 1 1⎟
⎜1 2 3 1⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 1 2 1 ⎟⎠

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7. (a) Find all the maximal and prime ideals of ℤ10. 3+3+4
(b) Let D be a Euclidean domain with Euclidean valuation Q . If a | b and
Q (a ) Q (b), prove that a and b are associates in D.
(c) Is the integral domain ℤ [  5] {a  b  5 : a, b ± ℤ}, a unique factorization
domain? Justify your answer.

8. (a) Find a 3×3 matrix for which the minimal polynomial is x2. 5+5
(b) Let T be a linear operator on ℝ4 which is represented in the standard basis by the
⎛0 0 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
⎜a 0 0 0⎟
⎜0 b 0 0⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 0 c 0⎟
⎝ ⎠
Under what conditions, T is diagonalizable?

Answer all questions from the following 5×2 = 10
9. (a) Find the eigen values and corresponding eigenspace of the matrix kI5 . Generalize 4+1
the result for the matrix kI n .

(b) Show that the matrix ⎛⎜ 1 0 ⎞⎟ is not diagonalizable.

⎝5 1⎠

10. If N1, N 2 be any two normal operators such that either permutes with the adjoint 5
of the other, then prove that N1  N 2 and N1 N 2 are normal.

Answer all questions from the following 5×2 = 10
⎛1 0 0 0⎞
⎜ ⎟
1 1 0 0⎟
11. Find the minimal polynomial of the matrix ⎜ . 5
⎜0 0 2 0⎟
⎜0 0 0 2 ⎟⎠

12.(a) Use Cayley-Hamilton theorem to find A70 , where A ⎛⎜

1 1⎞
⎟. 2+3
⎝ 0 1⎠
(b) Let R be a ring of all real valued continuous functions defined on [0, 1] and
M { f ( x) ± R : f (1 5) 0}. Prove that M is a maximal ideal of R.


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UG/CBCS/B.Sc./Hons./6th Sem./Mathematics/MATHCC13/2022


B.Sc. Honours 6th Semester Examination, 2022

Time Allotted: 2 Hours Full Marks: 60

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

All symbols are of usual significance.

Answer any four questions from the following 3×4 = 12

1. Find all the prime ideals in the ring ℤ8.

2. Express the ideal 4ℤ + 10ℤ in the ring ℤ as a principal ideal of ℤ.

3. Show that 1  i is irreducible in ℤ [ i ] .

4. Give an example of a matrix A ± M 2 (ℝ) such that A has no eigenvalue.

⎛1 2⎞
5. Test for the diagonalizability of the matrix ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ in M 2 (ℝ).
⎝0 1⎠

6. If S1 and S 2 are two subsets of a vector space V such that S1 ° S 2 then prove that
S 20 ° S10 . Here S 0 denotes the annihilator of S.

Answer any four questions from the following 6×4 = 24

7. (a) Show that I {(a, 0) : a ± ℤ} is a prime ideal but not a maximal ideal in the ring 3
ℤ × ℤ.
(b) Prove that in an integral domain, every prime element is an irreducible element. Is 3
the converse true? Justify your answer.

8. (a) Show that 2  11i and 2  7i are relatively prime in the integral domain ℤ [ i ] . 3
(b) Prove that K [ x] is a Euclidean domain where K is a field. 3

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9. (a) Let B {E1 , E 2 , E 3} be a basis for ℝ3, where E1 (1, 0, –1), E 2 (1, 1, 1) and 3
E3 (2, 2, 0). Find the dual basis of B.
(b) Let W be the subspace of ℝ5 which is spanned by the vectors D1 = (2, –2, 3, 4, –1), 3
D 2 (–1, 1, 2, 5, 2), D 3 (0, 0, –1, –2, 3) and D 4 (1, –1, 2, 3, 0). Find W 0 .

10.(a) Let V be a vector space over a field F and T : V ‘ V be a linear operator. Suppose 3
FT (t ) and m(t ) are the characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial of T
respectively. Then prove that m(t ) divides F T (t ) .
(b) Prove that for all D, E in a Euclidean space V, 〈D , E 〉 0 iff 3
|| D  E ||2 || D ||2  || E ||2 .

11.(a) Let V be an inner product space and T be a linear operator on V. Then prove that T 4
is an orthogonal projection iff T has an adjoint T and T 2 T T .
(b) State Bessel’s inequality regarding an orthogonal set of nonzero vectors in an 2
inner product space V.

12.(a) Apply Gram-Schmidt process to the given subset S of the inner product 4
space V to obtain an orthonormal basis B for span (S), where V ℝ3 and
S {(1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1)}.
⎛0  2⎞
(b) Let A ± M 2 (ℝ), where A ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ . Show that A is diagonalizable. 2
⎝ 1 3 ⎠

Answer any two questions from the following 12×2 = 24

13.(a) Let R be an integral domain. Suppose there exists a function G : R \ {0} ⟶ ℕ0 such 6
that for all a, b ± R \ {0}, G (a b) – G (b) , where equality holds iff a is a unit. Then
prove that R is a factorization domain.
(b) If p be a nonzero non-unit element in a PID D, then prove that the following 6
statements are equivalent:
(i) p is a prime element in D.
(ii) p is an irreducible element in D.
(iii) 〈 p〉 is a nonzero maximal ideal of D.
(iv) 〈 p〉 is a nonzero prime ideal of D.

14.(a) Prove that the integral domains ℤ [ i n ] for n 6, 7, 10 are factorization domains 6
but not unique factorization domains.

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(b) Let V M n (ℝ) and B ± V be a fixed vector. If T is the linear operator on V 4

defined by T ( A) AB  BA and if f is the trace function, what is T t ( f ) ?
Here T t denotes the transpose of T.
(c) Let 〈 , 〉 be the standard inner product on ℝ2. Let D (1, 2) and E (1, 1) . If J 2
is a vector such that 〈D , J 〉 1 and 〈 E , J 〉 3 , find J.

15.(a) Let F be a field and f be the linear functional on F 2 , defined by 4

f ( x1 , x2 ) ax1  bx2 . Then find T t f , where T : F 2 ‘ F 2 is a linear operator
defined by T ( x1 , x2 ) ( x1  x2 , x1  x2 ) for all ( x1 , x2 ) ± F 2 .
(b) Find the minimal polynomial of the matrix A ± M 3 (ℝ), where 5

⎛ 4  2 2⎞
⎜ ⎟
A ⎜6 3 4⎟
⎜ 3  2 3⎟
⎝ ⎠
(c) Let T1 and T2 be two linear operators on an inner product space V. Then prove that 3
(T1 T2 ) T2 T1 .

16.(a) Let V be an n-dimensional inner product space and W be a subspace of V. Then 5

prove that dim(V ) dim(W )  dim(W A ) , where W A denotes the orthogonal
complement of W.
(b) Let T be a linear operator on a finite dimensional vector space V and let f (t ) be 4
the characteristic polynomial of T. Then prove that f (T ) T0 , where T0 denotes
the zero transformation.
(c) Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and W be a subspace of V. Then 3
dim(W 0 ) dim V  dim W .


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