Worksheet Communication and Production

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Section 2- 09.

Internal and external communications

LO: To analyse and evaluate various communication

methods and its barriers
ICC's new Factory Manager has decided to stop using the noticeboard to communicate
with employees. It leads to groups of workers talking together about messages in the
corridor. She does not think this type of informal communication is helpful. She used to
work for a social media business. She has suggested to Sasha that internal communications
within ICC - both the cafés and the factory - could be improved by just using electronic
methods of communication with each manager and worker. The Factory Manager also
needs to communicate with external groups. Sasha uses emails to communicate with senior
managers. She is encouraging them to use this communication medium with café managers
too. Sasha has recently received two letters from customers. One was a complaint about
waiting times in an ICC café. The other was a compliment for the excellent quality of the
ice creams she bought. Both customers stated that there seemed to be no other obvious way
of contacting the company other than by letter. One customer stated that 'the ICC
telephone is never answered'. The other customer stated that when she complained about
long waiting times to a café worker she was not sure if this had been passed on to senior
management. One café manager has just started using daily five-minute team briefings
with his workers before the café is open. He has been surprised at the positive response
from the café workers to this idea. The manager wondered whether he should tell Sasha
about his idea or not.

Task 1: Identify the Communication methods with

Task 2: Analyse each communication method used by
ICC [advantages and disadvantages(an) with examples
(app)from the case study)
Task 3: Evaluate the possible communication barriers
between ICC and its customers. Refer tx book pg 126
Section 4- 18. Production of goods and services

Learning Objective:
To be able to Analyze and evaluate various methods of
Lean Production and how to achieve it
Task 1: List out (7 Muda) developed by Taiichi Ohno,
the Chief Engineer at Toyota, as part of the Toyota
Production System (TPS) (k)

Task 2: Analyse how does Lean method helped

Broadfix leading to higher sales (k,an,app)

Task 3: Evaluate how Toyota Production system

benefit the customers in relation with their JIT

How do customer and the business business, Impact in
the business, role of JIT and
Heijunka related,

Mini Plenary
1.JIT aims to keep stock levels to the bare minimum.
A. True
B. False
2.Which type of waste is not a part of TIMWOOD
Overproduction, underproduction, Motion, Waiting,
Over processing, Transportation, Inventory, Value

Production Methods used in Tara’s Thai

food restaurant
Tara wanted to start her own business. She knew that Thai food restaurants were very popular and she
was an excellent cook of Thai food. She decided to start cooking dishes of Thai food and selling them to
local people for dinner parties. She advertised in the local newspaper and used her own kitchen to
prepare the food. Customers would ask her to cook a particular dish(job production) of their choice and
she would cook it especially for them just how they wanted it. The food was extremely popular and soon
she had many more orders for dinner parties than she could cope with and had to turn down customers.
So Tara decided to rent a small factory unit in which she could put large cookers. She expanded and took
on several employees to help her. The number of orders received continued to grow as her reputation
for producing excellent food spread. Shops started to order large quantities of a particular dish(batch
production) and they would sell it to customers in smaller containers as a takeaway dinner which they
could heat up at home. In the new premises Tara did things slightly differently. Now, instead of making
one pan of a particular dish, she would make a large quantity in one go and then divide it into large
containers ready to be sent out for sale. She would then make a large quantity of another dish, and so
on. Still the popularity of the food grew! After about two years of expanding at the small factory unit,
Tara decided she could afford to buy much larger premises and invest in new automated machinery to
cook the food. The demand was there, the food sold to airlines, hotels and supermarkets, as well as the
original shops. The new automated process would produce particular dishes in very large quantities,
(Flow production)and would produce the same dish continually.

1. What are the different methods of production that Tara used as her business expanded? [3]

2. Define each production methods. [2]

3. Analyse each method that Tara has used with examples [6]

Methods of Production Benefits Drawbacks

Job Production

Batch Production

Flow Production

4. Justify which method is the best and why?[3]

• Walls manufactures well-known brands of ice cream. The ice creams are sold in many different shops
and other outlets, and millions are sold a year.

• Alexander is a hairdresser. He styles men’s hair and has a number of regular customers.

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