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Uncivil Incident Exercise

Although civility is the norm, all of us, at least now and then, slip up and behave uncivil, rude
or disrespectful towards others. Please describe a work-related situation in which you were
uncivil, rude, or disrespectful toward another person (e.g., your supervisor, a colleague, a
client). The situation you describe might have occurred during an internship or a part-time
job and should have occurred within the past year. Please reflect on and answer the
following questions:

1. Please describe the incident. When describing this situation, please be very clear and
detailed. Note down, among others, what your relationship with the other person was
(e.g., a supervisor, a client, a salesperson), what the situation was in which you behaved
rudely or disrespectfully, the specific rude or disrespectful behaviors you engaged in,
2. Please note down why you were rude or disrespectful to this person.
3. Please describe how you felt while being uncivil toward this person.
4. What were the short term consequences of your behavior in this situation? In other
words, how did your behavior immediately affect you, the other person, and the
situation in general?
5. Please describe how do you feel now, after recalling the situation.
6. What were the long term consequences of your behavior in this situation? In other
words, how did your behavior affect you, the other person, and the situation in general
on the longer term?

7. Can you link the above with the readings and learnings of Module 4? That is, can you
make a link to theory and empirical research that you studied for this week? Make sure
to define the concepts and/or explain the theories and models that you use and provide
citations and references.

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