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English Revision 3rd Term

Name: _______________ Grade: 3___ Date: __________

Read the questions carefully before answering.

Write neatly in your best handwriting.

Q1a. Add –er or –est to each adjective.

-er -est

fast - funny -

silly - safe -

thin - fat -

hot - tiny -

tiny - fast -

sunny - big -

short - thin -

happy - cozy -

sad - pale -

large - short -

loud - large -

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Q1b. Choose the pronoun that takes the place of the underlined

1. People used camels to move their things from one place to another
a. They
b. He

2. Laura gave him a piano lesson.

a. She

b. It

3. Farhan and Sarah have left the school.

a. She
b. They

4. The teacher kept the projects on a table.

a. him

b. it

5. Henry likes his apple watch.

a. It

b. He

6. My friends and I saw the circus.

a. us

b. we

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Q1c. Underline the adjectives:

1. The girl is wearing a fancy shirt for the assembly.

2. I have green apples for her to eat after the school.

3. This pumpkin is bigger than that one.

4. The brown fox jumps over the dog.

5. She wore a beautiful dress to the party.

6. The small, fluffy kitten played with a toy.

7. The castle stood tall on the mountain.

8. The delicious cookies were a hit at the school bake sale.

Q1d. Circle the correct article from the sentences.

1. The American Indian wore (an, a) jacket with colourful beads.

2. After (the, an) game I found my favourite pitcher.

3. Alma wants (an, a ) apple for his lunch.

4. Hassan needs (an, a) umbrella for the rain.

5. I noticed (the, a) boy has missing teeth.

6. (An, A) umbrella is essential on a rainy day.

Q1e. Choose the correct adverb from the sentence:

1. Those cakes rise (higher, highest) than Mrs. Smith.

2. The clouds moved (more, most) slowly than usual.

3. I watched the storm (more, most) carefully than Dad did.

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4. The storm lasted (longer, longest) of any this season.

5. The band played (louder, loudest) than the last one.

6. Sara works the (harder, hardest) of all the students in the room.

7. My friends runs (faster, fastest) than I do.

8. They finished the test (quicker, quickest) than the student.

Q2a. Choose a vocabulary word to complete the sentence.

1. Planting
a tree in your community is an example of

a. Citizenship

b. Horrified

2. Lulu_______________ to read his book all afternoon.

a. continued

b. unfairness

3. Amina like to __________ in sports.

a. participate

b. cheated

4. Pam was __________ when she saw what the storm did to the
bird's nest.

a. horrified
b. cheated
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5. Our coach discussed the _______________ of the referee’s

a. unfairness
b. participated

Q2b. Write the words that best completes the sentence.

lemon tiger cozy pilot planet

1. I love to eat _________ chicken with rice.

2. My favourite animal is______________.

3. The ___________ has to go through many trainings.

4. Earth is a small_________.

5. My bedroom is ___________ and comfortable.

Q2c. Join two words to make a compound word.

1. Time during the day_____________.

2. A house for birds ______________

3. Places for walks on the side of the street___________.

4. A foot that is bare_________.

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5. Light of the day___________.

6. A house for bird ______________.

7. A plane that flies in the air ______________.

Q2c. Match the vocabulary words to the meaning:

1 Waver take part

2 Energy make

3 Renewable usual

4 Horrified scare, afraid

5 Traditional remade

6 Produce power

7 participate confused

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Q3a. Read each sentence and determine the purpose. Write
Persuade, Inform or Entertain.

1. Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there lived a curious little

squirrel named Nutmeg._____________

2. The Earth revolves around the Sun once every 365 days, causing the

change of seasons. _____________

3. Investing in renewable energy is important for a sustainable future, and

we must take action now to protect our planet. ________________

4. A text about regular exercise and a balanced diet are key factors in

maintaining a healthy lifestyle. _________________

5. Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a brave knight who

embarked on a thrilling adventure to rescue a princess from a fearsome

dragon. ______________________

6. The Eiffel Tower is an iconic landmark in Paris, France, standing at a

height of 1,063 feet and attracting millions of visitors each year.

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Q3a. Describe your pet animal. Use descriptive words and

include the type of animal it is, its appearance, what it likes to

eat, and a few important features that makes it the best pet.

Write at least 7 sentences.















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Q3b. Describe your room. Use descriptive words and include all

details (its size, what it contains, decorations, who do you share

the room with, what do you like about your room). Write at least

7 sentences.














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Q3c. Describe your sister or brother. Use descriptive words and

include all details (appearance, age, likes, dislikes, what do you

like about him/ her). Write at least 7 sentences.

















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Q3d. Describe your favorite happy memory. Use descriptive

words and include all details (when, where, and how it became

your favorite memory). Write at least 7 sentences.
















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Q4. Read the following passage then answer the questions

The Fishing Trip

Ahmed and Omar lived in Jeddah. They were best friends and
did everything together. One day they went to the beach to
go fishing. They loved to fish more than anything else. It was
a very hot day, so Ahmed grabbed a bottle of juice out of his
bag. After he drank the juice, Ahmed tossed the empty
bottle into the ocean.
“What did you do that for?” asked Omar. He frowned at
Ahmed “There are no garbage cans anywhere, so there was no
other place to put the empty bottle. Besides, everyone does
that!” said Ahmed.
“Everyone does NOT do that. Throwing things into the
ocean is littering. Fish live in the water and throwing things
into the water can harm them,” said Omar.
Ahmed thought about what Omar had said. He used his
fishing rod to get the bottle out of the water and put it in his
bag. Omar, smiling at Ahmed said,” You’ve made some fish
very happy.”

1. What is the big idea behind this story?

• Do not litter
• Do not talk too much

2. Where does this story take place?

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• In a forest
• On a beach

3. What makes Omar upset with his best friend?


4. Which of the following best describes what kind of person

Omar is?

• careless
• responsible


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