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jl junaedi no 4 RT/RW 002/001

kel.sukamaju kec.cibeunying kidul,
Bandung, Jawa Barat BARIA
+6281313075521 (Mobile)
Electronics Engineer
Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Keahlian Teratas SmartMT project ( TBBM pertamina patraniaga UJB )
Embedded C
Embedded Devices Working on the SmatMT pilot project at Pertamina Patraniaga Ujung
AutoCAD Berung. SmartMT is a system created for fleet management system
as well as monitoring and security for Pertamina's tank cars for fuel
Languages distribution to SPBU. I have responsibility to develope and install
English electronics part for ten cars.
Bahasa Indonesia - Develope and design electronic systems to control pneulmaic
selenoid in tank cars.
- create main controller consist of RTC data logger ( SPI dan I2C
protocols ), thermal sensor using MAX6675 ( I2C protocols ),
selenoid valve driver, and send raw data ( Serial communication
using CH340) to android tablet as user interface. Raw date sent are
tyre temperature and selenoid status.
- create IoT wireless control system with esp8266 as AP and build
simple web server for wireless compartment control applications on
tank cars.


- Responsible to develope electronics system for controlling our

electronics sysytem on car in RND division and programming
arduino microcontroller.
- Successfully develope digital and anolog electronics design ( motor
driver, sensor, etc).
- Develope IoT system to control electronics parts on car.
- Design PCB for electronics controller ( digital and analog circuit).
- Design, programming, and implement LCD touchsreen as human
interface to control electronic system use serial communication with
arduino microcontroller.

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- responsible doing reverese engineering and services for industrial

electronics device controller.
- Successfully created FVME card on governor system for
hydropower TES bengkulu. This card is an electronic card that uses
the VME bus standard. It is the element supplying governor with the
frequency signal proportional to the angular speed of the turbine-
generator unit. Have a specific function to regulate the rotation speed
of turbine-generator to always be at 100%.
- Successfully created ASVE card on governor system for
hydropower TES bengkulu. This card is electronic ( analogic ) circuit
which provide for the control of the closed loop operating on the
piloting current of the electromagnetic actuator.

PT Pertamina Patra Niaga
Electronic Engineer
November 2020 - April 2022 (1 tahun 6 bulan)
Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Working on the SmatMT pilot project at Pertamina Patraniaga Ujung Berung.

SmartMT is a system created for fleet management system as well as
monitoring and security for Pertamina's tank cars for fuel distribution to SPBU.
I have responsibility to develope and install electronics part for ten cars.
- Develope and design electronic systems to control pneulmaic selenoid in
tank cars.
- create main controller consist of RTC data logger ( SPI dan I2C protocols ),
thermal sensor using MAX6675 ( I2C protocols ), selenoid valve driver, and
send raw data ( Serial communication using CH340) to android tablet as user
interface. Raw date sent are tyre temperature and selenoid status.
- create IoT wireless control system with esp8266 as AP and build simple web
server for wireless compartment control applications on tank cars.
- For a complete information, please see the portfolio uploaded.

PT Lombardi Auto Indonesia

Engineering Supervisor
Agustus 2016 - Februari 2020 (3 tahun 7 bulan)
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Responsible to develope electronics system for car automation technology in
R&D division

Cinovasi Rekaprima, PT
Electronic Engineer
April 2015 - Agustus 2016 (1 tahun 5 bulan)
Bandung dan Sekitarnya, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

- Mengerjakan Project reverse engineering dan maintenance perangkat


Telkom Indonesia
April 2013 - Januari 2014 (10 bulan)
Bandung Area, West Java, Indonesia

Being a part of telkom indonesia wireless broadband division. Maintanance

and configure router access point.

Institut Teknologi Telkom, Teknik Telekomunikasi · (2011 - 2014)

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