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CME Dermatology

Toxic epidermal necrolysis and increased incidence of the haplotype

HLA-B12,5 demonstrate an inability to
detoxify intermediate reactive drug
Stevens-Johnson syndrome metabolites. An immune response is then
mounted against the antigenic complexes
formed by the interaction of these
Walayat Hussain BSc MBChB MRCP, quently affected (1.5:1) and the inci- metabolites and host tissues.6,7 There is
Specialist Registrar in Dermatology dence increases with age.2 Individuals at also compelling evidence that the
Nicholas M Craven BM BCh MA FRCP, particular risk include ‘slow acetylators’, end-point of TEN and SJS (ie epidermal
Consultant Dermatologist patients treated for brain neoplasms or necrolysis) is due to widespread apoptosis
Department of Dermatology, Burnley General head injury and immunocompromised of keratinocytes.8 Cytokines such as inter-
Hospital, Burnley, Lancashire patients. The risk of developing TEN is a leukin-6, tumour necrosis factor alpha
thousand times higher in patients with and the CD95 system (Fas ligand and Fas
Clin Med 2005;5:555–8 HIV and AIDS than in the normal popu- receptor) appear to play a role in the
lation.3 Possible explanations include the induction of this apoptosis9–11 and conse-
HIV infection itself, the increased quently have become targets for possible
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and number of drugs these patients receive therapeutic interventions in TEN.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) are and the altered ratio between CD4+ and
rare, potentially life-threatening medical CD8+ T lymphocytes.4
emergencies, characterised by wide- This article presents an overview of the Clinical features
spread epidermal loss with mucous aetiology, pathogenesis and clinical fea- It is not uncommon for patients to
membrane involvement. Most cases are tures of TEN and SJS and discusses the describe a prodrome, characterised by
attributable to drugs (Table 1), so know- principles of management and the role of 48–72 hours of cough, sore throat,
ledge of these conditions is essential potential disease-modifying therapies. myalgia and anorexia, before the cuta-
for all physicians. Rarely, infections neous manifestations become apparent in
(eg Mycoplasma pneumoniae) may be Pathogenesis TEN and SJS. Once the skin is involved, it
responsible. is possible to distinguish the two condi-
The annual incidence of TEN and SJS The precise molecular basis of TEN and tions clinically according to the extent of
is 0.4–1.2 and 1.2–6 cases per million per SJS still remains to be fully elucidated. It cutaneous involvement (Table 2).
year, respectively.1 Women are more fre- appears that TEN patients, who have an Skin lesions usually begin as warm,
dusky-red, morbilliform macules, ini-
Table 1. Drugs most frequently tially discrete but subsequently becoming
Key Points implicated in toxic epidermal necrolysis confluent. The epidermis sloughs in
and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. sheets, giving rise to flaccid blisters and
Toxic epidermal necrolysis and
Stevens-Johnson syndrome are leaving a characteristic moist, denuded
rare, life-threatening, dermis (Fig 1). This process may occur
Antibiotics chloramphenicol
mucocutaneous adverse reactions macrolides
within several hours or take several days.
to drugs penicillin Other notable features include:
Widespread epidermal loss occurs as a
• haemorrhagic crusting of the lips
result of keratinocyte apoptosis (Fig 2)
Anticonvulsants carbamazepine
Complications develop similar to those lamotrigine • conjunctivitis
seen after severe burns phenobarbitone
• intense pain in affected areas of skin

Prompt drug withdrawal and valproate • fever

supportive care in a burns/high NSAIDs • genital soreness and erosions
dependency unit are the mainstay
of treatment
• arthralgia
* most common.
NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. • oesophageal/tracheal involvement
The use of steroids and other (rare).
disease-modifying interventions
such as intravenous
immunoglobulin lacks supportive Table 2. Cutaneous involvement in toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and
evidence from randomised Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
controlled trials
Clinical entity TEN SJS SJS-TEN overlap
KEY WORDS: continuing medical
education, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Epidermal loss >30% <10% 10–30%
toxic epidermal necrolysis

Clinical Medicine Vol 5 No 6 November/December 2005 555

CME Dermatology


Fig 1. Acute changes of toxic epidermal necrolysis. Confluent

erythematous macules over the chest and arm with areas of
flaccid blistering and epidermal sloughing.


Fig 2. Mucosal involvement in toxic epidermal necrolysis. Fig 3. Target lesions: (a) typical three-zone target lesions on
Haemorrhagic crusting and epidermal loss affecting the lips. the hand in erythema multiforme; (b) atypical two-zone target
lesions and haemorrhagic macules in toxic epidermal

It is also possible on clinical grounds to Management so it is recommended that all drugs be

differentiate erythema multiforme (EM) stopped if possible. In general, medica-
with mucosal involvement (EM major), Once the diagnosis is suspected, all tions initiated in the 3–4 weeks prior
from SJS or TEN based upon the appear- potential causative drugs should be dis- to the onset of symptoms are usually
ances of the initial lesions seen in these continued without delay, as this is one responsible.1
conditions (Figs 3(a), 3(b); Table 3). This therapeutic manoeuvre that has been Patients should be transferred to a
has prognostic implications because EM shown to improve prognosis.12 There is burns or high dependency unit where
is a relatively common eruption, most no definitive method of identifying the staff will be familiar with the complexi-
frequently caused by infection with causative drug from a list of medications, ties of managing patients with wide-
herpes simplex virus.
Table 3. Features of ‘target’ lesions* in erythema multiforme (EM), toxic epidermal
necrolysis (TEN) and Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS).
EM 3 zone iris or target lesion:
The diagnosis of established TEN and • centre = dusky erythema/purpura/blister
SJS can often be made clinically. The role • middle = oedema
of a skin biopsy and immunofluores- • periphery = erythema
Acral distribution
cence is to exclude the main differential
TEN & SJS 2 zone atypical, targetoid lesions* or purpuric macules
diagnoses, which include staphylococcal
Involve face/trunk/proximal limbs
scalded skin syndrome, acute generalised
exanthematous pustulosis, acute severe *A target lesion has the appearance of a dartboard bullseye, hence the name. It comprises three zones
graft-versus-host disease and paraneo- as indicated above. ‘Targetoid’ therefore refers to a lesion that may resemble the classical target lesion,
however a targetoid lesion often comprises only two zones.
plastic pemphigus.

556 Clinical Medicine Vol 5 No 6 November/December 2005

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Table 4. Signs of sepsis in toxic Table 5.

epidermal necrolysis and (a) The SCORTEN scoring system.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome patients.
SCORTEN variables
• Temperature fluctuations (high or low)
• Extent of epidermal detachment >10%
• Rigors
• Age >40 years
• Hypotension
• History of malignancy
• Oliguria • Heart rate >120/min
• Reduced respiratory rate • Urea >10 mmol/l
• Labile glucose readings • Glucose >14 mmol/l
• Reduced consciousness • Bicarbonate <20 mmol/l

(b) Predicting mortality in toxic epidermal necrolysis and

Stevens-Johnson syndrome using the SCORTEN system.
spread epidermal loss. Supportive One point is scored for each variable present in the first
therapy is paramount and involves: 24 hours after admission.
• Fluid and electrolyte balance,
preferably via peripheral rather than SCORTEN Predicted mortality
central lines to reduce the risk of total rate (%)
0–1 3.2
• Temperature regulation to minimise 2 12.1
heat loss. 3 35.3
• Topical antiseptics to reduce skin 4
colonisation with potential
pathogenic organisms.
• Oral and nasal toilet: debris should
Therapeutic interventions (2 g/6 hr)21 and plasmapheresis,22,23 have
be cleaned regularly and an
antiseptic mouthwash used several also been used with reported benefit.
times a day. As a consequence of the low incidence of Antibodies present in pooled human
TEN, data on the use of potential ‘dis- intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG)
• Nutritional support: nasogastric
ease-modifying’ therapies consist of case preparations block Fas-mediated kera-
feeding is often needed until the oral
reports and small, uncontrolled series. tinocyte apoptosis in vitro. There is some
mucosa heals.
evidence that IVIG at 0.2–1 g/kg/day may
• Monitoring for signs of sepsis
Steroids halt the progression of skin disease in TEN
(Table 4): antibiotics should not be
and improve prognosis24,25 although this
administered prophylactically as this
To date, the use of systemic steroids is disputed.26
encourages resistance.
remains controversial. Some suggest that
• Pain relief: opiates are commonly high-dose steroids used early in the evo- Prognosis
required so patients need lution of TEN and SJS can stabilise the
monitoring for signs of respiratory condition by halting further epithelial The mortality of TEN (30%) is at least
depression. loss.14,15 Others argue that steroids sixfold higher than SJS (<5%).27 The
• Intubation and ventilation: if there is increase both morbidity and mortality as primary cause of death is infection
extensive epithelial necrosis of the a consequence of the increased risk of (Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
airways, which may precipitate sepsis.16,17 It is now generally accepted aeruginosa), and multi-organ failure is
bronchial obstruction, or if signs of that steroids provide no benefit once not uncommon. Recently, the SCORTEN
adult respiratory distress syndrome extensive epidermal loss has taken place, grading system28 (severity-of-illness
develop. but the controversy will persist until a score for TEN) has been developed to
predict outcome in TEN (Table 5(a) and
• Ophthalmological review should be randomised, controlled trial is under-
sought urgently to minimise the risk taken specifically to answer this question.
of serious ocular sequelae, including Mucosal scarring is a significant risk
conjunctival scarring and possible for survivors. Almost 50% may develop
Other therapies serious ocular complications which, in
blindness. Antiseptic eye drops
should be used frequently and any Other treatments, including cyclosporin addition to those mentioned earlier,
synechiae which have formed (3–4 mg/kg/day),18,19 cyclophosphamide include:
separated. (100–300 mg/day),20 N-acetylcysteine • corneal pannus

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