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Perfect participle & Perfect gerund ( phân từ hoàn thành & danh động từ hoàn
- Dạng chủ động: (NOT) HAVING +V-ED/V3
- Dạng bị động: (NOT) HAVING BEEN + V-ED/V3
a. Perfect participle (phân từ hoàn thành)
- Miêu tả hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành động khác
EX: After they heard about the bad weather, they canceled the trip
 Having heard about the bad weather, they canceled the trip
I completed my assignment, then I rewarded myself with a movie night
 Having completed my assignment, I rewarded myself with a movie night
- Miêu tả lí do
Because they traveled to many countries, they became seasoned adventures
 Having traveled to many countries, they became seasoned adventures
1. Lan asked his parents for advice, then he decided to go to a vocational school
2. John gained a degree course in graphic design. Then he applied for a job in a big
publishing company
3. I had considered my options carefully, and I decided to apply to a university in
the UK next year
4. After we had listened to an introduction to the course, we asked some questions
5. After we had read the stories about people who reduced their carbon footprint,
we started to change oil daily consumption habits
6. After she graduated from high school, she attended a vocational school
b. Danh động từ hoàn thành
- Đứng sau các cụm động từ và giới từ
Accuse of: buộc tội, admire for (ngưỡng mộ), apologise for ( xin lỗi), blame for
(đổ lỗi), criticize for ( chỉ trích), …
He won a scholarship. He was so excited about that.
 He was so excited about having won a scholarship
Someone plagiarized the essay. The teacher accused Peter of doing that
 The teacher accused Peter of having plagiarized the essay

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