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Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición 69 (2022) 144---148

Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición


Immunonutrition for the acute treatment of MELAS

Elizabeth Pérez-Cruz a,∗ , Carolina González-Rivera b ,
Luz del Carmen Gabriela Valencia-Olvera b

Metabolic Unit and Nutritional Support, Hospital Juárez de México, Mexico City, Mexico
Internal Medicine, Hospital Juárez de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Received 23 December 2020; accepted 25 March 2021

Available online 29 June 2021

KEYWORDS Abstract MELAS syndrome (Mitochondrial Encephalopathy, Lactic Acidosis and Stroke-like
MELAS syndrome; episodes) is one of the most frequent mitochondrial pathologies. Its diagnosis is based on the
Immunonutrition; classic triad of symptoms its acronym stands for and the presence of ragged red fibres. There is
Carnitine; currently no curative therapy for MELAS, and treatment focuses on managing complications that
Arginine affect specific organs and functions. However, some immunonutrients can be used as a thera-
peutic alternative in patients with MELAS. We present a scientific literature review accompanied
by the clinical case of a patient with dementia and seizures admitted to the intensive care unit.
© 2021 SEEN y SED. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

PALABRAS CLAVE Inmunonutrición para el tratamiento agudo del síndrome MELAS

Síndrome MELAS;
Inmunonutrición; Resumen El síndrome de encefalopatía mitocondrial, acidosis láctica y episodios similares a
Carnitina; un accidente cerebrovascular (MELAS) es una de las enfermedades mitocondriales más comunes.
Arginina El diagnóstico se basa en la existencia de las condiciones incluidas en el significado del acrón-
imo, más la presencia de fibras rojas rasgadas. No existe cura para el síndrome de MELAS, su
tratamiento se enfoca en controlar las complicaciones que afectan órganos y funciones especí-
ficas. Sin embargo, algunos inmunonutrientes se han utilizado como alternativa terapéutica en
pacientes con este síndrome. Presentamos una breve revisión de la literatura en relación con
el manejo nutricional del síndrome MELAS en un paciente con demencia y crisis convulsiva, que
fue atendido en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos.
© 2021 SEEN y SED. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: pece (E. Pérez-Cruz).
2530-0164/© 2021 SEEN y SED. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición 69 (2022) 144---148

Introduction On physical examination, the patient was alert with

normal physiological respiration, but he was not able
MELAS syndrome is one of the most frequent mitochon- to understand or repeat what was said to him or to
drial pathologies, with an incidence of 10---15 cases per name objects. The examination of the cranial nerves and
100,000 people.1,2 It is a maternally inherited neurode- campimetry by confrontation revealed no alterations, fun-
generative disease, associated with heteroplasmy, and dus without papilledema, central primary gaze, presence of
characterised by mitochondrial encephalomyopathy, lactic ductions and versions, isochoric pupils, presence of consen-
acidosis, and stroke-like episodes.3 Despite its acronym, sual photomotor reflex and facial symmetry; the remainder
it has a wide spectrum of clinical variability, including was not assessable. Furthermore, the patient showed 3/5
seizures, dementia, exercise intolerance, muscle weakness, muscle strength in all four extremities, without atrophy or
migraine, sensorineural hearing loss, peripheral neuropathy, fasciculations, and pectoral, tricipital, patellar and bilat-
recurrent vomiting and short stature.3---5 Although the mito- eral Achilles tendon stretch reflexes equivalent to +/++++.
chondrial structure of MELAS syndrome has been known for Other assessments included BP: 125/75 mmHg; HR: 76 bpm;
more than 40 years, the genomic mutation associated with RR: 18 rpm; temp.: 36.2 ◦ C; SaO2 : 97%; FiO2 : 21%: weight:
it was not described until 1988.4 42 kg; height: 155 cm; BMI: 17.5 kg/m2 .
MELAS diagnosis is based on the classic triad of symp- Laboratory tests reported potassium 4.8 mEq/l, sodium
toms its acronym stands for and the presence of ragged red 132 mEq/l, glucose 251 mg/dl, leukocytes 14,400 mm3 , neu-
fibres.4,5 At the molecular level, it is characterised by differ- trophils 13,210 mm3 , lymphocytes 880 mm3 , haemoglobin
ent mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, the most common 14.9 g/dl, platelets 327,000 mm3 . Arterial blood gas: pH
of them being the m.3243A>G mutation in the MT-TL1 gene 7.42, pCO2 19.5, pO2 86.4, SO2 95.9%, HCO3 12.6, anion gap
that encodes transfer RNA.3 18.5, lactate 3.7 mmol/l, glucose 255 mg/dl. Cerebrospinal
There is currently no curative therapy for MELAS. fluid (CSF) glucose 90 mg/dl, protein 53.9 mg/dl, cells 0 mm3
Its treatment focuses on managing neurological, cog- and hyperlactatemia.
nitive, metabolic, musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and In the non-contrast head computed tomography (CT),
cardiopulmonary complications in affected organs. Available partial calcifications in the subcortical nuclei and areas of
options mostly involve modulating mitochondrial autophagy, bilateral hypodensity that resemble gliosis were observed.
increasing mitochondrial biogenesis, and restoring the Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed hypointense
nitric oxide (NO) production and nucleotide pools. More lesions in T1, hyperintense lesions in T2, FLAIR (fluid-
recently, potential new treatments have been developed, attenuated inversion recovery) at the bilateral temporopari-
such as interventions modulating gene expression of the etal level, predominantly on the left, and a hyperintense
mitochondrial genome, and solid organ and stem cell trans- lesion in the cerebellar lobe. Based on the suspicion of
plantations. autoimmune encephalitis, treatment started with methyl-
Nutrient-enriched diets can be used to modulate prednisolone boluses, and VGKC antibodies were assessed:
the immune system, related to inflammation and anti-LGI1 and anti-NMDA vs. anti-CV2/CRMP5, anti-Hu and
metabolic pathways. These interventions are known as anti-Ma2 for detecting encephalitis of paraneoplastic origin.
‘‘immunonutrition’’.6 For instance, branched-chain amino A brain and muscle biopsy for diagnosing MELAS was also
acids (BCAAs), glutamine, arginine, nucleotides, increased performed.
␻3:␻6 ratio and antioxidants are some of the nutrients Two days after the examinations, the patient had focal
modifying such processes. Many of them have been used onset seizures that progressed to generalised tonic-clonic
as a therapeutic alternative in patients with MELAS. We seizures, without recovery of alertness, and with sig-
present here the clinical case of a patient with dementia nificant neurological deterioration, arterial hypotension
and seizures admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), and asystole. His condition required advanced cardiopul-
and describe the nutritional management of his case, monary resuscitation and admission to the ICU. In the
accompanied by a scientific literature review. ICU, he was treated with phenytoin, rapid-acting insulin,
and immunonutrition. Ultrasound of the optic nerve sheath
showed measures within the expected limits. Echocardio-
Case gram provided data supporting heart failure with reduced
ejection fraction (30% compensated). Diffusion-weighted
We report the case of a 46-year-old male patient, a carpen- MRI control showed stroke-like lesions in the tempo-
ter’s assistant, with a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus ral, parieto-occipital regions, predominantly in the left
(DM2), diagnosed seven months earlier, under treatment hemisphere, and bilateral symmetric calcifications in the
with sulfonylureas and biguanides. Two months before bilateral caudate nuclei (Fig. 1). A left temporal lobe biopsy
admission to the hospital, he started experiencing tinnitus, revealed brain parenchyma with neuronal loss, ischaemic
bilateral hearing loss and complex visual hallucinations. A necrosis and spongiosis. Immunohistochemical data showed
month later, he experienced loss of strength and involuntary CD20-negative, CD3-negative and CD68-positive microglia.
movement of his left lower leg, accompanied by alteration in Genetic testing confirmed m.A3243G mutation in the MTTL1
speech with incomplete and paraphasic sentences, anorexia gene in heteroplasmic state. Immunonutrition was started
and unintentional weight loss of 5 kg. On one occasion, he from the first day: the patient received 19 g/day of arginine
experienced loss of alertness and sphincter relaxation. The and 136 mg/day of l-carnitine. Once the MELAS diagnosis
clinical picture progressed to an inability to understand and was confirmed, 1 g of IV l-carnitine BID was added. The
recognise family members, for which he was referred to the patient’s progress was favourable, and he was extubated,
hospital. and endoscopic gastrostomy was performed and he was dis-

E. Pérez-Cruz, C. González-Rivera and L.d.C.G. Valencia-Olvera

Figure 1 Diffusion-weighted MRI control showed stroke-like lesions in the temporal, parieto-occipital regions, predominantly in
the left hemisphere.

charged to the ward, where he continued treatment. Upon Immunonutrition plays an important role in critically ill
discharge from the hospital, he was treated with 200 mg of patients due to the beneficial results of its components.
carbamazepine TID and 1 g of l-carnitine SID. BCAAs (leucine, isoleucine and valine) serve as a metabolic
source to supplement the needs of skeletal muscle. Glu-
tamine, a conditionally essential amino acid, serves as
a metabolic substrate for enterocytes, and reduces bac-
Review terial translocation and production of pro-inflammatory
cytokines.11 Meanwhile, taurine has the role of maintaining
The present case study reports on a critically ill patient with the membrane potential and the intracellular pH, as well as
a chronic degenerative disease unknown upon admission. modulating apoptosis (Fig. 2).
We know that the mutation in MELAS impairs the assem- Arginine, a conditionally essential amino acid in periods
bly of protein complexes in the respiratory chain, resulting of stress and a precursor of NO, improves the prolifer-
in impaired mitochondrial energy production, microvascular ation response of T cells and increases phagocytosis in
angiopathy and NO deficiency, which together can impair critically ill patients.12 In MELAS, the energy deficit that
cerebral vasodilation.3,5 These symptoms can be exacer- stimulates mitochondrial proliferation in the smooth mus-
bated by a compensatory inflammatory response present in cle and endothelial cells leads to angiopathy with impaired
critically ill patients. blood perfusion in the microvasculature of several organs, in
It is relevant to mention some situations experienced by addition to a deficiency of NO.3 Oral administration of argi-
MELAS patients in contrast to other critically ill patients. nine in patients with MELAS prevents the development of
Generally, patients in critical condition, depending on cerebrovascular accidents and reduces the degree of sever-
the cause, show varying degrees of hypermetabolism and ity of the disease,8,13 while intravenous administration helps
catabolism, while in patients with MELAS in an acute neuro- to eliminate its main symptoms, such as headache, nausea,
critical phase, as in this case, energy expenditure decreases. vomiting, loss of consciousness and visual impairment.
In addition, the use of analgesic agents, muscle relaxants, Some critical patients may have a carnitine deficiency.
barbiturates and various sedatives further contributes to Carnitine is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in energy
reducing energy expenditure by 12---32%.7 Some authors have production, participates in the long-chain free fatty acid
proposed the use of low-carbohydrate or high-fat diets. transport into the mitochondria where ␤-oxidation takes
Unfortunately, the results have shown that these diets cause place, and restores intracellular acetyl-CoA groups. Thus,
progressive damage of the muscle fibres.8 Therefore, the use its use in MELAS is well-documented.8,14,15
of indirect calorimetry is preferred as a standard for mea- Nucleotides and ␻3 fatty acids are other important com-
suring energy expenditure. However, due to the cost and the ponents of immunonutrition in critically ill patients.11,12
difficulty in guaranteeing the availability of the equipment, Nucleotides are essential for the synthesis of RNA, DNA and
the energy intake is often estimated at 30 kcal/kg of ideal energy-transporting molecules; their decrease inhibits the
body weight or by using various prediction formulas such as function of T cells and macrophages, increasing the risk of
the Harris---Benedict equation, suggested by the European sepsis.11 ␻3 fatty acids, on the other hand, are a source
Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, as used in this of energy. They are also components of cell membranes,
study.9 aid the transport of fat-soluble vitamins, and reduce the
Metabolic decompensation, experienced by MELAS synthesis of eicosanoids and inflammatory cytokines, lead-
patients, can occur for different reasons. It is important to ing to fewer days of mechanical ventilation in critically ill
identify the underlying cause in each patient and to moni- patients, lower prevalence of infections and shorter length
tor the different degrees of catabolism, in order to choose of hospital stay.16,17 Based on all of the above, in this case
the best treatment and achieve an adequate balance of pro- study, immunonutrition was used as a therapeutic strategy
teins and nutrients. A safe and effective administration of from admission to the ICU.
proteins at 1.0---1.5 g/kg of body weight is suggested ini- There are other elements of immunonutrition that we
tially, and should be gradually adjusted depending on the have left for the end, because they have been used as
catabolic state.9 Lactate levels may reflect the deteriora- specific therapies for MELAS (Table 1). Since in MELAS,
tion of microcirculation and, according to some studies, energy production is dependent on anaerobic metabolic
citrulline (precursor of arginine) can be used as a biomarker pathways, there is an elevation of lactate and reactive
of severity in patients with MELAS.10 oxygen species (ROS) levels, causing cell damage and

Endocrinología, Diabetes y Nutrición 69 (2022) 144---148

Figure 2 Cellular mechanisms of the interventions.

Table 1 Specific treatment for MELAS syndrome.

Treatment Recommended doses Effect
l-Carnitine 50---100 mg/kg/day Crucial role in energy production.
Improves ␤-oxidation, restoring the
intracellular groups of mitochondrial
l-Arginine Acute phase: 500 mg/kg/day IV or infusion of Produces greater availability of NO, improves
10 g/m2 in 24 h for 3---5 days. vasodilation and cerebral blood flow.
Chronic phase: 150---300 mg/kg/day. Reduces the frequency and severity of
Maximum 500 mg/kg/day. stroke-like episodes.3,5
Creatine 0.1---0.15 mg/kg/day Improves muscle strength and exercise
5 g for 14 days, plus 2 g of BID for 7 days. tolerance, reduces free radical production and
regenerates ATP in muscles and brain.3,5
Coenzyme Q10 150---300 mg/day or 5---30 mg/kg/day divided in Increases production of mitochondrial ATP,
Idebenone 2 doses. prevents oxidative damage and regenerates
Maximum 3000 mg other antioxidants, such as vitamin E.
Idebenone crosses the blood-brain barrier,
having a protective role in stroke-like
␣-Lipoic acid Children: 25 mg/kg Antioxidant; increases fat-free mass and total
Adults: 50---200 mg/day body water, and reduces fat.5,9
Maximum 1200 mg/day
Thiamine 50---100 mg/day for 7 days Increases the synthesis of reducing compounds.
Maximum 300 mg/day Reduces lactic acidosis and myopathy.12
Riboflavin 50---400 mg/day Precursor of flavoprotein in complex I and II,
and cofactor in other enzymatic pathways of
␤-oxidation and Krebs cycle.5
Ascorbic acid 1000---2000 mg/day Antioxidant, acceptor of electrons released by
the ubiquinone, yielding them to complex IV.5

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thus a therapeutic target.14 Antioxidants, such as ascorbic MELAS treatment.8
acid and vitamin E, delay or prevent the oxidation of sub- Once the diagnosis of MELAS was confirmed, intra-
strates, limiting stress-induced oxidative degradation and venous l-carnitine was added to achieve therapeutic
promoting cell survival and resistance.12 doses. Glycaemic control was achieved with rapid- and
Some cofactors of the respiratory chain, such as succi- intermediate-acting insulin until the patient was discharged,
nate, coenzyme Q10, riboflavin, and thiamine --- the latter when a DPP-4 inhibitor was prescribed. Drug interactions

E. Pérez-Cruz, C. González-Rivera and L.d.C.G. Valencia-Olvera

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